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lockscreen ' twice - taste of love
filtro polarr by ' @riecfltrs
don't plagiarize or repost
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𓂃 ׄ✦ ֪ Twice lockscreens !!
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ꗃ: like or reblog if you save and don’t repost.​ !!
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서툰 이별이 이런건가봐 잊어보려고 해도 난 멈춰져 그때에 아무리 노력해도 지워지지 않아 “I guess this is a bad break up. I try to forget, but I’m frozen in that time. No matter how much I try I can’t erase you.”
Song: Foolish (서툰 이별) (Hyelin solo) By: EXID
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➵ Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
➵ Jibaku shounen Hanako-kun
⊱ Kou Minamoto
⊱ Hanako-kun (Yugi Amane)
⊱ Mitsuba Sousuke
⊱ Nene Yashiro
⊱ Yugi Tsukasa
⊱ Shijima Mei
⟿ Author's Official Art
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➵ Jibaku shounen Hanako-kun
➵ Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
⊱ Hanako-kun (Amane Yugi)
⊱ Nene Yashiro
⊱ Kou Minamoto
⊱ Mitsuba Sousuke
⊱ Teru minamoto
⊱ Akane Aoi
⊱ Hyuuga Natsuhiko
⊱ Nanamine Sakura
⊱ Tsuchigomori
⊱ Yugi Tsukasa
↳ Lockscreen Jibaku shounen Hanako Kun.
⟿ Author's Official Art
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➛ Lockscreen; Official art ₍edit₎
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Because I like you
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Why the “Corrupted Steven Theory” is more likely than it seems at first
Okay, you probably think that this theory is very unlikely, and it won’t happen in Steven Universe Future. But hear me out, I thought so at first as well, just like I thought the “Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond”-Theory was a stretch. But guess what? It turned out to be true, so I gave this theory the benefit of doubt and now I’m convinced that it could become canon as well!
In the beginning, I was unsure but intrigued by this theory and read some posts. Steven Universe Future means a lot to me, I related to Steven Universe a lot already and kind of grew up with it in the past few years. Now, seeing how Steven deals with deeply rooted problems and his mental health issues hit close to home for me. So, obviously, I searched through the tags very much.
Unfortunately, the actual theories with proof are scattered all around Tumblr with almost no coordination, even within “#corrupted Steven theory” that is full of fan art (which I enjoy a lot btw!!). And I had to search through a lot of posts to see the full picture of possibilities this theory has, so I decided to make a master post for you guys. It’s not that much of a stretch when you put all of it in one big master-post, for those who don’t want to search for as long as I did.
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WARNING: This will be a very long post!
Keep reading
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My content gets shittier every day.
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‘when ur trying to take ur magic snow gf on a hike but she insists on checking the acoustics of every cliff u walk by’
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“ Kintsugi the art of turning damage into beauty
 It is the Japanese who mend their broken pottery with lacquer mixed with powered gold, I
t is the pain and trauma in my life that leaves scars on my arms, my neck, my skin and mind" 
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BODY OF WORK - a short autobio comic about being so ambivalent about your body that you neither have positive or negative body image. That you would rather find your self in your body of work, rather the body you are.
It’s been 15 years long…but I am emerging (also I can’t wait to show yall this tattoo when it’s done!!)
transcript: https://blog.reimenayee.com/transcript/
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if i even think about losing you, it feels like i can’t breathe.
best of wishes to ssamba, sending all my love to them for bringing us the absolute joy of fluttering feelings. tough times don’t last, tough people do. 
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Do ya’ll just ever look through your own archive and realise how fucking gay you are.
