hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Challenges for Implementing
There are going to be inevitable challenges for my company that I chose to implement. There are going to be challenged because it will take time for my company to build their following and implement everything that I have guided them to. I think another thing that the company that I worked with will be challenged with is finding the time to post things and stay on top of it. I think that they will need to hire a full-time employee to handle all of their social media in order to get where they want. Right now they just do not post enough and I think that in the next couple of months they will start to up their game. 
Over this semester I have learned so much about social media and why mass collaboration is so important. I wish everyone the best in their future endeavors and don’t forget to follow CMU’s alumni association accounts now or when you graduate so you can always support your school! Fire Up!
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Effective Content
In order to have effective social media content you have to produce things that follow certain things. You have to provide your followers with useful information that they are searching to see. Something that I found interesting was something that can actually help CMU with their enrollment issues. On your social media it is important to post things that users what to see and things that will influence them. That being said, you can have influencers that will influence your brand or will post about you. What CMU could do is have some type of “Endorsement” deal with someone that is influential to students and can post about CMU. This could be having someone famous that went to CMU that can advocate for CMU and encourage people to apply to CMU.
This relates to my client project for this semester because I am working with CMU’s advancement team which will help increase giving as well as creating future Chippewas. 
Another thing that companies can follow to become better at effective content is just following the basic set up pages for different social media. I have included a link from LinkedIn that I think gives good advice on what to do in order to build your online community. Take a quick read and see how you can effectively help your client with LinkedIn specifically. 
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Online Community
If you are building an online community it is important to make sure that it is effective. There are a couple of things that you have to follow in order for your social media to reach mass collaboration. The first one is that you have to have a vision. In order to obtain vision correctly according to the book is to, understand when community collaboration is appropriate. Secondly, know where it will deliver value. Third, apply an understanding of goals. Lastly, distribute a vision. You also have to have a purpose for what you are posting. You always want to follow purpose by seeing if it has the following characteristics, magnetic, business-aligned, low community risk, measurable, and facilitates evolution. Another thing that you can follow to make sure that you have community collaboration. Overall, it is important to know who your customers are and meet their needs by your social media. 
An example of a company that does a really good job on their social media is Chipotle. They always interact with their customers on social media. Here is an example.
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They are always good about responding to the consumer and making sure they make things right. 
After watching the Hootsuite and working on my client project I have been able to see that an online community is so important for the success of a company. I found that it is important to have an interactive site and to always tweet/post back to your customers and viewers. 
McDonald, Bradley, “The Social Organization”, Gartner, INC. 
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Beware of Big Data
After watching the “Legal Side of Big Data” it was apparent to me that business and consumers need to be aware of many things when it comes to big data. Businesses need to make sure that they know what can happen if they are hacked and what can happen with everyone's data that they have collected. Something that was talked about in the video was when companies conducted background checks they had access to everyone's personal data and it was kept in their system, well the company got hacked and stole all of their employee or potential employees' personal data. This included mental health, arrest data, bankruptcies, salary, job data, passwords, and even social security numbers. This is incredibly scary and companies need to invest in protecting themself against big data as much as they can. Companies need to do a poor risk assessment and ask themselves how likely is it that they will get hacked, what is the cost to protect themself, and will they be less competitive if their private information gets out? Having your data be hacked as both a business and a consumer can be horrible and could potentially bankrupt you. You need to take precautions and have preventative measures to ensure your data will not be sold on the black market and cost you your business. Companies need to be honest about how they share your business. The example is Radio shack where they went into bankruptcy and they even had a sign behind their counter that said, “Your business is safe with us”. But since they went into bankruptcy, where does your data go? Luckily, courts will honor their privacy policy and will not transfer your data somewhere else. Companies need to make sure their privacy policies will protect their customers. 
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Algorithms, Advertising, and Exposure
After reading this article I found that I have very personal experiences with this myself. The one that really stood out for me was exposure. Exposure is something that I have thought about and realized that it is actually a big problem. Since the presidential election is coming up at the end of this year this is where exposure is crucial and as explained in the article people see what they want to see. If you are a democrat or a republican you can alter the type of news you see to what you want to see. For instance, if you are a republican you are going to watch Fox News and from that, your devices will pop up things that are related to the republican points of views and you will see what you want. If you are a democrat you will watch CNN and hear what you want to hear. This can be hurtful to our society because we are not open-minded. It would be nice to view news that is neutral but unfortunately, people chose to expose themself to what they want to see only. Below are some examples of how news stations are one-sided and can create “fake news”.
