heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
iMessage → heidi
brennan: how long is ur break? lmao
brennan: knock his block off
heidi: 45 minutes but i could stretch it to an hour if i come up with a good enough bullshit story
heidi: oh so tempting but I'm pretty sure that would be an instant way to get my ass fired...you're not trying to get rid of me, are you? i promise there are worse roommates in the world, at least I'm tidy.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
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“ you look jumpy enough. ” it’s sufficiently crowded enough that someone would think gabe would be preoccupied doing anything else but finding the person looking uncomfortable in the corner. he can’t unsee it, so he moved over as casually as he could, looking as not-suspicious as he could manage. whether or not he succeeds is up for debate. “ what do you think ? i can trip someone and we can make a break for it. ” he looked sufficiently serious, save for the little smile he tries smothering with a roll of his lips.
Truth be told, Heidi absolutely loathed the idea of showing up to any event that took place in the function room of the hotel. Whenever a guest or higher up from administration invited her, she felt like it was out of pity and as soon as she arrived, she felt out of place. She smiled as Gabe approached her, she remembered him from a brief meeting where he’d willed her not to choke to death on a granola bar. “As long as I don’t have to clean up the mess, I’m in,” she confirmed, taking a small sip from her drink as a smile tugged at her lips. She knew it was a rather macabre sort of a thing to be joking about but God, the thought of tripping over one of the stuffy guests and then making a run for it was unfortunately tempting. “Are you somebody’s plus one?” she asked curiously, wondering if he’d already made a break from a bad date or was avoiding awkward conversation with intoxicated hotel guests as much as she was.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
“Oh my god, hey! Are you busy tonight? You should come with me to this little shindig show thing, it’s a couple of my friends’ band, it’s gonna be crazy,” Truth be told, Liz was not completely sober–not that that was anything new, of course; however, to the poor person she was talking to, it may have been an area of concern. “But seriously, you’ll love it I swear,” she told them. “Just give me your number and I’ll text you the invite and you can meet me later.”
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“Does watching trash TV and fantasizing about a life where I don’t have to scrub bathroom floors count as busy?” Heidi joked with a chuckle passing her lips as she brushed some of her hair out of her face with her fingertips, “-That actually sounds really cool, I’m in,” she added sincerely, after considering the offer for a moment or so. She didn’t know Nadeau very well but after the introduction of the Malnati’s pet-services, there were new staffers all over the place. “Yeah,” she confirmed, pulling her phone out of the pocket of her uniform and handing it over, just a little embarrassed by the cracked screen. “So, what kind of band is it? Would I have heard of them before?” 
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
iMessage →
brennan: got a no show at the shop so now i gotta sit here for the next 4 hours unless i get a walk in
brennan: wyd?
heidi: currently trying to schedule my break so i can replace your no show 😘
heidi: i'm on shift with a rookie that wont shut up about her ex-boyfriend and i have a knot in my shoulder the size of a grapefruit
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
There were times that Jack felt like complaining about his job- when he was stressed, when he was trying to strike up a deal, or maybe even when he was jet-lagged from traveling but he could never do something like what Heidi did. Maybe it was his entitlement, but the work she did was harder than probably anything he’d done- and having to work overnight broke something inside his chest. “Well, you know if I���m ever at the office late and you need a break- you know where the M&M’s are,” does it sound like I’m taking pity on her? Jack chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment- he wasn’t trying to give handouts but there was something about Heidi that always made him pause. Her life was running different than him, not even parallel but in an entirely different universe. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Jack rolled his eyes, “I know you’re tough, H. It’s probably why I don’t know very much about you in the first place, huh,” he raised his eyebrows as if he were questioning her or asking her to prove him wrong, “you can let down that wall every now and again, though. Not every white man is out to steal your thunder.” Jack reached out to flatten the lapel on the girl’s uniform; his fingers lingered on the fabric for a moment, “Alright, yeah- go clock out and I’ll see you in a few. Bring your appetite- I plan on ordering enough to kill an elephant.” 
He slipped into his room quietly and changed into something that felt clean and soft- though probably not the most attractive set of clothes he had- a pair of jeans and a loose flannel- but it wasn’t like this was a date, so what did it even matter, really? Jack tucked his wallet into his pocket and grabbed his phone- although they’d need to drive, he shot a text to his driver to have the car pulled around and headed downstairs. He found Heidi quickly and gave her a gentle smile, “Ready? I’ve got a car out front- it’s not too long of a drive but I figured it’d be better than having to walk. You’ve probably been on your feet for the whole day, yeah?” Jack lead Heidi outside and opened the door to the suburban Cadillac he preferred to travel in. He extended his hand, “Need help? I feel like I have to roll myself in half the time.”
