h00d-witch · 3 months
And just like that I saw God again
I looked at the mess of my surroundings
Smiling instead of crying
Knowing the mess is no longer mine
No longer chained to the consequences of my past relationships
I am free… and I am
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h00d-witch · 4 months
Darketh my insides
The energy is absent
I think of the crystals
Waking the ZZZZ
Missing you
I’m so lonely
Calling for your name
Wondering where the start
Feeling like I’ve just found void
Crawled out myself too many times
Waiting for you to come get me out
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h00d-witch · 4 months
Dear diary
I spent the another day romanticizing
Getting high
I couldn’t score but I did my best
And I lived away from all the rest
Without even using it
Just in thinking about it
Somehow two days
Two days I have missed
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h00d-witch · 4 months
As I walked my feet to the Powerball ticket
I turned my head and looked inside the businesses
I could see only people smiling and laughing
I could only see people full of joy and happiness
And in that, I could not relate
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h00d-witch · 4 months
The yellow fire hydrant
A white Toyota and chirping birds
I keep score of each sound
Cardboard, tar, and glass
Indian style I sit on the pavement
Gods herb in the left hand
The devils electronic in the right
I question my fate
Your safety vs mine
You’re scared but I hate
A woman dressed in blankets passes me by
Her footsteps are soft though she’s hurting inside
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h00d-witch · 6 months
This feeling of a deep, dark despair couldn’t compare
To her or who she was or what she had
But what it could compare to is the sorrow that was felt that one day
I can attest to the fact that it feels like that
My nose seems like it’s always running, and my eyes dry
But if there’s one thing I’m not doing, it’s asking myself why
Because I know 
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h00d-witch · 8 months
Today & always, in this moment and in the next: I am grateful for the following…
I am grateful for my apartment
I am grateful for the sun that shines every day
I am grateful for my mother and my sister and my father
I am grateful for the divine spirit that has created all that I see and experience
I am grateful for the love that I express and the love that I receive
I am grateful for my boyfriend Richard, and I am grateful for our companionship
I am grateful for the money that I do make
I am grateful for all of the marijuana I smoke
I am grateful for all of the trips I take & the walks I walk
I am grateful to watch movies and TV each night in bed
I am grateful for the growth in me that has developed
I am grateful for my intelligence and my angels
And most importantly, I am grateful for my life
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h00d-witch · 9 months
Rock Candy
Tiny little babies in my pink bubble
Saying goodbye to all my troubles
And inviting in the crazy fairy
Haven’t hurt this bad in so long
Who Knows, I Can’t Feel Anything Anyway
But when I do get the chance to feel again
Come tomorrow it’ll be STARLIGHT ⭐️
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h00d-witch · 10 months
And just like that
I’m pouring my guts onto the pavement
And just like that my hearts in two
Everything I thought I knew
I need an Angel to carry me
My wings are broken from your words
I can no longer fly
I am nothing
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h00d-witch · 10 months
He won’t touch me
My soft legs I shave for him
It’s like I’m so undesirable to him
Every part of my being and body
Sometimes I truly feel that way
A stream of rejection under the sun
There was a time that he couldn’t keep his hands off of me
Now he pushes my hand away
I feel torn and dark and under the dirt like I’ve already been buried
But I don’t know what he’s waiting for
I guess it’s not me
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h00d-witch · 10 months
I wish I was dead
Away from here
Don’t shed a tear
Take the wheel and steer
Cuz I’m gone
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h00d-witch · 10 months
Middle of the day I heard your first lie
A shock in my soul as I whispered my screams
Shouting “No” in silence ; Wishing for me self violence
It was a needle and it was them
A relative of the past in a dark era from a cunt that shot me in the feet so I couldn’t walk
You emptied this on me in between other white lies and the truth moves around but it’s the truth I know now
And it’s already bad enough
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h00d-witch · 10 months
Feels like new dark mode
I hate this new you
Oh like a remembering
You break my trust
The betrayal and the hiding
Well, don’t awaken it in me
Because the urge to be sneaky like you is
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h00d-witch · 10 months
I feel cold and alone
The feeling of touch is like how sour Candy hits
It’s this electric zing of fear that tingles the same as your belly button being pushed
What is this? And what is changing within me? Like a light switch that’s been turned on and I’m experiencing the nerve to do something wrong
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h00d-witch · 1 year
Feels like a game of clue
Cuz somethings missing
I don’t know what to do
Where do I start
Before I tear it apart ?
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h00d-witch · 1 year
Tiny little sketches
He draws me these love letters in tiny little sketches
I think about the time Rich had his head on his shoulders and his feet on the ground
It really only ever lasted a day or two
And even though I have more reason to doubt
I keep holding on because he’s the only love I’ve ever known
What it feels like to share the same pain and feel what it’s like to be the other
It’s not so hard for me to take a walk in Rich’s shoes
Maybe because I’ve already worn them and wore them until I wore them out
Funny isn’t it? How a shoe depicts the emotions and experiences in a Birds Eye view
I think it’s time I accept that things may never change
And that way, if they do, it surprises me and becomes that much more enjoyable
But I just can’t let go
That’s my man
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h00d-witch · 1 year
With all of this tumbling crusade, darkness and lightness surrounding me… I question my reality and what is true and what is for me. I am seeking an answer to all of the questions, of not just mine, but of yours, and of ours. I am sending a vibration of hope out into the earth and awaiting it’s retrieval as to complete the cycle of what has been and what should be. I am calling in the awareness and the light of the higher beings and pestering them with impatience and impurities. I ask them, “heal me, and speed up time” for I cannot wait - and I cannot lose another month of this repeat rhythm of our matrix.
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