i-heard-the-bells · 6 months
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
favorite things to hear a girl moan
Oh GOd
RiGht TheRe
DoNt StoP
and the ever so delightful 
*sigh* FuCK
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
One of the best posts I’ve seen lately:
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More great content at: LGBT News & Women’s Rights News
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
there’s a lot of good posts about how bi women who have only dated men previously are still bi, and they’re important and I don’t want to derail them
but I also want to add: lesbians who have only dated men previously are still lesbians. If you’ve been closeted and questioning, if you’ve been trapped in abusive relationship(s), if you dated men because you thought you were supposed to and then discovered it didn’t feel right, even if you’ve been married to a man for decades and then realize you’re a lesbian– you’re still a lesbian.
you’re allowed to come out no matter what your history is, no matter how old you are, no matter how anxious and confused you feel. you are welcome in LGBT communities. you belong.
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
Usually, I wouldn’t answer an ask like this. Usually I’d delete or ignore it, for a lot of reasons. But you’ve caught me on a bad day nonny, so to you I say:
What in the unbridled, everliving FUCK made you think it was okay to send this????
Because, NEWSFLASH! This? Was not okay! You don’t get to go up to random strangers on the street and start asking them questions about their sex lives, and you sure as hell don’t get to pull that shit on the internet because you’re a coward hiding behind the anon option. My sexual orientation, behaviour and partners are none of your fucking business. Period.
But, since you’ve presented your whole ass to me for target practise and I am a woman who doesn’t believe in turning down opportunities for a good time, here’s an itemized list of everything wrong with your ask:
1) It’s rude. Like, your-grandma-would-slap-you-for-this levels of rude.
2) I know I already said it, but it bears repeating: my sexual orientation, partners, and behaviour is none of your fucking business, and never will be.
3) The term “gold star lesbian” is pretty offensive. Because it implies that if a woman realizes she’s a lesbian later in life, after having boyfriends--or even a marriage, which may or may not include kids--that she is somehow “lesser” for it. Everyone’s journey is different, and pretending that there’s some “gold star” tier of any sexuality is not only weird and obsessive, it also unnecessarily shames people for needing time to discover themselves.
4) A corollary to #3: the very concept of a “gold star lesbian” is also inherently sexist, because you’re not only demeaning women who are romantically and sexually attracted to men, you’re also implying a really gross dichotomy wherein women are “pure”--or “golden”, if you will--until they have been touched by a man, which taints them, because men are somehow dirty?
5) This logic leads to the idea that having sex with a man inherently devalues women--which smacks of not only Conservative Christian ideology and abstinence-only deceit-based sex ed, but also of emotionally-stunted Puritanical values, and establishes men as an inherent threat to women, which is:
6) A putrescent pile of TERF horseshit. Men are not monsters, women are not innocent angels, and sex is not inherently degrading no matter who you have it with, how many times you have it, what kind of sex you have, or how many people you have it with as long as consent is given by all parties.
7) As a final note, this kind of rhetoric is really, really damaging to lesbians who have been the victims of sexual assault perpetrated by men, because by your stated definition, a lesbian assault survivor is “tainted” and no longer a “gold star”, and that is a whole lot of salt in a very deep wound that absolutely no one in that situation deserves.
I have no idea what possessed you to send me this ask, but I would strongly recommend that you get off the internet and go think about your fucking life choices.
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
a WLW makeup ad. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
Bring back big budget pirate movies but make them explicitly queer this time
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
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Date... 🧡
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
but imagine if queer people talked to cishets the same way they talk to us
*concerned Karen face* "hiiii! sorry to interrupt your meal, but I noticed that you're a boy and you're a girl, and I know it's not my business, but I just wanted to let you know that this... is wrong. mkay?😁 I mean surely you'd be happier in a same-sex relationship. I'm just trying to save you! oh, you're christian? *pained smiling* well let me tell you about atheism..."
"hey dude! so where's your boyfriend? oh, you're straight? well why would you choose that? wouldn't you like to date a nice boy? such a shame."
"so are you two friends? oh you're... dating? well then who's the girl and who's the other girl? I don't understand how this kind of relationship works."
"if you're a boy, why aren't you wearing makeup and nail polish? you're just... barefaced. I don't get it."
"so then... one of you is bi? I'm not understanding."
"oh so you identify with your birth gender. so you're... cis? you have a... vajayjay? well you're still technically a man, right? I mean, being cis is a choice."
"I don't hate you. i just hate that you only like men. i mean my religion says that being straight is a sin, so you're going to suffer for all of eternity. it even says so in this big mistranslated fantasy book. what do you mean you don't believe in it? well I'll be praying to Zeus for you."
"so when did you decide you're cis? I mean why wouldn't you want to be a girl, or genderless? you can't just stick with your birth gender, you know."
"what do you mean you're only attracted to the opposite gender? are you at least ace or trans? no? well it's probably just a phase. you'll grow out of it eventually. the right girl is out there for you, just wait :)"
sound ridiculous? that's because it is.
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
oh to sit by a little stream with my girlfriend and breathe in the smell of the sweet summer grass and listen to the trickling of the water over the rocks, feeling so peaceful and safe and in love with one another
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
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Tallie and Abigail makes my heart flutter ❤️
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i-heard-the-bells · 3 years
Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)
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i-heard-the-bells · 4 years
Irish Tesco worker nails church acoustics in work stairwell
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i-heard-the-bells · 5 years
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