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“Do you often work late?” she asked curiously, shifting the attention back on Jack. He was kind, that much was obvious to anybody and even to Heidi despite her icy exterior but the truth was that she didn’t like to feel like a charity case. Her position at the hotel was essentially a charity case to begin with, she didn’t want to compound her pitiful position with overly compassionate guests who owed her absolutely nothing. 
Her lips curled into a coy smile at the uttering of a nickname he’d provided her. He supposed it was fair enough if she was going to go around addressing him as Mr. Sex on the Beach. She watched as his hand moved toward her but she didn’t move away, though she might of if it had been any other male guest of the Malnati. She was easing into a comfortable demeanor around him, her posture slightly slouched as the muscles in her back loosened to a point where they were no longer threatening to snap in half at any given moment. “Maybe I don’t have much to tell- we’re not all CEOs or Cowboys you know,” she teased lightly, once again making a rather blatant effort to shift the attention back to him. “I’ll see you in fifteen,” she agreed, feeling a mild sense of triumph that she couldn’t quite explain. Was it the fact that she’d been asked to dinner for the first time in years or was it the way he’d smiled the moment she’d approached in the hallway? She wasn’t sure and she didn’t dare linger on it for too long. 
She didn’t have a particularly impressive wardrobe anymore, those days were well behind her now, though she did have a few nice pieces and certainly enough to dress for the occasion in an outfit less unsightly than her uniform. She pressed a hand to her middle, feeling nerves poking around as she waited in the lobby for Jack to meet her. “Hey,” she greeted with a smile, willing the nerves to settle lest he notice she was out of sorts. “Pretty much,” she confirmed, “On my feet or on my knees,” she assured him, though a moment later she realized the connotation, “-scrubbing,” she clarified with a chuckle, catching the innuendo promptly. “- and you? What do you do all day? I mean, I literally can’t imagine it- meetings and office work and Texas- like, what is an average day for you? Is there even such a thing?”
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
she should’ve known that picking a spot so close tot he pool would’ve incited something to happen, however, maybe it was her mind just wanting her to see the good things in other people. she shakes off the water before looking to the voice who was speaking. “oh, no that’s alright. i need to grab some food anyways. that’s very generous of you.” she offers, giving a faint smile while shaking off some more. 
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“Not a problem,” she assured casually, a little shrug of her shoulders trailing her voice to reiterate her words. “I’ve gotta make myself useful for something, right? Otherwise, my manager just thinks I’m goofing off,” she offered, half in jest and half-seriously, she supposed. “If you’re going to the restaurant I can buzz ahead and make sure there’s a table reserved for you,” Heidi always felt as if it was a fine line between punting for a decent tip and borderline harassing a guest and perhaps she was still getting used to exactly where that line was drawn.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
status : open to everyone location : hotel lobby
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“come on, it’ll be fun. way more fun than sitting around in the hotel all day, trust me.” the brunette pleaded as she spoke to the first sensible person that got off the elevator. she’d been going a bit stir crazy the last few days since she filled in for people calling in sick at the bar. part of her felt like she hadn’t seen the outside world in ages though in reality it had only been two days. “please? we can pack a lunch and you won’t have to worry about entertaining yourself for the day. we can even go swimming.” thinking about the nice lake spot she discovered the other day made her smile, it was beautiful, private, and she’d love to share it with someone else if they were interested. 
Heidi had intentions to use her afternoon off duty to study but she had to admit, the thought of disappearing from the hotel for a while in Fallon’s company did sound rather enticing. Fallon was fun, maybe a little wild but definitely in a good way and Heidi was starting to learn that perhaps above all else, she was difficult to deny. “Alright, I’m in, you sold me,” she conceded with a chuckle. “Shit, I don’t even remember the last day I spent by the lake,” it was sort of taboo for somebody in the state of Ilinois, she thought but in her defense, she hadn’t exactly had ample opportunity to escape to the lake as of late. “-and just to be clear, when you say a picnic, that includes like- say, a bottle of Prosecco, right?” she asked, surely the bartender would come equipped with drinks for their outing, she considered.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
Jack was exhausted. Although, he probably felt much worse than he looked, Jack was happy to be back at his temporary home at the Malnati. He’d spent the last week in Texas working on a deal that had done nothing but make his pockets thicker and his head ache in ways he hadn’t felt in months. 
