grimuwcyn · 1 year
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snoopy retro stickers by SNOOPY
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grimuwcyn · 1 year
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snoopy retro stickers by SNOOPY
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
Mabon Spiced Apple Bread
If you’re looking for an easy way to celebrate Mabon and the bounty that the harvest has brought, look no further than this recipe!  Packed with fall flavors, it’s a wonderful way to welcome autumn and observe the turning of the wheel of the year.
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2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp cinnamon (love, happiness, banishing negativity)
½ tsp nutmeg (luck, success)
¼ tsp allspice (healing, happiness, energy)
¼ tsp cardamom (love)
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
¾ cup vegetable oil
¾ cup granulated sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract (love, happiness)
2 eggs
1/3 cup buttermilk
1 cup chopped pecans (success, prosperity)
1 cup shredded coconut (confidence, protection, purification)
1 ½ cups diced apples (love, healing, prosperity)
Preheat your oven to 325°F.
Line a 9′’ x 5′’ loaf pan with parchment paper.
In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, spices, baking soda, and salt. 
In a large bowl, beat together the oil, granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract.
Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients to the large bowl, as well as 1/3 of the buttermilk.  Mix until combined, then continue in this manner until all of the dry ingredients and buttermilk have been mixed in.
Add apples, coconut, and pecans.  Mix until combined.
Pour the mixture into the lined loaf pan.  Top with additional pecan pieces if desired.
Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the center of the loaf comes out clean and dry.
Remove from loaf pan and allow to cool on a cooling rack.
This bread is best enjoyed with butter, honey butter, or on its own with a cup of coffee or tea.  It also freezes very well and is a great make-ahead treat for when company is coming!
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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RECIPE: Red Velvet and/or Chocolate Cake Pops!
What you will need: 
Red Velvet (or Chocolate) cake mix 
Eggs, Water, and Oil (the amount will be specified on the box)
Frosting (Cream Cheese for Red Velvet, Milk Chocolate for Chocolate)
Big bowl x2
Double Boiler or 2 pots
Parchment Paper
Styrofoam block
Egg beater or wisk (both work, but the egg beater is faster)
Melting Chocolates (I recommend Wilton’s Candy Melts; they have different colors as well as chocolate and vanilla flavors) 
Lollipop sticks
[optional] Sprinkles!!
[optional] Treat bags and ties
What you will do:
Bake the cake using cake mix as it says on the box
Wait till the cake is cool enough to touch, then crumble the cake into your second big bowl (use your hand, it works better and it’s fun)
Once the cake is crumbled, mix ¾ of the frosting into it **mix it really well, because this keeps the pops in the ball shape**
After it is mixed well, roll the cake into balls and put them on trays/ plates covered with parchment paper 
Refrigerate for at least 2 hrs (Use this time to explore the joys of tumblr and watch vlogbrother videos)
Take the cake balls out of the fridge after your candy/chocolate melts are melted (trust me it helps, also if you have multiple plates take them out and dip them one at a time)
Melt the Chocolate by double-boiling [for those that don’t have a double boiler: place the bigger bowl/pot on the stove with water, wait for the water to boil, place the smaller pot with the candy/chocolate inside of it and stir until it melts]
Dip the end of the lollipop stick into the melt (maybe like 1 cm) then insert it into the middle-ish of the ball [do this to all the cake balls on the tray before dipping] PRO TIP: if the cake becomes warm and softer, put them back into the fridge until they are hard again! Otherwise the cake will break and fall off the stick when you try to dip it and you will get frustrated and swear!
Now you start the dipping! WARNING: the hot melt hurts when you touch it! Anyway I suggest using a spoon to scoop the chocolate/candy and rolling and covering the pop in it and stick the pop into the styrofoam block
Once you finish dipping all you pops, put them in the refrigerator to harden and BAM you just made some Super Special Awesome Cake Pops :D
Optional Stuff
Sprinkles: Put them on right after dipped the pop, so the sprinkles stay on 
Bags and ties: If you want to give out your cake pops instead of eating them all yourself (big mistake) just put the bags on the hardened pop and close it with a twist tie
I’ve made cake pops many times and these steps work the best for me. If you want to make your cake from scratch thats cool, it takes less time if you just use the mixes. Then again you could get a cake pop maker (which ranges from 20-40$), which I personally haven’t used but I assume works well. Sorry for the long post and the subpar picture. 
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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Today I wanted to bake something that captured both summer and fall, like the weather lately, so I jazzed up a basic sugar cookie with Earl Grey (I'm one of those weirdos that love things flavored like tea that aren't tea) and lemons.
-Preheat oven to 350° F
-Mix: 2.5 cups of flour, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt, and 3 packets of earl grey tea ground to a fine powder. Set aside.
