it-takes-three · 3 years
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i felt like there wasn’t enough polyam trio art memes so i decided to make my own <3 self indulgence be damned
( feel free to share and tag me in any of the cute art you make i would love to see!!! 🥺💕)
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it-takes-three · 4 years
There are a great many things to be said about this season of the year, too many to properly describe. From the stress it causes, to high emotions, to the strain it can cause between family members, and even neighbors. I suppose there are other things to talk about but perhaps none quite as special as the sheer terror this season can bring to some people. ~~~ As the snow fell that morning, the quiet was enjoyed for as long as it would last. The duo sleeping with the doors ajar just in case, listening for the slightest sound, signaling that one of them was awake. The blankets were moved as reluctantly the taller of the duo started to wake up. That fluffy mop of violet hair stuck out in almost all directions as Shadow turned towards the bedside table. He gently nudged the blond next to him. “She’ll be back in a few hours,” the shade whispered, “Do we stay in bed longer or start to get them ready?” Vio yawned softly, “Let them sleep a bit more, it wouldn’t hurt anyone... I could go for some coffee if we’re getting up though.” he teased. With a shake of his head Shadow sunk back into the mattress, “Sleep.... sleep is good.” And with that he was back out, causing Vio to laugh slightly before burrowing under the blankets himself.... The past two days had been a nightmare, how did she handle that every day? ~~~ “Atia relax, it was only two days to travel out here and head back. We have the cartridges for the Pictograph Box, we’ll be back in town before midday. I’m sure they’re all fine!” Spoke a blonde woman in a light pink and tan dress. “Lighten up darling, they were right when they said you needed a break from all of that. It’s been how many months now and you’re still practically a shut in!” Giggled another woman wearing a light blue blouse and skirt with white leggings, her hair hidden by a scarf. The aforementioned mage in training, with her lavender hair pulled slightly up, looked at the other two incredulously as the sleigh continued on, her vibrant red eyes displaying her emotions as readily as ever. Fiddling with the hem on the sleeves of her darker violet tunic she spoke up. “I... I just don’t like leaving them where I can’t hear them... if... if something happened I’d never be able to forgive myself. Zelda, Erune, please understand.” Anxious as always it seemed. “You live with two perfectly capable other people, I’m sure they’re fine!” ~~~ It was the wailing a little more than an hour later that woke the two men up properly. Scrambling to his feet Shadow rushed to the other room to pick up the squirming and bawling bundle that was his son. Screaming after he had been hit by his twin sister in his sleep, his own wailing waking up his sister whom also started crying. Shadow began cooing at the fussing babies before Vio ran in with two bottles. The blonde carefully picking up his daughter to calm her, while Shadow struggled to calm the boy. After a few minutes the two of them sighed and swapped babies, almost instantly, the boy calmed in Vio’s arms, the girl now merely sniffling in Shadow’s grasp. “Well..... at least we know their favorites....” Shadow muttered before the twins started calmly eating, “After they finish we have to get them ready.... we overslept to say the least.” Vio replied, gently smiling at the small violet-haired baby boy in his arms. “I can’t tell if he’s got your eyes or his momma’s eyes anymore... I think they’re yours though...” He laughed a bit trying to lighten the mood. “Well this one certainly takes after her mom.” Shadow snickered before looking at the small girl, who was staring back up at him with wide red eyes, as if expecting something. “Yeah yeah, mom does this better, we know.” Shadow sighed as the baby stopped fussing. A few minutes later the duo had finished their breakfast and had been changed, both of them now clad in onsies, the girl in a light purple one, and the boy in a darker violet one, both had the same plain pattern of fluffy warm fuzz. With the twins settled back down for a bit more rest Vio and Shadow went to scrounge up some breakfast for themselves and get dressed properly.  A short time later the front door opened, Atia had returned from that trip to the next town over, with a smile she lead in the Pictographer and happily helped him get everything he needed set up. It was then that she handed over the cartridges to go get ready herself as Vio and Shadow joined them downstairs. Vio now wore a violet sweater-vest with a white undershirt and matching pants, while Shadow was in a black sweater and white undershirt with tan pants. Both of them smiled and gave Atia a kiss before she hurried upstairs, and they began to chat with the Pictographer. Further helping set up the background before Atia returned, now wearing a light violet dress, a white ribbon around her neck, and in each arm was one of the twins. “Ah so these must be the mischievous little buggers I have heard so much about!” The man spoke with a laugh walking up to look at the little tykes. “For the sake of colors we’ll have Shadow hold the boy and Vio hold the girl. Mom you’ll be in the middle. Alright?” He grinned widely and moved the Pictograph box ever so slightly to make sure they were all in frame as they took their spots. Vio smiled weakly, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, they seem to behave more if I’m the one holding Betsalel, and Shadow is holding Mistral.” He adjusted his hold on Mistral in order to fix his glasses, ears covered by those blond locks even though they were held in a braid. Shadow laughed a bit nervously as he held tightly to Betsalel, “I’m sure it’ll be fine for a few minutes... right buddy?” He smiled at the tiny boy in his lap who merely babbled in response. It was then that the troubles began, Betsalel started squirming in Shadow’s grasp, Mistral began tugging on Vio’s hair. They changed position to have Atia hold the both of them, resulting in the twins starting to fuss even more. When Mistral started crying Atia nodded at the man before getting up to hopefully calm Mistral down in the next room. Betsalel followed suit upon his mother’s return. It had been nearly an hour and after the twins got into a small baby fist-fight mid-pictograph. Vio and Shadow with a sigh swapped which ones they were holding. Shadow taking a gentle hold of Mistral as Vio picked up Betsalel and pulled him from his sister.. along with her hat, as Atia went to intervene...
