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Can sameone know his name or anything about him if you would please?
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When you bully the wrong person
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My heart hurting for them
No matter:
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Or when.
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We will always be destined to each other
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This is, our never-ending cycle
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Müther? Why won’t you let me eat toothpaste off your toothbrush? Do you hate me, baby Pongy? Do you??
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Thank you very much
Hello do you know rabbit in my channel picture?
Hi! He was never named in the series but here’s some things I can say about him! 
He is a large rabbit (close to Woundwort’s height) and appears fairly strong as he’s able to push aside a large bolder and is usually seen on guard (guarding the entrance to a warren or guarding rabbits such as Vervain, Primrose, and Blackavar), as security (he is sometimes seen when a rabbit is being questioned before Woundwort or when arresting other rabbits) or restraining rabbits (such as Bigwig or Vervain)
In every episode he’s in, he is always seen with another rabbit who resembles his height and strength. Their fur coloring is off (his is dark grayish blue while the other is light brown) but it’s probably fair to assume they’re brothers (though this was never confirmed or denied, I’m just saying they could be related). 
In one scene, they are huddled together and (possibly) talking amongst themselves when Bigwig see’s them. They only grunt in response to him and do not say anything when he ‘threatens’ they’d have to deal with him (all this says is they might be used to being threatened or yelled at by other Efrafans-which shows how long they’ve been loyal to Woundwort).
He has two notable lines in season 2: 
“One step!” (to Primrose, Challenge to Efrafa)
“No Sir, nothing.” (to Vervain, Escape from Efrafa)
And only one in season 3:
“You there! Line up with your mark!” (to Heather, The Last Battle)
As he is a background character, I don’t think he was given much of a personality but here’s what I can come up with based on his actions when he was seen. 
He is strongly loyal to Woundwort and to the Efrafan owsla (although he will turn on them if/when they become a traitor or threat in Woundwort’s eyes). Since it is mentioned throughout the series that Woundwort saved Efrafa, it can be assumed his loyalty comes from that.
Possible past? (just my guess based on Efrafa’s history prior to Woundwort’s arrival):
Losing friends or family members to illness, starvation or elil. 
Starving and being sick himself. 
Fear of dying or losing whoever he has left. 
Whether or not he actually suffered loss or trauma doesn’t change the fact that Woundwort’s rule gave him a purpose and he hangs on to it because it’s likely all he has, all he’s known, and (possibly) his sense of self. 
Despite his loyalty, he is not shown to have ever harmed a rabbit. Restraint and guarded them yes, but he only ever laid hands on them when they attempted to escape or lunged at others (such as Bigwig lunging at Vervain). 
There have been times where it looked like he was going to hurt them (when he restraint Vervain for example, I actually thought he scratched him at first) but he didn’t. He could be capable of hurting other rabbits but he restraints himself from doing so. 
There’s two possibilities as to why: 
One, he prefers to only harm another rabbit if the situation calls for it and attempting to escape and lunging at Vervain is simply doesn’t qualify (yes, Bigwig is probably not the only rabbit in Efrafa who dislikes Vervain).
Two, he might actually be strong enough to really hurt a rabbit if he wanted to (again, he SHOVED a bolder!). If this is the case, it means he’s either a gentle giant deep down or he knows how to break bones.
The only time I can say he actually attempted to hurt another rabbit was when he (and the other guard rabbit and the lop guard-also nameless) fought over a carrot with Bigwig. Though this interaction was brief, it does show how he felt after Efrafa was destroyed. 
- He does not trust the Watership Down rabbits and resent them for Woundwort’s ‘death’ and Efrafa’s destruction. 
- He is still loyal to his fellow Efrafan guards and owsla and prefers their company over the Watership Down rabbits. 
- He could be having an identity crisis (not shown but still!).
- (My theory but!) The fight with Bigwig was not really about the carrot; It was more about frustration. When Efrafa was destroyed, even though the Watership Down rabbits freed them all, they also took his sense of purpose and sense of self and now he has to rethink who he is and what his purpose is now that Woundwort is gone…He might have also just wanted to fight to get some form of revenge or try to keep whatever power he had left. 
He is last seen when Moss calls a gathering with the Efrafans and Watership Down rabbits. In this scene, he is noticeably shocked at the idea of leaving and creating a new warren and whispers with a smaller rabbit. 
Side note: This rabbit (as far as I could tell) has never been seen previously and is also nameless (I can’t even tell if this rabbit is a buck or a doe). It’s possible they’re part of the Efrafan guard (again, he’s a tall guy) but it’s just as possible they’re a former prisoner of Efrafa (if this is the case, it could suggest he’s slowly adapting to them being equals. Maybe not embracing it yet but just being neutral about it). 
Like the others, he choses Moss as his new leader and follows him to their new life. This indicates that while he may not be happy about Efrafa’s demise, he is willing to find a new purpose in life and start over at a new warren. 
It will be hard for him, old habits die hard and he and the other former Efrafan guards will have to earn the trust and forgiveness of their former prisoners for their past cruelty towards them, but the one good thing Woundwort did give them was the ability to fight and protect themselves if they must. All they really need to succeed as a warren is learn kindness and to see each other as equals. 
TLDR: He’s a strong Efrafan guard who is loyal to Woundwort because his rule gave him a purpose and sense of self after a difficult and possibly traumatic childhood in Efrafa but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad rabbit or that he’s not capable of change. 
Ultimately, he needs something that gives him a purpose. A sense of who is and what he stands for and, as long as he has a good leader to follow, he will find it.