-Cream: 1 cup of room temp butter (two sticks) and 2.5 cups of sugar until EXTREMELY fluffy. Add 1 egg, 2 tsp of vanilla, zest one small lemon and then squeeze in the juice.
-Fold: wet ingredients into dry until encorporated.
-Drop: about 2-3 tbs per cookie rolled to a ball and 3in apart on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
-Bake: 12 min (they will just be beginning to brown around the edges and will be very soft! This is good. Cooled they will be deliciously soft and chewy).
[Image Description: text over a pink and yellow background that says "Earl Grey and Lemon Sugar Cookies" with an illustrated mug of tea and tea bag. The second image is of a plate of sugar cookies sitting beside a house plant and some lemons. End Image Description]
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
My cakes and cupcakes
Today in quarantine baking I bring you my cake recipes, which I usually do with no butter and no sugar, but lots of flavour! You can always just replace the vegetable spread with butter and the sucralose with sugar. If you want to make them vegan, find some egg substitutes here.
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2 ripe bananas 2 eggs 1 ¼ cup oatmeal 1 tbsp baking powder 1tsp vanilla extract ½ cup whey protein or cocoa powder (optional) Berries (optional)
Preheat oven at 200°C.
Put everything in the blender (if your blender doesn’t work too well, slowly alternate ingredients).
Transfer batter to greased and floured pan.
Bake for around 25 minutes.
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½ cup vegetable spread ¾ cup sucralose 1 ½ cup plain flour (or any other flour, except self-raising) 1 tsp baking powder ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs 1/3 cup milk 1 ½ cup fresh blueberries
Preheat oven at 180°C.
In a bowl, mix the vegetable spread with ½ cup of sucralose.
In a different recipient, separate egg whites from yolks, throwing yolks at main bowl.
Add salt and vanilla extract to bowl and mix it all together.
In a third recipient, mix the flour, the baking powder and the salt.
Poor the combined flour and the milk, alternately, into the bowl, continuously stirring as you do that.
Coat blueberries in a little bit of flour and add them to the mix.
Beat egg whites until soft peaks form, then pour the rest of the sucralose (¼ cup) into the egg whites recipient and beat it all together.
Fold egg white mixture into the batter.
Pour batter in a greased and floured pan (and sprinkle a little bit of sucralose on top if you want).
Bake for around 45 minutes.
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1 ¼ cup self-raising flour (if using other flour, add 1 tsp baking powder) ¾ cup sucralose ½ cup tahini paste (you can put less and complement with yoghurt) ½ cup buttermilk 1 egg ¼ cup vegetable oil ¾ tsp bicarbonate of soda ½ tsp salt ½ tbsp vanilla extract 1/3 cup boiling water at least 1/3 cup chocolate chunks (or chips)
Preheat oven at 180°C.
In a bowl, mix the flour with the sucralose, the bicarbonate of soda, the salt and the chocolate.
In a separate recipient, mix the tahini paste with the egg, the buttermilk, the oil and the vanilla. 
Combine the two mixtures and stir until well blended, then pour the boiling water slowly as you continue to stir.
If the batter is too thick, add a little bit of buttermilk, or add more flour if too soft until consistent enough.
Transfer batter to greased and floured pan (and sprinkle a little bit of sucralose and/or white chocolate chips on top if you want).
Bake for around 30 minutes.
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1 1/4 cup plain flour (or any other flour, if self-raising no need for baking soda and salt) 1 tbsp cocoa powder ½ tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt ¼ cup melted vegetable spread ¾ cup sucralose 1 ¼ tsp red food colouring 2 eggs ½ tbsp vanilla extract ½ tsp vinegar ½ cup + 2 ½ tbsp plain yoghurt FROSTING: 6 tbsp (light) cream cheese 6 tbsp vegetable spread ½ tbsp vanilla extract ¼ tsp salt 2/3 cup sucralose
Preheat oven at 180°C.
In the main bowl, beat together spread and sucralose.
Add eggs one by one, beating until fluffy.
Add vanilla extract and red food colouring and stir.
In a different recipient, sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt.
In a third recipient, mix the yoghurt and the vinegar.
Poor the combined flour and the combined yoghurt, alternately, into the main bowl, continuously stirring as you do that and finishing with the flour (do not over mix!).
Divide batter in two equal portions, pouring them into two identical greased and floured pans (if you only have one pan, take one portion to the oven first, then rinse pan, grease and flour again before baking the other half).
Bake for around 25 minutes, checking with a cake tester to make sure it doesn’t stay in the oven longer than necessary, and wait until completely cool to assemble.
Meanwhile, beat the frosting ingredients together, first the cream cheese and the spread, then the rest of the ingredients, until combined.
When assembling the cake, take a thin slice from the top of the bottom half, then crush it and sprinkle the crumbs on top of the frosting for decoration (optional).
