is-this-pic-ai · 3 months
About this blog!
This blog was made out of spite honestly, I’m seeing a lot of folks trying to pass of ai generated content as their work, and it hurts to see as an artist myself
How does it work?
Simple! Just tag me in a post you believe to be AI generated and I’ll give it a look-see! This only works on images and not text posts, I’m not a writer so it’s hard for me to tell
(PS, I am a human . I am likely to make mistakes in identifying AI)
Rating system
AI generated:
The image is generated. Nuff said lol
Partially generated:
The image was made with AI but has been touched up digitally to fix obvious mistakes (hands, eyes, etc)
Not AI:
The image was made by hand completely! Hurray!!
Unable to make out any signs of stable diffusion. But I will try to go back and double check. ^^
Do you allow callout/warning posts about artists passing off AI as their work?
Absolutely! Just send me an Ask or a DM with plenty of proof and I’ll make a post as soon as I’m able.
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