Does the best joint replacement have to be costly?
Joint replacement surgery has been proved to be immensely successful in improving the quality of life for Hip and Knee arthritis. It is accepted popularly across the world. There however remain a lot of discrepancies between services offering these treatments and an even larger number of doubts about various aspects that need clarification. In a country like India, a large number of deserving patients do not have access to joint replacement due to their poor socio-economic status.
The good news though is that we have an ever-increasing educated middle class who are getting public/ private insurance and would like their near and dear ones to have the best treatment using part- or fully self-funded means. The purpose of this article is to clarify misunderstandings related to the cost and quality of joint replacement surgery.
Joint replacement is by no means a cheap operation. Most of these however are ‘elective’ i.e. planned operations. An individual or his family has therefore enough time to plan the finances and logistics related to the treatment. Similarly, there are a lot of options/ choices one can make in the operation to make it suitable for their budget and means. We shall try to provide answers to the following questions many patients come up with:
What is the cost breakdown? Is it costly due to expensive implants?
A big portion of the cost is attributed to the implants used. While implants are costly, it is not because they are expensive materials but due to the rigid manufacturing process where both technicality and expert manpower are required. The major chunk of operation cost still relates to the operation theatre setup and disposable single-use materials that have been proved to reduce complications. One can do the same operation without using many of these. However, It would tend to put the patient at a higher risk of complications. Experts are best to seek guidance on how much single-use materials should be considered as the bare minimum when cost-cutting is desired. The rest of the cost is made up by the choice of the room/ward of stay, medications and staff charges which are standardized.
Can I get the surgery done at a discount rate?
Most people who would like to bargain for the cost of the operation do that by opting for hospitals where the package quoted for the surgery is less. It is also common to make calls/ e-mail regarding the cost of operation even before the patient is seen. The only factor in peoples’ minds is the metal implant. Many opt for an expensive implant as they think that is the only important factor for success. In fact, there is no proof from multiple scientific studies that patients’ activity would be different from so-called ‘superior’ implants. Similarly, fancy materials like golden colors/ceramic surfaces are marketed as superior and even cost more, with no documented advantage. Hence if the cheapest implant can produce a similar result as the most expensive one, more important factors are:
Experienced dedicated specialist surgeon and disciplined theatre personnel
Modular operation theatre
Robust theatre equipment and sterilization protocols
Patient monitoring and safety equipment like calf pumps to prevent vein thrombosis
Single-use equipment mentioned in the section above and so on.
Every discerning patient must seek information on whether the above are available in their cost package. Dedicated specialist centers are available predominantly in the private sector in India, but we also have excellent facilities in some medical colleges and government sector hospitals. Well-organized hospitals often manage competitive ‘cost packages’ that would benefit patients best. It is important to determine whether the cost package quoted has taken into account the following:
Whether the patient has been seen by the doctor as different medical conditions that the patient might have would require appropriate management and that would have a bearing on the cost.
The complexity of the individual patient’s arthritis might demand a specific variety of implant designs, This is best advised by the treating surgeon. A Knee or Hip joint specialist surgeon should be able to advise on options of implants that are suited to respective patients.
Rehabilitation after surgery is vital and must be included in the initial cost accounting. There is no point considering discounts where the important components are left out and the patient then has to pay significantly higher than they have planned for.  
Manipal Hospital, Mangalore is the best joint replacement surgery hospital in Bangalore having the best orthopedic doctor in Mangalore who are experts in using the latest technology and techniques to treat people with musculoskeletal problems.
Are imported implants of better quality?
The true quality of an implant depends on the rigid standards and error ranges set by the company at the manufacturing unit. There are a number of unstandardized imported implants available at cheap rates and some indigenously made implants are also of very good quality standards. It’s important that the surgeon has knowledge of the materials and manufacturing process.