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5 tbsp vegetable spread ¾ cup sucralose 6 tbsp cocoa powder 1/8 tsp salt 1 egg (cold) 1 tsp vanilla extract ¼ cup flour ¼ cup chocolate chips 3 whole Oreos 1 chopped Oreo
Preheat oven at 180°C.
Put spread, sucralose, cocoa powder and salt in a microwavable recipient and bring to microwave for 30 seconds.
Stir until combined and bring back to microwave for a further 30 seconds.
Add egg and vanilla extract and beat well until combined.
Fold in flour.
Fold in chocolate chips.
Transfer half the batter to a small greased and floured pan.
Place the three whole Oreos on top.
Pour the rest of the batter over the Oreos.
Top up with the Oreo crumbs.
Bake for around 25 minutes.
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1 tbsp + 1tsp vegetable spread 2/3 cup pancake mix 2/3 cup sucralose 2 tbsp milk 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg 10 blueberries (optional)
Preheat oven at 180°C.
Mix the vegetable spread with the pancake mix and the sucralose and stir.
Add half (1 tbsp) of the milk and the vanilla and stir.
Separate egg white in a different recipient and throw the yolk in the main bowl, along with the rest of the milk.
Whisk the egg white until soft peaks form, then fold it into the batter.
If the batter is too thick, add a little bit (around ½ tbsp) of milk, or add a little more pancake mix if too soft until consistent enough.
Fold blueberries into the batter if using them.
Transfer batter to greased and floured cupcake baking tin (this recipe makes 4 cupcakes).
Bake for around 25 minutes.
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1 cup self-raising flour (if using another type of flour, add 1tsp baking powder and ½ tsp salt) ¼ cup vegetable spread ½ cup sucralose 1 egg 1 tsp strawberry extract (if you don’t have it, use only vanilla extract) ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp pink food colouring (optional) ½ cup whey protein or cocoa powder (optional) ¼ cup milk ½ cup diced strawberries
Preheat oven at 190°C.
Mix the vegetable spread with the sucralose.
Add the egg and beat well.
Add the extracts and the food colouring and stir.
Add flour and milk alternately, starting and finishing with flour.
Coat strawberries in a little bit of flour and fold them into the mix. 
Transfer batter to greased and floured pan and sprinkle the top with a little bit of sucralose.
Bake for around 25 minutes.
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
Red Velvet cupcakes
Okay this makes a lot of cupcakes like 60 small ones 45 large ones, so ask yourself do you have room to make 60 cupcakes, if not halve the recipe, they’re also very rich so if in doubt halve the recipe. However if you’re going to make a three layer red velvet cake use the full recipe
250g margarine
600g sugar
6 eggs
2 tablespoons of red food colouring (I prefer the gel)
3 tbsp of cocoa powder (do not use bourneville, it kills the colour)
375g plain flour (self raising is fine but leave out the bicarb and vinegar)
250ml buttermilk (or whole milk plus 1tsp of lemon juice)
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp salt
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp vinegar.
preheat your oven to 180/350/gas mark 3
put cupcake cases in your bun tins.
move them out of the way
in a large bowl cream the marg and sugar until fluffy, then add the eggs one at a time, mixing well between.
Mix the food colouring with the cocoa to make a paste and then add to the sugar/eggs/marg mix
add the buttermilk, mix, then add the flour to the resulting mix slowly, add the salt, vanilla extract and mix. (This is a very fluffy recipe) if you’re not using an electric mixer you want to fold the flour in.
Divide the mix into the bun cases and shove in the oven for 10-15 mins, make sure to do the stab test before taking them out and leaving them to cool.
(the stab test, take a clean knife and stab your cake, if it comes away clean it’s baked, if there’s mix on the knife it needs a little longer)
the icing
200g cream cheese (yes philadelphia is fine)
350g white chocolate
250g of butter
melt the white chocolate (microwave) or in a bowl over a pot of boiling water and then allow to cool until it’s just starting to set.
In  large bowl beat the cream cheese until light and fluffy, gradually add the butter and chocolate as you mix, until it has the consistency of whipped cream, then use to fill and ice your cupcakes
if any is left over it has no eggs in it - so knock yourself out eating it.
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
Dearests we are already in Mabon and every day closer to Samhain, so if you're a busy person (or a lazy ass like myself) here I share my recipe for a pumpkin cheesecake.
Is cheese a product of the harvest? No. But I like cheesecake.
Cookie crumbs.
Melted butter.
Pumpkin (cooked)
A bar of cream cheese per 2 pounds of pumpkin
Vanilla extract
A lot of sugar
Use the butter and the crumbs to make the crust in whatever you're gonna use for the cake.
The mix the rest of the ingredients (except the cream and some of the cinnamon) and put it in the bowl or whatever you're using.
Put the cream and some of the cinnamon over the cake and put it in the fridge for a night.
