hailleykwan 5 years
I鈥檓 trying to start a change here but everyone just bash me up front though I know they secretly are influenced haha
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hailleykwan 5 years
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hailleykwan 5 years
I鈥檓 finally letting you go.
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hailleykwan 5 years
I鈥檝e been missing you and I do wish we were still friends even though I know I won鈥檛 be able to handle it. I never knew how much I actually love and treasure you.
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hailleykwan 5 years
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hailleykwan 5 years
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hailleykwan 5 years
I know you don鈥檛 for you only think of yourself.
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hailleykwan 5 years
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hailleykwan 5 years
Thank you for the lessons, I鈥檓 moving on to greater things now.
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hailleykwan 5 years
This has been me for quite awhile now. I never learn. This time I really hope I will do the right thing.
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hailleykwan 5 years
I gave you so many chances but you couldn鈥檛 give a damn to show me the door. This is how you let me go and I promise you won鈥檛 find another like me.
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hailleykwan 5 years
I love you but I love myself more for I know you don鈥檛 love me. I will leave you but I know I am happy.
Never let negativity take up your space.
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hailleykwan 5 years
To be in love is to have submitted to death.
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hailleykwan 5 years
It鈥檚 time I let you go.
You don鈥檛 care for my feelings nor dyou give a damn about me like you used to anymore. Bumped my head cos you pulled me down and you couldn鈥檛 even be bothered to pick me up or say you鈥檙e sorry? Lol how am I still putting up with your bs. How can I only see your beautiful and neglect all the hurt you cause me. I find you so perfect but your attitude towards me really suck. I won鈥檛 break up with you yet. I鈥檒l just keep the patience till you decide what your really want. In the mean time, it鈥檚 time I focus entirely on my career and stop all relationships and feelings. They fuck me up bad and brings me no where. At least you taught me this. I鈥檓 not suited to stay committed to a person I realised. For I give too much and always and forever, end up neglecting myself. Far worse, I put myself in the worst spot, foregoing submissions and in the past, exams. This the reason I kept jumping schools. I don鈥檛 love myself enough to know my worth. Enough of all these negative people bringing me down. Time to pick myself up for nobody will do that for me. Time to focus on myself and my happiness for nobody is going to give a damn about my feelings. People say a lot of shit but the only person down for me is me.
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hailleykwan 5 years
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378 notes View notes
hailleykwan 5 years
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904 notes View notes
hailleykwan 5 years
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726 notes View notes