hotelxcierra · 2 years
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“Ah Moscato now that’s a type of wine that I am familiar with.” She smiled “Usually my top pick unless I’m trying to impress someone.” She smiled softy. Really Asher was the only one that she found herself googling wines for seeing as the man was an expert when it came to wine and food pairings. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself showing up with a wine that didn’t pair with the amazing food that he had cooked correctly. “I believe the only type of wine that I have in my own home would be pink Moscato.” She admited “And if that’s a rare occasion.” She chuckled “What kind of Moscato were you thinking?” She asked. Esmeray had never been great at meeting new people and making new friends. It usually happened naturally or failed miserably “Nice to meet you Cierra… beautiful name by the way.” She smiled. 
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"I know what you mean. Some people are major wine snobs, but I say live and let live. If I want a moscato, I'm getting a moscato." She didn't care if others thought it was a low-brow variety of wine. "Pink moscato is a good variety too. I'm not a big fan of reds but I enjoy a nice blush every now and then." She had already considered the brand of moscato and said "I was leaning towards a bottle of Roberto Mondavi." It was nice enough to enjoy on a night out but not so fancy as to feel like it should be saved for a special occasion.  Smiling at the compliment, she said "Thanks. I wish I could say I came up with it myself, but the credit all goes to my parents."
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
Carmen could understand that. She had drank a lot in high school and drinking a bottle of wine every other night wasn’t exactly odd behaviour because she felt like it was the best way to calm down after a long day but the hangovers were only getting worse and worse. “I think it’s the lack of sleep that I’m not able to do anymore, on top of the excessive drinking and mixing.” Nodding, she smiled at the choice. “I had that once before and it was great.”
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"That's probably true, too. I definitely don't sleep nearly as much now as I did when I was in college." In college she could party from Thursday night on and not have to be back in class until Monday. Now even though she worked from home two days a week, she was in meetings or on conference calls the whole day, so she couldn't just hit the snooze button as much as she would have liked. "The trick is to splurge on a decent bottle to help cut down on the potential for major hangovers."
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
Amara wasn’t someone who tried new things most of the time. Mainly because she didn’t know how to order or whether or not she would like it and wasting wasn’t something she enjoyed. But having someone order for her kind of took the anxiety out of everything. “That sounds good. I’m trusting your judgment and taste on this, Cierra.” She said with a laugh and then placed a hand upon her heart. “The pleasure is all mine.”
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Cierra grinned at that. "Oh, so no pressure?" she teased the other woman. But then she added "Well, I do like to think I'm something of an expert when it comes to matters of good taste and sound judgement." And she wasn't just talking about wine. As the bartender slid two glasses towards her, she gave one to Amara. Then she raised her own and said "To meeting new people." Was that cheesy? Probably. But she was in a new town where she didn't know most of the locals, so she would take getting to know people however she could.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
“It only seems to be getting worse with age and I don’t know what to do about it. Normally there’s a remedy for everything when age comes into play but nothing with hangovers.” She had bought way too many serums to stop the aging process until she decided that she’d slap some SPF and moisturizer and hope for the best. “No, I’m fine with anything. It’s kind of shameful what I drink so I’ve gotten accustomed to all types.” If it was in front of her, she would normally drink it without issue. A girl on a budget meant that she couldn’t be picky about taste and preference.
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"Yeah, unfortunately I think my liver has reached the point where it doesn't want me to drink like I did in college." And maybe that was partially her fault, for drinking as much as she did in college, but there was no putting that genie back in the bottle now. "Okay, well then I think I'll order us a bottle of riesling." That was her tried and true variety of wine, the one she fell back on when she wasn't sure what else she wanted.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
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Esmeray nodded “Sweet is about the only wine that I can drink.” She admitted “Not the biggest fan of wine in general, guess I just don’t have the taste for it.” She explained. She thought for a moment. She should really head home instead of spend her night out but the offer to bullshit with a complete stranger over a drink or two seemed all to tempting in the moment, plus she was already out so did she really have an excuse to pass up Cierra’s generous offer? “Fine but what I drink is up to you because like I said earlier I really have no clue when it comes to wine… no pressure or anything” She chuckled setting her bag down before sitting on the stool beside her. “Oh I’m Esmeray by the way.” She speaks, realizing that she hadn’t formally introduced herself. 