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it-takes-three · 5 years
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(Mod Vio made this yesterday, hopefully now that work has wound down for some of us we can get on to a more regulated posting schedule. Thank you all for sticking with us despite the lack of updates. We all really appreciate it. Please do not Edit or Repost without permission or credit.)
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it-takes-three · 5 years
I am an impulsive roleplayer.
I let my muse take the reins and decide what threads to start or reply to in a given day. If the muse doesn’t feel it, it isn’t happening. That doesn’t mean that I hate you or that I no longer want to interact with you; I probably either lost our thread or my muse just said, ‘nah bro.’
I’m sorry I drop threads. I’m sorry I don’t reply to memes. I’m sorry I ignore my asks. I’m sorry I plot things and then don’t do them. I’m an impulsive roleplayer: my muse guides me.
Roleplaying isn’t my job: it’s my hobby. I do it for fun. My muse isn’t my coworker: my muse is my friend. We have fun together. If I started treating this as a job, it wouldn’t be enjoyable for me anymore, and the quality of my content would diminish greatly!
And while we’re on the subject, just because a thread gets dropped does not mean the relationship between our muses is dead!! Thread =/= relationship! We can start something new and continue building their bond! Relationships are important to building new aspects of our muses!
I always want to roleplay with you. Just…perhaps not with that thread. You feel?
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it-takes-three · 5 years
Reblog if you are willing to plot/RP via Discord/Skype, etc!
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it-takes-three · 5 years
i notice an overarching fear of expressing oneself in the rpc. people are afraid of writing the nitty gritty for fear of being accused of “fetishizing” or “normalizing” bad things (like, in my case, for example, addiction and violent trauma). some people love to police content, saying that you can’t write this or that because it’s triggering or offensive, when in reality it’s… just real, dude. bad things happen. the world isn’t clean like that. it doesn’t fit into a perfect little bubble where everyone is sober and kind and where there is no conflict and people use everyone’s preferred pronouns and no one hurts each other or does anything bad.
people are cruel to one another, sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose. hiding the bad parts of the world doesn’t make them go away. if you want your character to feel real, you have to let them be real. you have to let them do shitty things. let them be cruel and unkind and stupid, because real humans are all of those things sometimes. some people i think “call out” this kinda shit because they have the luxury of thinking it’s not real, that we’re dramatizing something that isn’t really that bad or that common, and that writing about it will like manifest it into the real world, as if they aren’t directly affected by these problems as long as they don’t have to look at them.
some of us, though, write about these things as a way to cope with the fact that they happened to us or those around us. some of us have never experienced these things but still portray them in an accurate and respectful way, and that’s all good, man. as long as what you’re doing isn’t actively malicious, disrespectful or harmful, then you should be able to express yourself freely without having to worry about being “called out.” especially when it comes to the subject of trauma and coping with it. 
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it-takes-three · 5 years
~A Special Present~
The day was packed with festivities, once again the house had been filled to bursting with friends and family. Opening gifts, eating absurd amounts of food, yes most of it sweets. They had plenty of room so everyone had decided instead of traveling back home as the snow continued to pile outside that they’d remain at the house until it was safer to travel the next day.
