handy-train · 2 years
The Role of Mobile LMS in Training Employees
Training is usually a process that occurs once the company orientation takes place. Training is a methodology undertaken to improvise the skillset, mindset, knowledge, and capabilities to make an employee equipped in performing their duties.
Employee Training is detrimental in enhancing the performance of an employee. There is a noticeable difference between a trained and an untrained employee. Trained employees are high performers, they utilize their skills well, coordinate with their peers and get the job done. Employee training is a continuous process since industries always upgrade their business practices and procedures. The need to train employees always persists in an organization.
Importance of Training your Employees
An organization trains its employees – to match with their industry standards, learn to effectively solve a problem, coordinate with higher-ups and the purpose goes on. Increasingly many companies tend to overlook the importance of employee training, not knowing the benefits it can reap in the companies.
In order to understand, how important training is to an organization. We need to understand some of the core benefits. Let’s discuss.
Enhance Employee Performance
The main purpose of conducting training is to bolster the overall output of the company. When training is done right, it provides employees with the expertise & knowledge required to execute their duties well. The overall quality of the work drastically improves when employees are well trained in a company.
Improvise Employee Engagement
Training helps employees engage better and improve their overall productivity. Training insists upon two-communication, feedback, and decision making and through this process, employees are enabled to be better engaged. Keeping employees engaged reassures them about their role in a company. They are dedicated to spend their time and energy on the good prospects of the company.
Strengthen employee retention rates
Training provides employees an opportunity to showcase their skills to the best of the abilities. By providing effective training programs, employees regain their confidence and tend to remain more loyal towards the company. Training also helps employees scale greater heights in their careers within the company. Moreover, one of the biggest merits of training is that the company is presented with lots of opportunities to hire within the company thereby slashing recruitment and on-boarding costs for your business.
How Mobile LMS plays a pivotal role in Employee Training.
While we have seen how important employee training is, it is pertinent to note how companies conduct and deploy training programs for their employees. Lately, a lot of companies conduct their training programs ineffectively resulting in huge losses in their overall performance.
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LMS – The Solution to Employee Training
An LMS is capable of presenting a ton of useful features to train your employees. The introduction of features such as mobile remote learning and social tools makes it is easier for employees to access training and improve their skills.
Mobile LMS the way forward
Mobiles have dominated cyberspace for almost half a decade. While LMS does a good job at training it is important that LMS have been gradually evolving to be accustomed to a mobile learning environment.
Let us discuss some merits of availing mobile-first training.
Lesser Maintenance Costs
Mobile LMS training is much more flexible than opting for a pre-designed course. Mobile LMS gives you more options in terms of rethinking the content and the design. Typically, an LMS requires technical specialists to manage them. Logically an LMS application for a desktop requires more technical consultations than an LMS application meant for a mobile device. Therefore, if you have a mobile LMS for training, you can lower the technical costs associated with it.
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handy-train · 2 years
How to Choose the right Mobile LMS for training in 2021?
Understanding the role of Mobile LMS and its implications on training the workforce.
A mobile Learning Management system (mobile LMS) is understood as a platform that facilitates the trainer, manages and organizes his/her materials, and conducts the training programs seamlessly with ease. A Mobile LMS helps simplify employee training by providing a common location for accessing the training program online and enhancing its content. A Mobile LMS is used extensively by organizations, small and medium enterprises, multinational companies, and similar business establishments alike.
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Emphasis must be given to both Education as well as corporate based mobile LMS. In most cases corporations use mobile LMS to create and organize content for training their workforce. But in fulfilling this purpose they must ensure to create a digital learning environment wherein the trainer is educated on the best practices/techniques to be followed.
Essential aspects to consider in general before opting for a Mobile LMS
Understand the background, expertise, and experience of the Mobile LMS Vendor
We need to understand that the LMS market is blooming year by year, and is believed to fetch around $23 billion by 2023. Hence, we need to understand that there are lots of opportunities for vendors to offer and portray their LMS as the best. The clients need to conduct extensive research on each of their vendors before falling prey to their promises.