Cheaper cost options for an implant have to be discussed with the specialist surgeon. These depend on different materials (metal alloys/ ceramics, etc.) that are suitable for certain patients as also techniques of operation (use of cement) which can make an operation cheaper while maintaining the best quality. These choices are available with both imported and locally manufactured Indian implants.
What is the difference between having exclusive specialist centers?
Dedicated centers that cater to specialty surgery have led the way in demonstrating consistently excellent results and set high standards for others to follow. New state-of-the-art facilities are designated as ‘center of excellence when they have their own results comparable to the best published by working as per the best practice guidelines.
From the patients’ perspective, this is ideal because every patient then follows a set pathway that ensures their safety as well as puts them at the highest probability of a good result.
Patients are well prepared before the surgery such that more than 95% do not need any ICU care and almost 100% stand up the same day as surgery. The rehabilitation discipline continues after the operation and ensures that by the time the patient goes home, they are able to manage with minimal aid from others. Displayed average results of patients having had treatment at the individual facility make it easy for patients to see the success rates they are against.
Manipal Hospital is the best orthopedic hospital in Mangalore which caters to all multi-specialty facilities. We inaugurated an exclusive “Comprehensive Centre for Hip & Knee care” which is the first of its kind in India to be recognized for the entire spectrum of Hip & Knee joint ailments: non-operative and joint preservation treatments to complex joint replacement. The basic purpose therefore of having a planned surgery is to have a better quality of life subsequent to it. Ours is a ‘comprehensive leading-edge center’, our joint replacement surgeon aims chiefly to nullify complications related to operations. This correlates directly with the treatment being cost-effective.
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What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a painful condition in which the endometrium (tissue that lines the inside of the uterus) grows outside the uterus. It usually involves ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the tissue lining the pelvis. Endometriosis is a reproductive system disorder that affects mainly the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and the tissues lining the pelvis. It can also be found on the intestines, urinary bladder, appendix as well as other distal organs like the lungs.
The hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle affect the misplaced endometrial tissue which means the tissue will grow, thicken, and break down. After some time, the tissue that has broken down has nowhere to go and becomes trapped in the pelvis.
Endometriosis is a very common debilitating disease. The exact prevalence is difficult to estimate as many cases go underdiagnosed and it requires invasive testing for diagnosis. About 25 to 50% of women suffering from infertility have endometriosis, and 30 to 50% of women with endometriosis are infertile.
The incidence of endometriosis in coastal Karnataka and Kerala is increasing because of better awareness of endometriosis symptoms in the public, early suspicion of the disease, and better imaging modalities.
Endometriosis affects all age groups, right from puberty to perimenopause, but usually, it is found in the reproductive age group.
What causes endometriosis?
The exact endometriosis causes are not known.
Possible causes could be:
1. Retrograde menstrual flow - some of the tissue shed during the period flows through the Fallopian tube into other areas of the pelvis.
2. Genetic factors - Endometriosis clusters in the families. Multiple genes and environmental factors play a role. Sisters have a 5 percent greater risk of getting the disease.
3. A faulty immune system that fails to destroy the outside growing endometrial tissue.
4. Estrogen hormone appears to promote endometriosis.
Risk factors for developing endometriosis:
1. Never giving birth
2. Starting a period at an early age and going through menopause at an older age.
3. Shorter menstrual cycles (less than 27 days)
4. Heavy menstrual periods that last for more than 7 days.
5. Low BMI
Signs & Symptoms of endometriosis
Painful cramps during menstruation
Pain during intercourse(deep dyspareunia)
Pain with ovulation
Chronic pelvic pain
Urinary symptoms, such as frequent urination or blood-stained  urine, especially around the time of menses
Bowel symptoms, such as pain and bleeding  during defecation, constipation, or diarrhea, especially around the time of menses
Lower back pain or leg pain, especially around the time of your periods
The symptoms of endometriosis can impact the patient’s general physical, mental, and social well-being.
How does endometriosis affect fertility?
