henry112q · 22 days
they should invent a pill that’ll kill me instantly w no pain and wipe any evidence that I existed as a person in the first place
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henry112q · 22 days
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sorry for the inactivity again
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henry112q · 22 days
Thank you for the advice.
I have a question.
My mental health has been very bad recently, so bad that I have had to use NHS 111 online as I find it very hard to talk about my mental health. Anyway at the end it told me to speak to the mental health crisis service as soon as possible, but it is a phone call and I don’t know how to communicate about mental health not on a phone call so by having to use a phone it will make it harder as well as there is some problems that I don’t know why there are happening or how to communicate it. I do have autism so this could be playing into it as well as I suspect there could be something else. Do you have any advice for this phone call, like on how to approach it but also start it as I am worried that I will not call them due to overthinking it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there,
Would it help if you wrote down the things you need to talk about? I’m not so good with phone calls either, but I know it has to be done.
Maybe my followers can share some tips/advice too?
I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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henry112q · 23 days
I want to study myself so that I can understand myself better then other people
The Autistic Urge to Study Other People and Society…
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henry112q · 23 days
Autism and Summer
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The Autistic Teacher
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henry112q · 23 days
TW - de@th * You can delete this if it is triggering or upsetting 🤍
Is it an autistic thing to be even more terrified of death than most people are? I know most people are scared of it, but I can't cope. I've never seen anyone talk about it. But like i can't function because of this fear, this fear that I know will happen to me and to my loved ones, I don't know what to do. I've had years of therapy, I'm on antidepressants...
Hey anon,
I often think about death too. And I have my own thoughts.
TW: Death, suicide
After I lost my uncle from a self inflicted gunshot wound (head the entire thing too. I knew what that big shot I heard across the street was. When an officer knocked on our door. That’s when I really knew what happened. My uncle had shot himself with a rifle at a friends house across the street.
I little while later, I lost my biological mother from most likely murder.
One day, I just look a full bottle of medicine. I threw it one the ground in front of my mother. She didn’t take me to the hospital immediately because I guess she thought I was lying.
Next thing I know, I woke up in a hospital room. I felt pins and needles everywhere on my body. But for the most part I was okay. Miraculously.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2019 after having two tonic clonic seizures.
When my seizures start/happen, I almost instantly go unconscious. I hear nothing, I see nothing, I can’t feel anything. My muscles go tense for a moment, then I start to jerk wildly. I wake up to EMTs everywhere. I almost always go to the hospital, and it annoys me. But they told my family to call them if it happens again.
So I’m an odd way, epilepsy has changed the way I feel about death. If it’s anything like my seizures, then I’m okay with that. It’ll be the closest thing I have to peace.
There are religions out there that view death in an interesting way:
Christians believe heaven, a beautiful paradise where everyone will go after the rapture (correct me if I’m wrong please)
There are those who practice Hinduism, Buddhism, and others that believe that they die and come back as someone or something else. This is reincarnation.
My point is, that death is perceived by differently and there that are some views are quite soothing and peaceful. And I hope that comforts you a bit.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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henry112q · 24 days
My mental state is a complete mess, I can make decisions on whether or not to try to commit Suicide but can’t decide whether or not to put on a jumper. It is just so funny the fact that the big things are easy to decide on with myself but the small things I ask for a second opinion on.
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henry112q · 24 days
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sorry for the inactivity again
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henry112q · 25 days
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Oh, cool. Cool cool cool.
So... we're heading for an era of extreme reactionary backlash.
The question is it going to be like 1980's style or 1930's style.
We shit on rainbow capitalism (as we should), but it is a good indicator of social acceptance of LGBTQ people. When brands are loud and proud about how much the support gay people('s money), it means the social conditions have moved in our favor and the potential backlash is weak.
Right now, the power is shifting back to the fascists. That's bad.
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henry112q · 25 days
Why am I always alone when I'm at my lowest?
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henry112q · 25 days
Why don't other people find life as hard as I do? I think about death everyday. I'm so overwhelmed. Everything is sooo hard. I don't know if I really want to die or if I just can't live. I want someone or something to strip me of all my responsibilities, all the pressure. If that is death then so be it.
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henry112q · 25 days
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henry112q · 30 days
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Spectrum of overwhelm, now in triangle form due to popular demand
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henry112q · 30 days
my daily routine is so simple, i wake up and suffer
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henry112q · 30 days
living is exhausting
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henry112q · 30 days
Sh + Autism culture is having to hurt yourself so you don’t have a meltdown
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henry112q · 30 days
Suicide is such a comforting thought. Nothing matters when I’m dead.
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