Understand the needs of your trainees and what are the objectives your company is trying to accomplish. Align these questions with the mobile LMS at hand and check if they are delivering on your queries. Create a spreadsheet of your vendors and keep a note of the features that are essential to your company and the features that you feel would be a bonus. Once your spreadsheet is ready immediately cross out the vendors that do not meet the basic requirements of your company.
Fix a meeting with your vendor and be sure to ask a few questions.
How does your LMS help us meet the training needs of our company?
Are there any features that are unique and helpful for our training needs?
What can be our expectations on the support services provided by your team?
Incase the LMS does not meet our requirement and we terminate the service agreement. What will happen to our data?
Ensure that the features offered match with the current and future needs.
Mobile Learning Management Systems attributed to the corporate sector are expected to continuously evolve and grow at a rapid pace. This means that the features offered today will be improvised tomorrow. There are a lot of trends we need to consider before choosing a mobile LMS that’s ap for employee training but choosing one that meets the training needs of your company is most important.
Ensure that your mobile LMS is flexible to integrate with other systems.
One of the basic necessities of mobile LMS is its ability to integrate and operate with other applications. A mobile LMS that is standalone in nature is limited and may not able to showcase all of its capabilities. Necessary functions such as reporting, training program progress can be achieved only with the integration of two different systems. Mobile LMS’s should be capable of integrating with other applications to provide an enhanced user experience.
A few of these integrations are
User analytics tools (to track the learning of the user)
Social Media Platforms
Gamification (to showcase badges/rewards on completion of certain modules)
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handy-train · 2 years
How Can You Leverage Microlearning in Your Organization?
Microlearning has gained popularity in today’s workplace. Whether your employees need to balance their work-life or want to stay ahead of the curve, mobile learning offers many benefits for organizations across the board.
Mobile technology has revolutionized every facet of our lives, from how we conduct business transactions to how we find information on a whim. So why not take advantage of that same technology at work? Let’s start by understanding where exactly you can leverage microlearning in your organization.
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Which use cases does microlearning handle perfectly?
Microlearning is a trend that most organizations in India have adopted for their training requirements. However, a few are still hesitant about switching training methods. The reasons for this vary. The great news, however, is that there are a lot of articles on using microlearning content to get the most out of training sessions. Check out some of the critical use cases where you can use it to get great results.
Regulatory Compliance Training
A typical compliance program is designed to ensure that an organization complies with or follows all safety and health regulations. Compliance training is a common instructional technique in many organizations. Compliance topics include KYC, AML, OSHA, POSH, Fire Safety, Health and Safety, etc. The information under each topic is vast leaving the question of how much information is too much. In turn, it also leaves people wondering if microlearning can be used in compliance training. There’s only one answer to this – Yes!
Microlearning has been found to be a highly effective and efficient way for every employee to complete the necessary training required in order to comply with safety and health regulations.
Of course, there are many other ways that it can be used in compliance training as well.
One of these ways would be by having employees take their safety and health training during their break or lunch hour. If time is a constraint, they can also take this training on the move.
Employee Onboarding
Employee onboarding is another major part of every organization. Instead of having a regular orientation session, a company can use microlearning so that they can have employees take a more active role in their training and get more out of it. Microlearning ensures that the onboarding process happens even faster.
For example, ensuring that employees are familiar with all the HR policies from the beginning itself. If they train on these soon after they join, they will be in a better position to talk to the HR department should they need to urgently.
Sales and Product Training
One of the most common ways that companies are using mobile learning is for sales training. Most salespeople don’t have the time to sit down and go through an entire session on sales training considering they are constantly on the move. It’s much easier to use microlearning and train on a mobile device. This makes training flexible and there’s no strict time frame, which are some of the benefits of using this method. This actually serves a two-fold purpose – 1 – the supervisor will be able to create the right training content and 2 – the employees will be up to date on what they need to know to do their job efficiently and productively.