Endometriosis can affect fertility in several ways. Most obviously, as the disease progresses, the fallopian tubes get distorted and adhere to the ovary and uterus, and the passage of sperm and eggs through the pelvis will be increasingly impaired. You will notice the change in the pelvic environment due to the endometriosis-related inflammation. These inflammatory substances and cells weaken the function of both eggs and sperm (fertilization, embryo development, and implantation). There is also increasing evidence that with endometriosis the quality and quantity of eggs in women is affected.
Endometriosis associated pregnancy complications
Endometriosis always does not regress in pregnancy. Data shows a three-fold increase in the incidence of ectopic or tubal pregnancy and a two-fold increase in miscarriages. It can cause preterm births, placenta previa, small for date babies, postpartum hemorrhage, and ovarian cyst torsion.
Diagnosis of Endometriosis
There is no simple test to diagnose endometriosis. It can be diagnosed only by performing a laparoscopy and a biopsy of the tissue.
There are other tests, which the gynecologist may perform which include ultrasound, MRI scans, and gynecological examinations but none of these can definitively confirm endometriosis.
Treatment of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a chronic disease characterized by pelvic pain and associated with infertility. The treatment of endometriosis requires a life-long personalized management plan with the aim of maximizing medical treatment and avoiding repeated surgical procedures.
Choosing a treatment comes down to the individual woman’s wishes, depending on her symptoms, her age, and her fertility wishes. She should discuss these with her physician so that they, together, can determine which long-term, holistic, treatment plan is best for her individual needs. For some women, this can be a combination of more than one treatment.
If the pain seems to be the main concern we have several options like over-the-counter pain killers NSAIDs, etc, or hormonal tablets which can be beneficial. Even oral contraceptive pills for a continuous duration are considered effective to reduce the pain as well as putting a hold on the progression of the disease. Hormonal Injection, progestogens, and androgens are other alternatives to reduce the symptoms and can be used in severe forms of the disease. As a last resort, there are options to remove the endometriosis implants, ovarian cysts, or the uterus by surgery.
In early-stage disease and young patients, it is always better to opt for laparoscopy and try and correct the anatomy (position) of the pelvic organs to their actual position to prevent and treat infertility. As the chances per cycle are less, it is advised to have other treatment of using medication to produce more eggs. Performing an IUI(Intra Uterine Insemination) is a better option in certain cases to improve the pregnancy rates per cycle. If this doesn’t work, then there are other methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help improve your chances of having a baby.
Feel free to reach endometriosis treatment specialists and ask any questions you have regarding the treatment methods. consult the best gynecological hospital near you for endometriosis treatment in Bangalore.
Can Endometriosis Be Prevented?
There is no way to prevent endometriosis, one can only lower the chances of getting it.
1. Lower the estrogen levels by taking birth control pills when indicated.
2. Regular exercise
3. A healthy nutritious diet which is rich in essential vitamins, mineral, and phytonutrients. Eat a diet that has more omega 3 fats like fish, walnut and flax and plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains which increases the dietary fiber,
4. Avoid alcohol and cut down on caffeine and aerated drinks and intake of red meat and trans fat foods. Cut down the intake of processed food. Try a gluten-free and a low FODMAP diet.
5. Reduce exposure to polychlorinated biphenyl and dioxin.
Early intervention is the only prevention. Noah built his ark before it could rain.
Social Impact
Women with endometriosis are more likely to report an altered body image, describe reduced desire, arousal and pain. From a woman’s perspective, endometriosis is a disease surrounded by taboos, myths, delayed diagnosis, hit-and-miss treatments, and a lack of awareness, overlaid on a wide variety of symptoms that embody a stubborn, frustrating, and, for many, painfully chronic condition. It affects these women and girls during the prime of their lives. These individuals’ physical, mental, and social well-being is impacted by the disease, potentially affecting their ability to finish an education, maintain a career, with a consequent effect on their relationships, social activities, and in some cases fertility.