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"That's fair. I tend to drink the sweet ones more myself, as well." Fortunately, she wasn't the sort of person who got headaches from drinking red wine, so she could have petty much any variety of wine. Laughing she said "Oh, so no pressure?" she joked back. "But I think maybe I'll order us each a moscato." Which was even sweeter than the riesling she'd been drinking, so hopefully the other woman would like it. "Nice to meet you, Esmeray. I'm Cierra." Cierra's favorite part of social drinking was meeting new people. Especially since she was new in Port Whitley.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
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“I wasn’t one either but then I used to go out with a friend who would always order it and it stuck. I didn’t know what else to order.” It wasn’t an interesting story but she wasn’t someone who normally went outside a lot so it kinda stuck. “I’d like that because I’m all for trying new things but the problem is that I never know where or how to start when it comes to those new things.” Amara admitted with a smile. “I’m Amara, by the way.”
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"Oh, well then you definitely have to try something new" Cierra said. After all, one of the best parts of drinking with someone else was that it offered the chance to discover drinks you didn't even know you might like. "I'll order us each a new glass, then" she added, waiting to catch the bartender's attention. "Nice to meet you Amara. I'm Cierra." She gave the other woman a smile.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
open starter
where: the soliel booth at the end of summer carnival
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It’s the end of summer carnival, and yet the weather is still giving off middle of July heat.  Mattie is in the Soliel booth, frying gourmet versions of carnival foods, and they’d much rather be back at the restaurant, or even better, at the penthouse. Pretty much, anywhere but here. But cooking is their lifeblood, so to speak, and being a part of the community, and the advertising this kind of things gives Soliel, are important.  
Mattie is handing off a play on a fried pb&j off to one of the customers, who passes them their number with the money, which only makes Mattie smile and wink before eyeing the person who steps up next. “Well hello,” they greet, all too annoyingly charming. “What can I get you, then?” 
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Cierra had decided to check out the summer carnival, hoping it would help her learn a bit more about the people in the small town she had just moved to. And of course her first stop had been to check out the food. Cierra absolutely loved carnival food. As she approached the front of the line, she smiled at the person working the booth. "Please tell me you have funnel cake." It was her absolute favorite carnival food, the one she considered essential for enjoying herself today. After all, what wasn't to love about fried dough covered in powdered sugar?
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
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“The up-charge can be a little ridiculous. Especially if you’ve seen that same bottle less than twenty-four hours ago being sold for literally half the price.” It was in their right to charge the price that they wanted for it but she also had to be smart with her money and not waste it. Thankfully, the woman was inclined to share the bottle so that made her feel a little better about the price. “Same for me. My heart will likely thank me because I’m prone to head-splitting hangovers now that I’ve grown out of my twenties.” Which was sad since she could no longer drink like she used to. “I prefer Red but I think we might be smarter to stick with white.”
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"Oh yeah definitely. The up-charge on wine is ridiculous" she agreed. Then she nodded. "I know what you mean about the hangovers. I remember having no problem drinking the night before class when I was an undergrad." Now the idea of drinking when she had work the next day was enough to make her head hurt. Grinning, she said "White it is! Do you have a preference to what variety?" While she was currently drinking a sweet white, she wouldn't say no to a dry one if that's what the other woman preferred. She was just happy to have someone to split the bottle with.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
Amara had looked over at her glass and then back at the patron to her left. “I was just thinking about switching to what you were having.” It seemed like a good place to end the night but she was quite enjoying what she was having outside of the drink. “I believe it’s a gin and tonic. I don’t normally take this but the bartender wanted to surprise me and it’s good.” She went to push it towards the woman but figured that a stranger drinking in her cup may be weird to others. “I mean, you can have a taste if you’d like. I guess that might be a bit weird but it’s up to you.” She shrugged her shoulders. “How’s yours?”
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Cierra shook her head, politely declining the offer. "Thanks, but I'm not much of a gin and tonic person." She'd also learned in college that you should never have a drink a stranger offered you unless it was sealed. And while the women didn't seem like a creep, that was a lesson Cierra couldn't shake off. "Its good. I mean, most riesling tastes the same, no matter how much they charge for it." She gave the other woman a smile. "I'll buy you one if you want to try it."
