hellohaijulie-blog · 8 years
I remember that one time I loved someone so much I decided to learn to love myself first
thnksfrthpngns (via wnq-writers)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 8 years
It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, you can still do what you want now and change where you go in the future. People redeem themselves everyday. It doesn’t matter who you were, you control who you are today. No matter who you used to be, you can still become the person you want to be.
enigmatic-thinker   (via wnq-writers)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 8 years
You don’t need to pretend, you don’t need to impress me constantly, you don’t need a grand display to keep me. You already have me because I love you for who you are - all of you, all the time - and I’m not going anywhere.
crusadertitanarum (via wnq-writers)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 8 years
I hate to admit that beneath my strength, my stubbornness, my boldness, my kindness, or my smile that my heart is a rather fragile thing. It doesn’t take much to make old wounds ache afresh.
j-a-lear (via wnq-writers)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 8 years
Why do people think being with someone is the answer to everything?
Elizabeth Scott, Love You Hate You Miss You (via wordsnquotes)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 8 years
kalau lah mimpi itu mainan tidur, kenapa mesti kau yg menjelma. cukuplah... jgn ganggu tidur aku.
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
im broken
i'm broken.. apa maksud awak ? awak selalu bertanya kenapa saya begini, why i have these facade on? masa silam membuat saya jdi begini. mengajar saya utk berdikari dan tidak menaruh harapan. masa silam itu perlu ditinggalkan. we cannot live in the past. kita perlu ambil pengajaran daripadanya dan kita move on . Living in the past make u dead inside. ya.. that's easier said than done.
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
Ignoring your demons will only make them stronger.
kennysora  (via wnq-writers)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.
Ron Howard (via quotemadness)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
The hardest thing ever is taking chances. Because you can only take so much pain. And you can only get hurt so many times before you create a bubble around yourself to avoid any more scars. And then you end up never really living at all. So we deal with pain. We take chances and we take risks, because either way we’re going to lose, and it’s going to hurt.
Follow for more quotes about love and relationship (via thelovewhisperer)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
You can never tell what people are thinking and feeling unless they tell you, and usually they lie. you ask them, ‘Whats wrong?’ and they say ‘Nothing’. You accept this because it’s easier than digging for the truth. People smile when they want to cry, they laugh when they want to scream and shout. They pretend like nothing is wrong because they don’t want to face the truth. Things aren’t always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes you gotta scream and cry your anger and sadness to the world, because you can only hold it in for so long before something in you snaps. so when you want to cry, cry. When you want to scream, scream. Don’t hide behind fake smiles, it’s ok to not be alright.
Follow for more quotes about love and relationship (via thelovewhisperer)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
To do? I don’t want to do anything. I want to be everything.
Peter Ackroyd (via quotemadness)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
A lot of parents will do anything for their kids except let them be themselves.
Banksy (via wnq-art)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
I want to live without seeing myself.
Federico García Lorca (via quotemadness)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
Go and do the things you can’t. That is how you get to do them.
Pablo Picasso (via wnq-art)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge… Don’t apologize for being who you are.
Danielle Laporte  (via wordsnquotes)
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hellohaijulie-blog · 9 years
i am sorry
they said the best revenge is living well . u yg ada dalam ingatan saya bukan macam ni orangnya. caring, gentle, lovable. tapi yg saya nampak hari ni ? terlalu berbeza, jgn ubah diri awak sampai macam ni hanya kerana dendam kan saya. Its not worth it. Im not worth it. so let it go. All the anger, the hatred.. let it go and start living. im so sorry.
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