have---heart · 4 years
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             HIS HEART skipped a beat as he saw her grin so wide , the sight being by far his favourite that he had seen in all his time here in wrenbury . there was just something so beautiful about her ; not only physically , but her entire auora was just breathtaking . it might have been stupid , how instantly he was taken by her , but he couldn’t ignore his giddiness , his bashfulness , his nervousness . he felt like he was back in grade school , experiencing what he imagined his first crush would have felt like if the feelings had been even the slightest bit mutual . it was pure , sweet , surprising .
the simple act of shaking hands was usually uninteresting to most , unimportant and a natural reflex when meeting someone . for apollo , the contact evoked such strong feelings inside of him , the touch being mutually electric . he hadn’t even realised that they both kept holding on to each other’s hands until celia had let go , a deep blush covering his cheeks . thankfully , she didn’t seem to mind , offering up a suggestion for where they could go instead . how was he so lucky , to have met someone so kind to him ?
nodding his head , apollo slid his hands into his pockets , trying to hold back the enormous smile that threatened to spread over his face . “ that sounds great . ” he trusted her opinion , beginning to walk with her in the direction of the main town , where the cafe would be . “ so you’re here with your brother ? did you come here with any other family ? ” he questioned , simply curious about the girl and her life . he couldn’t help but notice the pang of pain in his chest as he thought about his own family , as he thought about his own brother who he missed more than anything . but he couldn’t let himself get stuck in his thoughts about him ; the real apollo would have hated it if he saw his brother so upset in a moment like this , when he had just met the loveliest girl . 
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Celia definitely felt a little silly with how she felt around Apollo, she almost felt careless for how quickly she was becoming smitten with him, she wondered how V would react to her behaviour at the moment, she imagined him being completely embarrassed by his sister who looked like an absolute tomato, it was probably better if she didn’t say anything; not wanting to jinx anything.
Celia loved the way Apollo’s cheeks would flush a deep red, she couldn’t help but think it only made him even more attractive, she also couldn’t help but feel a little giddy that she wasn’t the only one blushing. She watched him put his hands in his pockets and watched them carefully, she wanted to hold them again, ‘ God Celia ! Get a grip on yourself  ’ she thought to herself hoping to calm down her obvious raging hormones, being the only logical reason in her mind. 
She smiled at Apollo’s agreement to her choice walking calmly beside him, however, she was internally panicking if the cafe was actually as good as she remembered when her thoughts abruptly stopped due to Apollo mentioning family, “ Oh , yeah just my brother, he wanted to leave home and I didn’t want him to go alone, so uh.. no other family is here just us . ” she couldn’t help but to think about her parents and just the unresolved anger that is buried inside, her brows furrowing as she tried to push the emotions back, she finally felt calm enough to look back up at Apollo, “ What about you ? Did you come here with any family ? ” Celia was extremely interested in Apollo, he seemed so mysterious, the quiet people were always the most interesting ones she found, she couldn’t help but think she could spend hours listening to this boy talk about himself. 
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have---heart · 4 years
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             VALENTIN SMILED a soft smile at her words , shaking his head a little as she giggled . “ well then it’s a win-win situation , huh ? ” it was nice hearing her laugh , seeing her smile ; it reminded him of when they were younger , when things weren’t as difficult , when they still hadn’t become fully aware of how sad their lives really were , all alone with only each other for company or support . “ i wouldn’t call it lazy , i’d call it smart . i’d be the first person to call you a massive dummy if i found out you were roaming around wrenbury all alone . ” he was attempting to lighten the mood , to keep that smile on her face , to keep hearing that soft laughter .
it was his turn to laugh now , as he was pulled from the bedroom so enthusiastically by his older sister . sure , it was a little embarrassing , but valentin would take the most extreme embarrassment over loneliness any day . “ hmm , i’m not exactly sure what i’m craving . ” he shoved his hands into his pockets once she let him go . “ i’d be happy with whatever , ” though he said those words , valentin had always been a tremendously picky eater . he was never the kind to kick up a fuss about it , he was simply the kind that would eat the same meals and foods often . “ maybe somewhere where we could get some tea would be good , though . ” he thought out loud , beginning to walk with her towards the main town .
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Celia laughed at V’s words, “ Oh please, the only dummy that exists between us is definitely you. ” Celia joked back as she gently bumped V’s shoulder with her own, “ But I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received from you, calling me smart ! ” purposely teasing V with his own words.
Celia’s heart felt full hearing her younger brother laugh, it felt like reassurance that she was doing something right as his older sister, but she couldn’t help but notice that it was so easy for him to retreat back into what it looked like to her, a shy stance. “ Happy with whatever ? ” Celia couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “ I know you better than that V. ” Celia said, giving her brother a look which spoke ‘ don’t even try to deny your fussiness ‘ she knew he always would prefer to stick with meals he likes and wasn’t adventurous, little things like that remind her of the little brother she grew up with. “ I’m pretty sure most places will serve tea ? Surely they would. ” Celia said responding to V. 
