homosapien-cupcake · 7 hours
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homosapien-cupcake · 7 hours
I can't decide if I want no gender or every single gender
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
ppl on here get sooo mad when someone says you should be a little bit grateful for lgbt allies like sorry but i have homophobic overbearing parents & im used to people thinking gays are freaks and “groomers” so the concept of “cishet people who are willing to ally themselves with the lgbt liberation movement” is something i dont think ill ever take for granted. but thats just me i guess idk. yeah its praising the bare minimum but receiving the bare minimum allyship is a blessing when im used to deeply entrenched homophobia. i’d rather shit talk the people who actually want me dead instead of the cishets showing up at pride to day drink with drag queens. what does ridiculing them do except ruin the vibe :|
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
made a cuff using the hospital bracelet i got during top surgery, wanted to wear it until it fell off but it didnt work with my sensory issues
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embroidered the trans and nonbinary symbol on it, im really happy with how it turned out
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
this pride month i pray for free and safe Palestine for all my fellow queer Palestinians and for everyone
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
this post was supposed to be a lighthearted post about aspec people by highlighting them in a joking way that still instills positivity and pride in the identity .
unfortunately too many people are too chronically online and media illiterate to realise that so let’s break down the post.
‘shout out to the people not having gay sex this pride month’
this was intentionally a worded to counter the ‘have lots of gay sex this pride month’ jokes and positivity that surround pride discussions. The wording directly associates with anti-queer activity and their frequent attempt to divert attention from queer people during the month of pride. it is worded intentionally. it is supposed to seem counter active to pride .
the humour is then seeing a pride flag. specifically the asexual flag- in which case this stands for an umbrella term across the aspec community which is more recognisable than the variety of aspec flags that i had seen whilst looking for a flag for this post . the grey line of the asexual flag stands for the spectrum between allosexual and asexual it represents the degrees of asexuality and in so, with the purple, stood for the aspec community in this post.
if the joke is still lost on you, the idea was to read a statement that counters the idea of queer pride and find it recontextualised to humorously represent an identity associated with the lack of sexual attraction; ergo no gay sex .
what this post is NOT, is a comment on varied asexual attraction. it us not a commentary on what makes a valid asexual person or whether or not you specifically will have sexual inter course this pride month . it is not saying asexuals are not allowed to have sex . this post is pushing any stereotype of asexuality . op is a sex having aspec person. i am demisexual . i have been with my partner for almost 2 years and engage in sexual activity .
what this post IS, is a joke. it’s a fucking joke i cant make it any clearer. not every single joke is going to relate to your own experiences and that’s ok. not every post about asexuality is going to relate to your own experiences that’s ok. you need to stop taking things at face value and actually engage in some media literacy to understand when something is a reductionist and stereotyping commentary which is inherently negative and when something uses a reductionist approach to convey humour because a lot of you really seem to be struggling with that one.
i fear a lot of you take yourselves too seriously and can’t find the humour in simple tumblr shitposts to the point where i’m having to actually explain what i thought was a very easy concept to grasp because it has upset a lot of people . stop taking everything so seriously .
if you are offended by the original post that is actually a you problem. that is something you have to work on where you cannot accept any form of lighthearted media that does not directly align with your own experiences . bc it’s not serious . it’s a joke x
also allo people can fuck off bc this is literally a post celebrating aspec ppl idc if your gf lives across the country or if you’re just a single loser this literally has nothing to do w u
yall make me want to kms for making me do this
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
A new cat color has been spotted in Finland. This is really interesting. A lot of common cat coat patterns have only evolved in the last 1,000 years. The tabby cat coloration only evolved in the Middle Ages.
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
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Pride month vest project, a patch a day #29: Wheat But Not Bread, Fruit But Not Wine
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homosapien-cupcake · 23 hours
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nothing but respect for my trans cow best friends
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People said that Tumblr isn't a great place to post original art that isn't fanart, but I'm doing it anyway because I haven't got the motivation to draw anything else
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Happy pride month lads! 🧡💛🤍💙
from an aroace potato :)
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I'm going to list off some random videogames and media that I love because I don't usually post about my interests on here, these are just some of the things I could come up with off the top of my head
viddy games:
splatoon, little big planet, tamodachi life, pokemon showdown, snail simulator, hades, plants vs zombies, bug fables, kirby air ride, danganronpa, cyber hook
one piece, avatar the last airbender, doro he doro, dungeon meshi, the dragon prince, full metal alchemist, mob psycho 100, gravity falls, she-ra and the princesses of power
other hobbies:
boardgame design, lesbianism, cooking breakfast sandwiches, console emulation, swimming, streaming, looking at/ holding bugs, yearning, dungeons & dragons
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