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handy-train · 2 years
Want to Upskill your Employees? Use a Mobile Training App!
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You may have heard the words ‘Reskilling’ and ‘Upskilling’ being mentioned. Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic began, they were the new buzzwords in HR. But what do they mean? And why would you need to use a mobile training app to do either?
Reskilling and Upskilling Explained
Reskill means to update or refine skills so that you can take on different tasks within your company. Upskill is completely different: it’s an effort to significantly change the nature of work by acquiring entirely new skills. Upskilling is often driven by technological changes like automation – for example, manufacturing jobs that require manual labor will be replaced with roles that need higher levels of programming knowledge.
Companies today rely heavily on technology; sometimes more than their employees realize. Today’s workforce needs both reskilling and upskills training. It’s essential because companies need employees who are flexible enough to handle a variety of tasks due to changing business needs as well as advances in technology.
So how would a mobile training app solve this problem?
The changing economy and evolving workplace are leading to a demand for a workforce with a variety of skills, rather than just one. Upskilling and reskilling employees give companies the best chance to keep up with the fast-moving job market and stay competitive. Traditional training methods may be effective if a company has the time, money, and resources to actually do it over a spread-out period. However, what would definitely work better in a shorter timeframe is using a mobile training app.
Upskilling requires rethinking old training paradigms that don’t permit real-time learning. For a start, it requires keeping up with changes to the job market. Then you need to give employees access to innovative training programs. The end goal of this is to help them keep their skills fresh as new advancements in technology emerge. A mobile training app can help you achieve all of this.
You have to understand that you can’t force employees into a room for one or two days of training. Upskilling’s an ongoing process, requiring a shift in mindset from the organization. A company has to consider how it’s going to motivate its employees and keep them engaged. The key is to integrate training into everyday work processes while measuring progress at every step along the way. Training content can easily be uploaded to a mobile training app and then assigned to the right employees.
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handy-train · 2 years
Understanding the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Building an Effective Mobile LMS
Before we understand the role of Artificial Intelligence, let us first learn the meaning of the term “Artificial Intelligence”. Artificial Intelligence is a set of instructions compiled together as software that has the potential to perform tasks that require human intervention.
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Now that we have understood what AI is, we need to realize that Artificial Intelligence has great potential in reshaping the LMS world particularly via mobile, and adding deep value to the LMS team. Generally speaking, an LMS needs proper management and systems streamlined in place to deliver learners the knowledge they need in the right content and in the right format.
The need of the hour is to develop Mobile Learning Management Systems integrated with Artificial Intelligence, this would assist in placing the trainee’s needs at the forefront and help them understand better. Once AI is integrated with mobile LMS, the overall effectiveness of the training programs improves. Artificial Intelligence is highly intuitive in offering quality and precision and has been widely used in fields of virtual learning.
How does AI work in designing an effective Mobile LMS?
Artificial Intelligence uses an algorithm in LMS that classifies trainers based on their abilities and responses. This is achieved by time to time evaluations of their performance, thereby helping Learning Management Systems create advanced and highly intuitive training programs.The capacity to develop intuition and make learned predictions is what makes artificial intelligence a perfect match for virtual training through a Mobile Learning Management System. This would foster a consistent relationship between the trainee and the Learning Management System. Also, a highly personalized training program is being presented, a program that identifies the emotional, social, and personality traits of an individual.
Thus, AI helps speed up the design and the development of a Mobile LMS. The emergence of tools like Data Analytics, Chatbots, NLP, Machine Learning can be utilized to help Learning Management Systems behave more smartly by presenting personalized learning experiences, eliminating redundant content, and helping employees be better engaged with the systems.
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handy-train · 2 years
Mobile Learning Management Systems
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Addressing some of the commonly misunderstood myths on Mobile Learning Management Systems and how they could affect businesses.
Learning that uses technology as a helpful tool is well on its way to becoming the new norm in our day-to-day life. Now, more than before, Mobile Learning has quickly caught up with books and classrooms.