Celia felt good stretching her legs as they walked towards the main town, she knew it was a little walk away but not too far, she enjoyed walking regardless. “ Sooo, made any friends here ? ” she didn’t expect her brother to answer knowing he’s very private, but she thought she’d attempt to spark up a conversation.
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have---heart · 4 years
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              EVEN THOUGH samuel’s words were honestly kind of silly , jasper’s heart skipped a beat as he listened to him speak , genuine happy laughter leaving his lips as his husband then winked playfully in his direction . their relationship was just perfect ; his husband was his best friend , and this man had an incredible ability to make jasper feel happy no matter what the circumstances were . though he felt slightly silly for being suddenly overcome with such a fondness for the other , he could in no way help it , walking beside samuel with the largest grin on his face . “ for life . ” he held up his left hand , the shine of his wedding ring becoming the centre of attention . “ oh stop your pouting .” he chuckled , stopping them from walking for just a moment so that he could press a small kiss to that pout that he adored . but then he kept walking , his laughter reaching it’s loudest as samuel spoke up again - talking about his big head . “ you’re an asshole . ” he spoke so fondly , shaking his head .
as they continued walking , they continued laughing . laughter seemed to always follow them wherever they went , which was something jasper loved so much . “ i hate you . ” he spoke through the laughter , those three words always meaning the opposite when he told them to samuel . “ i guess you’re kinda cute sometimes . ” his smile was so wide , so fond in response to samuel’s softness . as they were so busy with their banter and fondness for each other , the somewhat long walk felt so short . jasper could already see the sandy ground ahead of them , the waves crashing softly onto the shore . few people were scattered along the beach , some in the water , there being plenty of room for the addition of this couple . “ aren’t you glad i dragged you out of bed this morning ? and aren’t you glad i’m such great company , making time pass so fast ? honestly , what would you do without me ? ”
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Samuel was embarrassed how easy it was for him to feel like a helpless young romantic when Jasper did bold acts of affection completely unprompted, well maybe slightly encouraged, feeling incredibly lucky that this was all his and he’s allowed to have this, have Jasper, his pout leaving instantly as the other gave him a small kiss, smiling as the stubble tickles his face. Laughing along with his husband again, it truly never stopped with them, he couldn’t help but gently shove Jasper's shoulder at the joking insult directed towards him.
“ I hate you more . ” Samuel declared loudly with a soft smile, knowing those three words from his husband mean the complete opposite, yet still powerful enough to make him feel fuzzy on the inside no matter how many different forms or times he said it. “ You Guess ?! ” jaw dropping as he repeated his husband's words, pretending to be offended resting a hand on his chest dramatically, “ I dare say I’m the cutest . ” he couldn’t help but think that in actuality it was Jasper who was the cutest. Samuel was soon torn from his show stopping performance when he could hear the sound of waves, he honestly didn’t realise how quick the walk went but that was always the case when he was with Jasper, time would literally fly. 
Samuel couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous, he was not ashamed of being married to Jasper, however, a small part inside of him will always stress about the public's opinion, he looked over to see Jasper smiling as he always did, that really was all it took now for Samuel to push that small part of anxiety in his mind completely away. “ Not really , especially when I think about what we could have been doing in bed . ” Samuel smirked, hoping his joke would stir up his husband, he took that time to kiss Jasper on the cheek softly hoping that the small action would emphasise that he was truly happy he was dragged out of bed, “ Honestly I’d probably be a fat potato who wouldn’t even know of the outside world, please don’t ever leave me. ” Samuel said laughing at the thought, he began the adventure onto the sand dragging his husband along with him determined to find the perfect spot for them to place their belongings on the sand, he wouldn’t be calm if it wasn’t the most perfect spot; He was satisfied when he found a quiet spot not too close to anyone else with a good balance of shade and sunlight, dropping the bag with satisfaction and began stretching his arms, “ What do you want to do first ? ”
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have---heart · 4 years
He nodded politely and shoved his hand back into his pocket. Ryan. He’d have to remember that. He was typically good with names and faces, save for when he’s sober. Then something his mother called his “reptilian brain stem” came into play and he lost all sense of manners. 
“Not long,” he responded, “though I could probably use a guide around here. As soon as I settled in, I found a doll on our doorstep? Kind of weird but that is southern charm for you.” He played it off, pushing down his own doubts. Maybe if he voiced it aloud to Ryan it would ease him. 
“You been here long? I haven’t really found anyone yet who has been here for more than a few days.”
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Ryan froze momentarily at the mention of the creepy doll, he’d been trying to forget about the disturbing memory of finding it on his bed; his brows furrowed as the image of the doll stayed stuck in his head, remembering the note left on the bulletin board by ‘The doll’. 
Shivering the thought away, Ryan did his best to smile and push it once again in the past, “ No , I wouldn’t say it’s a usual southern charm , everyone at the camp received one... I chucked mine in the trash straight away seeing as though it was left by some crazy person in this town. ” Ryan really anxiously wanted to warn Lincoln and tell him to do the same; but knew it wasn’t his place to overstep and so far there is no word of the dolls being dangerous. “ Buuuut , I’d love to be your guide if you would be happy for me to do it ! ” Ryan said grinning wide, shoving his hands in his pockets nervously.
