horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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Pardon, Mademoiselle. Voulez-vouz…
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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Nikon D7000, Sigma 50-500mm, Canis Lupus Lycaon
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
*           For a few moments she wondered if maybe this woman just… didn’t talk. Maybe she was just unsocial. She seemed the type. Kind of a loner hunter sort. She sort of reminded her of the Ashlanders in Morrowind…
So, maybe she just didn’t understand.
Luckily Haleen had a ton of experience communicating with someone who had no idea what she was saying. She went to Morrowind with no idea how to speak Dunmeris – which wasn’t too much of a problem until she came across the Ashlanders. She went to Akavir with no idea how to speak any of those languages. Sure, she learned them all eventually. But before that she had to communicate with them somehow.
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“Do you speak? That’s fine…”
Red eyes gaze at the woman as she goes about removing the arrow she shot, then she turns back to her. Hal takes in her appearance, then quirks her mouth in a small smile. She wasn’t oblivious enough to not realize what exactly that armor was. It took her back to Tel Fyr, and the Museum of Artifacts she sold it to… It looked different now… Perhaps it wasn’t the same.
She made a motion to the Hide, “Hircine?” 
She carried a curious tone, rather than one of judgement, and raised her own hand showing the Moon-And-Star ring she hadn’t taken off in over two hundred years, “Azura.”
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the sound of the prince’s name causes her eyes to brighten, if not only the slightest hint, && it appears the woman has caught the champion’s interest. her gaze follows the hand as to were it gestures ;; towards the armor she wore upon her body. instinctively, her free hand touches upon the steel over her chest, looking back up though thick lashes towards this crimson - eyed woman.
both words she knew && understood. when the hand is raised to show the artifact, her head will tilt as she studies the band around a single of the stranger’s fingers. glancing back towards her face, khonvoum feels the corner of her lips turning upwards --- was this one a champion as well?
without much warning or even asking for permission to approach, the hunter comes closer to the strange woman with a boldness to her step that could be considered intimidating... but the expression on her face is less aggressive now. her eyes reflect a reserved curiosity in those amber hues, full && painted lips parted carefully as if words danced on them, but couldn’t reach out into the cool air.
curious, she wanted to see more of this daedra’s artifact --- she’s much taller this close --- leaning in as locks of crimson hair brush against umber cheeks. the ring is beautiful, captivating even... Khonvoum had seen nothing like it before now. a muted sort of hum comes from the champion in response, a lighter sound than would be expected from such an intimidating being.
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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A - Z Myth Aesthetics
W - Werewolf
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
  oh how werewolves smell !  damp and soggy, it takes everything in her power not to wrinkle her nose — wolf bares her teeth in warning, yet aedra remains unconcerned ;  there is little a mortal can do  (  whether she is the hunter’s champion or not  ).  mara will meet her gaze and hold it steady, attempt to keep her smile even though she can feel the searing anger that rolls off of her.
   she does not feel fear, but trepidation.
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  mara is no weak prey, but the shieldmaiden of kyneareth and had bark louder and to warriors twice as rough in the aeons in this cosmos  (  oh, how they dance in her eyes like the shimmer of snow in the sun  ).
  ‘   my, I fear moving lest you attempt to rip out my throat.   what angers you so ?   ’
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the sound of her voice was like a soft symphony. it was unlike anything that the hunter had ever heard before, && it struck chords within an armored chest in a way that Khonvoum had never experienced. it made her heart swell, but only until she attempted to quell it with steel.
body language grew less tense, her painted lips coming to rest in a less - aggressive shape of concern. an aedra, a divine... why had she come to her, a sinner? could she not feel the tight grip that HIRCINE had on the woman’s throat? eyes soften only slightly as they look over the embodiment of love before her. this feeling... what was it? why did it confuse her so?
lips part to speak, but no words can find themselves replying to the woman. muted humming instead comes from behind full lips, a look of something between confusion && frustration ghosting over intense features.
‘ why are you here ? ‘
it’s the question to be begged from mortal lips, while they can’t be heard, it’s the question her face seems to give as those animal eyes meet the aedra’s own. 
