heeyumyum-blog · 6 years
My Opinion on Heechul’s Ambiguous Sexuality Part 2
This is a continuation of my previous post. Visit my Tumblr to read the first part.
I will mainly talk about two of Heechul’s most talked about relationship, and how his interactions with these two guys led me to believe that he might be bisexual. Let’s continue...
6. Heechul’s relationship with Hankyung
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We all know, love, and miss Hankyung, but no one was more hurt by his departure that our Heechul.
Many people believe that Heechul and Hankyung were lovers, others think that Heechul was in love with Hankyung but Hankyung was straight, and then there are those who feel like they were just really close friends. I’m one of those who thinks that Heechul and Hankyung had something going on. It wasn’t because of the many times Heechul declared Hankyung to be his “You’re mine” “He’s mine” he would always say. It wasn’t how soft they were with each other. It wasn’t the fanservice. It was Heechul’s state of mind after Hankyung’s departure that sold me. Siwon and Heechul are both very very close with Hankyung. Siwon’s reaction however was that of a normal friend, Heechul on the other hand, he had it rough, almost too rough that it made us all wonder if Hankyung was more to him than just a friend.
Heechul fell into deep depression, he said that he didn’t feel like performing, singing or dancing. He said that he considered leaving the group because Hankyung was no longer there. He said he didn’t leave the house for months and that he was always crying. And his posts about Hankyung were truly heartbreaking...
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Many petals will even tell you that Heechul was never the same after Hankyung left, it wasn’t until Heechul met Gunhee that we started seeing glimpses of the old Heechul. Happy Heechul.
Another thing that’s interesting is the fact that Heechul and Hankyung used to shower together, and Heechul also said that he used to let Hankyung take naked pictures of him 👀
Stay tuned for Gunhee’s part...
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heeyumyum-blog · 6 years
My Opinion on Heechul’s Ambiguous Sexuality...
Whether you think he’s straight or LGBT, you can’t pass your opinions as facts. His sexuality is just as ambiguous as he is.
Yes, we all know he’s said multiple times that he “likes girls” and that “he’s not gay” but he also never denied liking men or being bi/pan. Also, you have to be super naive to think that everything that comes out of idols’ mouths is the ultimate truth, they lie to protect their image. Simple as that.
Anyway, his sexuality is no one’s business but his. However he’s still a celebrity and we’re entitled to have an opinion, as long as it’s expressed in a respectful manner. Let’s not harras the guy over something he doesn’t owe us an explanation to.
I made this post to express MY PERSONAL OPINION. Feel free to agree/disagree. I personally think he’s bisexual leaning more towards men than women.
1. One of Heechul’s earliest kisses was with a male classmate named Namwon. Heechul was 9
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Although he was very young to understand what a sexual orientation is, as a LGBT woman myself, I assure you most of us knew very early on what and who we were into. While many boys that age have innocent crushes on girls, Namwon who happened to be a boy was that special someone to Heechul. Worth noting, Heechul’s first ever kiss with a girl was at the age of 22.
2. Suspicious middle school male friend
Heechul appeared on an episode of Happy Together where he had to recognize and find 5 of his school friends. One classmate stood out from the rest, this is how it went...
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I really don’t understand why nobody noticed this before. First of all, It’s not the ring that caught my attention or the hugging from the back, it was how Heechul and the friend looked and reacted to things being said. Heechul looked panicked and nervous and it seemed as if he was worried the friend would reveal a little bit too much. When the other guest asked what we were all wondering, “did you guys date?” Neither of them confirmed nor denied, but the friend’s reaction made me go “Huh”. When asked about the hugging, Heechul avoided the question and started talking about Siwon’s skinship. The friend also looked upset and very awkward around Heechul while his other friends acted very normal with him. Most important part is this, right before Heechul called him out, he went over to him and told him not to say anything weird, that’s literally the only classmate that Heechul was worried would say something that he didn’t want out. Hmm? What might that be?? and then Heechul went back again and asked the MCs to edit that part out. Oh Heechul...
3. Heechul’s lack of interest in girls
When some petals who are against Heechul being anything BUT straight say stuff like “He said he likes women” “he’s always talking about girls, he’s straight” “don’t you all know how girl crazy he is”, yes you’re right he did say that but he also said this about girls... (Side note: I’d take pre-fame Heechul’s word over famous Heechul’s word any day. Heechul the Idol has an image to protect)
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Before his debut, Heechul was featured in a teen magazine and showed lack of interest in girls when asked what his ideal type was, his response? “I’m not interested in girls”, and proceeded to say that he wanted a boy to send him a letter because he’s lonely. And also that one time he went to see Lion King with a girl who was showering him with kisses while he displayed zero interest in her and was actually so annoyed with her that they broke up after the movie. He also said this once, “I love to hang out with guys.....when I hang out with girls, I feel annoyed” it’s a confusing statement considering most of his close friends are girls. Was he referring to dating girls? Is that why his relationships with girls never last long? Because he’s easily annoyed with them? Or is it because he prefers a guy’s company? Only time will tell.
4. That one time Heechul had a slip of the tongue moment
You guys probably don’t remember this, but back when Heechul was DJing Young Street Radio, he was talking about how fans don’t allow idols to date, he slipped and said this, “And there might be people saying, “Oppa, don’t go” “Don’t get a girlfriend” I don’t care, don’t you all have another half? Why can’t I just get a boyfriend or girlfriend…? Oh, what boyfriend? My dignity has been hurt recently.” Idk about you, but to me it seems as though that’s a sentence he uses on the regular which is why it slipped.
5. Heechul’s appreciation of male beauty
This could be applied to all men secured with their sexuality/masculinity but I feel it’s worth mentioning in Heechul’s case because there are other factors that adds to this. If you know Heechul then you know if he sees something that he likes he’ll most likely let it be known. There are so many moments to prove this but I’m only sharing two because that’s all I have saved on my phone atm...
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Heechul and his love for broad shoulders *sigh*
Stay Tuned for PART 2.
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