“ I’ve been here for a few weeks, so I know a little bit about the town, no expert yet, but it’s definitely been a..interesting roller coaster from the start, any reason you picked Wrenbury in particular ? ” Ryan asked, tilting his head curiously, he knew he needed to find a small town to get away from his own life, but couldn’t imagine why other people would willingly come to such an weird, outdated town.
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have---heart · 4 years
The first response was all he had expected out of the stranger. HE figured they would chalk it up to a weird comment but a random dude and move along but when he heard a second statement, a small smile crept on his features. Free.
“It is a bit of an escape, isn’t it? No borders. Just endless possibilities,” he mused, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets. He let that thought settle with him for a moment, considering the world on the other side of the ocean and finally turned to regard the man who had stopped alongside him.
“Sometimes. When I need to be reminded.” He offered a small smile and pushed his hand out in greeting. “Lincoln Carter.”
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Ryan moved closer to the edge standing directly next to the man, he couldn’t help but return a smile when he noticed the small smile that appeared on the other mans face, “ Mm yeah, a world full of opportunities.” Ryan said, whilst nodding with agreement with the man’s statement as he looked out towards the sea, suddenly feeling nervous when the man turned to face him shifting on his feet slightly , “ R-Ryan Knight. ” shaking Lincoln's hand politely, “ It’s nice to meet you Lincoln.” offering the best smile he could muster trying to ignore his anxieties, “ I don’t think I’ve seen you around, how long have you been in Wrenbury ? “ curiosity getting the better of him.
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have---heart · 4 years
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             THEY SEEMED to instantly click , to instantly have this strange sort of chemistry that apollo had never experienced with anyone else before . sure , they didn’t even know each other’s names , but the oddly immediate feelings were still real . it was evident in their goofy smiles , and in their mutual bashfulness . it was sweet , it was special , it was something . and apollo had been searching for something to make him feel a little better for quite some time now . “ lucky you caught my eye . ” as always , his voice was quiet and soft , but this time it was intentional , as he didn’t want to be perceived as some creep who had been watching her . 
her enthusiasm didn’t scare him , it was far from doing that ; instead , it caused a large smile to spread over his face , an excited flutter filling his chest . he couldn’t believe this . was she really , truly excited over the idea of getting a coffee with him ? he felt weirdly lucky for someone in wrenbury . “ of course i want to , you’re not forcing me to do anything . i’m really happy you suggested it . ” he spoke sincerely , nodding his head . “ oh , sorry , ” he shook his head , feeling bad that he hadn’t introduced himself yet . “ i’m a-apollo . ” after all this time , he still couldn’t help but stutter when having to introduce himself . “ it’s really lovely to meet you celia  . ” he reached out , taking her much smaller hand in his and shaking it politely , finding her actions to be rather adorable . “ i literally know no one else here , so i get it . it’s really nice to finally meet someone nice . ” he was glad he wasn’t so alone anymore , and glad she understood how it felt to be new here .
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Celia looked away with a fierce blush at the quiet compliment from the man, she was somewhat scared and excited at the same time to think that this man might actually have the same instantaneous feelings that she’s experiencing, would that be too much to ask for?.. Celia felt somewhat guilty deep down that whilst she’s acting like a schoolgirl, V was probably alone, she knows that she shouldn’t feel guilty for making friends but it’s always been her and V, this was scary and new, something she’s never experienced.
Seeing the grin spread across the man's face from her enthusiasm caused a giant grin to spread on her features, the unspoken reassurance causing a flutter to spark in her heart, it’s such an unfamiliar feeling but it felt good, “ o-oh, I’m glad ! ” a small chuckle escaping her, “ Don’t be sorry, it’s really nice to meet you Apollo. ” finding his little stutter cute, smiling as they shook hands, the simple touch feeling electric to her. 
Celia was shocked at Apollo’s confession to knowing no one, it did make sense after seeing how shy he was, but she still couldn’t understand how someone so handsome and kind didn’t know anyone, “ It is really nice.. ” she noticed she was still holding his hand and quickly dropped it, cringing at her rushed actions that lacked any sense of casualness, “ There’s a really good cafe I went to the other day with my brother that’s close to here, would you be ok with going there ? ” Celia asked motioning towards the direction they’d need to walk in, an overwhelming amount of excitement filling her, she didn’t know if she’d be able to get rid of the soft smile on her face even if she tried.
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have---heart · 4 years
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      THE STARTLED KID startles him, causing him to jump a little before his expression cracks into an amused grin. something about the obscurity of night must have caused him to think the guy was looking directly at him. weird.
