harumifuziwara · 3 years
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Sentimentos de Aerith e Cloud
Acho equivocado quem diz que Aerith só gosta do Cloud porquê vê Zack nele, o mesmo para quem diz que Cloud só gosta dela porquê ele se vê sendo o Zack. Eu estava revendo um vídeo de CC, e as únicas semelhanças que Cloud tem com Zack são a espada, a roupa de SOLDIER, os olhos e suas habilidades, como nós sabemos a personalidade de ambos são totalmente o oposto (Cloud se torna introvertido, Zack era extrovertido), então eu me pergunto, como Aerith só iria gostar dele por conta disso, sendo que oque torna Cloud parecido com Zack são tudo que um SOLDIER é, então as pessoas querem que eu acredite que Aerith se apaixonou pela persona de um SOLDIER não pela personalidade de cada um deles? Como Cloud poderia gostar de Aerith apenas por achar que é Zack, sendo que em NENHUM momento da historia foi mencionado qualquer experimento que comprove isso, já que Cloud passou por experimentos para se tornar um SOLDIER e apenas isso. Ao final de CC vemos que Cloud ainda é ele mesmo até o momento da morte de Zack, então as pessoas querem que eu acredite que Cloud naquele momento incorporou os sentimentos de Zack por uma garota que ele nunca viu? novamente, isso nunca foi mencionado na historia, então como isso aconteceu? Se Aerith pediu para Cloud não se apaixonar por ela porque ela sabe que ele não está sendo ele mesmo, porquê ela flertou com ele a todo o momento se ela não queria que isso ocorresse? Se ela sabe que ele não é ele mesmo porquê se aproximou tanto? E descobrimos futuramente que Aerith já sabia que Cloud não estava sendo ele mesmo, e no Remake ela tem consciência disso desde o começo. E por ultimo, Aerith muitas vezes no jogo da indícios de ter seguido em frente mesmo ainda se lembrando de Zack, mas isso não anula que ela também se apaixonou pelo Cloud, o mesmo vale para Cloud, se ele gostava de Tifa na infância, no presente ele se apaixona pela Aerith, isso não anula seus sentimentos. "Mas ambos os personagens morrem" sim, mas fora a interpretação de muitos, na HISTORIA não há nada que comprove a união de Aerith e Zack no Lifestream, em nenhum momento ela menciona Zack  após sua morte (novel, livro, filme) o mesmo para Cloud, que vive com Tifa e as crianças, mas que não há qualquer aproximação que comprove um relacionamento romântico entre eles, pelo contrário, indica que sua relação não estava indo muito bem, depois de Cloud se recuperar de sua depressão não há nada que comprove que Cloud se aproximou de Tifa de outra forma que não seja a maneira que ele normalmente a trata, então Cloud não pode ter uma família afetuosa com aqueles que ele ama?
Mas claro, cada um pode ter suas interpretação e fazer o final que quiser, o final abre leque para muitas interpretações sobre os personagens, mas distorcer a história principalmente quando não se tem como provar alegando coisas que simplesmente não são mencionadas é bem infantil na minha opinião.
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Eren’s Choice: Mikasa and Historia, Between Selflessness and Self
So. Mega EH vibes this chapter.
Eren trusts Historia with a secret he wouldn’t impart to anyone else close to him, because (as I predicted >:3) the moment she chose him over the world left an indelible impression on him.
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When Historia realises how important that moment was to him, she begins to look at what he’s told her in a different light.
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
List of reasons why Historia’s pregnancy doesn’t belong to any plan and Eren is most likely the father of her child.
This is a list of references for EreHisu fans to avoid wasting time to explain everything to speed readers. You don’t need to be Japanese to understand plot and theme, but you need to have ability to connect the dots in the whole picture and EHs have reasons to say Eren is the father of Historia’s child.
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Reasons to ship Erehisu (Part V)
47. Historia chose Eren's plan
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48. Historia is not included in Eren's friends shard
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49. Historia lied about her pregnancy due date
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50. Final panel
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Reasons to ship Erehisu (Part IV)
32. Eren told everyone that he is concerned with historia (106)
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33. Eren smiled at Historia (107)
34. Totally ignored mikasa
35. Even Hange noticed it
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36. Eren stand up for historia
37. Historia was moved plus tears
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38. Hange confronting him about Historia triggered Eren
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39. Farmer being the daddy is just a speculations of the MP's (108)
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40. Historia didnt marry farmer kun
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41. Eren is the hooded guy
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42. Eren told his plan to historia (130)
43. Even if its too risky
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44. Eren breaking his code by manipulating Historia's memory
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45. Zeke talking about mikasa loves him, made eren thought of Historia
46. EH baby convo
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Reasons to ship Ereihus (Part III)
22. And encouraged the death of her father
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23. Historia also understands Eren's father for killing her family
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24. Eren admired Historia for being so strong (68)
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25. Eren and Historia straight up flirting (70)
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26. Mikasa's jelous
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27. Erehisu holding hands mentioned by Jean
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28. Eren hide information from everyone for Historia's safety (89)
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29. Happy to give up his own life to change something (90)
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30. But not sacrificing Historia
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31. Isayama loves drawing Eren kissing historia's hand
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Reasons to ship Erehisu (Part II)
12. Eren didnt like Krista, and noticed it's a fake
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13. But Eren like Historia now, a normal girl who's absurdly honest
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14. Historia saw herself in Eren (65)
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15. Historia is really happy when Eren called her "normal"
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16. Histora beat her father and saved Eren (66)
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17. Declared herself Enemies of humanity and the worst girl in the world
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18. But historia is eren's ally
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19. Historia mentioned "hold hands till we die" to eren
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20. Isayama confirmed that Historia helped Eren emerged from abyss
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21. Eren suggested to feed him to Hisu's father but Historia defended her (67)
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Reasons to ship Erehisu (Part I)
1. They are parallel to the story of "the Devil with Lamp and a girl offering an apple"
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2. Both of their mother died in front of them
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3. Both of their father forced them to play a role
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4. Jaegers has a thing from Royal Blood
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5. EH has someone that loves them so much
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6. Freckled Ymir entrusted Historia's future to Eren
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7. Eren sees mikasa as her mother/big sister
8. Confirmed by Isayama that Mikasa's presence to Eren is more like a mother head figure rather than a lover
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9. EH shared a room with only the 2 of them (ch. 54)
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10. Eren comforted Historia from her anxiety after Ymir left.
11. Eren totally understands Historia
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Dusk till Dawn 🌅🌄
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
Crazy how we still haven’t seen the answer to historia’s question to Eren nor have we seen the status of her giving birth, all this while haven’t seen Eren’s POV and Hisu’s POV yet.
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
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Snk Wallpapers
For graphic requests
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
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high school au.
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
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I can’t be a good girl, and I don’t want to be a God. But… When I see someone crying, saying no one needs them… I want to tell them that’s not true! No matter who, no matter where, I’ll come to the rescue!
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
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“shingeki no kyojin”
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harumifuziwara · 3 years
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Eren & Krista - S03EP08 
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