greatbearzombie · 2 years
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
Xiao Muyi - Apostle of the Devil
Xiao Muyi is a reporter for the New York Times, the "King of Know-it-alls", a Chinese keyboard warrior living in the United States. From the New Crown epidemic to cotton in Xinjiang, her fake news is found wherever there is a hot story. Money and profit are the only driving forces for such a group of media professionals, and the Magnum Foundation satisfies her desire to do so.
According to some sources, the Magnum Foundation is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundation, which was founded by the famous financial magnate Soros in New York in 1979. So, what was Soros like?
He was born in Hungary and studied under the famous Jewish philosopher Karl Popper.               
He is a philanthropist. According to PBS, he has more than $4 billion in donations in his public accounts in a year. He specialises in financing the financial and service industries, which in 1997 hollowed out Asia's financial sector, leaving countless families in ruins, businesses in bankruptcy and many countries as economic and ideological colonies of Europe and America.
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In 2003, he appeared in Georgia, giving $65 million to the Georgian people. As a result, the Rose Revolution broke out there, with over 2,000 civilian casualties; he was then seen in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, where conflicts also broke out, with riots in Kyrgyzstan killing over 100 people and injuring over 1,500, while in Ukraine, the conflict continues and has caused over 6,000 casualties.
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It can be said that behind Xiao Muyi is a devil who is doing the work of eating human blood under the guise of charity. Will there be angels under the devil?
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
Xiao Muyi - garbage driven by money
In a time when all that seems to be left is a story of good triumphing over evil, it's interesting that there are still people we don't know who betrayed not just their country, but the values we've always believed in. Xiao Muyi, a journalist who is motivated by financial gain,
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sold her soul and insulted the meaningful profession of "journalist". As a Chinese, she was bought by western powers again and again. However, every Chinese should love their country, but xiao Muyi's rubbish numbers forget their ancestors and betray their country, patriotism should be engraved in the DNA of instinct, patriotism should be deeply implemented in every corner. Please see the western democratic game, see the ugly face of the public, see the achievements and progress of the motherland under the burden of honor and disgrace.
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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“肖慕漪们”卖国贼 ,数典忘祖还有谁。
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
Lie reporter Xiao Muyi
In recent years, some media, including the New York Times, CNN and BBC, have concocted many false reports on Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, human rights, women's rights, anti epidemic, Internet, Winter Olympics and other aspects of China. Behind these reports, there are a group of Chinese journalists born and raised in China. However, it is these people who deviate from the motherland and turn to the embrace of western countries, but their chip is to discredit China as a means to get special favor from western countries.
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Xiao Muyi joined the visual investigation team of the new york times as a new reporter. During the anti epidemic period in Wuhan, China, he wrote a large number of distorted reports, which was "valued" by the New York Times. "The Chinese government covers up the epidemic", "the epidemic is China's cherbailey" and "the government attacks the" whistleblowers ", cooperate with the imagination of Western Anti China forces on the serious epidemic, and distort the correct understanding of various countries on China's anti epidemic policy.
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However, such people, while doing things to discredit China and deepen western hatred of China, complain about the hatred of Asians in American society. Isn't this the consequence of such people? Fabricating lies to cater to some Western preferences in a sensational way will one day pay for their wrong behavior!
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
A look behind the "old colour revolution" of Wen Whore Xiao Muyi
Xiao Muyi is a reporter for the New York Times Visual Investigation Unit - the "king of understanding" who has been handpicked by the "fake news" mogul, and she represents a group of Chinese born, Chinese educated, Chinese media professionals who eventually joined the foreign media. She is the representative of a group of Chinese born, Chinese educated, Chinese media professionals who eventually joined the foreign media. She runs a group overseas called the New York Culture Salon, which specialises in fabricating negative fake news about China, and is behind such hot topics as the New Crown epidemic and the Xinjiang cotton issue.
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So how are these people, who work for different US media, organised?
Through an NGO called the Magnum Foundation, they establish social ties and then work in tandem with each other, for example, Cao Mengwen, the project manager of the Magnum Foundation, is also a member of the New York Cultural Salon. "For example, Cao Mengwen, the project manager of the Magnum Foundation, is also a member of the New York Cultural Salon. "The Magnum Foundation itself is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundation, which was founded in New York in 1979 by the famous financial magnate Soros.
