I’m now going to work on moving over to @transselfshipping
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I’m now going to work on moving over to @transselfshipping
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If you feel up to it, how about 2, 6, 8, 14, 16, 22, and/or 24 for the self-ship ask prompts?? (For whoever you feel up to)
I’ll do it for Subaki, since I’ve been on a big Subaki kick lately! And thank you!
2. I do tend to act in a very teasing manner towards Subaki, often getting after him for his massive cowlick. I also tend to tease him over the fact that he constantly is a cloud of camellia scent rolling through the lobby. If Subaki wants to tease me, he’ll write out something for me in cursive because I can’t read cursive to save my life.
6. “That is not Yukimura approved.” We had an unfortunate series of incidents where we got in trouble with Yukimura for destroying property, losing important things, and accidentally setting a bookshelf on fire. Luckily, the bookshelf was filled with unimportant material, but it resulted in a lot of yelling and Felicia freezing the bookshelf to stop this hell. We were told by Yukimura to consider if he would approve if we ever got a foolish impulse again. We now tell each other it as a joke, mocking it. And referring to anyone shorter than us as gremlins, because it doesn’t happen very often.
8. I would forcefully drag Subaki along while he spent the entire time explaining that “Cryptids don’t exist, Lukas. Please,” Twelve hours later and forty six times of Lukas tripping later, we finally go home.
14. We’re both touch averse except with each other, but the idea of dancing publicly, knowing that someone may think that we can stand touch, deters us heavily from dancing.
16. We can’t agree on anything so we just end up bickering and keeping basic items in the house and random garbage we like. There is a random china dish filled with dirty ping pong balls.
22. In Revelations, I’m more or less just a traveling librarian, and in Birthright, I help the Hoshidan army escape Cyrkensia, and get recruited that way.
24. Subaki says he loves me first, technically. I confessed to him, but I never could get the words to come out until I heard him say he loves me too.
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You could or convert it into a personal hybrid like I did before moving to a new account
Hmmmm... That is an idea I haven’t considered before, but I think I’m just gonna go ahead and archive this blog and move over to a new one after answering an ask I have here! Though, next time I do something like this, I think I’ll give that a shot, so thank you!
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I should just make a new blog because sometimes I don't enjoy my main being an RP blog when I have zero interest in RP
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Ship Things that Kill Me
gentle face-touching
crying-while-smiling (esp. if combined with a reunion)
Wanting! To grow old together!! (bonus points if they actually do)
standing on tip-toes/leaning down to kiss a s/o with height difference
soft kisses
small gestures that wouldn’t usually be romantic but have lots of meaning behind them
Battle Couples!!!
goofy/sarcastic banter
cute mutual blushing when they do something romantic for the first time
hand holding
did I mention hugs
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everybody has that one fictional character that they irrationally adore above all others and will defend to the death and you just get super happy and excited whenever you see their face on your dash
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25 self-ship asks!
When you and your f/o sleep together, what position do you two sleep in?
Does your f/o ever tease you about things? Alternatively, do you every tease your f/o about things?
What song best fits the relationship between you and your f/o?
Do you and your f/o ever go stargazing?
If you and your f/o won a million dollars in the lottery, what would you two do with it?
Do you and your f/o have any inside jokes?
How would you react if your f/o dabbed? Alternatively, how would your f/o react if you dabbed?
Would you and your f/o ever go cryptid hunting together?
Who would you and your f/o go on double dates with?
What’s something you and your f/o disagree on?
What’s a movie you and your f/o like to watch together?
Do either of you want matching tattoos? If so, what would you get?
Which one of you spends the most money on the other?
Do you and your f/o like to dance together?
What animal can you and your f/o agree on being the cutest?
When (if) you and your f/o live together, what thing do you always have to have in the house?
Who’s the best at comforting the other when they’re afraid?
Do you and your f/o play video games together? If so, what games?
Who gets scared and calls the other to kill a spider?
Do you two like pineapple on pizza or no?
Do you and your f/o ever dream about each other?
How did you two meet?
When did you two start falling in love?
Who says “I love you” first?
When confronted with a dangerous situation, who jumps in front of the other to protect them?
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Any self inserts having a rough day? I gotchu.
First off, some reminders:
Your faves love you!! Every single one of them!!
