ingmarbukowski-blog · 7 years
A Match Made in Transit
Grant had been feeling down lately, and this was another Friday night work drinks that he slipped away from hoping no one would notice. This always happens when he’s feeling like this. He starts out thinking this time will be different, but it always turns out the same. He gets shy and anxious and clams up and regrets having said yes to the night out with his workmates, but then the night quickly turns into hell and he just wants to escape, which he almost always manages to do. This was one of those nights. Only it wasn't. This night would change his life forever. Grant bumped into Sarah, a cute regular at the bookshop he worked in, on a late night bus from the city. She got on the bus a few stops after him and had to stand, while he managed to get a seat up the back. He saw her getting on but was too shy to get her attention. He watched her standing there with headphones on and gently grooving to whatever cool music she was listening too. She was wearing one of those light and breezy dresses that he liked so much, imagining that they allowed for easy access. She had maroon Doc Martins on, and a canvas bag slung across her, probably filled with books. Her hair would have been slightly above collar length except it was tightly curled, and as usual she had done nothing about her prematurely greying hair, which Grant appreciated. It wasn’t so much that he was into grey hair, or even natural hair for that matter, he just appreciated women with unusual hair – redheads, brunettes, dyed an unusual colour, and greying naturally. And he loved her John Lennon like glasses. He did have a thing for the bespectacled. She was his central focus, and he felt like a stalker, careful not to be noticed staring. She was in her own world and wasn't letting the outside in. A few stops later she opened her eyes and looked in his direction. He guiltily averted his eyes but she noticed him, and out of his peripheral vision he could see that she was walking towards him, and imagined she was smiling. He was right. He looked up from his book just as she was approaching and taking her headphones off. She asked jokingly if the seat next to him was taken, and he said of course not, not quite getting the joke in time. She sat down next to him and when their skin touched momentarily he thought he was going to melt. Not sure whether to keep reading or talk to her, he fumbled and juggled his book in his hands. Luckily she broke the ice and struck up a conversation relating to what he was reading and what she was listening to. Although he was awkward at first the conversation soon became natural, as if they had known each other for years. Later he would describe it as the best conversation he ever had, although he was so “present” at the time he barely noticed. As they went along the bus got emptier and emptier. He was so in the moment that he missed his stop and didn’t even notice. Eventually they were the only ones left on the bus and he could tell that she was starting to swoon – it must have been contagious – and he leaned in to kiss her. It was the best kiss he’d ever have, the type once you've had it you know that you'll be chasing that feeling for the rest of your life. The kiss started gently and naturally, but before long it got hotter and heavier. She pulled away and looked at him with longing, a look he hadn’t seen for some time, or maybe ever. She pulled back in again and they became locked at the lips, but it was so soft and gentle it took him by surprise when he felt her hand on his thigh. He followed suit, and soon they seemed to be daring each other to mirror one another's movements, until before he knew it they where on each other's third base. He momentarily dropped out of what was happening and shot a passing glance at the driver, who either didn’t notice or didn’t care, and then dropped back in, which for him was no easy task. He slipped into self assessing mode but for the most part let go of that part of his mind. As he was fumbling around in her underpants, he noticed how wet she was and figuratively gave himself a pat on the back for being such a turn on. Deciding to up the anti he whispered into her ear how wet she was. She moaned as if his words were turning her on, and after a few more rubs got up from him, which he thought could have been a bad sign. Her smile told him otherwise. She extended her hand towards him and gently led him to the exit door and pressed the buzzer, never taking her gaze from him, until the bus came to a stop and the doors opened for them to alight. Nuzzling her head into his shoulder they walked across the dimly lit and near empty street to a petrol station convenience store. Inside she suggested he get something to drink while she looked in another section. She headed towards the counter, brushing passed him and kissing him on the neck on her way. He couldn’t see what she was buying but stayed where he was, staring at the frosty soft drinks in front of him, not really acknowledging their presence. Returning with her purchase, which she waived slightly in his direction, she continued to the ladies with the shop toilet key. The realisation of what she had bought and what it meant dawned on him. They were a packet of sanitary pads. The wetness he had alerted her to was actually her period. He looked down at his hand and his fingers and saw that they had blood on them. There was a small red patch on his crotch, but he wouldn't noticed that until much later. He decided that he didn’t care and wouldn’t make a big deal of it, and while waiting for her he went to the mens to wash his hands. She came out not long after he did and they went out hand in now unbloody hand into the night. She asked him where he lived and he told her that it was further back along the bus route and that he stayed on to be with her. She thought that was hilarious and suggested they walk to her place, which was not too far up the road. They held hands and walked and talked and she occasionally snuggled up to him or put her hand on his arm which he found endearing. They got to her house and he stood outside not knowing what to do, and, noticing his hesitation, she told him to come inside. He did, and they kept talking and cuddling throughout the night. She fell asleep on the lounge with him lying behind her, not wanting to sleep so that he could savour the moment. He couldn’t believe his luck and had never been connected to anyone as he felt in that moment, a moment he hoped would last forever. His critical self couldn’t stop him from acknowledging that this moment could not in fact last, and would soon be a distant yet fond memory. He drifted off to sleep despite not being able to lie in his natural position. The next morning he woke up to the feeling of his erection being rubbed by her bum pressed against him. They were still in the spoon position and he had obviously woken her up with his early morning intrusion. He apologised, and she said it was ok in a sleepy voice, and then reached around, unzipped him and started playing with his penis. He told her that she didn’t have to but she carried on regardless. He went limp after a while however and she asked if he was Ok. He apologised again, saying that it wasn’t her, and that he had this problem with women in this way before. She let him go and said that she had a similar problem with men. She explained that she had no problem on her own, and very rarely it worked orally, but she had trouble climaxing with someone else, and never through penetration. In fact she didn’t particularly like penetration. He said he didn’t either, and that it felt awkward and stressful. They bonded over this and vowed never to pressure each other when it came to sex. They went on to talk about the intimate details of their lives, focusing on their sexual habits, and she admitted to sometimes getting herself off in public toilets and public transport under her jacket or with her bag on her lap, and it was a big turn on. She started it one day in the showers at her local swimming pool. She was aroused at the thought of being naked and exposed with only a thin door separating her from the people outside. She would imagine them watching her and it really turned her on. He said that he had thought of doing it sometimes but the closest he came was jerking off on an empty train once and that the thrill of getting caught and finishing before the next station made him feel excited. She suggested that they should do that together one day at her local swimming pool. They agreed to do it one day but would wait until she had finished her period. They went out for breakfast and then walked around looking at record stores and book shops, sitting in the park and having lunch before returning back to her place where they enjoyed a mid-afternoon spoon and a nap. He stayed the night again, this time in her bed, but had to leave early the next day as he had to work. They exchanged phone numbers and it was the start of their relationship.
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