“ didn’t mean to scare you, man. are you good? “ isaac outstretches a palm like he’s regarding a frightened animal; poor guy even looks like one. his confession causes isaac to bite down on his laughter. “ you should try it. it’ll help you chill out. “
he doesn’t give any pause to the boy’s ensuing words; he lives in the city, for fuck’s sake. he can handle a little campsite. “ i’m good out here, actually, but thanks. and yeah, I’m new. just drove up here a few hours ago. “
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Ryan couldn’t help but blush and look away at how the male grinned towards him, he soon realised he didn’t cover up his little scare as well as he thought he did, especially with the way the guy carefully talked to him, “ Yeah I’m good, just a little on edge.. ” Ryan shrugged, “ Okay, sure, that would be nice. ” Letting out a small laugh at himself, casually walking closer towards the other male, “ Do you mind if I sit here? ” Ryan asked with a soft smile, he hasn’t really made any friends since he’s been in this town, it feels nice to actually talk with someone. Feeling like he overstepped with his word of warning he tried to the conversation light, “ I’m Ryan, where’re you from? ” hoping he wasn’t being too invasive.
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have---heart · 4 years
Lincoln found himself standing at the edge of the world. 
Or, rather, the edge of the camp. With his hands shoved in his pockets, he stared out into the Atlantic ocean with its swirling clouds and misty spray. He found the ocean to be deafening, even on this small, rocky beach. It spread out in every direction from behind the stables, seeming to swallow the world whole. Somewhere, on the other side of the world, people were just waking up to start a new day but here he was, standing on a beach with nothing to show for an entire day. It felt good, somehow.
Suddenly, Lincoln felt that he wasn’t alone. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end but he quickly quieted his anxiety. “Makes you feel small, don’t it?” It was a simple statement, with a simple air to his conversation starter, but suddenly it had a deeper meaning. The ocean, the world ending just a mile north, the killers on the loose. All of it could make someone feel small.
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Ryan walked along the the edge of the camp taking in the scenery, trying to clear his thoughts as it’s still a mess from the musical; plus witnessing a ruthless murder. Honestly, he was terrified, with everything going on and now having the Phantom let everyone know that they’re a target.. Yeah, he definitely was scared. With nowhere feeling safe anymore Ryan found himself constantly moving around as much as possible, he found watching the sea peaceful, calming his anxiety a little which was desperately needed here in Wrenbury.
Ryan rounded the corner, slowing down to a stop as he noticed someone watching the ocean looking lost in thought. Watching he realised he must seem like a creep so he decided he should continue walking and stop staring, focusing on keeping his head down as he walked past only to immediately halt, looking up when he heard the guy speak, “ huh?  yeah a little. ” Ryan shrugged surprised by the loaded question, he looked back out towards the ocean taking a moment to think about it, “It makes me feel free, I find myself thinking about the future a lot when I look at the ocean.” Ryan admitted honestly, feeling a little vulnerable with the small confession, “Do you come look at the ocean often?” Ryan asked, trying his best to remain casual and not like the anxious mess he is.
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have---heart · 4 years
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              VALENTIN WAS able to laugh as celia hugged him so tight ; while his mind was still filled with all of his worries , his doubts , his fears , the small , quiet laugh he let out was genuine . it didn’t change the fact that wrenbury felt suffocating , but it was helping him get through it . her joking around was helping a little also ; while it didn’t get rid of the bad feelings , it provided him with distractions - distractions being more than needed in his current state .
“ well that’s what i’m here for . what’s the use of having an annoying little brother if he doesn’t drag you out to buy him food , right ? ” although he was joking right back at her , his voice remained quiet , gentle , the only sign to show that he was joking being the small smile on his lips . “ i still don’t really know many places around here , maybe wandering around would be the best call . ” he spoke as he got up off of her bed , straightening up the oversized jumper he wore , then running a hand through his curls in an attempt to tame them . 
“ uuuh , it’s pretty windy out there . while it’s not actually a bad temperature , it can be a little chilly in the wind , so i’d probably take a jumper just in case . ” he was half thinking out loud as he spoke , something that didn’t occur often as valentin was usually so calculated , overthinking every little word he spoke to ensure it was perfect . he trusted that he couldn’t possibly overshare while talking about the weather though , so he let himself relax the slightest bit - knowing that he needed to relax as much as he could , before it all got too much . “ you ready to go ? ”
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Celia could sense that V’s troubles were still swarming his mind, but she couldn’t help but give a soft smile V’s efforts to appear like he was fine, she truly loved her brother and hearing his soft voice try to joke flooded Celia with fierce need to protect him, however, she couldn’t help feeling guilty deep down for the time she was away and how she personally felt like V changed so much during that time. “Pfft.. I guess, maybe I just secretly enjoy spoiling my brother with food.” A small giggle escaping her lips turning into a soft smile, “Yeah I agree, I don’t really know that many places either, I’ve been lazy.” Celia couldn’t help but chuckle at his poor attempt to tame his curls, she had to fight off the urge to fix them again herself. 
