hcko · 6 years
kinda did a basic edit to my blog. welcome to mist emblem
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hcko · 6 years
btw when I get the chance !! since the votes are in I’m going to turn this blog into a multimuse !!
here are some muses I’m going to add for now, off the top of my head.
mist (fe 9 + 10) tiki (fe13)
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hcko · 6 years
☆ give me the lukas/tatiana kid... if u wan.t...
imagine the kiddos | acc.
name: matthiasbase class: soldierbio:a boy with a rather passive past, it’s when it was clear that there would be increasing unrest amongst the rapidly crumbling unification of valentia that he took up arms. he was raised in the same orphanage that his mother once was, and he is known to always seem to be the voice of reason and is extremely good at coaxing others into good moods and negotiations. truthfully, he ruminates an awful lot and seeks to grow stronger– he hates fighters who are willing to die for whatever cause they see fit, as he himself believes it’s foolish to present one’s life as a gift for the gods to do with it as they please.appearance:
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his father’s son through and through look-wise, though he’s not very often told that if at all. though valentian units just have a tendency to wear way too many belts anyway ( cough cough my name is alm ten belts on account of my ten belts cough cough ) he has a few with pouches attached mostly to just keep his mother’s keepsake headpiece in as well as any letters. he likes to deliver things for ppl
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hcko · 6 years
mi lucky number....... 22........ from ur gal tati
22. — tomorrow 
  Tomorrow would be a new day– a new wind blowing, and another chance to start again. War left scars, some drew deeper than others and some would never be forgotten. Like waves on the sand, time would heal even the deepest wounds– at least that’s what everyone said. 
  But recovering from the war was something that was never instant, towns scarce for food and death still seemed to linger thick in the air. Whether the riots or resistance to the new order, he still kept going. It was a simple gesture, being out this way, he thought about seeing an old friend. They had never talked much during their time traveling together, but it would be a familiar face in the crowd of many strangers, a better change of pace to put it.
  And yet, he should have expected it– the pained face he saw. Full of grief and despair, he should’ve known. Holding his breath to keep a straight face, forcing a gentle smile and a warm gesture. Maybe he should have left, after all– he was terrible with emotions, barely being able to express his own. Ah, but he knew the look in her eyes– she had lost someone very important to her. 
  It was so simple, and yet so complicated. An immense of suffering felt in a single minute, and yet would last a lifetime… ‘ Just a little more time. ’ he told himself, looking to tomorrow to heal wounds, just as the sun set on the horizon to leave them in darkness, it would always rise again to fill the sky with light once more. He remembered how bright she smiled, always cheerful to lend a hand-- now her hair cut short, her eyes spoke as if they could never return to how they used to. Maybe they would never, but he couldn’t be satisfied with leaving it at that.
                                                    ‘ You know... ’
  He spoke. Pausing as if pondering on his words-- he wondered if it was even alright to say so... pondering on using the right words. 
  ‘ It’s alright to feel bad, if you want to cry-- even if the world feels stacked against you... you can always count on tomorrow being a brighter day. You may feel like you’re dragging yourself through the mud, but you don’t have to face the future alone. ’
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hcko · 6 years
nihilism is real 
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hcko · 6 years
One Word Writing Prompts
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
01. — first 02. — kiss 03. — final 04. — numb 05. — broken 06. — wings 07. — melody 08. — rules 09. — chocolate 10. — nostalgia 11. — heartbeat 12. — stranger 13. — confusion 14. — bitter 15. — afterlife 16. — daybreak 17. — audience 18. — endless 19. — fireworks 20. — wishing 21. — birthday 22. — tomorrow 23. — oppression 24. — agony 25. — return 26. — protection 27. — boxes 28. — hope 29. — preparation 30. — beautiful 31. — lies 32. — underneath 33. — hide 34. — diary 35. — unforeseen 36. — conditional 37. — gone 38. — clear 39. — heartache 40. — wired 41. — insanity 42. — foolish 43. — words 44. — study 45. — love 46. — skies 47. — stars 48. — lucky 49. — shake 50. — punctual
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hcko · 6 years
hi im here pigeon its time 
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hcko · 6 years
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  hey boys, it’s Nina here, revamping and ready to throw myself back into my trash sons blog. If you like this awful boy being influenced by an ancient dark dragon then maybe check this blog out. If you’re interested please like/reblog this post and I’ll check you out! 
