iselenepani · 8 hours
I came here to complain about something. What was it
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iselenepani · 8 hours
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Black blood Maka sketch
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iselenepani · 9 hours
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iselenepani · 9 hours
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iselenepani · 9 hours
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iselenepani · 9 hours
So ready for season four of the umbrella academy. The world is gonna end??? For a fourth time??!?!?!? And only you guys can stop it!?!???!?!?!??! Popcorn is already being popped.
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iselenepani · 9 hours
pre-transition viktor: caused 2 apocalypses in the span of like two weeks
post-transition viktor: has not caused any apocalypses so far
conclusion: transitioning makes you less likely to be a small scale nuke on accident
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iselenepani · 9 hours
I found a cow skull in the woods made of pure bronze and someone tried to shoot me for it.
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iselenepani · 9 hours
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iselenepani · 9 hours
ppl don't understand that it's not just the business aspect but also if redbull doesn't bend to max verstappen's mental health he can and will kill everyone in the room then himself.
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iselenepani · 9 hours
my top 3 absolutly, definitely not going to happen, shock, impossible mercedes signings for 2025:
1. yuki tsunoda to mercedes. after being 4th choice after all the red bull drivers even when he’s driving the best season of his life (better then danny and checo), he gets offered a top seat at merc. HOLY. SHIT. pretty much no chance of happening but a girl can dream.
2. valtteri bottas to mercedes. valtteri returns to mercedes for what might be the last couple years of his career. he holds that spot and performs well enough while the mercedes isn’t back to top form yet while giving a chance for kimi antonelli to develop in f2 and williams. when the time comes, he retires from the team that gave him the most successful period of his career and rides off into the sunset on his bike.
3. esteban ocon to mercedes. the boy who was originally a home grown talent (mercedes junior driver, toto was his manager), finally achieved the seat he’s been hoping for since he was a little kid. mercedes, in hopes of having a quiet last year before regulation changes with minimal chaos sign ocon.
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iselenepani · 9 hours
doing a little ‘25 grid math, it really seems like mercedes is the only ones with absolutely no one to go with.
estaban, yuki, carlos, and valtteri are most likely going to be the ones vying for the open midfield/backmarker seats (alpine, haas, sauber, and williams) and merc has expressed disinterest in all of those guys (unless valtteri returns to merc which would be… something). and their only real other option is kimi, which is seeming more and more unlikely by the day.
who else is there to fill in the spots? mick? vesti? it’s really not looking good and at the moment it feels like all the other teams are blinking first in terms of signing drivers. merc’s going to be left in the dust.
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iselenepani · 9 hours
Redbull offering Checo a contract renewal, and not just a 1+1, but a proper 2 year contract, actually makes complete sense to me.
First and foremost, he's got the Mexico Sponsorships. He's the only driver from Mexico on the grid, which means that the money is going to him and some sponsors are going to invest where he drives.
Second of all, he has no problem being a second driver. Red Bull have previously only had teammates with goals of making waves, changing the world, being the next Michael Schumacher or Lewis Hamilton. There's nothing wrong with those aspirations, but Red Bull have always made it clear that Max comes first. Checo is a great balance for that. He wants a seat in the sport he loves. He thought he was never going to have that again when BWT dropped him. If a stipulation of keeping your seat is being ok as a second driver, with the promise of lots of money from coming in second place, yeah, I would take the job no problem.
Third, and this one is important, Checo is a good driver. Majority of the collisions he has been in have not been his fault. He's not necessarily the best in the world by any means, but he's clearly capable of handling Red Bull's machinery. He's still in the top five so far this season.
Fourth, yes, Liam Lawson is amazing. His talent is so good it is a shame he is on the sidelines. But one of Red Bull's biggest criticisms is that they kill young drivers. Has anyone considered that maybe they are trying to escape that image? If all you're known for in the sport is your personnel, one of which has just left, one of which is a terrible human being, and one of which is seemingly looking to leave, and the other is that you punish a driver if they can't keep up with a world champion, I too, would focus on the easier story to spin, and that's "oh look, we're keeping our driver set up the exact same for another year! Consistency!"
Fifth, and if we're not putting Liam in the seat, and it's between Daniel and Yuki? I wouldn't put either of them in there either. Yuki has improved significantly between last season and this season. But I don't think he's a Red Bull driver. As for Daniel, I don't think he's a Red Bull driver anymore. I think this Daniel is happy to have a seat, he knows he's lucky, and, if the rumors are true, is like two days away for signing with V-Carb for another year.
Finally, the teams see everything. They run literal supercomputers in every race. They have all the data they could possibly want in front of them. They see the whole picture. We see what they want us to, and what they're legally required to reveal. That's it. There is so much we don't know and don't see.
So no, it's not surprising, no it's not a flop, it's the best of the options. This sport is all about money and smart decisions, even though few actually make them.
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iselenepani · 9 hours
Charles fanfic where he's just having the time of his life and wins every race in the season
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iselenepani · 9 hours
every race i haven't watched this season we've had a non-max winner so the clear answer is that i should just stop watching races
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iselenepani · 9 hours
finding f1 fans in the wild is crazy, what do you mean you don’t just exist on my phone??? You’re a real person with a real job at this summer camp with me???? Impossible.
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iselenepani · 9 hours
I'm so sorry, but it was said weeks ago that Red Bull was no longer interested in Sainz, there's no reason to assume he'd go. Red Bull wants a driver who would help Max secure another championship and the constructors, Sainz is not that man. Sainz would challenge Verstappen any opportunity he gets and next thing you know, 2009-2013 Red Bull all over again, and that's not what the team wants, it's not what they need.
Sainz is a competitor to Verstappen, not a teammate who'd risk his own race and position to make sure Verstappen gets on the top step. There's a reason Pérez is the Mexican Minister of Defense and you need to remember that.
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