Celia nodded, agreeing with her brother; pulling out a nice big coat from her wardrobe and putting it on, she looked at her appearance in the mirror to make sure she looked somewhat acceptable to leave the house, she could see V looking deep in thought behind her. “Yep, I’m all ready!” Cheerfully turning around to face her brother, she linked her arm in his and enthusiastically led them out of her room knowing that she was probably embarrassing V, but she was proudly playing her part as a sister, “Got any cravings? I think I’m feeling something a little more savoury but I don’t mind if you want something else.” she dropped his arm making sure she locked the door, especially with everything happening she felt herself becoming overly cautious.
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have---heart · 4 years
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             JASPER GASPED at samuel’s words as if he was truly hurt , but as usual , he could only hold the facade for the shortest moment before he was laughing along with his husband . “ you are one cold-hearted bitch sometimes sammie , you know that ? ” he laughed as he spoke , not really meaning his words of course . the two knew each other well enough to almost always know when the other would take jokes like these well , and when they wouldn’t ; a lot of their relationship - going as far back as when they were children - was filled with this kind of banter and joking around , and jasper wouldn’t want it any other way . “ you love my big head . just like how i love your height . ” he smirked to himself , referencing a long-running joke between the two - the joke being that samuel was short , even though he was only ten centimeters shorter than jasper now .
they could be in any weather condition anywhere in the world , and it would likely be better than park city . that was what jasper thought immediately as his husband brought up their hometown , but before he had the chance to say anything in response , samuel had changed the subject . he felt like it had been intentional , and though he wouldn’t point it out , a genuine smile returned on his face because of it . “ do you know how ridiculous it would look ? if i carried you ? if i carried a grown ass man down to the beach ? ” he snorted as he laughed , shaking his head out of amusement . “ it’s not that far , aren’t i good company ? what’re you in such a rush for huh ? ” he nudged samuel playfully as they walked , laughing happily , then bringing their hands up to his face to kiss the back of the other man’s hand so sweetly . “ i’ve been here as long as you have , so i don’t know how long it’ll take us . but it’ll be a nice walk . ” his voice was gentle for once , that determination to make their day good showing itself as he turned so soft .
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Samuel’s stomach was hurting from laughing so much, making him walk slower due to him being unable to catch his breath half the time and honestly, he wouldn’t want it any other way, “ Yeah that’s true, but at least I’m your bitch. ” Samuel said with a smirk, whilst giving Jasper an attempted sexy wink. He couldn’t help but purposely pout at the joke about his height, he knows he isn’t that short and his husband is just a giraffe, even though it’s only a 10 centimetre difference, however, he’s now stuck with suppressing the urge to walk on his toes to make himself appear taller, not wanting to give Jasper the satisfaction of winning, “ I really do love your big head. ” A big genuine smile resting on his face, “ Precisely why I married you, I’ll always be provided with shade by your whopping height and ‘big’ head. ” Squeezing their intertwined hands with affection. 
Samuel felt himself almost crying from laughing so hard, Jasper always had that impact on him, “ I believe it would make you look quite tough, people would look and admire you, the strength and determination of carrying your loving husband down the beach, dare I say.. they would be jealous. ” He said gasping dramatically, only to join his husband once again laughing, “ Hm.. debatable. ” turning his head to look at Jasper, “ You’re the absolute best company a guy could ask for. ” Samuel couldn’t help but immediately go soft when Jasper kissed his hand, a gentle smile forming on his lips, “ I’m just excited. ” He honestly was, to Samuel this day was so perfect he was scared he’d jinx it, “ But you’re supposed to know everything! ” Samuel joked, knowing out of the both of them Samuel was always the most organised between the two as that’s how it’s always been their whole lives. 
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have---heart · 4 years
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       HIS FIRST NIGHT. arriving in the dark was less than ideal, as was quietly unpacking his things in the tight, populated heat of the cabin, trying his best not to stir the sleeping bodies around him. but the fresh air is a welcome respite, a staggering difference from the industrial smog of boston. upon arriving, his only thought rang clear and concise: he’d do anything to smoke a joint right now.
luckily, he was smart enough to bring a couple of prerolls, tucked away in a little cigarette case he’d accidentally snagged from one of his friends ages ago. under the cover of darkness, isaac wanders about the campsite until he finds an adequate place to smoke. he settles for a cool spot under an oak tree and has only taken a couple of hits when he meets eyes with a passing stranger.
       “ c’mon. you’re looking at me like you want to hit this. “
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Ryan was walking aimlessly around the cabins, he didn’t really know what he was doing but if he was honest with himself, the last place he wanted to be was trapped inside his room which is now no longer safe. He shivered, not from the wind but from the image of the doll that once again resurfaced in his mind, he’s been trying desperately to suppress it in the back of his mind with little success, his anxiety basically made it impossible for him to lay still, frustrated, he settled for walking around the cabins, sticking somewhat close to them so he isn’t putting himself in too much danger.
