harshpal594116 · 1 year
week 5
1. the situations and what happened.
I spent the first two years of college online, so I knew no one so I made no friends.  right now, I am only taking one in person class at HMC, and I also visit the new gym they have to work out and play basketball. I used to open to experience to make new friends there we play pick-up basketball almost every week.
2. what you experienced that was important or interesting.
I experienced that most people want to talk to others, and it all depends what kind of people you’re talking for example extrovert would be more talkative than an introvert.
3. what you learned about your leadership from this experience.
I learned that communication is important when cold approaching people you want to able to speak clearly. A good leader should not be afraid of rejection for example some people wanted to be left alone at the basketball court instead of running a game with strangers which is totally ok.
4. how you might apply this new knowledge to another leadership opportunity?
  This new knowledge will help me connect with my team better they may view me as friendly and approachable.
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harshpal594116 · 1 year
Week Four
When was a time when you were on a high performing team (if you have not been part of a high performing team select your best team experience):
What was happening that made it a high performing team?  
We had a strong leader who knew what he was doing he was intelligent, confidante, and creative. We also had two other group members who put in a lot of effort into their part.   
What was your contribution to the team development?
I was completed my part on time and provided help to other group members whenever they needed it for example, I found useful information they can use for their research
As you look back on this team now, what might you change about the team and about
your role in the team? Why?
I don’t think I want to change anything about the team I believe everything was great, but I would defiantly like to be more independent in completing my part of the work I feel that I was usually being told what to do instead of using my own judgment.
Think of how you currently respond to conflict in a team. In what ways does this help
develop the team and develop yourself. If you feel another approach to handling
conflict might be more effective what might that be?
Whenever there is conflict in a team I always listen to both sides of the story and attempt by best to solve it this allows both parties to feel that they have been heard. This helps the team get along better and become more productive.
If you could do one thing differently when working in future teams what might that be? Why?
I would make sure each group member knows what they are doing because I have worked in group projects in the past were one member or more does not know how to perform their task. This leads to other group members who completed their part become frustrated.
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harshpal594116 · 1 year
Week 3
With your understanding of followership, your personal values and your current understanding of your personal talents/strengths, please write your followership commitment.
This should be a four to five sentence paragraph that describes in what ways you will commit to be an effective follower in the future.
To be an effective follower in the future I will go above and beyond when performing a task whenever I have time. I will also share my ideas with coworkers, leaders, or managers that can help with progress of the workplace. One of my personal values is Personal Development I will attempt to practice what I am weak at even if it takes a long time. My openness to experience will allow me to take more responsibly and risks which can ultimately allow me to become an effective follower.
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harshpal594116 · 1 year
Week Two
Reflect on your top five leadership strengths. These are your personal power tools to differentiate yourself and establishes your leadership style.
My top 5 strengths are  
2. Maximizer
3. Individualization
4. Context
5. Futuristic
2. For each one visualize a situation where you might use this in a leadership role. Make it real-i.e., something from school, work or home that you could make happen. Reflect and write what this might be for each of the five.
Deliberative this can help when making difficult decisions by determining what the risks and pros of that decision may be this strength can be useful in work when a company may need to downsize and terminate their employees.
Maximizer this can be used in work or school it will allow you to build a strong relationship with your group members. They will be able to trust with any problems thy are facing.  
Individualization this could be used in school group assignments you can point out other group members strengths this can allow to find out what tasks that person can complete perfectly.  
Context this can help complete school projects by determining what went well and bad during past projects.
Futuristic this can help in group or school projects by inspiring group members about the benefits of completing the project perfectly and on time.
3. Pick one of the five and go make it happen over the next week. Write about the situation, what you did, what happened and what you learned.
I had to use the maximizer strength when completing a group project in one of my 1st year classes a group member of mine was not completing his work at all and other members and myself had to do his work. I texted him if everything was ok, he responded back had some personal problems I offered to help with his part we both split the work and completed the project.  
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harshpal594116 · 2 years
A time when I was in a leadership position was when I was working a retail job has a cashier, I was responsible for training new employees. The experience was great I like meeting enjoy working with new people sometimes it could be a bit overwhelming for example I would have a huge line of customers and I am helping a customer and two new employees would come up to me and ask me different questions at the same time. I learned that in order to become a great leader you must know how to work under pressure and be an effective communicator like for my example I would have to answer questions clearly in a fast manner but also don’t seem stressed because it would discourage others asking you for help again.
Some leadership skills I believe I have that align with my example is patience a lot of the new hires were high school students who never had a job before, so they had a lot of questions about using the cash registers which I would calmly answer.
I would like to develop my public speaking skills I use to be terrible at it but I am slowly improving. The reason why I would like to improve my public speaking skills is because I believe a strong leader should not be afraid of presenting to a crowd of people at any time it shows that you are confident.
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