Blue had already been dragged upstairs to a bed by Green and Red, whilst Zelda helped Atia re-organize the food to be put away. They quietly chatted with Erune whom had started washing the dishes as Shadow and Vio cleaned up the table and the living room from all the spills, scraps of paper, and empty boxes. Once they were done, Shadow left to help put the dishes away as he could actually reach the cabinets they went into. He laughed joining in the conversation as Vio sat down to read one of the new books he had gotten.
As the evening wore on and finally most of the cleaning was done, Zelda and Erune joined the other three upstairs for some much needed rest. Atia waved and scrubbed off the countertop, before moving over to place a small log in the fireplace. Smiling as she reached behind the tree.
“It seems there’s one left, addressed to the two of you.” She smiled looking over at Vio and Shadow before getting to her feet and walking towards them.
Shadow set down the pot  in the cabinet and rose an eyebrow, looking over at Vio who simply shrugged after looking up from his book. Their partner was holding an envelope embellished with a set of dark violet and black bows. She smiled as Shadow took it and opened it. His eyes widening at the piece of paper after reading the first line.
“Is.... Is this real?” He couldn’t hide the crack in his voice as he looked at the shortest of their little trio, who nodded, tears forming in her eyes as a wide smile grew on her face. 
The shade practically dropped the envelope and its contents as he scooped her into a hug, mindful not to be too tight as Vio soon joined in. The trio laughed as they held each other, each nearly on the verge of tears. After all that they’d been through. Another journey would start in a few short months, whether they were ready for it or not.
~~Happy Holidays~~
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it-takes-three · 5 years
“Are you sure you can handle it?” “Of course I can. It should only be a few hours right?” Oh how I’d eaten those words... A typical day is how it started, yet groggy and grumbling one member of the trio was nudged out of bed. Hair in a tousle and bags under their eyes, it was clear the night hadn’t treated them well. With a wide grin another stood at their side, gently guiding them away from walls and the like. 
After the storm last night a fresh blanket of snow covered the ground out in the garden, the windows and doors closed tight from the chill. As paintings of frost clung to the glass and the plants everything glimmered in the early rays of dawn, the icicles clung to the edge of the roof and above the door, a few catching the light so perfectly they seemed to glow. When they got to the kitchen an odd sight awaited them, the table filled with small scraps of paper, paints, and streamers. With a smile the shorter one turned to the other, “We have to get all of this ready before they get home Shadow. I have a few more things to pick up from the grocer, I won’t be gone long. Think you can get the rest of the decorations up?” Atia spoke softly, she didn’t want to wake him up this early, but knowing the others, they were likely already on their way.
“Calm down, I’ve got this under control.” The shade responded after a yawn, “Just hurry back when you’re done, or you’ll miss all the fun.” He grinned and ruffled the girl’s hair.
Grabbing a coat, scarf, gloves, and a basket as well Atia nodded with a smile and stated “Farewell!” She stopped at the door and turned towards him again, “Are you sure you can handle it?” “No problem!” He laughed, “Of course I can, It should only be a few hours right? I’ll have most of this up no sweat don’t worry. Now go on or you’ll get caught in the early market frenzy.” Shadow smiled and waved his partner off, before cracking his knuckles and taking a look at when had been done so far.
The banner was finished and just needed to be hung, carefully rolling it up with a string he attached one end to the wall against the staircase, the other in front of the doorway to the kitchen. Securing the tie ever so carefully he made sure it hung enough to be pulled back down easily. Going back to the table he grabbed handfuls of streamers, carefully placing them to dance in the breeze from the furnace.
It took a while until the shade looked at his handiwork, brilliant streaks of violet and silver covered the halls and the dining room. A loud grumble caught his attention as he glanced down towards the floor to another companion.
“Spade ya lovable lizard where have you been all morning? Come on you can help me move these into place.” With a cocky grin he laughed as the ‘small’ dragon scampered away.
Looking at the time he went back to the kitchen, taking out various foodstuffs. “It wouldn’t hurt to make a bit of breakfast right?”
When Atia returned, the kitchen smelled foul, a plume of smoke rose from the stove to the ceiling. Catching the sight she practically dropped the basket, before running to grab the burn kit. Sprinting back and uncorking a potion she carefully poured it on Shadow’s hands before wrapping them. 
“Alright I’ll handle everything else while you get some rest. I’ll be up with food in a bit I’m sorry I wasn’t home sooner.” She spoke softly, ushering Shadow back upstairs for some rest.
