heyitsayaneh-blog · 6 years
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This subject taught me how stay up all night. It taught me how to be stressed, how to cram for requirements, how to grow massive eye bags and a field of acne on my forehead... Basically, it taught me how to be a superhuman.
But most of all, Media and Information Literacy, was the subject responsible for bringing out the best in me. It was the avenue to showcase my skills especially in layouting and video editing. This subject ignited my desire to do better everyday. Not only that.. It had fostered me the skills that are vital for the 21st century. It had molded me just right for today's generation
Amusing yet tiring. That's the shortest sentence to re-evaluate my feelings towards this subject. I am happy to experience this mind-wrecking yet worth the ride one-hour moment of my everyday. Looking forward to materialize the pieces of information I have learned from this class!
Until then.
📷: Pinterest.com
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heyitsayaneh-blog · 6 years
So this is how it feels when it's finally over...
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heyitsayaneh-blog · 6 years
WMSU-SHS STORIES: Who Inspires You?
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To grow up with a mother and father is both a privilege and a blessing that only the few are able to experience. Never did I skip a day without being thankful and feeling lucky to have them both raise me as to who I have become today. Losing them would be a currency I cannot afford. 
 My mother is a woman of strength and independence. She has been through worst than what I could imagine just by raising my two sisters and I with her own capacity as a mother. She endured the days without my father because she knew she needed to hold tight with the life both she and my father created. She's the one person whom I know is willing to take the fall and enter hell just to give us the best. 
 From her, I mirrored the epitome of a strong independent woman. She taught me how to fight a real battle without giving up and actually winning it. She cultivated selflessness within me. She taught me how to love unconditionally and she inspired me to be bold and firm yet soft and gentle. 
 Brave and courageous is what my father perfectly portrays. He always makes sure we never forget that he's our protector, or knight-in-shining-armor. Everyday, he endures the unforgiving waves of the ocean just to keep our tummies full. I adore him for being a wise man. When he gets home from the shipping vessel, he always have stories to tell and wisdom to impart to us, even upto this time when we do not believe in fairytales anymore... But the story of the captain never dies. I still love the thrill and the excitement. He inspired me to be proud of who I really am. He is, in fact, my love adviser. He would always remind me to see goodness within people and love the hell out of that goodness. With him, I feel secured. 
 Without these two, I wouldn't be who I am at this moment...and forever I will be proud to show the world the amazing people who contributed immensely to my overall growth as a woman and a person. They are my family, and within them resides my home.
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heyitsayaneh-blog · 6 years
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WMSU-SHS STORIES : Why do we celebrate Buwan ng Wika?
The bloodline and soul of a country is its very own language… and I think this belief is beautiful. We have all the rights in the world to celebrate our own pride : The Filipino language.
Celebrating Buwan ng Wika is the endless campaign of the nation to promote the continuous practice of our own national language. I, myself, for one, think that this advocacy is the best way of preserving what’s on the verge of an end.
It is true, we, Filipinos, have settled the soul of our conversations within the form of a foreign language. We are missing the bigger picture here, that all the more we get ourselves accustomed with numerous foreign languages we find interesting, all the more we serevely dismember ourselves from our real identity.
I think the ultimate reason why we celebrate our noble language is subjective to what is happening right now, it is because we have been constatly forgetting who we are and where we came from, we recreate a version of ourselves that is alien to this country… and in order to prevent this language from dying, we allow it to prosper and reign even just for a month. We allow it to manifest its nature right infront of those who needed to see its inmate beauty.
I, myself, might sound like a hipocrite for using a foreign language to speak up my mind. But things happen for a reason; this one’s needed to be in English because I want to widen my audience.
Photo taken from: GreatValuePlus.ph
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heyitsayaneh-blog · 6 years
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WMSU-SHS STORIES : The Life of a CSM-STEM Student
It is no joke. Having at least 5 hours of sleep on weekdays’ nights, regularly bearing a brain trauma every after calculus and physics exams, listening to 64 slides of biomolecules and cell function in one hour, and having spontaneous exams every after ends of the chapters - I know, all these seem to be a cliché rant of a senior high school student like me. But trust me, in this strand? The struggle is real.
Let’s get our point here, how do we describe the life of a CSM STEM Student in just mere words? What I’d say is that any language isn’t commensurate. Yet this is what I do believe : We, even in the most critical state of our own academic welfare, still manage to be okay. That’s what a CSM STEM Student is: Dauntless and resilient. In order to survive the kind of life he/she has chosen in the very beginning.
Under any given circumstances such as deprivation of sleep and lack of self relaxation, we can still slay and win the battle within ourselves. We were trained this way : Turn something normal into something magnificent. Made to be creative and resourceful.
We never settle for less, we break the glass ceiling of the people who only associate us within the confines of the STEM strand. We are more than just math geeks and science enthusiasts. CSM STEM students are holistic at best. No matter what they would ask us to do, we can and we will thrive to get the best out of ourselves. That’s how versatile we are.
The college in which we belong does not shut and disable other qualities that we possess… and I think that defines who we are : the epitome of the “Generation X” bound to break whatever stigma that challenges our capabilities.
The life in which we live is not established by fate nor destiny, those things are illusions to escape the harsh reality before us. The life we chose are molded and built by no one but us, ourselves… and we chose it this way. We chose this course and we chose to be different.
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heyitsayaneh-blog · 6 years
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...and make it happen!
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