He’d been walking for a while when he nearly jumped out of his skin when a voice spoke up next to him, he was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the guy sitting down by the tree, he shove his hands in his pockets; pretending he wasn’t just scared half to death as he stared at the joint in the guys hand, “I uh, I’ve never tried it before..” Ryan admitted, smiling realising how much of a dork he must sound, he realised that he’s never seen this person before around camp,  “Are you new here? In any case you might want to be careful, It’s dangerous to be alone especially at night.” even though he idiotically spent the past hour walking around by himself.
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have---heart · 4 years
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maisie  had  spent  a  great  deal  of  time  in  the  great  hall  that  morning,  taking  advantage  of  the  huge  kitchen  that  was  a  thousand  times  greater  (  and  clearly  more  expensive  )  than  the  kitchen  of  her  small  home  in  maine.  the  kitchen  was  evident  that  the  camp  once  had  great  funding;  but  that  must  have  fizzled  out  due  to  wrenbury’s  dwindling  population.  maisie  considered  herself  a  stress  baker.  though  it  sometimes  resulted  in  her  having  an  abundance  of  baked  goods  that  she  didn’t  have  the  ability  to  consume,  she  figured  that  as  far  as  coping  mechanisms  went,  baking  was  probably  one  of  the  more  harmless  ones.  she  neatly  piled  her  freshly  baked  and  cooled  almond  cookies  into  a  tupperware  container,  and  tucked  it  carefully  under  her  arm  as  she  opened  her  umbrella,  prepared  to  walk  back  to  the  cabin  in  the  hot  rain.  
her  hair  was  a  mess  by  the  time  she  got  back.  she  straightened  herself  out,  putting  her  umbrella  on  the  hook  of  the  cabin  door  and  she  headed  to  her  room  in  preparation  to  get  rid  of  the  bright  yellow  raincoat  that  she  was  sporting.  (  she  was  thankful  she’d  brought  it.  )  maisie  was  shocked  to  find  her  door  open,  only  by  a  few  inches.  she  was  sure  she’d  shut  it  when  she  left…
❝  i-i’m  sorry,  what  are  you  doing  ?  ❞  she  wasn’t  sure  how  she’d  managed  to  be  so  brave  -  but  even  then,  her  tone  wasn’t  threatening  or  even  accusatory.  she  was  quiet,  and  a  sweet  smile  never  left  her  face  despite  the  invasion  of  her  privacy  that  she  was  witnessing.  ❝  can  i  help  you  ?  ❞  
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Delilah was startled by the voice at the door, “ Sorry I was just looking for something to drink, do you- “ only to stop talking and take in the appearance of the woman who was clearly the owner of this wardrobe that Delilah just emptied, she was surprised by the gentle nature of the woman, she just raided her room and yet she stood there with a smile. Delilah stood up and with grace walked towards the woman, her hand gently grazing the damp hair hanging next to the woman's cheek, she wasn’t even sure when it started raining, “ Sorry about your wardrobe, I promise to fix it. ” Delilah said dropping the damp damp hair, she couldn’t help but notice how she towered over this small woman. 
She took a step back to give the woman some space again,  “I’m in desperate need for a drink ..” giving the woman one her most charming smiles, hoping that would be enough of an explanation for her actions, “ I’m Delilah..are those cookies ? ” Delilah asked, softly laughing at the image of this small woman, drenched in a raincoat, carrying a container of cookies, it was almost too amusing and adorable for Delilah’s eyes to take in.
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have---heart · 4 years
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             APOLLO HAD been so anxious , speaking up , talking to the beautiful young woman . though he knew he had a valid reason to speak to her - as she definitely needed her cabin key back - he was terrified that he would be met with an awful reaction . though people hadn’t really treated him badly in quite some time now , the fear of being mistreated was always on the boy’s mind when he interacted with others , that fear of course stemming from his childhood . while the girl looked kind , and while apollo wasn’t judging her before he even knew her - not assuming that she would be unkind to him because she was unkind - apollo was understandably still worried .
he felt guilty as she jumped , guilty that he had startled her when he had tried to be as soft and gentle as he possibly could be , but those feelings washed away almost immediately as he was met with the loveliest reaction . her laugh brought a small smile to his face , the rosiness of her cheeks making it even wider . god , she was so beautiful . “ it’s not really a trip to the beach if you don’t lose something in the sand , right ? ” he laughed softly , trying to reassure her that she wasn’t silly at all . “ you don’t need to thank me , i’m just glad i could help , i’m glad i saw it fall and knew where to find it . ” he shook his head , smiling at her .
and with that , apollo believed that their conversation would be over . she thanked him so kindly , and he automatically assumed that her interest in him would be over now that the key had been returned . it was a shock , to say the very least , when she asked if she could buy him a coffee ; but it was the best kind of shock he had ever received . “ oh , you don’t have get me anything , really , it’s fine . ” he shook his head quickly , before he had a sudden thought . if he turned this down , he would probably never get the chance to get a coffee with her again . “ i mean , i am in the mood for a coffee , if you wanted to join me ? but i don’t expect you to get me anything . like i said , i’m just glad i could help . ” the blush was on his cheeks this time , nervous butterflies flooding his stomach .