Endometriosis is a disease that is rooted in a very real, highly complex hereditary, and truly multi-factorial disease. Women with endometriosis may struggle with the emotional distress brought on by the unrelenting symptoms of pain and infertility and a multidisciplinary approach with psychological support is essential for these women.
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Post-Covid Infection: Watch Out For Signs Of Insomnia, Dementia and Anxiety
This pandemic has been stressful for most of us! Not only the fear and anxiety of the new disease but there are also several issues. Our health, our loved ones, the finance, job, social support…. All the things to be worried about.
The advocatory public health actions, such as social distancing has made people feel isolated and lonely and added up to the woes of existing circumstances. We have seen the highest levels of distress specific to the pandemic in terms of panic buying, avoidance of public places, overeating, and substance abuse including tobacco and alcohol. Due to these unexpected lifestyle changes and uncertainties, the majority of us have experienced unpleasant emotions like fear, frustration, irritability, hyperarousal, insomnia.  Adapting to this “New Normal” life along with managing the fear of contracting the virus and worrying about the people close to us who are vulnerable, has been challenging.
Now more and more people have got infected and survived through the infection. But, the overall fear does not seem to have reduced.
A 60yr gentleman retired bank officer who survived the infection presented to us after 2 months. He complained of low mood, sleeplessness, negative chain of thoughts, frequent panic attacks, reduced interest at work, and easy fatiguability. Another businessman aged 40yrs presented with the dullness of mood, frequent forgetfulness, disturbed sleep, and increased worries. 37yr housewife came after a month of infection with complaints of increased tension, fear of the unknown, episodes of chest discomfort and palpitations, reduced appetite, and sleeplessness.
Covid19 patients are presenting with sleeplessness, fear, and anxiety after discharge. New research has found that nearly 1 person in 5 diagnosed with covid19 is displaying symptoms suggestive of depression, anxiety, foggy memory, or insomnia within three months. This is likely due to the combined effect of the psychological stress related to the pandemic and the physical effect of the disease.
In this regard understanding, the biological basis of mental illness becomes imperative. Like any other physical illnesses, mental illnesses apart from having a psychological basis also result from biological perturbances. Covid19 infection is known to affect the immune system and the viruses elicit several key host immune responses with the release of multiple inflammatory factors. These inflammatory molecules are capable of communicating with nervous tissues through the secretion of a wide variety of cytokines. This results in the interaction between the immune systems and the psychopathological mechanism; underpinning psychiatric disorders.
Looking for post-covid infection treatment in Mangalore then contact Manipal Hospital, Mangalore where you will get the best treatment and care. Manipal Hospital offers post-covid rehab in Mangalore and the best treatment and cares you need.
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Facts You Need To Know About Blood Cancer
1. What is Leukemia?
Leukemia also termed blood cancer is a group of cancers that arise primarily in blood. Of the different cells of the blood, anyone can turn into a cancerous cell. Generally, a cell that has turned cancerous, starts producing its own clone cells which attain immorality. These cells not only are useless to us but also are harmful to us. If not treated well, they can kill the person.
2. What are the symptoms of leukemia?
Generally, there are no specific signs which tell that the affected person is suffering from leukemia. Depending on the abnormality in the blood, manifestations differ. If the Hemoglobin drops, the person can have a weakness, breathlessness on exertion. Generally, patients develop recurrent fever which doesn't respond to a routine set of antibiotics and supportive care. Some patients can experience bleeding manifestations like gum bleeding, passing blood in urine or stools along with excess menses bleeding in women. Some patients may notice firm round swellings in the neck, axillae, or groin region which are painless but increase in size over a period of time.  
3. What are the different types of leukemia?
Leukemia can be divided based on time of onset or based on the type of cell involved or based on various genetic abnormalities that we see in these patients. Based on the time of onset they are classified as acute or chronic leukemia. Based on the type of cells, they are classified and myeloid or lymphoid leukemia. Based on the different genetic defects that we see, currently, the World Health Organization has divided leukemia into more than 100 subtypes. Depending on the exact subtype, the treatment and cure rates differ.