The week-long vacation in Hawaii had been something that Jack hadn’t even known he’d needed at the time, at least, not until he was back in Chicago and severely missing the beach, the sun, and beautiful people by the pool. He was pulled from his own thoughts of sun, surf, and sandy toes by a comment tossed his way; Jack turned on his heel- Heidi, what a sight for sore eyes. A cheeky grin pulled at the corners of his mouth, “Sex on the beach, huh? Either you’re mocking me with my drink order or you’re implying something, Miss Heidi.” He’d not taken the time to learn her last name- that’d be weird, wouldn’t it? “Just getting back, actually- Texas isn’t far, but when you’re constantly traveling to and from, it’s pretty easy to feel like you’ve been hit by a jet.” He’d been dressed in more casual attire than his normal suit and tie- a pair of dirty jeans and a black t-shirt, his hat tucked under his arm. “One perk about Texans, though? They don’t mind casual Wednesdays.” Jack winked and gave the girl a once-over, “what about you? Here for the night shift or heading out? Do you guys even have night shifts?” 
He propped himself up against the wall and fiddled with the rim of his cowboy hat, “You been doin’ alright? Your boss finally find more staff for you yet?” Jack, no matter how hard he tried, could not read Heidi. She was a mystery to him, “If I’m correct in thinking you’ve just about finished your shift,” he wasn’t going to say it, but she seemed tired, “you interested in grabbing something to eat? I heard about this diner down the road with these crazy peanut butter and jelly milkshakes. I just gotta get out of this nasty airplane clothes first, if you’d like to join.” Jack nodded at his suite door, a silent invitation that she’d be welcome to wait for him in his room if she wanted to go.
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“The first one,” she responded promptly, a smile on her face that made it obvious that she was rather self-satisfied as she did so. She enjoyed being able to tease Jack harmlessly and get away with it, knowing that other guests might request she be crucified in the lobby for less. She clicked her tongue and nodded her head in understanding, evidently, a question that went unspoken had been answered for her, “So, that’s where you were,” not that she’d noticed his absence or anything, she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that. “I hear they’re an easy people to get along with,” she hadn’t really heard it but she had to assume something like it. She only knew a few Southerners in her life and one of them happened to be standing in front of her, making it very easy for her to believe that they were all as gentle in nature as Jack. 
She nodded her head to confirm his suspicion, “Oh yeah,” she assured him, the strain in her voice making it quite obvious that she wasn’t a fan of the fact. “-and I happen to be one of the lucky ones,” she assured him, her words dripping with sarcasm.
Heidi smiled at his concern, it was endearing but she thought it was unnecessary, “I’m tougher than I look,” she promised.  “Very astute,” she complimented, “I’m about to clock out for the night, I started early today,” she expressed with a sense of pride or perhaps it was just excitement over the fact that it was almost over. She raised an eyebrow at the suggestion that followed, having entirely failed to anticipate it. Though she was caught off guard, she couldn’t help but chuckle at the mention of milkshakes, “Okay- yeah, I’m in,” she confirmed, the smile lingering after the words left her lips. “Give me a few to get out of this uniform and sign out of my shift and I’ll meet you in the lobby?”
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
Heidi was fidgeting absently with her I.D. badge on the end of its retractable reel, zipping the badge back and forth by her hip as she wandered down the hallway. There was a slight bounce in her stride as she anticipated freedom at the conclusion of her shift for that evening.
The upbeat nature of her stride was matched by a smile when she saw Jack Whetstone headed in her direction, probably retreating to the comfort of his suite. “Good Evening Mr. Sex on the Beach,” she teased playfully, feeling just a little more comfortable about doing so after the meeting they’d had while on vacation. She’d also made a habit of taking notes about him and showing them off later, the way he took his drinks, kept his room, which snacks he picked over others, and how serious he got about competitive rodeo, which still managed to make Heidi chuckle.
“Settling in for the night to about to take off?” she asked curiously. Though she liked to think she’d learned a handful of things about the CEO, she wasn’t familiar with his routine nor the sorts of things he entertained himself when outside of the hotel. Was he a club guy? Did he order bottle service in VIP sections? Did he see movies? Live theatre? Maybe he sat on the shoreline of Lake Michigan and wrote poetry or studied ancient history. She wouldn’t have the slightest clue, she reasoned. Finding herself so often surprised by him had quickly taught her not to assume too much.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
Heidi cringed slightly as she watched the misfortune unfurl, right before her eyes. She’d heard the lifeguard scolding the kids for messing around on the slippery paving around the pool and again for leaping into the pool to the dismay of the people around it but apparently, it hadn’t had much of an impact on the youths. Heidi couldn’t say she was all that surprised. She’d learned, during her time at the hotel that the elites rarely listened to the rules or advice of the plebiscite staffers, so why would their children? 