While the introduction of this has been largely beneficial, it has also left us with a few misconceptions about Mobile learning. While they are mostly harmless, they could also interrupt the efforts that go into setting up a Learning Management System. Here are some of the better-known myths about Mobile Learning Management Systems.
More content leads to better quality
While it’s wise to have a vast amount of data and detailed documents to refer to, most learners tend to have shorter attention spans while attending large online courses. Prolonged sessions don’t mean that you’ll gain a better understanding from these online courses. Instead, you could end up having excessive staring competitions with the content because there is a lot of it to process.
Microlearning is a strategy that deals with relatively small learning units and short-term learning activities
Microlearning does use bite-sized units of content to help you learn, focusing on specific content to get the message across. This is done to remove excessive content that may have some relevance but can confuse you because of its volume, causing you to lose your focus. Learning activities that use microlearning are more about focus and not duration.
For example, you may spend 10 minutes on a lesson with specific information, accompanied by a small quiz, which you can do at your own pace and still learn what you need to.
It is always necessary to include Gamification
While it helps to actively engage users and boost statistics, by rewarding them for completion of learning courses, it is more fun, than educational. Course completion depends more on how the content is delivered and how you interact with it, rather than simply turning all of it into an online game.
While gamification adds a fun element to Mobile LMS, too much of it could also divert your attention away from the actual purpose of pursuing mobile learning.
Courses can only be compiled by Instructional Designers
It is not compulsory to have a certified instructional Designer create training content online. What is required is minor experience and understanding of the topic of choice, the necessary authoring tools for creating a course on a mobile learning management system and enthusiasm on your part, as the content creator, to get started.
What do you mean by this, you ask? A Mobile LMS can be set up easily if done correctly. Restructuring the content before uploading it, is the first step to be taken. With the correct extensions and proper maintenance, the content creator can also monetize this special content and turn it into something marketable which will bring in rewards.
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handy-train · 2 years
The Importance of Multimedia in Microlearning
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Training is a mandatory requirement in any organization. The organization can have five or five hundred employees but it’s not going to make a difference if none of them know what their job is or how to do it efficiently. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance to give them the training they need so that each one can perform in specific roles as well as take over from someone else if the other is on leave. However, there’s a lot of training to be done and lots of information to take in. Holding long, scheduled training sessions is not feasible. Instead, it would be easier and better to hold microlearning training sessions that would solve all your problems.
Microlearning involves turning a large amount of information into smaller, more digestible pieces. To do this, you make use of multimedia in the form of text, images, videos, audio files, and interactive games to help employees engage with and enjoy their training. This way, they don’t just see it as something boring but necessary and actually retain what they have learned. The best part is that it’s all easily accessible since it can be uploaded to a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. Let’s learn some more about how beneficial using multimedia in microlearning is and what are the different multimedia elements you can use to enhance your training content.
Benefits of Multimedia in MicrolearningIt’s flexible and convenient to use
In an organization, there’s almost always a lot of work to be done and not enough time to do it. Trying to schedule training sessions and getting people to sit down for them during working hours ends up backfiring. Using multimedia elements in your microlearning training programs allows you to put it on an app. The app can then be accessed at any time, at the employees’ convenience. Additionally, you can give them a flexible time frame in which they can complete their training.
It brings down training costs
Microlearning definitely reduces travel and accommodation costs and delivery costs. You don’t even have to waste time on printing volumes of training manuals, bringing in trainers, booking a training venue, etc. given that all content is going onto an app. Another great benefit is that you can train employees located all over the country and even the world without incurring any sort of cost increase.
It’s an effective way to train and learn
It’s been said multiple times that people respond better to information that is a combination of images and text. A large percentage of people are visual learners which means that they tend to retain information longer when it’s in an image or a video format. By delivering training to employees in this manner, you’re assured of higher quality work, more productivity, more customer satisfaction, fewer issues, and a minimal need to retrain regularly.
