gk4matpluss · 2 years
Massimo Vignelli discusses his approach to book design in a video produced for Mohawk's "What Will You Make Today?" campaign. Video design by Michael Bierut/Pentagram.
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gk4matpluss · 2 years
Sometimes you have to ignore the brief, says renowned designer and artist Paula Scher. With a dry wit, Scher takes us behind-the-scenes on four landmark projects -- from revamping MoMA's identity to reinvigorating a Pittsburgh neighborhood through design -- to illustrate how asking questions, pushing into uncharted territory, and doing something you've never done before leads to great work.
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gk4matpluss · 2 years
GRADUATION PROJECT. Animation which shows typography evolution from paper to screen. The animation is divided in two parts. The first deals with the basic rules of typesetting. The second, is about the evolution of typography in cinema. Used mainly for Opening and Closing title.
Music : Clair de Lune - Debussy Shoot the Piano Player: Poursuite - Hugh Wolff & London Sinfonietta - Georges Delerue
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gk4matpluss · 2 years
“With great power, comes great responsibility.” As the Creative Director of Advertising and Graphic Design at MoMA in New York, Julia Hoffmann leads a creative team that designs and implements the institution’s powerful visual communications. While Julia was hosting a workshop with us, Gestalten.tv took the opportunity to speak with Julia and bring you insights into her works with Tim Burton, her views on visitors’ hidden creativity, and her “ego-less” approach to making art shine like a star.
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gk4matpluss · 2 years
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Utfordring: Hvordan få unge mennesker til å delta på Festspillene i Bergen?Den årlige musikk- og scenekunstfestivalen Festspillene i Bergen går av stabelen på forsommeren og er et eldorado for musikk- og kulturinteresserte fra hele verden. Mellom de syv fjell ljomer det av musikk og feststemte mennesker to uker til ende, og det virker som om hele byen vugger i takt. Bortsett fra de unge. For selv om Festspillene i Bergen er en kulturinstitusjon med over 70 års historie og hvert år er vert for noen av verdens fremste utøvere innen sine sjangre, slet de frem til 2013 med synkende deltakelse fra unge mennesker.For å gjøre noe med dette, ble det gjennomført en total revitalisering av merkevaren for å gjøre den mer synlig og relevant for en yngre målgruppe. Oppdraget ble løst av designbyrået ANTI Bergen, og resultatet har vunnet heder og ære i både inn- og utland. Men viktigst av alt: Den nye identiteten åpnet øynene og ørene til en yngre målgruppe.https://doga.no/verktoy/designdrevet-innovasjon/case/festspillene-i-bergen/
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gk4matpluss · 2 years
"Branding is the profound manifestation of the human spirit," says designer and podcaster Debbie Millman. In a historical odyssey that she illustrated herself, Millman traces the evolution of branding, from cave paintings to flags to beer labels and beyond. She explores the power of symbols to unite people, beginning with prehistoric communities who used them to represent beliefs and identify affiliations to modern companies that adopt logos and trademarks to market their products -- and explains how branding reflects the state of humanity.
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gk4matpluss · 2 years
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– Vi har låst oss i tanken på å gjøre minst mulig av det som er verst. Det vi burde tenke er å gjøre mest mulig av det som er best, sier bonde Kathrine Kinn (27).
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gk4matpluss · 2 years
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