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Celia was mesmerised by the sound of his laughter, as she contemplates not talking so she could listen to it more, “Yeah I suppose that’s true, lucky you were there.” Joining him with her own little chuckle, feeling validated by her slight clumsiness. Celia was surprised how gentle this man was, smiling to herself as she realised that you wouldn’t know this man was incredibly kind if you didn’t speak to him, she was suddenly super thankful that she dropped her key. 
Trying her best to keep eye contact with him, Celia began to shift around as she waited nervously for him to respond to her offer, “ Oh .. ” almost inaudible, so quiet he probably didn’t he even hear her, quickly feeling rising panic, how could she be stupid enough to think someone as handsome and kind as him would even consider taking up her offer.. she was torn away from her anxious thoughts within seconds as she heard him speak up again, relief flooding her just from his words; butterflies creating a storm inside her, she felt herself almost swooning over his flushed cheeks, “ I would love that ! ” worried that her enthusiasm might scare him, “ I mean if you really want to? I don’t want to force you .. ” Celia asked, looking down worried he might be only accepting out of kindness, suddenly realising she doesn’t know his name, “I’m Celia by the way..I don’t really know anyone in Wrenbury, so it’s nice to meet someone.” Celia said, giving a genuine smile as she extended an awkward hand, isn’t that what people usually do when they meet someone? she questioned herself and honestly, she didn’t even know anymore so she just sort of laughed at how bizarre she must look right now. 
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have---heart · 4 years
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VALENTIN NODDED his head , accidentally undoing her work to brush his hair out of his eyes - a typical occurrence that the both of them had gotten used to . “ you’d think this stuff would happen in like - new york . not somewhere like here . mom and dad always told me places like new york were too dangerous for someone like me , but i have a feeling i’d be a hel- i’d be a lot safer literally anywhere else . ” new york had been where he wanted to go originally . the mere thought of the diversity there made him feel much more comfortable , much more content than what he was living in a small town filled with snobby , judgemental people who would lock him up in a facility if they found out who he truly was ; little did he know , they had already done the same to his sister . 
he wasn’t sure what was going on in his sister’s mind , but as she hugged him tighter , he could feel the girl’s fear practically radiating off of her . it hurt him to know that she was scared , and potentially hurting ; celia was the only person in his life that valentin had ever really loved , his big sister meant everything to him , and ever since she had come back from boarding school , valentin had tried his very hardest to keep her close to him . he let out a heavy sigh as she spoke those words , leaning his head on her shoulder and looking down towards the end of the bed , not wanting her to be able to read his face . he had been crushed when she left him , but he believed wholeheartedly that she had been fine without him in her life . he was definitely the dependent one , and while he knew his sister loved him , he thought that she would be fine - once again - if he were to leave . and that was why he had almost left her on multiple occasions , in more than one way . though his mind was racing , he remained silent until she spoke up once again . 
“ of course , we’re gonna get through this . ” he nodded his head , though he wasn’t even sure of his own words . “ together . ” that part , he was sure of . even if his reasonings for getting through the horrors of wrenbury were selfish , because he was awfully dependent on the girl , he couldn’t - and wouldn’t - dream of making it out of this without her . “ did you wanna go get some food or something ? ” he asked quietly , feeling bad for coming into her cabin purely just to sulk .
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Celia nodded agreeing with V’s statement, although she noticed his pause in his sentence but chose to ignore it, if it was important he would hopefully tell her. She waited patiently noticing her brother was deep in thought, not wanting to disturb whatever is going on in his head, she found being patient with him worked best. She smiled gently at her brother’s unsure attempt of optimism, giving him one big final crushing hug, deciding that they both need to stop stressing, whether it be over the murder or something else, its time for them to be positive.
“ Honestly, I would love that, I was worried I’d never get out of this room. ” Celia attempted to joke to lighten the mood, although her joke about being stuck in a room bringing back unwanted memories, shaking them off she sat up and smiled a toothy grin at V, “Got any places in mind or just want to wander around till we find a place that looks good?” Celia asked, she knew the town wasn’t the biggest but they still had a decent variety. Getting up from the bed she took a second and looked out the window, taking in the weather, “Do you think I’ll need to bring a jumper?” She mumbled, knowing she was never good at predicting the weather now.
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have---heart · 4 years
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             JASPER WAS beyond thrilled to hear his husband was seemingly keen for their day at the beach . wrenbury had been hard ; they deserved to take a moment for themselves , where they could finally just relax , spend quality time together , and make things feel alright . he had ideas for how they could spend their entire day , and he couldn’t help but feel so incredibly lucky to have a husband who went along with all of his mad plans . he chuckled softly at the way his husband took the bag from him and spoke , but he stayed glued to the spot he stood in as he watched the other man walking out - honestly , just taking a small moment to admire his body . his laughter was louder as samuel spoke up again , his feet finally moving to follow . “ oh please , ” he grinned as he shook his head , taking his husband’s outstretched hand , intertwining their fingers without a second thought . “ at least i don’t look my age . ” he jokingly implied that samuel looked much older , even though they both knew that jasper thought samuel was wildly attractive , and definitely the better looking of the two . he lead them out of their cabin easily , the harsh sun shining down from the clear sky making them already able to feel the heat . “ the weather’s so much nicer here . ” he commented , feeling slightly foolish for giving wrenbury any kind of compliment given the town’s nature , but he had to stop thinking about that . he was trying to get their minds off of the bad things happening .