Now let’s learn about the types of multimedia available for creating microlearning content with ease.
Multimedia Elements in MicrolearningText
This is the simplest kind of media available. Text consists of alphanumeric and special characters. You can also edit the text as per your preference using different text types, sizes, fonts, colors, and background colors.
Since text is the easiest and simplest way to get the message across, there are a few things to keep in mind when creating your training content.
Text should be legible and almost always in black on a white background. Avoid using fancy fonts
Text size matters so make sure that your font size is large enough so that the reader doesn’t have to squint while reading
Put keywords and headings in Bold. You can also change the font color and even enlarge the text size in such cases to highlight it
Long before humans learned to write, they learned to draw, making images the oldest type of media around. In training, you can make use of illustrations, stock images, icons, clip art, etc. to add visual appeal to your text content.
Here’s how you can use images effectively with text content to make it stronger.
Always put in images that support the text
If you must use only an image, ensure that it’s not just to fill the screen. Include text that explains what the image means
Ensure consistency in image format whether it’s a particular type of image (illustration or stock image) or image size
While reading through information accompanied by related images, there’s one more media element that can tie it all together. Audio! Thanks to audio, the learner can follow what’s on-screen and become more engaged in his or her training.
Here’s how you can make the best use of it in microlearning programs.
Ensure that the audio syncs properly or the employees undergoing training will look at one thing and hear another
Keep a check on the narration speed, tone, and accent’
Use audio sparingly and paraphrase if you need to describe something
Video is fast becoming a popular element in microlearning. A lot of organizations use animated videos and those shot in real-time to enhance training content. It’s one of the best options since it combines audio, text, and images to deliver information.
Learn how to use it properly in microlearning programs from the below tips.
Always, and we can’t stress this enough, use or create short videos
If you need to put a time limit on these, between 3-5 minutes works best
Use videos to describe steps or processes. This makes things easier to understand when someone is actually explaining what needs to be done
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handy-train · 2 years
Benefits of a built-in Survey option in a Corporate LMS
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Handytrain Every organization in the business world must ensure that its employees undergo training in order to gain skills and knowledge to do their jobs effectively. Therefore, a whole lot of effort is put into creating the right kind of training programs to put these employees on the right path. Now, we know that today’s training methods have evolved with the digital age. The old-school method of training employees does not work. It’s not feasible with the kind of workload most employees have and tracking performance as well as feedback on training is almost impossible. Most organizations use a corporate LMS to train their employees. So how do you gather proper feedback from training through the app? You make sure that the app you’re using has a built-in Survey option. And here’s why.
Benefits of a built-in Survey option in your Corporate LMSIt helps you create customized questions and responses
Let’s face it. Creating survey questions and responses from scratch is time-consuming. An organization may have a large no. of training programs created. It’s not easy to get feedback on all of them if you have to create specific questions for each of these. Here’s where an existing built-in survey tool can help decrease your workload. Having special templates that can be customized for questions and responses related to your training program would definitely help.
You can collect data in a timely manner
One of the best things about having an in-built Survey tool in a corporate LMS is that you can ensure that feedback is collected within a scheduled time frame. For example, you’ve had employees go through a particular training module and now need to know their thoughts. So you create a survey using the existing templates and set it to be answered within the next 30 days. How does it help? Well, two things will happen. One, you’ll be able to get actionable insights that you can use for training programs going forward. Two, you’ll have accurate metrics in hand which allows you to gather Big Data on time.
Use it to develop surveys that can help employees be more productive
It’s necessary to create a survey or questionnaire and attach it to each training program. You can personalize the templates in the corporate LMS to achieve the desired results. For example, create surveys for employees in different departments or job roles. You’ll be able to collect information that will help you determine how to further proceed with training these employees. Ultimately, once they get more personalized training they’ll be able to do their jobs more efficiently and productively.