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
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Esmeray chuckled lightly as she listened to her speak on the fact that she should have just bought an entire bottle for herself. “Oh I’m not.” She informed her when the stranger asked what she was drinking “Drinking that is… I’m supposed to be picking someone up but it appears that they might have found themselves another a ride.” She chuckled shaking her head as she lifted her phone up as if the stranger could see the text message from her friend. She was a little peeved that her friend had waited until she got to Social Oak to inform her that she didn’t need to show up but in a way she had already suspected that something like this was bound to happen when she agreed to be the designated driver. “How about you? she spoke “I know you said you were drinking wine but what kind?”
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"Not drinking when everyone else is drinking is never any fun" said Cierra in a sympathetic voice. She'd done her fair share of days of being the designated driver back in college, and she knew how much they sucked. Then she smiled at the other woman's question. "Oh, just a glass of riesling. I'm not too picky about wine, but I do like sweet ones better." And riesling was one of the sweetest varieties of white wine, after all. "Since you apparently don't have to give anybody a ride, is there any chance you'd let me buy you a drink?" She didn't mean it as a line. She would just enjoy having someone to drink with. And since she was knew in town, it wasn't like she could just call up an old friend and ask them to join her.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
It wasn’t really a want for caffeine that drove Aiden to the cafe, it was a need. One of the slats on her futon had broken in the middle of the night and the discomfort of rolling over the gap continuously woke her. The location of the cafe right around the corner from the garage had made it the most attractive option, along with the fact their cold brew was by far the best-tasting. 
She had only settled into a spot in line when someone full-on collided with her. Her mouth opened to say excuse me when a familiar voice reached her ears and words died.
Cierra. Her sister.
Five years on the run and it all came to a screeching halt. All for nothing. Aiden had settled in a small town in New England to keep her family safe and now someone recognized her. It was one of her worst fears.
“Cierra,” she whispered.
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Cierra blinked rapidly, trying to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. She had long since given up hope that her youngest sibling was alive. So to see them standing here before her was a major shock. And she was feeling a whole range of emotions at the moment. Relief to know her sister was alive after all. Confusion as to how that was possible. And anger over the time she had spent mourning someone who was apparently alive after all. In the end, anger won out. Dropping her voice to a hiss in case anybody nearby was listening, she said "Want to explain to me how you are alive?"
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
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“very much so,” she confirms with a laugh, recalling her recent conversation with a location scout. “not at the moment, but this whole area will be closed tomorrow. so i suppose you still have some time to enjoy in the view.”  not that she necessarily thinks it’s a good one, just that it matches the somber tone of her book. “one of the new hbo shows. it’s a thriller. based on a book by scarlett alonso garcia. have you heard of her?”
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Nodding in understanding, Cierra said "Well, I guess I'll just have to get all my sight-seeing in today then." She was glad they weren't closed for filming today, as it would have felt like a wasted trip out to the lighthouse. Then she raised her eyebrows at the other brunette's words. "The name sounds familiar, although I'm drawing a blank at the moment. What was her book about? The one that will be a show, I mean." Cierra wasn't great at remembering authors but she was pretty good with remembering books based upon their plots.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
Carmen looked over at the woman when she mentioned drinking a whole bottle herself. Frankly, that was exactly what she was wondering about when she eyed the third glass of wine in front of her. Had she had money saved up or enough to waste on an overpriced bottle of wine, she would have done it without thinking. “I was thinking the same but then I wondered how much up-charge is on that bottle. I could buy one that’s ten dollars.” It wasn’t good by any means but it did its job and she figured that if she continued to drink it, it would become an acquired taste. “Unless we split one?”
