Who doesn't? 馃挄*giggle*
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Candi. It's my porn name too - Candi Bimbo! *giggle* 馃挄
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This is the truest thing I've ever posted, or read! 馃槉
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Omg, me too hon, and it's bliss! I'm, just, like, SO dumb and just totally shallow and everything! SO proud of how genuinely dumb I've managed to become! I love being a dumb bimbo, but what I really want is to become totally brainless!! The more stupid I get, the better and sexier I feel. Brains aren't sexy and don't make u happy, and having thoughts and opinions and stuff is just boring and pointless anyway. I love having men think for me and tell me I'm stupid - omg, it REALLY turns me on! *giggle*
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omg im such an airhead !
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Not only do my thoughts not matter, I've dumbed down so far down that I genuinely don't have any anymore, or even the capacity for independent thought, only to serve and obey. And I've never been happier! It's bliss! 馃挄
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Tell me what I am. Tell me what to do. Control every part of my life. I'm yours.
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Omg, I bite my bottom lip exactly the same way when I cum, or when a guy pulls my hair really hard! Omg, SO hot! 馃敟Also, occasionally, when I'm called - or told to call myself - something really particularly degrading;or publicly told how dumb I am. Omg, I love that馃挄
That Look - The Desire
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Mmmm That Look When Desire & Release Meet
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Such good advice. Brains are for boys, and thinking is just pointless and boring, and intelligence just isn't sexy. Or fun. Being dumb is fun and makes you happy. The dumber you become, the happier you will be,and the dumber you look, act and sound, the sexier and hotter men will find you,and the more attention you will get.
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And let's face it, why spend years studying to pass exams only to end up working for a living and unhappy? Drop out, let men think and make decisions for you(it's more fun anyway, takes a lot less effort, and being a dumb bimbo is much more fun than being really ugly and never enjoying male attention, however "strong, independent and intelligent" you are. Just allow the patriachy to teach and mould you to become the best bimbo you can be, and become either a rich man's trophy wife, or a trophy doll for lots of different rich sugar daddies.
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Either way, rather than working like ugly women have to, you will be a hot, spoiled bimbo trophy princess and spend your life shopping, being pampered and spoiled and enjoying all the male attention you get. You deserve it. Who needs education, intelligence or indepence when you have daddies credit card!!!
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Be a proud bimbo! 鉂わ笍
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Thinking is hard for girls, that's why you shouldn't.
Drop out instead
Spend all that time you were going to waste studying for a course or a test (That lets face it you were gonna fail anyways) and put it in to learning how to dress like a proper bimbo, put on makeup like a proper bimbo, talk, act, think like one
Cause big words and hard concepts are only gonna hurt your pretty little head
You need to spend that time figuring out how many dick you have to suck to afford your breast implants
(and we know numbers are hard for you so that will take a long time)
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Being groped is one of the biggest compliments a bimbo can get. That's what you are for, and male attention and approval isn't just important, it's EVERYTHING. Unless you get groped AT LEAST once every time you go out, youre not trying hard enough to attract male attention to deserve it. When you DO get such a compliment, the correct way to respond is to giggle and thank him for the compliment, and his attention. If he's grabbed your ass from behind then turn around and invite him to sample your tits too;or if he is facing and groped your tits, quickly grab his other hand and guide it onto your ass. Either way, WAIT until he decides to let go(it's just bad manners, considering HE has taken the time to compliment you and give you his attention), then lean in close and whisper "fuck me" while you cup your hand over his groin. Works almost EVERY time;if it doesn't, or if he doesn't get hard with your hand on his cock, even though he liked what he saw enough to feel you up then you're not being desperate enough-no matter how public your surroundings, just throw yourself at him by kissing and locking lips with him while you tease his cock hard. If that STILL doesn't work, you are DEFINITELY not trying hard enough. Be more desperate.
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I mean if you haven't been you know what that says about you right?
Oh hon, you haven't been?
Wow didn't realise i was talking to an ugly girl, I mean we al know it's legal and they still haven't WOW
If you ever want to be taken seriously you'd better go out and get yourself some implants
Cause otherwise
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OMG, I love getting my ass spanked until its raw, then bent over and pummelled until its even rawer inside! Omg, like, SO hot! 馃敟馃挄
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In fairness it is SO better on a bare ass, but if it isn't bare then it isn't truely a real spanking!
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Reblog and follow me. 鉂わ笍
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So true!
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I don't think I'm at all unusual for transitioning and loving to dress slutty. I think most guys harbor superstring deep desires to be hot girls and would love to show off their femininity but they just feel it's too big a stretch to transition or they think they won't turn out hot or their afraid of what others would say if they knew what they really want.
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WOMEN are Superior Goddesses, men are inferior slaves
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Yes, please! 馃挄
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Make Sissy Friends!!!
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I'm a total air head bimbo- like REALLY dumb(*giggles*) but I genuinely want to become, like, totally brainless! 馃挄
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REPOST if you consent to dumbification DM
can u like explain to me why i am stupid *giggles*
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I'd genuinely sell my soul to have her body to flaunt.
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I need a man who properly understands that I really don't want to be regarded as his equal, I want to be his property, and treated and considered that way. That I don't want dignity or respect, I want to be his trophy and his plaything, and who genuinely understands that im a dumb bimbo doll not just because I choose to be, and want to be(or ever will!), but because it really is what I was genuinely BORN to be;and so both want and NEED them to think and make decisions for me, and tell me what to - because it makes me happy and I don't WANT to think at all, just enjoy being objectified, viewed an treated as a brainless, obedient bimbo sex object. 馃挄
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