heatherbecker Β· 4 months
her bright icy eyes look down, ironically seeing ice. and a tiger. she would be more scared than she is, if it wasn't for scott. and his oh too cheery attitude. she wonders for a moment, and theorizes, that if it was her the one who prompted this. but she stops the thought dead on it's tracks again.
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his laugh is annoying, infectious, in a way most things are with him. he speaks and she looks at him. such a test of trust. and she feels like she shouldn't trust him. not his words, not his actions. but they are past that. so beyond that. "you better." she warns. gently. with spikes, thorns do adorn the rose.
and his fake annoyance, oh she can see right through it. makes her smile. inky black adorning her lips as she does. "-is that an invitation to an out of school event? i'm not too terribly busy, might take you up on that." like he isn't worried to be seen with her. like most people are.
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heather is rarely scared but even though she is, she can feel it be overpowered by the joy just eminating from scott. he was in his element, and she not so much. but it was addicting, to say the least...he simply was so cheery, and she could sense something else beneath it all. but she knew better now, to ignore it. to avoid it and not pay any mind to it.
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and not to be so stereotypical, but heather would die than wear pink. hot pink. she makes a face, disgust momentarily taking over her features. "ew." comments on it, sticks out her tongue for good measure. she seems to have her footing, and recognizes the distance that he's pulled her now. it's still all a bit...nervewracking to say the least. "-oh now you got me all curious. i'd want to see what you wear to your night job." she smiles, slyly. scott tends to make her forget, makes her feel safe. even in the middle of an ice ring. curious.
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heatherbecker Β· 6 months
heather is rarely scared but even though she is, she can feel it be overpowered by the joy just eminating from scott. he was in his element, and she not so much. but it was addicting, to say the least...he simply was so cheery, and she could sense something else beneath it all. but she knew better now, to ignore it. to avoid it and not pay any mind to it.
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and not to be so stereotypical, but heather would die than wear pink. hot pink. she makes a face, disgust momentarily taking over her features. "ew." comments on it, sticks out her tongue for good measure. she seems to have her footing, and recognizes the distance that he's pulled her now. it's still all a bit...nervewracking to say the least. "-oh now you got me all curious. i'd want to see what you wear to your night job." she smiles, slyly. scott tends to make her forget, makes her feel safe. even in the middle of an ice ring. curious.
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Skating was easy for Scott, he was good at it, and what was even better was that he loved it. When his skates hit the ice, it was quieter; normally he loved the noise; his family was louder than a pep rally, but the hush that fell over everything when he skated washed him in something calmer ( bubbling excitement still fizzed under his skin, but he was pretty certain that was because of her, not the ice ). He grinned and felt Heather's slightly smaller hands under his padded, gloved ones.
' Could be worse, the Indiana Icicles wear hot pink, ' Scott beamed, agreeing with her and himself. As much as he didn't care about it, he knew that Heather would prefer their black and white. Personally, Scott knew she would look lovely in anything, but she had her style and he admired it. Broad shoulder lifted and then fell, shrugging nonchalantly as he pulled them back a little further, testing to see whether she had her footing. The hockey player laughed, ' hey, you should see what I wear to my night job. '
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heatherbecker Β· 7 months
like this to plot perchance ??
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heatherbecker Β· 7 months
dudes will want to date a hot girl and expect her not to be a grotesque monstrosity
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heatherbecker Β· 7 months
A quick and easy plotting guide
Send me βœ” and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
My muse(s):
Do I know your muse(s):Β  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | otherΒ 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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heatherbecker Β· 8 months
like this to plot??? ill hop on ur dms !!
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heatherbecker Β· 8 months
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β€œΒ  you’re a work of art.Β  ” from chelsea B)
heather can see right through people. or non humans for that matter. she knows what this is, but she has little regards for her own physical safety, besides, she tends to be just that good. she supposes it isn't common to find someone like her, a willing victim. and it's not like there isn't something here for her. the compliment gets to her. she is after wearing a dress chelsea ended up buying for her. it's healthy to want to be complimented, to be admired (what's not is healthy is letting herself be used for what's basically food, but that's only the details, heather can cope).