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Cierra laughed at that. "Okay, I'm glad its not just me wondering that. But I get what you mean about the up-charge." While Cierra certainly wasn't hurting for money, she hated the idea of spending a good chunk of money on a bottle of wine that wasn't actually worth it. There were so many things in life she thought were better to splurge on than alcohol. Then she smiled. "Oh, we can totally split one if you want! My liver will probably thank you for saving its life" she joked. "What type of wine do you prefer?" she asked. Cierra, for one, wasn't too picky when it came to wine.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
Who: @pwstarters​ / Open! Where: Social Oak When: A Saturday Night
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If there was one place in town Cierra knew she absolutely had to check out, it was the wine bar. After all, she wasn't much of a beer girl, so wine and cocktails were her go-to options when she wanted to drink. Of course the bar was busy tonight, and as she was standing around waiting for a refill on her glass of riesling, she made eye contact with someone nearby who also seemed to be waiting. Giving them a smile, she said "I'm starting to wonder if I should have just ordered a whole bottle for myself." It wasn't like she couldn't finish a whole bottle by herself if she really wanted to. "What are you drinking?" she asked, figuring it couldn't hurt to make conversation while they waited.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:  sol pointe lighthouse 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: open 
it’s hard to accept the notion that she’s become a lot like the women she writes about. divorced women, girls stuck in awful relationships, miserable wives, their despondency is always clear, sharp, easily felt, but painful to digest. it’s entertaining at least, scarlett reminds herself as she recalls the number of people that have supported her work for years and given her a chance to conquer the new york times best sellers list more than once, and yet, perhaps her dejection ought to be attributed to the place where she’s staying. of course, the deluxe beach house that she’s rented certainly isn’t the issue, but rather it’s the entire town seems to lack charm, a distinct sort of beauty. as she reaches the lighthouse, she takes a moment to memorize the scenery, knowing that they’ll start shooting some of the scenes from her upcoming series right here, and then, soon enough, she’ll be free to leave. just as she’s about to turn on her heel, she spots someone else, uncertain if she should say something. “i didn’t really expect to see anyone else here. perhaps i should inform you that this location will be closed for a couple of days due to filming.”
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"Oh, is that so?" said Cierra. She'd decided to check out the lighthouse within her first couple weeks in town, since it was sure to offer a great view of the town's coastline. "But they aren't closed now, are they?" she added, her voice making it clear they would be disappointed if they were. "What are they filming?" She wondered what sort of film or show would be filming in this small  town. Not that it wasn't a beautiful town, but it certainly wasn't New York City or Los Angeles.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
OPEN STARTER | @pwstarters​ WHERE: Panaderia Familiar
Antonio was trying to decide on what to get, it had been awhile since he had actually been here but he loved this place. Plus it was a hard decision for him to make considering that everything looked amazing and he just wanted to get a bit of it all. But he decided that he was going to have some self control and not do that. While looking at the menu he came to a decision about what he wanted to get. Although he did feel bad for holding up the line though so naturally he was going to pay for the next person in line as well. No matter what they ordered. After placing his order, he glanced over at the person behind the counter. “Put their order on my tab as well.” He glanced over to the person behind. “Sorry about your the wait. Whatever you get is on me.”  
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Cierra was waiting in line to place her order at the bakery. The guy in front of her seemed to be taking his time, and she was doing her best to be patient. Checking the time on her phone, she glanced up when she heard him speak to her. "Oh, don't worry about it" she said. After all, she didn't have any meetings for a little bit still, so she should still have plenty of time to get home and get on her laptop. "You don't have to do that" she added when he offered to pay for her order.
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hotelxcierra · 2 years
WHO: open | @pwstarters​
WHERE: Fireside Bar
If there was one place you could easily spot Asher that would be the Fireside Bar. One of his favorite venues since arriving in town, Asher safely knew some of the locals patrons by now and felt like the place was safe enough to spend a few hours on a week while having a beer and spending some quality time with friends and foes. 
Right now, however, the quality time was only for him seeing how poorly the other seemed to be at the pool game, making it way too easy for him to win.
“Well, here was I going to bet another round on the next shot, but I have a small feeling this will only lead to you with an empty wallet and me totally wasted by the end of the night.” Asher teased while following the ball out of the pool table. “This was a shitty one, my friend.”
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Cierra had many strengths, but playing pool wasn't one of them. Which was unfortunate for her, as she'd decided to play a game with one of the other patrons in the bar. "No, no" she said quickly. "I can afford it. Well, my wallet can anyway. I'm not sure about my pride." She wasn't just losing, she was losing spectacularly. It was almost impressive. "Thankfully its pool and not darts, considering how bad my hand/eye coordination is tonight." If they were throwing darts, she could have done some real damage.
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