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Samuel chuckled as he noticed Jasper checking him out, not caring in the slightest how obvious he is being, not that Samuel can blame him about being obvious, seeing as though he spends every waking second of his days admiring Jasper. Samuel couldn’t help the soft smile forming on his lips at the familiar feeling of their hands being intertwined, feeling once again relaxed as he walked along beside Jasper, “ You mean how I’m stunningly young? ” Samuel said smugly until he realised what Jasper was implying was the opposite, “ You know what! your head is so big that your ears are in different time zones. ” Samuel said as he was shaking from laughing, loving how this conversation was just so them, not worried in the slightest that Jasper would take the joke the wrong way because he knew how obsessed Samuel was over his appearance, Samuel isn’t subtle. 
The sun was blinding causing Samuel to squint at the full impact of it, “ It’s beautiful..better than the shit we’d get at Park. ” Samuel said with a small chuckle at the reference to their hometown, noticing the shift in Jasper's emotions only slightly, not wanting his husband being upset Samuel decided to groan loudly, to distract him from his own thoughts as they made their way towards the beach, “I’m regretting agreeing, I’m not built for walking; my poor legs, maybe you should just carry me.” Samuel joked, swinging their intertwined hands dramatically, he had no trouble walking but he loved being difficult, “how far is the walk anyway?” Samuel asked curiously.
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have---heart · 4 years
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Oh the reddie energy here is so strong
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have---heart · 4 years
C E L I A . closed ➸ @have—heart​
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             TRUTHFULLY , APOLLO hadn’t been doing very well for quite some time now - but it had little to do with wrenbury and the horrors he had found frequently happened inside its borders . life had always been somewhat rough for the boy , and with each passing year , things only got harder . he was lonely , without a single friend , and that was one of the biggest reasons why he found himself in wrenbury . but wrenbury only made things worse . he was already sick of the loneliness , sick of his insecurities , now sick of the uncertainty and the fear . despite this , he still tried , spending his days stuck in wrenbury out and about , hoping to find friends , hoping to find meaning .
that was how he found himself in the presence of a girl he swore was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life . from the second he laid eyes on her standing in the sand , apollo knew he wouldn’t be able to get her out of his mind . though he knew it was likely that she wouldn’t even glance in his direction , he couldn’t help but wish that he would cross her mind , that he would get stuck in her mind as she was in his already ; he couldn’t help but wish that he finally had some inch of bravery , just enough for him to approach her , at the very least . 
then , as she walked further down the beach , the waves crashing loudly , apollo noticed something shining as it fell out of her pocket into the sand . a glimmer of hope , figuratively and somewhat literally . clearing his throat as he prepared himself mentally to approach the girl who had absolutely blown him away , apollo quickly followed her , picking up what he found to be a key before he reached her . “ uh , excuse me , ” he started softly , not wanting to startle her . “ you dropped your key . ”
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Celia was mesmerised by the ocean, she’d often come to watch the waves crash onto the shore, it always worked as a distraction which was needed in Wrenbury. She didn’t really know anyone else outside of her brother, to be honest she was scared to introduce herself to anyone else. Celia smiled down at the little smiley face she drew in the sand with her foot only for the waves to wash it away, closing her eyes as she inhaled, nothing beats the fresh air from the beach, after watching the water for a while she couldn’t help but feel the hairs on her neck stand up like someone was watching her, subtly she tried looking around feeling an anxiety attack begin at the thought that she’s the next victim. 
Whatever anxiety that was raising disappeared as she noticed the man looking in her direction looking almost in a trance, he was incredibly handsome in such a unique way, almost hypnotised herself. Celia has seen him around the town though she didn’t know his name and never had the courage to talk to him, incredibly insecure that he wouldn’t like what he sees, ‘ surely he’s not looking at me…’ she thought to herself. She tried to subtly follow the direction of his gaze looking back and forth between him and the ocean, suddenly worried that she was in the way of his view she hurriedly walked further along mentally cursing herself at her awkwardness. 
Celia was surprised at the soft voice that spoke behind her, she didn’t mean to jump when she turned to see the handsome man right in front of her instead of the previous spot he was standing, “ O-Oh! Thank you, I can’t believe I dropped that..god I’m silly. ” She said, laughing at herself; cheeks blushing with embarrassment, she gently took the key from his hand looking up to give the man a warm smile, “ Thank you seriously. ” Celia repeated looking down at the key in her hands, she didn’t know what to say but she couldn’t get herself to leave, “ Please.. w-would you let me get you a coffee or something as a thank you? ” She quickly asked, shyly looking down suddenly worried about the inevitable rejection she was about to face.
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