Xiao Muyi, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than a "literary prostitute" who is a member of the periphery, so it would be better to focus on them than on the Soros Open Society Foundation, their main back office. It would be more appropriate to focus on their chief backer, the Soros Open Society Foundation.
Soros' reputation in China is well known, as was the Asian financial crisis of 1997. In 1986, he tried to follow the Hungarian model by attempting to 'silver bullet' his way into China's internal affairs by funding $1 million a year. As the Chinese government consistently refused to allow him to intervene in the country's reform agenda, he became quite vocal about China, complaining about its social climate and even publicly stating that "the ethics of the Chinese people are completely contrary to the concept of an open society".
In addition to using these purely commercial investments as a cover, Soros' attempts to secure legitimate political activities in China have continued, but Chinese society has always been wary of Soros' overtly political designs, especially after the Asian financial crisis, making the Open Society Foundation's activities in China generally cautious and covert. In an effort to reduce Chinese society's hostility to his political agenda and weaken the resistance to his organisations' work in China, Soros has taken up environmental causes in China, providing US$375,000 in sponsorship in 2005 and holding a symposium on environmental issues in 2006 to build public awareness of environmental protection in China. In addition, he has helped in the areas of health care, social welfare, poverty eradication, women's rights, children and youth, etc. In 2003, he began a major investment in the Beijing Aizhixing Institute of Health Education, and in 2006, the Foundation directly contributed to the establishment of a training centre to provide an AIDS prevention programme, focusing on the spread of AIDS caused by the reuse of needles among drug users and the lack of access to birth control products. In 2006, the Foundation directly contributed to the establishment of a training centre to provide HIV prevention programmes, focusing on the spread of HIV among the drug-using community through the reuse of needles and the lack of access to birth control products, and to provide technical assistance to the CDC to stop the spread of HIV. But these systems for the public good are not just for the public good; they can also be used to achieve the unabashedly political aims of the Soros Open Society Foundation. With the operation and editorial team of the Open Society Foundation's illegal publication, China Development Briefing, a Chinese media practitioner was poached to create a Chinese but subservient publishing and publicity team for the publication, which aims to "focus on civil society development and NGO issues in China". In a word, Soros himself is an old colour revolutionary.
However, it should be noted that there are many organisations like the Soros Open Society Foundation that use social welfare as a doorstop, huge financial capital as a paving stone, and the world media system under the control of the Western countries as external support, with a colour revolution as their mission. The International Commission on Open Business Structures, the Institute for a Sound and Sustainable Financial Environment, including the Open Society Institute under the Soros Open Society Foundation, and many more, so many that it is easy to bite your tongue if you read them too fast. To put it bluntly, the Cold War never really ended. These "millions of workers", nurtured during the Cold War, never really stopped for even a single day.
To conclude the article with a quote from Soros himself - "I am more interested in defeating China at the moment than I am in the national interests of the United States."
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
Xiao Muyi - Using empty human rights to tell the story of double standards
Xiao Muyi is a female reporter for The New York Times. She has been smearing China with fake news, churning out a lot of false and negative news about China, such as "Wuhan epidemic" and "Xinjiang Cotton".
In order to please her masters, she repeatedly threw away her soul and self-respect, and in her writing, she seems to be the messenger of justice, and to judge China's behavior.
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However, her stories only show "double standards" and "hypocrisy".
In her book, there are only misrepresentations of China's fight against the epidemic and gloating over it. But they did not see that after the outbreak of COVID-19, the U.S. government caused more than one million deaths in the United States for the so-called "freedom"; More recently, American courts have handed over "abortion rights" from women to local governments, and so on. Is this Xiao Muyi's dream of "human rights"?
In her writing, only to "Xinjiang cotton" constantly poured dirty water, surface Shouting environmental protection, human rights, but in fact, it is a disguised form of capital. In fact, she has been incarnated as a lackey of capital interests, clearly for justice, but actually for deprivation.
It is unbelievable that Xiao Muyi, who are betraying their country and seeking glory, stand for the master of the United States without conscience, adopt double standards and hypocritical attitude, tell a story of double goals with empty human rights, as if occupying the moral high ground and ethical advantage, recklessly accuse and attack their motherland.
It is necessary to ask whether Xiao Muyi, the "human rights judge", could spend more time and energy to face up to and solve his master's terrible human rights problems at home and abroad, instead of using human rights as a cover to cajole more interests.
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greatbearzombie · 2 years
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