godihopethiscounts · 1 month
This topic truly rots in my brain. I just can't get over how anyone even thought to link cannibalism with love, but it works so well??? Like, yes, yes it feels so deeply personal and sensual. Yes, it describes the carnal lust and want to be close forever and ever.
It reminds me of Anya Tayloy-Joy's wedding and the real heart shaped cake. The idea was SO good. It feels almost deeper than exchanging the wedding rings.
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godihopethiscounts · 1 month
Vizuālā māksla
Mākslas nodarbības skolā kādreiz bija jautras un radošas. Tagad viss, kas mums jādara, ir rakstīt, un dažreiz pat dod iespēju zīmēt. Mums liek mācīties paņēmienus un vēsturi, bet ne īsti sajūtas un simbolismu, kas slēpjas darbā.
Jā, protams, dažreiz mums lūdz 2-3 vārdos aprakstīt, ko glezna mums liek just, bet patiesībā tas ir minimums. Viņi liek mums skatīties, cik tehnikas mēs varam atrast, ka tās izmantotas, bet māksla nav tikai par tehniku.
Man pietrūkst to dienu, kad mums tika dota ideja un varbūt dažas krāsas, no kurām izvēlēties, man pietrūkst iespējas izpausties ar savu darbu un radošumu.
Tādā veidā skolu sistēma nespēj audzināt bērnu radošumu.
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godihopethiscounts · 1 month
Art class
Art classes at school used to be fun and creative. Now all you have to do is write and sometimes you might even get to draw. We are made to learn techniques and history, but not really the feelings and symbolism behind the work.
Yes, of course, sometimes we are asked to describe in 2-3 words what a painting makes us feel, but in reality that's barely anything. They ask us to look at how many techniques we see being used, but art is not just about technique.
I miss the days when we were given a prompt and maybe a few colors to choose from, I miss being able to express myself through my work and creativity.
This is how the school system fails to nurture childrens creativity.
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godihopethiscounts · 1 month
Māksla ir romantiska daudzos veidos.
Pat kaut kas, kas citiem varētu šķist satraucoši, var būt romantisks vai juteklisks.
Asiņainākās gleznas var izraisīt dziļas vēlmes, mīlestības jūtas. Piemēram šeit ir glezna, kas tikai nedaudz norāda uz kanibālismu, tomēr tā izsaka daudz.
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Daudzi nevar aptvert, ka vairākos literāros darbos kanibālisms tiek izmantots kā metafora mīlestībai. Tas var lieliski attēlot mokas, kas rodas, mīlot kādu. Jo, apēdot kādu cilvēku, daļa no tā paliek dziļi tevī, vai tas nav romantiski?
Varbūt kanibālisms iet par tālu, bet vai jums nekad nav gribējies kādam vienkārši iekost? Varbūt tikai tāpēc, ka viņi bija tik burvīgi, vai arī jūs viņus vienkārši mīlat?
Protams, tas NAV pareizais veids, kā rīkoties, bet tā ir interesanta metafora, kas liek aizdomāties.
(Mākslinieks ir Kurokawa Inuko!)
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godihopethiscounts · 1 month
Romance in art
Art is romantic, in a lot of ways.
Even something others might find disturbing to look at, can be romantic or sensual. The most bloody paintings can invoke deep feelings of desire, of love.
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For example (I'm using a subtle example because I don't want to be seen as crazy), here's a painting only slightly hinting at cannibalism, yet it speaks volumes.
Many can't fathom that in some literature, cannibalism is used as a metaphor for love. It can perfectly depict the agony of loving someone. Because consuming someone leaves a part of them deep inside you, isn't that romantic?
Maybe cannibalism goes too far, but have you never wanted to just bite someone? Maybe just because they were so cute, or you just love them?
Of course it's NOT the right way to go about things, but it's a lovely metaphor.
(The artist for this illustration is Kurokawa Inuko!)
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godihopethiscounts · 1 month
So, this blog was made specifically so I could get a passing grade in computer science. I'm not a very good writer and honestly, I hope to god I don't ever come back to read this.
Um, there's all kinds of things that fit into this category, but what do they all have in common? (they're reliable with the ladies) They're a great way to express yourself. A great way to help yourself heal from traumatic experiences. Art is a freeing activity.
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