4. What’s the difference between chronic and acute leukemia?
Chronic leukemia develops slowly over a period of months to years and a person can survive for several years even with no or minimal treatment. On the other hand, acute leukemia develops rapidly over days to weeks and if not treated can be fatal in a few week's time. Acute leukemia always warrants an emergency treatment to save the life of the patient.
5. How is leukemia diagnosed?
Generally, leukemia can be diagnosed by a simple complete blood count and peripheral smear examination. However, to classify the exact subtype of leukemia we need advanced tests like flow cytometry, cytogenetics, FISH tests, and molecular tests. These are extremely important for the doctor to decide on the type of treatment to be given to that patient. Generally for the above tests, we do a procedure called bone marrow studies. Here we put a small needle inside the hip bone of the patient under anesthesia cover and take samples of blood and bone tissue.  
Manipal Hospital, Mangalore has the best blood cancer treatment doctor in Bangalore experienced in treating leukemia.
6. Why the tests are expensive and are they really needed?
Yes, the tests done to accurately classify the leukemia are on the higher side as they are all advanced tests done only in select referral labs. Even the tests are interpreted by doctors who have specialized in this subject.  
7. How is leukemia treated?
Treatment of leukemia involves a multi-modal approach with both chemotherapy and immunotherapies are used in conjunction. Depending on the subtype of leukemia diagnosed treatment varies, however, there are no many geographical variations in the treatment offered. The treatment options for particular leukemia are almost the same across the US or Europe or India. Most of the treatment options are evidence-based and an individual doctor can not change the treatment based on his gut feeling. Hence we can see, the treatments are almost the same across all the cancer centers in our country. For blood cancer treatment in Mangalore consult the best cancer hospital near you.
8. Why do people with the same cancer get different treatments and have different problems?
As stated earlier, the treatment is based on the knowledge of individual genetic abnormalities that we see in the patients. For example, 2 patients with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia may get different treatment even though their age and sex are the same. Hence it is not wise to compare the treatments given to different patients with the same disease without taking into consideration of its scientific background. Again each person is different in their capacity to handle chemicals by their liver and kidneys. Hence the side effects also widely vary between the patients.
9. How as family members, how can we help our relatives in coping with treatment?
The most important thing the relatives and friends of cancer patients remember is that the patient is in need of both emotional and financial support. Many of the cancer patients are treated in special wards where visitors are not allowed. However, generally, the patient is allowed to keep their phones with them. It is better to communicate through phones with these patients and assure them.
10. Can a change in diet or lifestyle alter the course of cancer? Can the so-called superfoods available in the market cure cancer?
The internet is flooded with advertisements of superfoods that can kill cancer cells in no time. But please remember, once there is full-fledged cancer development, the diet or lifestyle changes alone can not alter the course of the disease. If a healthy diet and lifestyle are followed along with definitive treatment of the disease like chemotherapy or immunotherapy, a patent can definitely beat cancer.
11. Can blood cancer be cured?
Yes, definitely we a cure blood cancer. As of today at least 50-60% of blood cancers can be completely cured and another 20-30% of them can be converted into chronic diseases like diabetes or hypertension. The most important things required for attaining a cure are early diagnosis and getting proper treatment as prescribed by your doctor without any fail.
Looking for a blood cancer treatment hospital in Mangalore then contact Manipal Hospital, Mangalore where you will get the best treatment and care.
12. Are the side effects of chemotherapy worse than cancer?
Absolutely no. The side effects can be managed easily with currently available supportive care medications. The side effects are invariable, however, vary from person to person.
13. Can leukemia be prevented?
The general answer would be no. However, avoiding smoking, alcohol and fast foods would definitely reduce the chance o anyone developing cancer. Having a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and a good amount of exercise is key to a long healthy life.