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Beginners guide for wlw mangas/manhwas
1. Tamen De Gushi (Ongoing)
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Okay. Listen. This manhwa is for yall out there who just want a chill, innocent, non complicated, 50/50 fluff-to-humor ratio story. Blonde and Brunette. And listen, listen, listen… This is DIABETES worth sugar. The art style is really good too. It’s simple but somewhat sophisticated. So far it has 139 short chapters (about 12 pages per chapter). There’s a linear story to it, but it sometimes drifts to a completely different timeline. It updates about once a month, or sometimes once every two months. 11/12
2. Fluttering/Exciting Feelings (Ongoing/Currently in Hiatus due to Author’s health)
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Before I even start with this, I got major Korrasami vibes out of it ho ly shit. Anyway, this manhwa is currently at chapter 68, and sad to say that the author may never continue the story again due to cancer and several other reasons. But I am still adding this manhwa to the list because it’s sooo good. It’s not as fluffy and humorous as Tamen De Gushi because later in the story, No-rae (brown hair) brings in some drama while Seol-a has drama of her own kind. The art is simple but it’s great enough to look amazing. Still though, the manhwa is great, but sadly… it might be discontinued :(. 10/12
3. Citrus [Saburouta] (Ongoing)
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I like this manga. I like it a lot. The art is good anatomy wise, but sometimes it gets too…. much….. Here’s a note, though: These two are step sisters. Yes. You heard me right. There are a lot of love triangles, a lot of drama, a lot of “Im-gonna-kiss-her-wait-no-nvm” moments, but there are a lot of WELL-DRAWN kiss scenes and semi-sexual things. There is almost no story line? Well, there is, but it’s your typical high school plot. It barely updates, and it currently has 30 chapters. Probably updates once every two months. 8.5/12
4.  Yagate Kimi Ni Naru (Ongoing)
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Yo, listen. This one is ……. VERY complicated. If you are planning on reading this story, I need you to know that this is as basic as I can put it: Nanami hates herself and doesn’t want her partner Yuu to fall in love with her, while Yuu is someone who can’t fall in love with someone. The art is simple but good god it’s really good *o*. It has fluff, but for every fluff there will always be some sort of angst right after or before it. There is certainly a plot line on this but it doesn’t focus too much on the plot. Characters are great and they have a personality of their own. Despite the “Im not in love” thing that is going on in this manga, there are many, many, cute parts. It updates about once every month or every two months. 10.5/12
5. The Love Doctor (Ongoing)
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(PS: this image is misleading btw but it was too fucking cute) I. freaking. love. this. manhwa. so. much. Now, this has many, many fluff moments but it also has its bulk of angst and drama. Love(ish) triangles, dark past from both parties, and there IS an age gap between the two but I forgot how many years. Still though!!! It is worth a read! The art style is cute and light and adorable, but sometimes the emotions can start looking the same in each panel (especially for one of the characters). Updates, I believe, every month. 11/12
6. Pulse [Ratana Satis] (Ongoing)
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Look at this art. Look at it. Isn’t it cute? Well, if you’re here for cute shit turn the fuck away cus this IS indeed cute, buuuuuut it also has sex scenes. There is also fluff and drama, and as you can see, one of them is a doctor. The art style is pretty well done and really sophisticated. I can’t remember if there’s an age gap? I’m pretty sure there is? Anyway!!! There’s a story, yes, and also a shitty ex that no one should like but everyone feels sorry for (for good reasons of course). 12/12
7. Magan & Danai / Magan he Danai (Ongoing)
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This one reminds me of Tamen De Gushi a lot, BUT…. This one is directed to the life of two women who love each other and what happens in their daily life. The art is much more detailed that TDG, and the characters have very different personalities. Danai, the shorter one, is the more mature one but also the more feminine one while Magan, the taller one, is definitely a fucking cry baby. To be honest, idk how frequently it updates? But!!! Still!! Go watch!!! 11/12
8. What Does the Fox Say? (Ongoing, 2 chapters left)
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Ho ly shit whe re to be gin…? Definitely not light. It is not full of fun or fluffy or innocent. This manhwa is dark, sexy, angsty, drama-filled, teeth gritting, and very complicated. VERY, VERY, VERY, Adult. A story with a beautiful young blonde who loves a much older boss, and the much older boss has a shitty ex that everyone loves who fucked up a lot but she has her reasons. This is one of those manhwas that you need to ANALYZE every. single. fucking. scene. It is one of those where each scene MEANS something and you have to keep a sharp eye even at the sex scenes. The art style is good. Not amazing, but decent enough. As I said, it ends in two chapters. It updates twice a month (from my observations). 12/12
*Note: These are all based on my observations
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whoop there it is.
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