Encourage users to get onboard the corporate LMS
An in-built Survey tool in corporate LMS can be used to create and assign surveys to specific employees. You can send surveys to those employees that have never used a corporate LMS but need training. Or you can target those employees that have downloaded the corporate LMS app but aren’t very active. For those employees that regularly log in, you have the opportunity to ask them about their experiences and give them the option to tell you what kind of information and training they would like to go through, if not already done before. Additionally, you may also use surveys to find out about the employees’ learning experience and how best you can improve it for them.
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handy-train · 2 years
Our Mobile Learning App Platform helped a new Bank improve its Customer Interaction
In this article, you’ll learn how a mobile learning application enabled a new bank to improve the quality of customer interactions. The mobile learning service provider dug down deep into identifying the problem faced by the bank and figured out ways to curb the training challenges.
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Before we learn, the intricacies on how our Mobile Learning Platform a discovered and resolved a solution to help banks improvise their interaction with the customers. Let us get a generic understanding about Microfinance and banks in India.
India is the largest microfinance market in the world (no pun intended). Though microfinance in India is restricted to simple, unsophisticated lending products, the sector has flourished by lending to hundreds of millions of unbanked, unserved and underserved citizens across different metro cities such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and more. It was, therefore, not surprising that, when RBI approved 10 India’s first small finance banks, it was not surprising that eight were microfinance institutions.
The Transition from MFI to Bank
Low-income borrowers, the traditional customer base of microfinance companies could only get one limited-size loan product. Small finance bank could offer its customers a wider range of products and services like remittances, insurance, or home or vehicle loans etc.
As a bank with a presence at high footfall locations, it attracts a wide array of customers, who are increasingly more knowledgeable and demanding. This is unlike microfinance companies that usually works with the community in their neighbourhood.
With exposure to varied customers, wider product portfolio and the need to comply with statutory requirement, one of the main challenges for the new bank was to enhance the overall knowledge and skill levels of people. Most importantly their branch teams to manage customer interactions well and keep the CSat scores high.
The Problem
The bank had a strong and active L&D team management decided to focus on building capabilities of customer-facing teams operating from 100+ branches across the country. They knew about the problems which had to be addressed immediately – major ones listed below:
Other than the 10 days of formal induction at Regional Training centres, most job-related training is done by the trainers travelling to branches occasionally or by managers. But it was not adequate or uniform.
The existing learning management system was web-based and demanded continuous internet connectivity. Further, a large percentage of the staff were feet-on-street, making it inconvenient and less useful for them.
While the LMS did have a mobile app interface, the user experience was unsatisfactory, as, it was a complete rendition of the Web LMS and not a mobile learning-based training application. The Mobile Learning App also did not work offline.
LMS was used for mandatory compliance training and not for job-based learning.
The bank was looking for a new age platform with an intuitive mobile learning interface for its branch teams comprising 80% desk-less staff, along with support for SCORM based training, to ensure existing content didn’t end up being redundant.
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handy-train · 2 years
Still using old school ways to train your employees?
Are you still using traditional employee training methods and wasting time with unnecessary training sessions? Have you been using the same tools for years together now? It’s time to introspect and come up with smarter options to train your employees.
Employee Training and Development is an indispensable aspect of an organization. If not done effectively, it can result in a wastage of time and money. Here are some tips to maximize the time employees spend on training yet provide an effective employee training platform that helps you develop your team the RIGHT way!
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handy-train · 2 years
Helping employees learn new skills could motivate them to work harder, be more productive, be happier, and prepared for anything and everything, during the lockdown. Upskilling should be put at the front of the line so that you don’t have to worry about the job being completed efficiently. One of the easiest ways to ensure that employees get upskilled is to use mobile learning to deploy the information they need to know.
Reduce risks as much as possible
Safety protocols and other rules and regulations have to be the first thing on everyone’s minds during a time like this. The exposure to COVID-19 must be minimized. You need to keep training employees and communicating any changes to the rules, regulations, and safety protocols to them, without delay.
If not done, people could get very sick and companies could get fined. Mobile learning is a great tool to help employees get safely updated on new safety protocols, rules and regulations.