“Did you need a towel, ma’am? I can get them for you if you want to relax- I don’t mind,” she insisted politely, a warm, professional-grade forced smile on her face.
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renovations had finally begun on what was meant to be safiya’s dream home. she’d been working for years to try to find a place to call her own and after her mother retired and moved to germany with her new husband, she found herself on her own. so she decided to move from the small town she’d been in her whole life and move to the nearest city - chicago. while she settled in the suburbs, she knew it would be a while before the house was complete to live in. so, having her grandfather care for her dog, she booked a suite at the most upscale hotel in the city. and she was glad she had - for she knew she would be comfortable there, and maybe be able to find some more clients. she’d been lounging in the pool area for most of the day, only to find she’d been splashed with water, leaving her soaked. sighing, she stands up. “well, i guess that’s my sign to head up to my room.” 
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
When Heidi recognised the other maid from across the bar, her intention had been to greet her with a cheery hello, ask her who she was there with, find out what she was drinking, and then most likely leave her to her own devices. She hadn’t anticipated, however, the thought that on her way to do so she’d get caught in the crossfire as her co-worker proceeded to unleash hell on another patron. “Holy shit,” she uttered under her breath as Bianca fired up. She recognized the brand of rage and on countless occasions, she wished she’d been able to talk to sleazy guests at Malnati in just the same manner.
Once the verbal annihilation was seemingly over, Heidi finally approached and placed a hand on Bianca’s shoulder to ease the woman, “Hey- why don’t I get us another round of drinks before you start breathing fire?” she teased lightly “-and you can tell me what the fuck that was about,” she suggested, though she had a feeling she already knew what had gone down, just by the smug asshole haircut the guy had.
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“Excuse me, fuck face? You wanna fuckin’ try that again with my heel down your throat? ” Bianca was quick to spit out to the sorry excuse for a man that thought he could get away with trying to get her attention by cooing out and whistling loudly in her direction; but upon seeing how quick she was to loudly expose him to passerby, he immediately began to walk away without saying another word, avoiding eye contact with the people who were now watching him leave. “Yeah, that’s right, you little bitch, fuck you!” The Latina yelled out, ever needing to have the last word before she continued on her way, grumbling to herself in Spanish, as everyone else around her dispersed, afraid to be another victim, though she didn’t realize one of them actually being someone else from the hotel.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
it took ava twenty three years to leave her home state, and now after only being in chicago for a month, she was already traveling again. it was a little crazy to think about how much her life had changed in just a matter of months, but she wasn’t complaining. a free work retreat where she didn’t have to worry about her life, her job or her past for a week? nothing could compare. the first day on the island ava spent exploring the resort, indulging in what was probably one too many pina coladas and falling asleep on a hammock, but today she had a plan. she woke up, had breakfast (that absolutely included pineapple; when in hawaii, right?) got into her beachwear then headed towards the white sands. she was on a mission; she wanted to bring home sea glass and shells to litter the dresser in her room. carrying her little mesh beach bag, she headed to the beach. it didn’t take long for the blonde to be walking up and down the stretch of sand she’d picked, eyes trained on the ground while she looked for the little treasures she desired. 
( starter aesthetic ) 
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Heidi smiled the moment she noticed a familiar figure on the beach. Though the blonde looked remarkably different out of uniform, there was no mistaking Ava. What Heidi couldn’t work out, however, was what the heck she was doing, trailing up and down the sand with her eyes glued to the ground before her feet.