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Covid and Pregnancy: Prenatal and Postnatal Care During the Covid Pandemic
While pregnancy can be a stressful experience at times, the pandemic has introduced a new set of challenges to expectant couples and their families. Covid-19 has amplified the stress levels among to-be-parents due to the fear of spreading the infection to the fetus, be it teratogenicity or mother-to-baby transmission. While the possibility of spreading the infection is extremely low as per evidence, couples stress about it due to many unknown facts about Covid-19.
Many expecting mothers are anxious about catching the infection and transmitting it to their newborns. Couples are extremely concerned about keeping their babies safe during infancy due to the pandemic. Social isolation and restrictions to stay indoors have resulted in an increase in anxiety and depression among to-be-mothers. An increase in stress levels can put pregnant women at higher risk of pre-eclampsia,( a state of hypertension in pregnancy), or having a pre-term birth or low birth weight baby and suppress the immune system.  
To clear all your doubts regarding covid-19 and pregnancy, you can consult the best gynecologist in Mangalore at Manipal Hospital.
During a pandemic, the routine pregnancy check-ups and hospital visits for couples have drastically changed. The number of antenatal visits has been reduced, and to-be-mothers are advised to avail video consultations with their doctors. Pregnant women in labour are restricted to walking within the Labour Delivery and Recovery Room (LDR), with only 1 person being allowed to support the woman in labour. It’s even more challenging when the partner is coming from another state or city and they are not allowed to be the birth companion due to the risk of potential exposure to laboring women and their newborns if they are in the quarantine period. Additionally, if a pregnant woman turns out to be Covid positive, she faces isolation from family members which can be very stressful to handle.
Suggested a few steps for expecting mothers to reduce stress during current times:
Ensure frequent and open communication and share all the fears and concerns with your doctor who can address them in a scientific manner.
It is essential to stay connected and seek all the support from friends and family during pregnancy. Use social media forums and virtual platforms.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle routine with a good diet plan and regular exercises like gardening, household chores, and online prenatal classes. Doing meditation daily helps to reduce stress levels.
Immerse in relaxation activities like book reading, listening to music, pursuing a hobby, and adopt mindfulness techniques as this helps in staying calm and joyful.
It is necessary to consult a doctor if you are going through postnatal depression. You can visit Manipal Hospital for postnatal treatment in Mangalore.
Here are a few suggestions and facts that pregnant women and new mothers who turn Covid positive need to know:
If one is Covid positive, attempt to get the facts right from the treating doctor. Most of the patients are asymptomatic, or mildly symptomatic with a possibility of complete recovery.
Self-isolation is for at least 10 days. During this time, ensure vitamin supplements (Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc) are taken as per the advice of the consulting doctor.
There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage and mother-to-child transmission of covid infection is extremely rare.
There is no major difference in the mode of delivery  (with exceptions in a few cases), breastfeeding practices and the new mom and baby can stay together. However, certain precautions have to be taken. It is important to discuss these issues with the treating obstetrician to allay the fears and anxiety.
Keep oneself physically active, hydrated, and well-nourished and take adequate rest to beat the stress and recover from Covid.
During the isolation period, it is essential to focus on more positive moments throughout the day and stay occupied with activities.
‘Most healthcare facilities are taking all precautionary measures for the safety of the patients. Manipal Hospital is one of the best maternity hospital in Mangalore where patients are assured of utmost care and safety. The hospital is dedicated to allaying the fears of every patient about Covid, and provide complete support during labor and post-delivery.’
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Fatty Liver Disease: Risk Factors, Symptoms & Management
Fatty liver the new epidemic in India
It is a common myth that the fatty liver which is increasingly seen nowadays on ultrasound scans is harmless. However, the truth is that it is a progressive and life-threatening disease that can lead to serious diseases such as cirrhosis, chronic liver failure, or liver cancer and is also a marker of underlying serious systemic disease.
What is a fatty liver?