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For advertising, clickbait is something that we all click on and are often let down once we get the site. What I found interesting about my examples above is that on each site I have pop up ads everywhere and it is all on stuff that I have recently searched or bought. Even though I did not search on my laptop they are still popping up. Once I clicked on the add that says “price drop” it brought me to the site and the swimsuit was the exact same price as before but they just made the number red to make it look like it was lowered. This is just a small personal instance that advertising effects me daily. People are constantly effected by advertising and clickbait. This manipulates people into feeling a certain emotion toward a topic and draws people in. What we can do is ignore those advertisements and do valid research to form our own emotions toward something. 
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Lastly, algorithms. Algorithms are a complex component of the internet and it decides what we view. Algorithms basically make sure that you are seeing the things that are trending at that point in time and make it harder for you to find diverse and random things. I see this all the time on Facebook and Twitter, especially when it comes to things that are trending. I even get a notification when something is trending because the algorithm wants me to see it. This is crazy to me that we are manipulated into what we view on the internet. There is really not much we can do to stop this other than fight for it to stop as a nation. 
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Social Media Consultant
If you are a social media consultant it is important to always give your client the right answer. In order to find the right answer, you need to be able to understand their company and what they are trying to deliver to their consumers. Some qualities that are the most important for being a consultant are creative, adaptive, and confident. If you believe in what you are recommending it will allow you to give great advice and improve social media. Being creative is super important for a social media consultant because you want to be able to market that company in a creative way that will stand out to consumers. Lastly, being adaptive is very crucial especially today. You need to adapt to change and also be ahead of the basic ways of social media. The willingness to change is huge.
 If I were a social media consultant for myself I would tell myself to be more creative and post things that catch people's eye. I would also tell myself to engage with my audience and post more often. On my personal social media, I have not posted too much and if I want follower interaction I need to post more things on my social media and make it interactive. On my business profiles, especially LinkedIn I need to post more and share more to make my feed more credible. I hardly ever post on it and that needs to change. I would love to gain more followers and become a more interactive account. Creativity is where I think I need to start, but what do you think?
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Big Data
Big data is scary but it is how companies make their money. After watching the 60 minute video I realized how much privacy is taken away from us that we willingly give up to the company. Companies know so much about us and they can pass it on from company to company. I knew that our information could be sold as a commodity but I did not know that there is literally a profile of us that collects all of our data that we enter into a system. Something I also found crazy is that we are always being followed and getting data collected from us every time we swipe our card. I think that it is crazy how far we have come when it comes to big data and privacy and how much the internet can attain without us realizing it. In the video when they talked about how every app and website says in their terms and conditions is that they are allowed to take the information that you load into and sell and use. I think that is crazy because there is no way that I would go reading through that long document and notice that. Big data controls everything and it is becoming so powerful that if misused it could destroy people's lives. Big data is good if it is controlled by regulating the ads that you see and giving you things that you want to see. 
After reading "The Internet's Original Sin" and watching Maciej Ceglowski's talk, I was able to get a better idea of how and why companies use surveillance on us to gain revenue. Companies need to have as much information on us or “data points” to get the most effective ad in front of us. Data mining is important for the business to present the best ads as well. In the article when they said that we expect surveillance from the websites we visit and there is really low demand for change, I found that crazy because we have grown to be okay with surveillance. I think it is crazy how far we have come and how much we accept just to be able to use our favorite websites. 
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Goodbye Social Media
For my social media log, I found out that I am on my phone a disgusting amount of time. I really had no idea what it would be because I have never really tracked it before so I was surprised to see that my phone usage was at 5 hours and 30 minutes for the day. I realized that I spend much of my time on Youtube versus other platforms. I also spend a lot of time on Snapchat. After seeing this I was excited to try an experiment where I could stay away from my phone and focus on life beyond a screen. 
I chose to cut out as much social media as I could on Saturday. I figured this would be a good day to do it since I was going to be with my friends and not just sitting around. There is actually a setting on your phone called “Downtime” and there you can schedule time away from your phone. You can choose what time you want this set on, so for Saturday, I set it for noon until 9pm. This is the most social part of my day so it made the most sense to me. During this time I did not go on any apps and I was able to have conversations with people without getting interrupted by my phone and crave for social media. I won't lie it was really hard to not go and turn downtime off, but I was able to manage it. During this time I was able to have a productive day with my friends. I went to the mall and went shopping so during that time it was easy to stay off of my phone. I then went to a late lunch where my full attention was on the person I was with. Then I drove from Grand Rapids to Mount Pleasant and just listened to the radio instead of listening to my playlist or a podcast. Once I got back I was able to hang out with my roommates and talk to them while getting ready for the night. Since my day was so busy I was able to not be so upset about not using my phone. Once 9 pm hit and I was able to use apps I chose to keep my phone away from me and enjoy the company of my friends by leaving my phone in a different room. 
