hollietree · 7 months
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hollietree · 7 months
Goodbye Austen girl summer, hello Brontë girl fall
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hollietree · 9 months
Spirit I just summoned: you may ask me one question and one question only, I will give you the answer before you die a slow, painful death! What is your question?
Me: What happened to Bryn and Jason on the fishing trip?
Spirit: ... What?
Me: You heard me
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hollietree · 10 months
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hollietree · 10 months
The most side character ever that I've been so invested on is philomena's mate paul
Who is this person? What goes on in their life? Where are they finding the stuff that makes them do all this iconic shit? I want to know their story
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hollietree · 10 months
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hollietree · 10 months
Crookshanks being an unpaid intern for Sirius Black is my favorite thing about Prisoner of Azkaban. He had that cat running ERRANDS. Ordering the Firebolt for Harry, stealing Neville's list of passwords. Crookshanks was Booked and Busy
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hollietree · 10 months
Torn between “Jaskier’s first ordered public execution as the Prince Consort of Redania is that of a man who proposed that Valdo Marx plays at his wedding” vs “Jaskier absolutely gets Valdo Marx invited to play at his wedding to Radovid just to rub it into Valdo’s face the whole night”
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hollietree · 10 months
Ok but after having to listen to Valdo Marx on repeat for almost the entirety of episode 5, I feel you Jaskier. Fuck that guy.
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hollietree · 10 months
this era of the internet is fascinating
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hollietree · 10 months
Rereading the hunger games, President Snow is so camp
"okay soldiers, after you finish bombing the district, I need one of you to get out of your helicopter and go put 2 dozen roses in one of the craters for me. This will send a message to this 17 year old girl I hate*
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hollietree · 10 months
There’re a lot of possible etymologies for Robin Hood but my favorite is that ‘Robin’ is a play on words on ‘robbing’ and ‘Hood’ is a nickname for a highwayman or a bandit. Because it means that “Robin Hood” would be the medieval equivalent of “Stealing McStealface”.
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hollietree · 10 months
Rocket: *is extremely entertained by the separation of people from their mechanical prostheses, laughs his ass off every time*
also Rocket: *grew up surrounded by friends with cybernetic enhancements that could not be removed, has intrinsic mechanical parts himself, is likely so amused and delighted because the concept of separating the biological and the biomechanical is deeply strange and surprising to him (because he couldn't take them out if he wanted to)*
Nebula: *goes to great lengths to get Rocket Bucky's metal arm for Christmas because she--more than anyone--understands and relates to this (as someone who also feels more machine than person and marvels at separated prostheses and how people can endure without them)*
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hollietree · 11 months
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hollietree · 11 months
Breaking into someone’s house, stealing a bunch of his food and drinks, and then singing a prepared diss track about how much he hates that you’re being assholes is absolutely wild and if I were Bilbo Baggins I would not help these people get their home back
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hollietree · 11 months
I am convinced that this push for "more diversity" in tv shows and movies has nothing to do with Hollywood actually caring about these groups. It's because they no longer have to put in effort towards actually making a good product! They have a ready made excuse to trot out, if and when it flops, that puts all the blame on the viewer.
Oh, you don't like this complete and utter massacre of canon that takes everything you liked about the source material and flips it around? You just hate that it stars a strong female character! Deal with it you sexist trash!
What's that? You hate that this tv series lies about your history or blatantly appropriates your cultural background, while claiming to be real information? Or that this movie seems so flat, colorless, and unimpressive compared to the lively original? You just hate that the main character is black! Shut up you racist!
Huh? You think that the main character is poorly written, and that the plot is flat and uninteresting? You obviously have something against the LGBTQ character we included! Get lost you homophobe!
As long as they can point at some type of "bigotry" to explain any hate, the writers and producers of these tv shows and movies have no real reason to put any work into making them interesting! They're using this "diversity" as a shield against criticism for their low quality work. And I find that to be very disrespectful not only towards the fans, but towards the characters they write, the actors they hire, and the groups they supposedly represent!
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hollietree · 11 months
i want, like everyone, for aphrodite to be played by a slew of different people but i also would like for them not to look like supermodels. no airbrushing no extreme contour no cgi shaving off face fat i want people who would generally play extras to play aphrodite i want to find out that one of the actors was the directors son i want to find out that another one was one of the actor's mother that another was the cameraman's wife. !! give me the beauty in everyone!!!
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