Fatty liver is a condition characterized by abnormal accumulation of fat in the liver which causes liver enlargement. The two major causes of fatty liver we encounter daily are alcoholic fatty liver and NAFLD (Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease). NAFLD is diagnosed in the absence of secondary causes of fatty liver, such as harmful alcohol use, viral hepatitis, or medications. Visit the liver hospital in Mangalore to know more about fatty liver disease.
What are the consequences of NAFLD?
NAFLD is a serious health concern that can progress, from a simple fatty liver to more advanced ones like non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis, and even liver cancer over time. It is a silent killer which shows no symptoms in the early stage and can remain asymptomatic for decades producing symptoms only once the liver is damaged beyond repair. NASH is known to be associated with higher incidence cardiovascular events. In fact, cardiovascular disease was the most common cause of death in NAFLD patients (38%), before non-liver cancer (19%) and cirrhosis-related complications.
What is the magnitude of the problem?
It is estimated that around 25% of the population worldwide is suffering from the disease. NAFLD which is the most common chronic liver condition in Western populations is slowly becoming the leading cause of liver disease in India and other Asian countries. NAFLD prevalence has slowly increased over time in the last two decades. However, the increase in prevalence over time is marked in Asian countries like India due to lifestyle changes. In India, the prevalence is estimated to be up to 32% in certain urban populations. The Government of India has recognized the problem of NAFLD and has integrated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease into the national NCD prevention program since February 2021.
What are the risk factors for NAFLD?
NAFLD is a modern lifestyle disease that evolves out of an unbalanced, faulty lifestyle characterized by excessive calorie intake and a sedentary lifestyle. Genetic reasons and racial differences are also known to contribute to this problem. Risk factors for NAFLD are Diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol levels, High blood pressure, glucose intolerance collectively known as metabolic syndrome. It is estimated that up to 70% of people with diabetes or Obesity have NAFLD. A unique aspect of NAFLD in India is the so-called “lean NAFLD” or “Non-obese NAFLD” seen in around  10% of the NAFLD. Here the person may be having normal body weight or can be very lean, but he develops diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and fatty liver disease due to a defect in the body energy metabolism. Here the visibly lean body habitus gives a false impression of good health and patients normally seek medical attention in the late stages of the disease.
If you or anyone you know have had the same symptoms then immediately visit a liver specialist doctor in Mangalore. The doctor will give you a proper examination and will tell you if you have fatty liver disease or not.
How do we manage NAFLD?
Fatty liver is not a benign disorder and can have lethal outcomes in some people over a long duration of time. The patients in whom fatty liver is detected should go through further tests to rule out secondary causes of fatty liver and to assess the degree of scarring and inflammation in the liver. Around 20% of liver inflammation cases have a chance of developing cirrhosis and around 5% have a chance of developing liver cancer.
There is no complete cure for the disease, however certain drugs can prevent the progression of the disease. The mainstay of treatment as of today is adapting to a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle changes with exercise, weight loss, and a nutritious diet are important. 40 minutes of aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, cycling, jogging, or swimming should be stressed.
A balanced diet reducing carbohydrates with the moderation of amount of fat, avoiding saturated fat with adequate protein is recommended. weight loss of 7% to 10% of body weight is the goal of treatment which has been shown to improve biopsy features of NASH.
Most important is the management of blood sugar, hypertension, cholesterol levels, assessment of cardiovascular risks, and treatment of the same because the commonest cause of death in patients with NAFLD is cardiovascular events.
Among the three stages of NAFLD-  fatty liver, fatty hepatitis(NASH), and cirrhosis – the first two stages are potentially reversible and have a long time interval for progress to the irreversible cirrhotic stage. However, The challenge is to bring such people with early Fatty Liver Disease to medical attention and motivate them to pursue a healthier lifestyle and appropriate medical care as the disease is asymptomatic during the early reversible stages of NAFLD.
It is important that the person with fatty liver disease should get proper treatment and diet. You can visit Manipal Hospital if you are looking for fatty liver treatment in Mangalore. They have world-renowned liver specialists working together with other specialists to give you the treatment and care you need.
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