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she twists her hips just a little, bites her bottom lip. feels a faint blush, barely visible through pale make up. she grins then. "i feel like one." maybe it's the being observed like one, the provocation of feelings, sentiments, it gets so poetic in her head. and heather enjoys it. tries not to seem too eager but she is. she offers her hand then, to be pulled closer, to pull chelsea closer she doesn't entirely know. she's just content to roll with it.
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heatherbecker Β· 8 months
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❛ you're not by yourself, alright? i'm right here with you. ❜ β€” from gio
it hadn't been long since heather's life decided to completely implode on itself. but it had gotten, bad, worse. things felt personal now. heather prides herself in being a tough cookie to crack, and she is. genuinely does things not slide underneath her skin often. to feel the unwavering disappointed of your parents, the wave of disgust from your sister, the sting of betrayal wears you down, makes you tough. she just does not appreciate the fact that other boys in these halls have taken upon themselves to say and do things that don't feel like empty threats. or based on just the first impression she gives. things based on rumors, on. on the fact that heather had spent the past months sleeping around with steve harrington out of all fucking people. a hell of her own creation.
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and she hated asking for help. but as she's taking what she needs from her locker. (a locker that had been recently tagged with words that she had to cover up with something else until the school decided to fix this.) heather feels the anxiety of wanting to crumble, feels unsteady. before gio speaks, and she shuts the locker. looks up at him. she can sense the concern, the protectiveness in him. something else there, something she is ignoring because she could possibly think about in the moment. she just wants to go home. and gio's a good friend, he wants to help. even if she doesn't want him to. it would be nice. to be able to walk without getting harrased in this manner. in ways she can't cope with right now. "-thank you." it's soft. putting the bag over her shoulder. "-seriously, thank you. if i could do this on my own i would, i promise. whenever i get better about it you won't have to wait for me to bail out, i'm sure you got your own shit to deal with." she talks, trying to fill the space between them. apologetic almost.
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heatherbecker Β· 8 months
do not look at me i have 3 different heather interacts with a vampire things i want to write and i want you guys to know that .... she is not sorry and is very well enjoying being a blood bag
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heatherbecker Β· 8 months
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❛ i haven't eaten yet. ❜ vampire steve & witch heather
heather can feel the way steve says this. oh oh sweet girl of the darkness how do you get yourself in these situations. she isn't afraid. heather is rarely afraid. it's playful almost. and it would be an understatement to think that she hasn't been thinking about this, about teeth piercing skin for the longest time. she smirks, slowly turning around from what was busying her hands. slowly walks towards steve, head tilted up. fake pouts. to be a little condenscending because she can't possibly let steve know how much she really wants this, how much she's into this, into him. she puts her arms over his shoulder. like it's a normal thing to do, letting in a legitimate monster into her home. letting him take her blood, like she doesn't need it. but oh does it. "oh so you're hungry." she doesn't ask, she states like it's a fact. pulls him closer, hand on his face. "-we can't have that." thumb rubs his cheek, smiles, bites her lip. black lipstick be damned. "-guess i can let you have a bite. early." heather says it like she's doing him a favor. and she's not really. if she's doing anyone a favor it's herself. as piercing icy eyes look up at him. it's weird. having this feeling like he was made for her. something so innately fucked up in him needing blood to keep living. and she gives, she gives so willingly.
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heatherbecker Β· 9 months
like this to plot !
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heatherbecker Β· 9 months
heather is clearly not the athletic type, she doesn't try and act like she might be anything else. thinks for a second that scott isn't sly and that being taught how to ice skate would bring her along, involved so much hand holding and what not. she doesn't want to admit that the cheering on makes her feel some type of way. she can feel him beaming, his feelings bleeding to her. and it does crack a smile from her usual stoic expression. someone could get lost in his eyes. and she. she isn't. but someone else could.
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"i'll give you that, they do match me much better." she focuses then, looking down at her feet. trying to follow the instructions. moving only barely, feels like a toddler. but slowly seems to get the hang of it. hides the excitement she is feeling, in all honesty it could be pinned on him. it's scott's fault. "next time we should get you on some platforms, to make it fair or something." she comments offhandedly. holds onto his hand. feels. safe. that's new.