With that she began cleaning up the unfortunate mess, looking at the clock she nodded. The minute everything was cleaned off and aired out, she began her next task, grabbing a mixing bowl  and the ingredients she had just gotten that morning. Rolling up her sleeves she got started, hoping that the third wouldn’t be home until everything was spotless. Nudging Spade out of the way a bit she smiled and laughed, knowing the other three were out with him, it was likely they wouldn’t be back before nightfall.
As everything baked she set the table out, carefully covering the cloth with plates of food, all covered for freshness and kept chilled with a spell. It was only ceremonial but she lastly placed out the wine. True it wouldn’t likely be opened, but still it was placed.
A sigh left the male’s lungs as he looked at his comrades, they left before dawn but it seemed like they’d gotten nowhere at all. Green wouldn’t let him see the map, Red kept insisting they knew the way, and Blue was being a general ass as per usual. Having skipped breakfast he rolled his eyes while the others began an argument again over the map.
“Are you sure that we’re heading in the right direction, it feels like we’ve been walking in circles for the past two hours.” Vio pinched the bridge of his nose, “Perhaps we should stop for lunch?”
The others froze, ‘Have we been found out?’ they internally questioned. Having gotten a letter from Atia they were stalling for time, they had been moving in a giant circle but were hoping that Vio was too sleep-deprived and groggy to notice it. Taking a nod they traveled over to a clearing for lunch.
Shadow was able to use a bit of magic to heal his wounds a little faster, helping Atia with the rest of the food prep, mostly putting on the decorative flairs after setting them at the table. With the sun starting to set the final piece was finally cool enough for the icing. Carefully the duo worked painstakingly to make this perfect. The sun had finally set when they were done and there came a knock to the door. Smiling they went to the foyer and opened it to greet everybody.
Candles suddenly lit as the whole group shouted,
He was shocked, having forgot which day it was he smiled and started laughing, hugging each member of his family, “So that’s why we took all day to get back.” He chuckled, before a skittering got everyone’s attention.
“Spade NO!”
It was too late, the dragon had already launched from the floor to tackle Vio down, knocking the table and most of the food over in the process, tail waving happily the scaled pet nuzzled at the pinned hero before backing off and going to eat the items from the floor.
“Well, at least we already have a clean up crew.” Everyone laughed at Red’s remark before Atia went to get the cake. It was marble with various shades of purple frosting, the words on it were in black.
“There’s still cake!”
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it-takes-three · 5 years
Like/Reblog this if you’re a Zelda roleplayer!
Our goal is to help bring the community together, and help those struggling to find roleplay partners. Reblog and/or like this post to be added to our growing masterlist of Legend of Zelda roleplayers!
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it-takes-three · 6 years
tips for interacting with a multimuse blog
We won’t be offended if you followed for one particular muse, we’ll just be happy you liked that one!
Understand that maybe we don’t have muse for all the muses all the time. It may take us a little bit to get back to that one particular thread
If you want to interact with EVERY SINGLE MUSE WE HAVE we also will not be upset about that
other multis feel free to add more to this
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it-takes-three · 6 years
If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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it-takes-three · 6 years
Change of Plans, Spirited Away will be shown on Saturday. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mod Atia hosting Characters React to Movies. Tonight, Tomorrow night, and Saturday night
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it-takes-three · 6 years
Sorry guys running a little behind, but we’re up and running for Spirited Away now!
Mod Atia hosting Characters React to Movies. Tonight, Tomorrow night, and Saturday night
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it-takes-three · 6 years
Stream is over, Tune in tomorrow for Spirited Away. Thanks to everyone who joined.
Mod Atia hosting Characters React to Movies. Tonight, Tomorrow night, and Saturday night
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it-takes-three · 6 years
Mod Atia hosting Characters React to Movies. Tonight, Tomorrow night, and Saturday night
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it-takes-three · 6 years
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The bird just floofs, before awkwardly taking off. They’d explain theirself eventually.
"Never Have I Ever..... crashed a train." Wait, why is that purple owl talking?
Everyone looks at Sparky.
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“What are you all looking at me for?”
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“Well, if someone were to crash a train…”
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“Listen buddy, I have never ever crashed a train!”
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“Yeesh chill! Sorry I said anything.”
Score: unchanged
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it-takes-three · 6 years
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Reminder that protesting is worth getting suspended for
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