ikkeyj · 10 months
I really despise the person I was in the past, I still despise the person I am now but Alhamdulillah I know better and Allah blessed me with knowledge and better people. I can’t help but still feel like a bad person for hurting people, for miscommunication/not communicating, for publicly sinning, for being arrogant, having pride and the list goes on.
This is your reminder that a bad person doesn’t even realise that they’re a bad person and if you were truly a bad person then you wouldn’t worry so much about trying to be good. You are not your past, some people may not see it and you may not see it but if Allah sees you for the better then absolutely no one else can tell you different. may Allah help us to improve our character.
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ikkeyj · 10 months
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And finally… baby… I cancel my gym membership.
It’s okay. I ada banyak route i bole lari during weekdays. Nak dengan Tak nak je. So di sebabkan I punya kasut tapak dia macam… mmmm…. Entah lah eh. Kita lari kat track je lah. Balik keje tu. Habis 5km. Kita balik rumah. Dekat pun dekat.
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ikkeyj · 10 months
Hye baby…
I need someone that I can rant everything too.. without feeling tired listen to everything I want rant.. 🙁
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ikkeyj · 10 months
nasib baik abang tu cover muka saya.
awak suka eh ambil gambar kat part sini.
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ikkeyj · 10 months
“My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me.”
— Iman Shafi (via islamicrays)
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ikkeyj · 10 months
May Allah grant you ease in your struggles, may Allah grant you clarity and a way out of your struggle, may this bring you closer to Allah and enable your sins to be wiped away - may Allah elevate your status and strengthen you during this tough time, may Allah grant you success in this life and the hereafter and may Allah may Allah grant you contentment in this life and the next
Allahumma Ameen.Thank you so much for such a beautiful dua.
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ikkeyj · 10 months
assalamu alaikum, I have a job interview tomorrow , so do you any dua I can say to Allah so he can make it easy for me and can you make dua for me jazakallah khair
Walaikum Assalaam,
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The other thing you can do is before going to interview recite bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim then 21 times Ya- Salaamu (it’s the nameof Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala) and in shaa Allah you will get success.
I hope it will be helpful. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala make things easier for you.
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ikkeyj · 10 months
cepat keluar dari toilet!!! saya nak terberak ni!!! aduhaiiiiiiiiiii
dari tadi tau tahan. 1jam 30min tahan.
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ikkeyj · 10 months
i tak paham betul la. when having a conversation with my boss, my english very good, very proper all my sentences and etc.
but when come to friends, all my english all become rojak & pasar thingy.
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ikkeyj · 10 months
alahai.. tempting nya sayang nak beli Mafate & Speedgoat...
hari haritu plan nak lari KDCF. tapi lari nya ido.
aku rasa aku kena masuk 1 hari untuk recce route before aku start lari. kita jalan pun tak apa ika. tak jadi masalah.
atau kau nak lari kiara?
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ikkeyj · 11 months
Malam ni aku punya row sendu sikit. Tak ade orang nak duduk sebelah aku. Shits.
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ikkeyj · 11 months
Ada Kala nya aku macam teringin nak beli hotdog kat stadium ni. Tapi weekend ramai. Aku rasa Nanti weekdays game aku mukbang stadium food. Hehe
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ikkeyj · 11 months
Aku malas nak lepak Grandstand.
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Kau tengok grandstand. Sendu
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ikkeyj · 11 months
Tapi hari ni memang betul2 panas.
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ikkeyj · 11 months
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As usual lah.
Tapi aku Tak nak upload. Malas lah nak bilang orang apa aku bikin. Yang nampak, nampak. Yang tahu, tahu.
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ikkeyj · 11 months
Yeay!!! Hari ni sampai stadium awal.
Tapi datang awal pun, parking yang selalu park tu FULL!!! Kena parking kat yang lain side tu. Tapi okay lah.
As usual lah tengok bola sorang2. Geng2 Ejam semua kat Grandstand. Malas nak pegi sana. Sana mahal. Pulak tu kat sana semua macam behave.
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ikkeyj · 11 months
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It’s EMPTY now. Good.
New chapter, new books and new content
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