“I think the rule is that X marks the spot if you’re looking for treasure,” she joked without realizing how close to nailing Ava’s purpose she actually was. “How many Long Island Ice Teas have you had already?” she questioned playfully, assuming that Ava’s behaviour could be explained away by her blood alcohol level if nothing else.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
“Wannabe cowboy?” Jack scoffed- that was borderline offensive in his books. He had horses- and he knew how to properly take care of them. “I’ll have you know that this wannabe cowboy took second in the state rodeo two years running with his blue ribbon horse Buttersquash.” Second wasn’t exactly first, but it still sounded good, right? He slipped his sunglasses back onto his nose, ignoring the way the slid down his face ever so slightly, “I’m kinda surprised to see you here, although it is nice seeing a friendly face around.” It was- Jack had only met a few people in his short time at the hotel, and now getting a vacation, he was even more surprised to find Heidi here- he had just assumed they’d put everyone to work. “Well hey, now you can act more like a human around me, huh?” He winced as the words tumbled out of his mouth, his filter clearly left back in Chicago, “I mean, more like someone that can do things without needing a manager to approve everything? Am I just digging myself a deeper hole?” Jack moved back to lean against the pool wall, “I guess I’m just trying to ask, how are you today, Heidi?” He shot her a shit-eating grin, Jack had typically always been pretty smooth with anyone, really. It came with the training from his father at a young age, but Heidi threw him off his game. She was a challenge that he couldn’t quite understand. “I remember you mentioned how many hours you were working and such, so this is probably a much needed break, yeah?” Truthfully, he remembered very little of their previous conversations- he remembered her talking about her business degree, but very little else. Everything always seemed to deflect back to him. 
With little issue, Jack pushed himself up onto the ledge of the pool, “You know,” he leaned back on one hand, the other moving to rest right above his belly button, “You’re welcome to tell me to f’off if ya’d like. You’re not on the clock and I wouldn’t blame you. s’just nice seeing you with a smile on your face, as opposed to, I dunno- looking like- well, looking like you were drained from work. You just seem different.” They had really only had one previous conversation prior to now, but Jack had made a point of leaving a bit more of a tip than normal when he left a particularly large clean up in his room. He looked Heidi over, finally getting a chance to take in her beauty- her long hair and her soft smile, he wanted to know more about her- maybe they could be friends, if she’d ever move past the fact that he was a guest. Jack tipped his head towards the sun, “but hey, look at that, you got out of Chicago for a while, that’s a step in the right direction from our conversation last time, yeah?” 
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She couldn’t help but find herself just at least a little tickled by his leap to defend himself. As it turned out, wannabe cowboy was pretty serious about being a cowboy and she couldn’t stop her lips from curling into a smile as he went on a sincere diatribe to justify it. “Is the ribbon for the horse or the rider?” she asked facetiously, just to get another slight rise out of the male. It wasn’t as if she wanted to genuinely antagonize him, he didn’t deserve that and she simply wasn’t that girl. It was, however, rather entertaining to toy around with him over something as goofy as whether or not he was a cowboy.
“Likewise,” she confessed, she hadn’t expected to bump into any familiar guests and if she had, she didn’t necessarily think that Jack would be one of them. He must have noticed the way her features twisted, her expression shifting into one of uncertainty at the suggestion that she could behave more like a human around him now. Had she been an apron-wearing alien prior? a refreshment serving robot, perhaps? She laughed at the way he stumbled over his words as if they were getting caught in his throat. It was cute, endearing, “I’ll try my very best,” she teased, playing along as he attempted to remedy the situation while she remained largely in silence, watching him squirm for a moment or so purely because she could. “Jack,” she started her sentence with his name since apparently, they were on a first-name basis now that he had actually remembered what her name was, “-I’m on an expenses-paid vacation in Hawaii,” and on my third mai-tai, “- I couldn’t be better,” she assured him, “-Thank you for asking,”  even if he’d almost had an aneurysm getting there.
She found herself allowing a soft chuckle to part her lips once again, “I know I am,” she confirmed, though she had no desire to tell him to f-off, as he so eloquently put it, or anything like it for that matter. “I am different- like you said, I get to be human today,” it had been a weird thing to say but oddly enough, he was sort of right. Heidi had been a wife, then an inmate the a maid. Somebody else’s surname, somebody else’s government-issued identification number, somebody else’s servant. This was the first time in a long, long time she could recall feeling simply like Heidi Pfeiffer, twenty-something, and without a care in the world.
“It’s funny, I was thinking about that this morning,” she admitted, “How we were just talking about that and then poof. Here I am,” she looked Jack over, “-and here you are,” she noted, thinking about it with a little more depth now, “You’re not my spirit guide or something, are you?” maybe that was the mai-tais talking or maybe it was a joke, maybe it was a little of both but clarification on the matter would remain tucked behind the cheeky smile on Heidi’s face.