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handy-train · 2 years
Mobiles have dominated cyberspace for almost half a decade. While LMS does a good job at training it is important that LMS have been gradually evolving to be accustomed to a mobile learning environment.
Let us discuss some merits of availing mobile-first training.
Lesser Maintenance Costs
Mobile LMS training is much more flexible than opting for a pre-designed course. Mobile LMS gives you more options in terms of rethinking the content and the design. Typically, an LMS requires technical specialists to manage them. Logically an LMS application for a desktop requires more technical consultations than an LMS application meant for a mobile device. Therefore, if you have a mobile LMS for training, you can lower the technical costs associated with it.
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handy-train · 2 years
5 Ways that Mobile Learning Boosts Employee Training
The corporate world has changed by leaps and bounds in the last decade. We live in a digital age where pretty much everything in our daily lives happens on a mobile device like a tablet or a smartphone. How we communicate, operate, conduct business, and even learn is dictated by our use of technology. This is why most organizations from different industries in India and all over the world have adopted mobile learning to boost employee training and productivity.
Mobile learning has become popular since it’s cost-effective and less time-consuming. Thanks to mobile learning, organizations don’t need to hold on-site training sessions. There’s no need to hire a trainer, lease out a meeting room, print out a large amount of training material, etc. What once required a lot of effort is now a simple act and is, therefore, easier to handle. Let’s find out what exactly makes mobile learning so appealing as a conduit for employee training.
How does mobile learning improve employee training?
At HandyTrain, an organization that is well-known for having its own mobile learning app, we’ve observed the following ways that mobile learning boosts employee training:
1. Instant access to information
Employee training becomes easy with mobile learning since you have immediate access to training information. All that you need to do is ensure that your employees have a User Id, either their mobile number or official email address, to login into the mobile learning app. Once this is done, they have clear access to the resources and templates available on the app.
2. Employees gain confidence
Mobile learning is designed to help employees learn on their own, at a time that is convenient for them. In doing so, they also get the opportunity to look at scenarios laid out for them, as part of their employee training, and come up with solutions to problems directly. Learning like this also allows them to identify what kind of training information they would like to see going forward. When they have this kind of leeway, their confidence levels increase and help them to be more enthusiastic and productive.
3. Information is concise and easy to understand
The whole point of adopting mobile learning for employee training is simple. You want to avoid overwhelming them with tons of information. Therefore, the smartest and most effective way to train employees is to make the training content bite-sized. Use the different templates in HandyTrain to create training content easily. Employees will find it easier to understand and retain information if it is in a picture or video format.
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handy-train · 2 years
Times drastically changed, with the heavily imposed lockdown, companies needed to shift their mode of operations and had to adapt to new ways of working. Working remotely from home was the new norm followed by most companies. Every small and medium enterprise, established organization, or start-up wanted to continue their business operations.  The situation emanated into times of uncertainty, employees were gradually getting accustomed to changing working environments and there was growing uncertainty on the road ahead.
The changed ambiance was rather perceived as an opportunity by organizations.  Companies wanted to utilize this time in investing in their employees. A handful of companies wanted to use this chance to enhance their workforce by imparting training that upskills their existing skills, improvises their management skills, and work collaboratively as a team.
Mobile LMS – The Solution for the Scenario
Mobile Training Apps was the go-to solution considering the times’ businesses were struggling to thrive. The flexible, interactive, and quick learning attributes made it ideal for companies to rely on mobile apps for training purposes. Let’s understand more reasons why companies relied on Mobile Training Apps to keep their employees on the go.
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handy-train · 2 years
Microlearning for Soft Skill Training
The best method in imparting soft skills to employees is microlearning training and not a typical classroom workshop. Soft skills training is done better with Microlearning. Microlearning is a form of training that delivers content in shorter modules as chunks of information, it follows a specific sequence and is designed from the bottom-up to be learned in shorter spans.
We are an easily distracted workforce.