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ For Scott, the world was pretty simple: His family needed him, his team needed him, his friends needed him. This was another world though. He loved everything that needed him. Ice and people were just as important to him as his sister's jewellery sat safely in a box under his bed. Heather made him smile and made his heart hurt and laughed when he said dumb shit. Altogether, getting her out on the ice would be a lot like getting a diamond to sit safely in that gold band that he kept on his right hand.
' Yeah well, the basketball team was named first so we got stuck with the tigers, but at least snow tigers are already a thing and they match your whole getup better than the orange ones, ' Scott hummed, non-plussed at her words. His face was set in a sure smile and he squeezed her hands gently, a small gesture of confidence before he pulled them back just a little so they were further from the boards. The hockey player beamed at her, ' see ? you're amazing. Angle your feet out a little and push, like ten and two. '
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heatherbecker Β· 10 months
like this to plot ??
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heatherbecker Β· 10 months
heather doesn't even know why she agreed to try this in the first place, maybe it was the excitement that was bubbling over from scott into her space, her head. and she. well. okay. she liked seeing him smile. god. gross. she grosses herself out. she hasn't skated before. she liked the solid ground more than anything else. heather's eyes go from the ice below her to him. and his hands were out, within reaching distance. she feels a little silly like a kid.
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"-i like to think of myself not as a tiger, maybe a cat. but i seriously doubt any sort of feline find themselves in the middle of the ice like this." she moves slowly. "i have no fucking clue how you do this, and so fast. i feel like im going to fall into my ass and die." she likes the feeling, it only makes her so nervous. she grins up at him. she tries to brave it before she feels her feet slide in a weird way and she immediately reaches out for him before she can fall. swallows a tiny scream before it leaves her lips.
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ The ice was smooth and patched over from the practice Scott had led earlier that day. His gloves had come off and so had his padding, now it was just his skates and his jersey that indicated he knew his way around the rink with some degree of expertise. He held out his hands for Heather to take if she wanted to, and also to catch her just in case things suddenly went terribly wrong. It had taken some of his best work to convince her to come out onto the ice with him and Scott wasn't going to cave now. Her words made him grin and he shook blond hair, freshly freed from it's helmet, ' I'm afraid not, I have big plans for you tonight, I'm gonna make a tiger of you. '
β€” @heatherbecker : ❛ do i have time to go outside and scream "fuck"? ❜
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heatherbecker Β· 10 months
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❛ you just came from a funeral? ❜ β€” Jason
heather smiles, something that most peple would consider sinister. her eyes are bright, blinks slow before facing him. jason carver. the type of person heather tended to despise. especially because they tended to be such a bore to be around, but the only reason she ever dignified the type with a response was in fact how much fun it was to get a rise out of them. "-no." she starts promptly.
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"but you never know when someone's gonna drop dead." it's a statement. there isn't a lie hidden, she dresses like this because she likes it. makes the itching underneath her skin so much more bearable. but he didn't know that. "-could very much be doing a special guest attendance at yours. you really never know." she keeps the smile, turning into something sweet. rotten. oh it's her lucky day.