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hcko · 7 years
lukas and fernand: nobles without limits
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hcko · 7 years
[lukas voice] fewnyand
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this is why ur brother sent u to war
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hcko · 7 years
"Your smile is beautiful."
   synonyms for “i love you”. ♡ tentatively accepting!!
lukas’ voice surprises her—— or rather, his comment is what catches her off - guard. it pleasantly illuminates her visage, her love in his regards sweetly painting her cheeks in faint pink. surprised green hues melt into a shy gaze, eyes cast ‘pon the ground as her timid simper grows wider. such observation could only make her heart flutter. how bold of the soldier, she thinks, to simply state such a thing! the goddess breathes the faintest laugh, lost in summer breeze, as she unlaces her thoughts accordingly to formulate a response. chin raises to peek at him & a dainty step is made forward in her love’s direction, lithe fingers playing together before reaching coyly for his hand.
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     ❛ ah, thank you  .  .  .  but i must say—— you are the reason behind every smile, sir lukas. ❜
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hcko · 7 years
je suis un ananas
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‘ Tu es un ananas. ’
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hcko · 7 years
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✦ ooc | hey, it’s your boy n after a weird unannounced hiatus !! this used to be a tatiana blog but now it’s been converted ! if you’re willing to interact with an indie fe multimuse blog feat. kliff, kent, percy, and tatiana, please like or reblog this and i’ll check you out !!
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hcko · 7 years
❝ I may’ve dislocated my jaw that last time…but I still got plenty left in me! ❞ B)
Mother 3 Sentence Starters || not accepting.
  Even though he was much younger than many people he knew and had fought with, he definitely had a lot of spirit and fight, and even admired such prowess that many had many years before they could even come close to such. Of course, it came with some recklessness but it was hardly anything, having seen many a young die on the battlefield. War was war, but he knew that age was never something to be judged by.
  He gave a small smile, glad to see the boy was back on his feet again– grasping his lance tightly in his hand. If he still had plenty of energy to go, as he spoke with a little flare in his voice, something he rarely felt, and it fired him up.
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                           ‘ That’s good ! Show me everything you have then ! ’
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hcko · 7 years
leans on him a little, his comfort much sought after.
  Her weight leaning against him does not surprise him– his eyes shifting to look at her. Even though he knew not much of any form of familial bonding, somehow though many battles he had come to see Laei as one, a bond much stronger than he could have ever had with his real brother. 
  An arm reaches out to wrap around her in a semi-hug, hoping that it could somehow bring comfort, something that he wasn’t the best at. But war was much more harsh on different people, as he had grew numb to the screams and cries of war. A soft voice left his lips, trying to be as considerate as possible, knowing that such was never easy for others.
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                 ‘ ...You worked hard, Laei. You can rest now, so take it easy. ’
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hcko · 7 years
❝ Da vines go up because they’re divine! ❞ Kamui, that has to be the /most/ corny joke you've said to date. Where on earth did she hear that from? Ah... But did it get him to laugh?
Mother 3 Sentence Starters || not accepting.
  A small chuckle escaped from his lips, feeling his lips curl as he wondered how on earth did Kamui come up with a joke like that. He certainly wasn’t used to hearing jokes like that– but he supposed that different places had different senses of humor, and it was enough to crack a smile from his lips. 
                              ‘ What a unique joke, I’ve never heard such before. ’
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  In truth, he rarely had any time to make jokes, nor did he grow up around such that it was nice to at least know that there were times that he could let down his more serious demeanor to have a laugh once in awhile.
                                                   ‘ Do you have anymore? ’
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hcko · 7 years
❝ The deeper the darkness, the brighter the sunrise at dawn. ❞
Mother 3 Sentence Starters || not accepting.
  There were many kinds of darkness– from the loneliness the night brought to pitch black darkness that invoked fear in so many people, and as a soldier, he had seen much more darkness than he would have liked to admit. The darkness formed in one’s heart, numbing the guilt of slaughtering men that were just like him weighed on his mind with such words, pondering any truth within them. 
  But such a mindset was better for morale, the idea of better days was much nicer– finding truth and reason to pick up a weapon and fight to protect such. Many people fought for their families, having people in mind that they would like to protect, and fighting through a darkness so that others may live brighter days, despite many never being graced with the sun’s light again, their hands cold with only the ground as their only comfort.
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  ‘ I suppose that’s one way to look at a situation, one that I hope to see with my very own eyes. ’
  Maybe he didn’t fully believe in such himself, but it was nice to know that other’s believed in such a truth in their hearts. After all, he had his own reasons to keep on fighting.
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