Sorry for how long this is. I don’t know if it’s the answer you wanted but I hope you like it! :D
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Watership Down Au Thought
Instead of Campion, Pipkin finds Woundwort. He is sick, injured and badly disoriented and confused, but alive. Pipkin heals him but Woundwort’s mind is scattered. He remembers some things but not everything. All he knows is he did some bad things and everyone who feared and hated him are probably better off not knowing he is alive. 
Meanwhile, Vervain and Aspen are captured by the Darkhaven rabbits and taken to Darkhaven. When they realize the one they call ‘the Dark One’ is Woundwort, Vervain informs them that he’s been killed-which turns out to be a mistake as now the Darkhaven rabbits want revenge for Woundwort’s ‘death’.
”The battle for peace is not yet done.”
Side note: Campion survives too but is found by Hazel, Bigwig and Fiver in the caverns and is healed by Blackberry. He is the only Efrafan rabbit to remain at Watership Down. Vervain, Aspen and the Darkhaven rabbits don’t know he’s alive and only Pipkin knows about Woundwort.
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Efrafan rabbit asks Papkin what his mind tells him that sad for the death of his parents at the hands of the weasel, then condolences him
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“Unhand me, vile human!” Vervain shouted, wriggling like an eel in a fishing net. “Or so help me, you will regret it!” I stared down at the fidgeting rodent and couldn’t help laughing. “Awww, your little nose twitches in the cutest way when you’re angry.” “What!?” He squeaked, his scraggly fur standing on end. “Now listen here, human, you’re free to call me many things, but never call me cute! I am not cute!”
“Suit yourself, little rabbit,” I replied, placing him on the table. “I am not a ‘little’ rabbit!” He growled. “So you say,” said I. “But the mirror and the measuring tape tell a different story.” “Just you wait until General Woundwort hears about this!” Vervain grumbled. “He’ll have your guts for garters!”
“I doubt it. You’re miles away from Efrafa.” I pointed out. “And there’s no need to pout.” “I’m not pouting.” Vervain replied, pouting grumpily. “Oh, what a horrible fate has befallen me…” he whimpered, his ears flopping. “An Owsla officer, abducted by Man. How humiliating!” “There there, stop whining,” I said, patting his head affectionately. “I’m not whining!” Vervain whined. He sat there, his nose twitching, an evil bundle of floof and hatred. “Woundwort, where are you?”
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“Unhand me, vile human!” Vervain shouted, wriggling like an eel in a fishing net. “Or so help me, you will regret it!” I stared down at the fidgeting rodent and couldn’t help laughing. “Awww, your little nose twitches in the cutest way when you’re angry.” “What!?” He squeaked, his scraggly fur standing on end. “Now listen here, human, you’re free to call me many things, but never call me cute! I am not cute!”
“Suit yourself, little rabbit,” I replied, placing him on the table. “I am not a ‘little’ rabbit!” He growled. “So you say,” said I. “But the mirror and the measuring tape tell a different story.” “Just you wait until General Woundwort hears about this!” Vervain grumbled. “He’ll have your guts for garters!”
“I doubt it. You’re miles away from Efrafa.” I pointed out. “And there’s no need to pout.” “I’m not pouting.” Vervain replied, pouting grumpily. “Oh, what a horrible fate has befallen me…” he whimpered, his ears flopping. “An Owsla officer, abducted by Man. How humiliating!” “There there, stop whining,” I said, patting his head affectionately. “I’m not whining!” Vervain whined. He sat there, his nose twitching, an evil bundle of floof and hatred. “Woundwort, where are you?”
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Vervain poor, leave him go back to Woundwort and to his two grandbodys and assistant
“Unhand me, vile human!” Vervain shouted, wriggling like an eel in a fishing net. “Or so help me, you will regret it!” I stared down at the fidgeting rodent and couldn’t help laughing. ��Awww, your little nose twitches in the cutest way when you’re angry.” “What!?” He squeaked, his scraggly fur standing on end. “Now listen here, human, you’re free to call me many things, but never call me cute! I am not cute!”
“Suit yourself, little rabbit,” I replied, placing him on the table. “I am not a ‘little’ rabbit!” He growled. “So you say,” said I. “But the mirror and the measuring tape tell a different story.” “Just you wait until General Woundwort hears about this!” Vervain grumbled. “He’ll have your guts for garters!”
“I doubt it. You’re miles away from Efrafa.” I pointed out. “And there’s no need to pout.” “I’m not pouting.” Vervain replied, pouting grumpily. “Oh, what a horrible fate has befallen me…” he whimpered, his ears flopping. “An Owsla officer, abducted by Man. How humiliating!” “There there, stop whining,” I said, patting his head affectionately. “I’m not whining!” Vervain whined. He sat there, his nose twitching, an evil bundle of floof and hatred. “Woundwort, where are you?”
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Oh my God
It's You... 😶😶😶😶😶 Do know anything about his personality?
Since hes just a generic background character, he isn't really given one. As a member of the Efrafan Owsla, hes a generic solider type. Does what Woundwort says, isn't very nice, and gets beaten by the good guys everytime.
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This make Efrafans stupid like babies
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It’s been a while since we’ve posted, but we’re back with some bunnies. Watership Down is one of Fin’s favorite books and the first book club book we read. Liz audibly gasped when she thought Bigwig was dead.
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5 posts!
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I like gray rabbit than blonde
Besides these two background Efrafans in the TV series never got a name. I'm gonna believe that they are Chervil and Groundsel 👌.
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Where episode I find them from?
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I was very lucky and was able to buy an original Watership Down TV cel 🔥😍✨ The scene should be from episode 5 🤔
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Cute rabbit eyes
At work on my break, and I saw this posted
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Looks like the graphic novel will be out this time next year! (2023)
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