That's it
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
How to make a quick and reasonably low-fat fruitcake with crumbles
Addendum: I think some people have never seen powdered sugar before... Nice that I can do educational work but rude people will still be blocked ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
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Preheat oven to 180°C / 356°F.
Mix 4 tablespoons of sugar, 100g of flour and 70g of butter for crumbles, place in the refrigerator.
Mix 2 eggs, 230g sugar and some vanilla sugar for 5 minutes, then add 340g flour, 50g melted butter, 1 packet baking powder and 300g yoghurt. Put the dough on the bottom of a springform pan with 26cm diameter.
Spread about 700g fruit on top (I had black currants, cherries and pears). Crumble the crumbles on top.
Bake for 50-60 minutes.
Sprinkle powdered sugar on the cooled down cake.
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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vegan cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting
recipe under the cut!
Keep reading
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
pretzel time
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made pretzels again! these RULE. they are so so so good hot that i always just scarf them all down immediately after they come out of the oven :’)
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recipe under the cut!
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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Homemade White Bread That Will Make You Never Want to Buy Store Bought Again!
Prep time:  60 mins
Cook time:  25 mins
Total time:  1 hour 25 mins
Serves: 1 loaf
  This recipe is egg, soy, dairy, and nut free
1 C Warm Water
1 T Active Dry Yeast
2 T Honey
2⅔ Cups All Purpose Flour or Bread Flour
1 t Salt
1 T Olive Oil
In a blender or a large mixing bowl, quickly mix warm water, yeast, and 1 T honey. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes
In a separate bowl, measure out the flour.
To yeast mixture, add salt, another 1 T honey, and olive oil and whisk/blend
Adding ¼ of flour mixture at a time, mix in flour mixture to yeast mixture until all combined.
In a covered bowl/jar allow to set for about 10 minutes.
On a well floured surface, knead just to form dough into loaf pan.
Place in a greased 9X5 loaf pan and allow to rise in a warm place for 20-60 minutes until loaf is about 1-2 inches over the pan.
Preheat oven to 350
Then cook bread for 20-25 minutes until top is golden brown.
Allow to completely cool before cutting.
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
In times of plague
–and by that, I mean the times of the worst plague I have seen, which was of course, the Black Death– we “went biblical” and like the Jews marking their homes with blood to prevent the Hand of God from stealing away their first born sons, we marked houses with red to indicate quarantine. Often there was no red paint, red pigments being difficult to source, so often it was a spare bit of cloth, an undergarment, a handkerchief, hanging from a window or a door. At that time, I worked with the ministry out of St. Bart’s and was tasked, as an “immune person” with going around the parish and visiting people, bringing them what food could be found, water, blankets. To be honest it was little more than emotional support, because supply lines had quite literally died and all the remaining labor was tasked with caring for the sick or digging their graves. And also, if indeed you did come into contact with anyone from the house, who took the supplies from you, they knew, and you knew, that they were dead, and this was a meeting of ghosts.
Ah…my apologies for becoming so dark. I know that right now many of you are terrified, because this sort of thing has never happened in your lifetimes. Do not be afraid. This is not that kind of illness. It is good and wise that so many are being so cautious, but I will not be painting any doorways red. I will continue to bring supplies and to visit, but there will be no painting the town red.
So instead I am baking a true red velvet cake, in the old way. You see, the original recipe contained absolutely no dye of any kind, and was red by use of beets alone. Like any long-lived cooking site, I have provided you with a somewhat morbid preamble to this recipe. I do apologize for that bad habit of the trade, but honestly, I find if I do not preamble much of what I say, all those reading are lost.
This post is a recipe of sorts, but also an ongoing discussion hub for you to discuss what you are doing with your isolation.
3 c flour
1 ½ c sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
½ c oil or melted butter
1 c buttermilk
1 cup pureed beets
3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Tbsp beet root powder (optional for if you can find it)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vinegar
Sift the flour and baking powder together in a bowl and set aside
put all other ingredients into the bowl of a standing mixer and mix thoroughly
add the flour mixture to this little by little while still mixing
grease and flour a 9″ pan and pour batter in
Bake at 350F for about 40 minutes
As you can see, it is quite red and needs no dyes. This is a rich and delicious cake. I will add more photos here as it is finished, and also to my instagram.
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For now please do add your own activities while isolating yourself from others. Crafts, recipes, chores, whatever you like. And also, please do bake along with me if you like!
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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bread but aesthetic
(done by @ blondieandrye on instagram!)
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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I just really love bread, okay?
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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Sourdough focaccia
I’ll type up the recipe tonight or tomorrow on @thisisabreadblog
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grimuwcyn · 4 years
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Sourdough focaccia
I’ll type up the recipe tonight or tomorrow on @thisisabreadblog
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