so when I went to visit my cousin this summer i had some fading scars on my arm and we went to her school for a teacher meet and greet thing and she made fun of this girl who had apparently went to a mental hospital and called her weird and I realized she had never noticed my arm and I've been scared to tell her about it but also she didn't notice when we were together basically 24/7 for 2 weeks strait and even last year when I visited I had fresh ones on my arm and no one noticed or said a thing and I'm starting to worry that they dislike me so much she doesn't really pay that much attention to me.
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Like 5:30 am
mom: “can you unlock the door”
Me: spastically cleans up my sh stuff
i unlock the door
mom: ”im going to work”
mom: ” whats that on the floor?”
i look behind me to see at least five really bloody tissues
me: ”internally panicking and thinking im about to get a lecture at five in the morning”
mom: ”is that ink? pick that up i dint want that on the carpet”
me: half awake half asleep trying to figure out how i didn’t just die😍
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