Having this time away from my phone was great and I would definitely do it again. I looked at my screen time for the day and it was down drastically. During this time I was able to have distraction-free conversations and really listen to the person I was talking to. This was a great experiment!
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Social Media Today
After watching Sherry Turkle’s interview I was really able to grasp how social media impacts my life. When Turkle was talking about how there should be safe zones where there is no phone use it brought me back to my childhood. My parents never let me and still do not let me use my phone while eating dinner with me and I think that has made an impact on my life. I was able to have real conversations with my family and actually hear about their day, but if I had my phone out none of us would have meaningful conversations. After watching the video I also found it sad how people are so tied up with being connected that they are disconnecting from real life. There was also a statement where someone felt that talking in real-time is hard because they can’t control exactly what they say. This is something that is sad and something that our culture needs to understand will impact how we interact with people. The article was also eye-opening because I have never really experienced not having a smartphone in my teenage and adult life. If I was bored I would pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram or watch YouTube videos. People seemed to enjoy there time by themself without having a phone, and now I would be upset and mad if my phone wasn’t with me. 
Social media influences me so much honestly. I am constantly checking my feeds to see what everyone else is doing. I need to focus on my life and enjoy what I am doing at that time and not worry about other people. Having the internet constantly available is very distracting. Even when I am in class it is hard to pay attention because I am trying to look something up or am curious about something. It actually is a very negative thing having the internet constantly available.  
A time where I did not have access to the internet is when I have gone on cruises or when I was in Europe. I really enjoyed my time while not having my phone because I was able to focus on the world around me and meet new people. I did notice that when I knew there was going to be wifi at an island we were getting off at I would always run to the nearest wifi just to see what was happening and keep up on everyone else life. As said in the video, I wish I was strong enough to say “no” to my smartphone and be engaged in my own life. 
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hannahhofweber-blog · 4 years
Hi everyone! My name is Hannah Hofweber, I am a senior here at Central Michigan University and am studying Logistics, Purchasing, and Supply Management. I am originally from a small town called Clare which is just 15 minutes north from Mount Pleasant. I am happy that I chose Central for it has given me so many things. I am apart of a couple RSO’s here on campus so you may have seen me around. Right not I am apart of Alpha Gamma Delta and I just wrapped up my term as Vice President of Event Planning back in December. This helped me grow as a professional and I am excited to use some skills I have learned in that role and apply it to this social media class. I am also apart of Supply Chain Management Association where I have been able to network with so many people. In the past, I have been apart of Central Marketing Society and I served as their social and fundraising chairman for a semester. I was apart of the rebranding team that transformed American Marketing Association to Central Marketing Society here on campus. This past summer I interned at Dow Chemical as a supply chain intern and I was able to learn so much which leads me into my career goals. 
My career goals for myself are set very high but I know that is the only way I will be able to achieve high goals. I am still looking for a job for after I graduate in May but I would love to work for an end to end supply chain at a big company. I want to be able to work somewhere where I am able to grow not only as a professional but as a person. My dream job is to be a chief officer of supply chain or purchasing in a Fortune 500 company. I hope one day I am able to achieve my goals.
In this blog, I am hoping that I am able to go out of my comfort zone and post interesting blogs. I have never had a Tumblr before so I am interested to see how my skills will develop over the course. I am hoping that my social media skills will shine and I will be able to improve them and become a better user. I also want to be able to help the company that I chose the best that I can. 
One company that I think uses great social media is Kylie Cosmetics. I am a huge fan of makeup so I am always following the makeup gurus. Kylie Jenner is great when it comes to social media and its no shock that she has a huge social media following. She has 22.9 million followers and has over 6,000 posts. She posts not only pictures of her products but also what it looks like on different people. She also posts about deals and new launches. She is constantly keeping her consumers up to date on everything that is happening in her company. She also uses YouTube as a way to speak to her consumers and followers. Below I posted a few things from her Instagram. As you can see her aesthetic is pleasing to the eye and if you love makeup it is a page you will love. 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyliecosmetics/
Twitter: @kyliecosmetics​
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