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
closed starter || @heidi-pfeiffer​
Since arriving in Hawaii, Jack had done little more than just lay around in his suite and soak up the much needed time away from work. He had ordered room service, had napped, had drank some water, had snacked, and had basically done everything in his power to not leave his room, aside from the few times he’d laid outside their suite on the bench to catch some fresh air. When Jack woke up the morning after their arrival, it was then that he decided he needed to get out and enjoy the pool- at least for a little bit. He slipped into a pair of his baby blue swim trunks- albeit maybe a little too short for his legs and had possibly seen better days, but they were Jack’s favorites and he hardly let go of favorites once he had them. Jack snatched a hotel towel and his small bottle of suntan lotion before making his way downstairs. He dropped his stuff on a chair on once of the far corners of the pool deck, slathered up his shoulders (as best as a lone man could) and took a seat on the side of the pool. Jack leaned back, his fingers burning slightly from how hot the ground was, but for once he felt like he could breathe- he’d unintentionally left his phone back in Chicago in the haste to leave, so being on this vacation was one thing he was going to take advantage of. If someone needed him, they’d find a way to get in contact.
It was only a little bit later that Jack slipped into the pool, the refreshing cool water washing over him as he trotted backwards towards the deep end. He’d been so in his head that he slammed into another body, Jack turning around quickly with a startled, “Oh god, I’m so sorry-“although he wore sunglasses, Jack shielded his eyes from the sun in attempt to try to place the person’s face in front of him, “Hey, you’re- you’re the girl from the hotel the other day, right? Heather? Hannah? No! It’s Heidi, right?” Jack’s eyes, really as subtle as any man could be, glanced down and back up, “Barely recognized you outside of that horrific uniform they have you guys in. It’s Jack- Mister 312?” He slipped his glasses onto his forehead, his eyes squinting against the bright sun, “you told me that story about the blow up doll and the mayonnaise?” Jack slid his sunglasses down over his eyes as he made awkward eye contact with a woman across the pool, “Please tell me you’re her, otherwise this is gonna get real interesting.”
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As far as guests were concerned, Jack Whetstone was certainly among the better of them. He wasn’t outwardly rude or sleazy, he didn’t leave his room in a state akin to a pigsty or local dump and Heidi hadn’t yet had the misfortune of coming across him too drunk to stand or near vomiting in the elevator. To that degree at the very least, she could say she almost liked Jack Whetstone, or something like that anyway.
She didn’t, however, like him enough to tend to her housekeeping duties while she was so obviously on vacation, so admittedly, she was a little defensive when he approached, though it appeared to be mostly by accident on his part. “Heidi, yeah,” she confirmed with a curt nod of her head, reluctant to allow him any more than that. She didn’t have to fill the silence, however, he made sure to do that on her behalf. She chuckled softly, “It makes for some pretty gnarly tan lines so I thought I’d try something else for the occasion,” she assured him in jest as if she’d be caught dead in that god-awful uniform outside of her scheduled hours.
“Jack Whetstone, oil guy, and wannabe cowboy. Peanut M&Ms and diet coke. I remember,” she noted with confidence. She was pretty good at remembering the little details about guests, it helped when it came to arranging furniture in a way that suited them or replacing the snacks in their suite. She chuckled at his concern “You caught me,” she confirmed as she lifted her sunglasses, resting them on her forehead. Perhaps he would be more familiar with her if he could see most of her face and not just her cleavage. 
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heidi-pfeiffer · 4 years
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fallon couldn’t help but hear the girl’s conversation with herself as she walked by. “how long do you have left of your shift?” she asked softly, offering her a smile. “i have some snacks in my bag if you want, pizza goldfish.” the girl continued with a laugh, hoping that she’d be able to help the girl out. “i know it’s not much, but they usually do the trick when i’m standing behind the bar for hours and they don’t contain any hazelnuts.” she slung her bag down her shoulder and pulled the baggie out of the front pocket of her backpack before finally holding them out to her. “what’s your name?”
Heidi stood up straight, pushing herself off of the wall gently as she corrected her posture and wiped her mouth. A moment later she was checking the watch on her wrist, answering Fallon once she’d swallowed her mouthful of granola, “Two hours until my break, four and a half hours until I’m off the clock,” she explained, not that she was counting down the minutes or anything.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve seen you downstairs,” she admitted. The girl looked familiar but she hadn’t been able to place her. Maids were easy to spot, receptionists were perhaps even easier but other staff members were hit and miss depending on how they dressed for their respective role. “Thanks,” she offered a smile as she accepted the snacks. “Heidi,” she confirmed, tapping her name tag lightly, “I don’t think we’ve officially met before,” though they may have passed one another, chatted briefly or been caught up in the same employee meeting at some stage.
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