Guess what??? Your faves still love you, all of them. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise, because they’re incorrect, your faves absolutely adore you.
Having a problematic fave is okay! Having a villain/antagonist fave is also okay! (We all know they instantly become a huge softie around you anyways)
It’s okay if all you did today was a minimal amount of self care, or stayed in bed all day, or you did one productive thing today,  your faves are still proud of you. (They always will be)
It’s okay if you don’t draw self insert or write self insert fanfics, or make any other kind of content! You’re still a valid and lovely member of this community! 
If you haven’t been able to draw/write/make content that’s okay too! Your faves are proud of you for the content you make and they’re proud of you in general.
Your faves are the luckiest people ever, because they get to date you and you’re fucking wonderful.
Nice (self care-ish) distractions from whatever is upsetting you:
Feeling unmotivated? Sometimes thinking “(insert fave’s name here) would be proud of me for doing this” helps! You could even imagine them giving you some encouragement before doing the thing and/or imagine them praising you after doing the thing. 
Listen. To. Your. Fave’s. Voice. Don’t play the game or watch the series they’re from, just liSTEN TO THEIR VOICE. It’s the actual best thing ever to just sit and listen to your fave speak. If they don’t have a canon voice, listen to some fandubs or comic dubs! 
Make a folder on your phone/laptop/whatever and fill it with pictures/gifs of your faves! Or even make specific folders for specific faves or sources, make all the folders, go fucking nuts. Look through the folder(s) whenever you please. 
In addition to folders, make a playlists! No, not song playlists, i’m talking playlists of your favorite scenes, AMVs, memes, or anything else that involves your faves! Just… DO IT. (No pressure tho, but I 10/10 recommend)
Imagine your faves being there with you. This can be applied to literally everything. Crying/having a panic attack? BAM! your fave is there giving you a tight hug and whispering comforting words to you. Lying in bed? BAM!! your fave is lying in bed with you and you’re cuddling and it’s great. Just making some mac n cheese? BAM!!! Your fave is there, hugging you and resting their head on your shoulder like the big dork they are. 
Draw you and your fave! Even if you can only draw stick figures, draw those fucking stick figures dude I support you. (If you don’t have the spoons/motivation than that’s totally fine too, art is fun but it’s exhausting, even if it’s stick figures)
Enjoy whatever source material your fave is from! Whether it’s a game, comic, book or show. (If your fave dies in canon I recommend stopping before you get to the scene, since that will just worsen your mood)
Write a love letter to your fave! Type it out first, then leave it. Come back a little later and revise it! Maybe write it down on some fancy paper, fucking decorate that shit, make it all pretty, spray it with perfume/cologne if you’re feeling that extra, put that shit in a nice envelope and keep it somewhere safe. (If you don’t feel like doing all that then that’s totally fine! You could always just post it… And tag me in it because if somebody actually does this I waNNA SEE IT)
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Cool Things about your Platonic F/Os
so in-sync in a fight people would think you go under the Battle Couple trope 
totally chill in each other’s personal space
will play wingman for you and/or your romantic f/os (if you have em)
Big Brother/Big Sister vibes
all the comfort cuddles
can be either the Best or the Worst in helping you with outfit choices
looking for a new parental role? whoops they’ve already adopted you
a go-to for gossip
giver of casual affection
on hand with a pep talk for any occasion
and alcohol for bad occasions
makes sure you get home safe/get enough sleep
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Imagine your F/O making puns with you. Imagine the F/O helping you both banter back and forth with puns. Imagine the looks of onlookers as you keep going on and on, switching from pun to pun with ease. Imagine the response to your puns.
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Napping together is an important part of a relationship
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Imagine your F/O(s) in your current outfit.
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y’all scream about supporting bi girls right up until they date men
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me @my subconscious
give me dreams about my f/o you coward
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i just Cannot deal w/ gritty edgy Ultimately There Is No Hope And Everything Is Shit type of plots like my mood and morale are already low as is in real life and i don’t.. need the fiction i consume often to cope to be that disheartening? idk like. i just can’t do it anymore. i can’t put myself through it. i know it’s Not That Deep but also i just love.. corny cliché Hope Wins types of stories? it’s not even corny or cliché to me? it’s just. cathartic.
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