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heatherbecker Β· 10 months
&. 𝐭𝐑𝐞 π›πžπšπ« 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
( dialogue prompts taken from the second season of hulu's the bear, created by christopher storer. feel free to edit and change as you seem fit. )
❛ you ever think about purpose? ❜
❛ i love you, but i do not have time for this, alright? ❜
❛ i have time for this. ❜
❛ you know what the fuck you're doing. you love this shit. it's fun for you. i don't have that. ❜
❛ i'm afraid one day, i'm gonna wake up and you guys are all just gonna just drop this ass. ❜
❛ if this shit is not fun for you, what the fuck is fun for you? ❜
❛ i'm not making the same mistakes i made last time. ❜
❛ what kind of insurance coverage do we have for people falling through the fucking wall? ❜
❛ sometimes, i look like february. ❜
❛ you want a sprite? you look kinda green. ❜
❛ can i ask you something and you can tell me to fuck off if you want? ❜
❛ chef, that's way too much acid. ❜
❛ you, uh, making a sundae? ❜
❛ that actually sounds delicious. ❜
❛ because you're the bear and i remember you. ❜
❛ i love taking care of you. and i always will. you know that? ❜
❛ i'm glad i came 'cause i get to eat this. ❜
❛ i gotta come up with three really great desserts. you got any ideas? ❜
❛ you ever made ice cream before, chef? want to? ❜
❛ it kind of tastes like a, um... minty snickers bar. ❜
❛ so how long you been a cook? ❜
❛ how’d you get good at this? ❜
❛ you can spend all the time in the world in here, but if you don't spend enough time out there... you know? ❜
❛ speaking of dead brothers, do you wanna go to a party? ❜
❛ it looks so pretty on you. you should keep it. ❜
❛ what's going on with you? i know there's something. just tell me. ❜
❛ what are you talking about, i don't give a fuck? why would you say that to me? i give like a huge fuck. ❜
❛ you're not by yourself, alright? i'm right here with you. ❜
❛ did you just throw a fork at me? ❜
❛ i think time spent doing this is time well spent. ❜
❛ never too late to start over. ❜
❛ i just want you to know... that this is really nice. ❜
❛ i'm thinking you're very, very beautiful. ❜
❛ we just don't say hello anymore? ❜
❛ you're wearing a suit? ❜
❛ uh, yeah, i wear suits now. ❜
❛ i'm sorry if i took anything out on you and if I treated you like shit. ❜
❛ i actually do think that we could fit good together. ❜
❛ i could be good at things that you don't really wanna do. and you're obviously really great at a whole bunch of stuff that I don't know how to do, you know? ❜
❛ i'm wearing a suit 'cause it makes me feel better about myself. ❜
❛ i know that you're trying. i see that you're trying. ❜
❛ you just came from a funeral? ❜
❛ yeah, a funeral of all my enemies. ❜
❛ you want me to make you some coffee? ❜
❛ i just need your focus like you need mine. ❜
❛ you good? ❜
❛ what's your relationship with your mom like? ❜
❛ alright, chef, i need you to salt that like a sidewalk. ❜
❛ looks gorgeous, chef. ❜
❛ i haven't eaten yet. ❜
❛ oh, let me make you something. ❜
❛ yeah, i can make you an omelet. ❜
❛ that wasn't like an ask out or anything, was it? ❜
❛ Β i'm looking really good. i 'm thinking you should start calling me chef. ❜
❛ well, i'mma keep calling you jagoff, 'cause that's what you like. ❜
❛ you deserve my full focus. ❜
❛ i guess i'm scared that i don't have what it takes to not fuck this up. ❜
❛ you're not gonna fuck it up. ❜
❛ i fuck things up all the time, like, every day. ❜
❛ you could do this without me. ❜
❛ i couldn't do it without you. i wouldn't even wanna to do it without you. ❜
❛ you make me better at this. ❜
❛ you still love to cook, right? ❜
❛ how's the wine? ❜
❛ yo. we're low on forks, chef. ❜
❛ okay, let's start firing some caviar, please. ❜
❛ i was just gonna say how special and cool and great this place is and how i'm the most proud of you ever. ❜
❛ i really appreciate you being so patient with me. ❜
❛ do i have time to go outside and scream "fuck"? ❜
❛ just don't tell them you saw me, 'cause this is embarrassing. ❜
❛ i love them so much. i don't know how to show it. ❜
❛ i don't know how to say i'm sorry. ❜
❛ i need you to say it's okay. ❜
❛ you are being so fucking weird, man. ❜
❛ i'm stuck in a goddamn refrigerator on the opening night of my fucking restaurant. ❜
❛ i failed you guys and it's not gonna happen again. ❜
❛ maybe i'm just not built for this. ❜
❛ because no amount of good is worth how terrible this feels. ❜
❛ i'm really sorry you feel that way. ❜
❛ would you shut the fuck up and get me the fuck outta here, please? ❜
❛ i don't understand why you can't just let something good happen for once in your fucking life? ❜
❛ you wanna talk to me about my fucking kid? at least i got a kid. ❜
❛ where were you when i fucking put your brother in the ground, you selfish piece of shit? ❜
❛ i fucking love you! ❜
❛ you fucking need me. ❜
❛ i just had this sudden urge to tell you that i've always had this, like, massive crush on you. ❜
❛ i love you, chef. ❜
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heatherbecker Β· 11 months
parents will break your heart before anybody else can
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