Recent studies have concluded that the attention spans of employees tend to keep shrinking over time. With the onset of technological advancements and the need for constant conversations at the workplace; an employee can be easily distracted thus limiting his attention span. This is here where microlearning comes to play.
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handy-train · 2 years
How Mobile Learning can help in a Lockdown
As the COVID 19 pandemic continues to sweep across the world, India is facing what the experts call, a ‘second wave’. COVID cases going up in almost every state, has meant that each government has had to declare a lockdown, once again, to curb the spread. Lockdowns usually mean that people could go for days, or weeks, where they don’t get to interact with each other in person. This could lead to a drop in morale as well as productivity. So how do you ensure that you don’t forget about taking care of your own frontline employees?
Here are a few ways that you can adopt to ensure that your frontline employees stay safe, upbeat and productive while business may be disrupted during this lockdown.
Teach employees new skills
Helping employees learn new skills could motivate them to work harder, be more productive, be happier, and prepared for anything and everything, during the lockdown. Upskilling should be put at the front of the line so that you don’t have to worry about the job being completed efficiently. One of the easiest ways to ensure that employees get upskilled is to use mobile learning to deploy the information they need to know.
Reduce risks as much as possible
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Safety protocols and other rules and regulations have to be the first thing on everyone’s minds during a time like this. The exposure to COVID-19 must be minimized. You need to keep training employees and communicating any changes to the rules, regulations, and safety protocols to them, without delay.
If not done, people could get very sick and companies could get fined. Mobile learning is a great tool to help employees get safely updated on new safety protocols, rules and regulations.
Engage with Employees Regularly
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated both employees as well as businesses. A lockdown means that most businesses stay shut for an indefinite period. This in turn makes employees worry about how they are going to sustain themselves in the near future. Their morale and productivity drops.
In order to prevent this, you need to be there for them during the lockdown. Check up on them and give them information that they need. This could be information related to the business or just encouraging messages from management.
The HandyTrain app has PULSE forthis exact purpose. With it, you can share real-time information about what’s happening. Or you could simply connect with your employees by putting up motivational posts or video messages.
Another option is the Topics feature that can be used to start a conversation to either share useful information or to just ask questions on anything related to training
Re-induct Employees
First-time employees go through an induction process that introduces them to the company, its management, and how it works. Similarly, when some companies plan to reopen after the lockdown, while their management may not have changed, their processes might have. In such cases, employees will have to be re-inducted.
The quickest and easiest way to get employees trained on the updated processes is to use mobile learning. With mobile learning, they’ll be able to study new topics as well as refresh their previous knowledge quickly and efficiently.
It’s been more than a year of uncertainty thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns happen constantly and businesses aren’t sure how long they’ll be allowed to operate consistently.
There is a need for life to go back to normal as once was, and that may never happen. The only thing left then, is to look forward and keep moving. We all need to learn new ways of working and new skills that could benefit us in the future.
HandyTrain, a frontrunner in the mobile learning industry can help you keep your frontline workforce motivated and engaged, while they learn new skills on their mobile learning app.
To learn more, write to us at [email protected] or to book a demo, click here.
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handy-train · 2 years
How has frontline training changed during COVID-19?
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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be an extremely stressful time for most people. Take frontline employees, for instance. They work long hours, keep changing their job duties and profiles, deal with all types of customers, and worry about their health even more.
From working in stores and showrooms, most employees are now working from home. Almost every industry has also most of its business online to make it easier for people to avoid getting sick. However, this hasn’t been possible for some people such as grocery store workers, retail employees, delivery drivers, and healthcare workers. They are the ones who need to actually report to their workplaces to keep the community running.
There have been so many changes in all aspects of life due to COVID-19. This kind of unprecedented situation has also had companies trying to figure out how to improve their operations. This has meant that employees have had to switch from traditional training methods to online training without missing a beat in day-to-day operations.
Below, you will learn about the kind of impact COVID-19 has had on training for frontline employees.
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