inkrisen · 4 years
“Did somebody say anvil gag??”
Cue a loud crash in the distance, followed by several screams.
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inkrisen · 4 years
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Some quality Bendy’s from the trailer.
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inkrisen · 4 years
Wide pie eyes blink as the other turns and— looks straight over him. The confusion made the cartoon want to laugh, he’d nearly forgotten what that was like. It was commonplace for people to look over him like this when he was first made, but after awhile the entire studio had learned to keep their eyes lowered lest they fall victim to one of his pranks, or step on the poor demon. Joey wasn’t above yelling at someone for accidentally kicking their star character, after all.
Bendy jumps, waving his arms above his head to try and catch the stranger’s attention. “Down here, pal! You might already know me. Bendy? The dancin’ demon? Only the most lovable cartoon in the whole world.” Taking a bow then, the cartoon gives his big signature grin. Sure, he hadn’t really been popular since the 20’s, but nobody had the heart to actually tell him that.
“Excuse me but why are ya walkin’ so funny? It doesn’t look very comfy.”
"Pardon?" Charley turns, frowning at - no one at all. There was simply no one there. He turns in a slow circle, wondering if this is another whacky hallucination from an accidental mushroom run in. Wouldn't be the first time that happened.
"Who said that?"
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inkrisen · 4 years
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inkrisen · 4 years
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