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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Khonvoum is not only Hircine’s champion, but she is also deeply, deeply in love with him. he made her life have purpose when she had doubts, he makes her feel powerful && daunting. though his words make her feel such a high infatuation, the love is completely one - sided. Khonvoum has never felt what true love can be, so she believes this ‘ love ‘ is true, && that she only needs to work harder to have the prince return his feelings.
she grew up not knowing the touch of another person, so when Hircine gave her that experience, she fell for his comforts whole - heartedly. but the prince of the hunt only sees her as a tool for his will.
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
When Bera and her canine companion were separated during the Imperial ambush at Darkwater Crossing she was sure she’d never see the dog again. She could hardly believe her eyes when she happened upon the husky fighting off a pack of wolves. Now that they were reunited Alduin himself could land in front of her and she wouldn’t care. She had her dog back and that’s all that mattered.
That is, until the unmistakable creak of a bow being pulled taut snapped her out of her reverie. The duo froze in their tracks and in an instant the dog’s hackles were raised and she growled a warning to the stranger.
“Macke,” Bera said in a low voice. The dog relaxed at the sound of her name, but her posture remained poised to jump to her master’s defense.
“Hello there!” She called out to the woman in a jovial tone, the haft of her battle axe resting on a broad shoulder.
“We don’t mean you any harm! Just passing through!”
daunted by that large axe, sunset eyes observe the other’s body language. no true aggression shone through, no baring teeth or hunched shoulders. the animal that stood at her feet seemed to have other ideas however, && her first instinct ( though quelled quickly in the presence of it’s owner ) was to take aim. 
dogs, wolves, they were all the same. she had no concept of pets --- so the sight of a wild dog becoming so dutifully obedient to a human baffled her. yet, the bow will lower as the tendon string becomes loosened once more, arrow pointed to the dirt beneath her feet.
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she didn’t respond back with words, but the look on her face seemed to beg the soundless question ;; ‘ why are you here ? ‘. crimson brows furrowed, eyes sharp as they glance her frame up on down, as well as eye that intimidating war axe.
painted lips purse, giving her face a look of uncertainty.
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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Khonvoum is partially mute due to not using her voice very often since her childhood, and often communicates with sounds such as grunting, humming, etc. She can understand some words that other people say from hearing them said often, but she still has not gotten a full grasp on language yet as she grew up as a feral child. 
If other speak too quickly it overstimulates and frustrates her, and may cause anxiety.
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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( Click that like for a short starter! )
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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When she awakens…
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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*          Not much really escapes Haleen, and she’s not just tooting her own horn by saying that either. There honestly isn’t much that gets by her. She’s clever, she’s skilled, however she’s in a completely new place. Well, maybe not completely new. She was born in Skyrim, but definitely not in this area! More North than this. Unfortunate too, because she hated  snow, and these forests were nice.
Either way she’s busy picking ingredients for potions when she suddenly heard something  wizzing  past her face, and turning to see a large wolf now dead on the ground. Well, she missed that. And then the woman who emerged from the shadows.
Well, that was certainly dramatic.
“Hello,” Haleen said in a casual tone, picking up her alchemists satchel, and hauling it over her shoulder. “Thanks for not shooting me. That would certainly be an unexpected way to go…”
the look in the other’s eyes shows she may not be one for jests, the way her head seems to tilt as she steps closer giving off an air of confusion ;; yet her eyes, intense, unwavering, showed no such emotion in their bold hues. feet step slowly && carefully over fallen branches without a sound beneath armored feet.
no words are spoken as she continues forward, brows knit as she reads the woman’s lips. she’s speaking to her, but the champion only catches fragments. years && years of isolation among the dark && brilliant forests caused languages to become jumbled, foreign. it sounds like noise, but some words she could decipher among the sounds.
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giving her a wide berth as she approaches the felled animal, fingers wrap around a bone arrow to retrieve it from her prey. it only takes a quick && forceful jerk of a strong arm to remove it from the animal’s body, to which those intense eyes return looking to this raven - haired woman.
Khonvoum wasn’t sure how to articulate how that arrow may or may not have been fired without the knowledge of her being there.
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horyaalkiisa-blog ¡ 7 years
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the last person to make the mistake of grabbing Khonvoum had their fingers and half of their hand bitten clean off with her teeth. she doesn’t do well with others touching her without her consent.
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