itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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ₒ°❀ — AS nick approached dimitri from where he was standing, shamelessly calling out his name, the girl he was talking to took this as the right opportunity to walk off. nick called it. not that he wanted to claim his friend had no game, but even from miles away it was obvious she wasn’t close to being interested. nick politely said goodbye as the girl passed by him, before being greeted by dimi with a huge sigh. “ hey, no need to be so excited to see me, you ice queen, ” nick scoffed, though he probably would’ve reacted the same if the tables were turned. “ i just was about to come save you from this disastrous conversation, you know, like any good friend would do. the awkward silences and eyerolls were just... too much to bear, ” he explained, giving dimitri a pat on the back. “ no need to waste your energy. ”
It wasn’t that he couldn’t hear his name being called, it was more that he didn’t care. Turning his head just a smidge, he shot a “Can’t you see I’m a little busy just now?” over his shoulder, but in the moment he looked away, the girl he’d been chatting up had vanished (before he could seal the deal, UGH), and he turned properly, sighing. “Guess I’m all yours. What’d you need?”
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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ₒ°❀ — AFTER a late shift that felt like it had lasted for days, nick was finally walking back to his car to head back home. on his way, he looked at the bright building on the other side of the street, surrounded by dozens of people who sounded like they were having big fun. a soft sigh escaped his lips. he couldn’t even remember how long it had been since he had a night out like that. his thoughts were interrupted when someone bumped into him. “ woah, easy there ! ” he let out, before he could identify who stood in front of him. as he put his hands on the other’s shoulders to stop them from falling over. “ you know what, don’t worry about it. luckily i have quick reflexes. ” he shot them a rather charismatic smile and then realized it was his ex, audrey -- tipsy and waddling around, bumping into people. he had known her for a long time, even from before the short time they used to date, and nick had never seen her like this once. usually, it was the other way around. “ ah, audrey ramirez ! i didn’t know this was your kind of scene, ” he greeted her, taking a step back as he crossed his arms over his chest. admittedly, nick didn’t know a whole lot about her, which made him wonder if it was even appropriate to call audrey his ex. that didn’t mean he didn’t care about her getting home safe. “ i don’t want to sound annoying, but you weren’t planning on driving home on your own in this state, right ? if you were going home at all, that is. my car’s over there -- i can give you a ride if you wanna. ”
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                AUDREY DIDN’T GET drunk often; she knew her own limits pretty well. and it’s not like she was completely wasted right now – merely a bit t i p s y, you know. a but b u z z e d. one glass too many, as they’d say. she had hit the bar with some of her colleagues after work, and what was supposed to be ‘ only one drink ‘ soon turned into two, three, four… now, as she left the bar and the cold evening breeze hit her face, the world began to spin around her. for a second, she stopped in her tracks, firmly closing her eyes until she regained her balance. when she thought she was good to go and took another step ( eyes still closed, which probably wasn’t the best idea ) she suddenly felt her body hit someone else’s. “ fuck – i’m so sorry. “, she said, laughing softly. { @itscalledahvstle​ }
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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Requested by anon.
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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゚・:*。  NORMALLY  ,  THE  REDHEAD  preferred  to  avoid  running  into  the  young  officer  if  she  could  -  -  the  last  thing  the  girl  needed  was  to  be  caught  anywhere  she  needn’t  be  just  for  the  news  to  be  reported  back  to  her  father  .  he’d  already  felt  as  if  she  hadn’t  any  realistic  direction  in  her  life  -  -  imagine  if  he  knew  how  frequently  she  spent  time  daydreaming  in  a  place  that  she  needed  to  go  past  a  gate  with  a  no  trespassing  sign  to  get  to ?  she  tried  not  to  .  ❝  are  you  sure  ?  i’d  hate  to  take  up  too  much  of  your  time  ,  ❞  she  replied  sweetly  ,  wondering  if  he  hadn’t  some  more  pressing  things  to  tend  to  than  the  aesthetics  of  her  hard  work  .   
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ₒ°❀ — THE triton girl, polite as ever, seemed a bit uneasy to bother him. a soft sigh escaped his lips. sometimes he missed not being seen as a person of authority. sure, not everyone took newbie officer wilde seriously and he didn’t mind people knew his name, but still. things were different. especially around the people who didn’t know him aside from the person in the uniform. visibly taking off his badge and putting it away, nick nodded, to try and reassure her. “ i’m very sure. the new episode of grey’s anatomy can wait, ” he joked. ever since starting his job, he didn’t have much time left for hobbies, but nick did have a huge list of tv shows he liked to keep up with. he had a very exciting life, alright. “ so, since we’ve been standing here for minutes facing this autumny window display, i’m guessing that’s what you need help with ? i’m no expert by any means, but if you think my opinion is valuable enough i will gladly give it to you. ”
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
Nyx was pleased to get some sort of a reaction out of Nick, and they mentally gave themself a point. “Oh, please, you know there is only room for one police officer between the two of us.” It was honestly kind of strange to think of Nyx as the friend of police officer, especially seeing as the NYPD played the role of the antagonist for so long in Nyx’s life. But Nyx hardly thought of Nick as a police officer; he was a man like any other. “Oh, these?” They held up the the two bottles. “Then I’ll consider myself forgiven and you indebted to me,” they said, pressing one of the bottles into Nick’s chest and attempting to slide into the apartment. “But don’t worry, I have the perfect way you can repay me.”
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ₒ°❀ — NICK couldn’t help but grin. he appreciated that nyx didn’t take any crap from him, or anyone else, for that matter. “ i already thought so. though i bet, in another life, you would’ve been a badass cop too. hypothetically. i know your ambitions lie elsewhere. ” he vaguely remembered nyx telling him about their lifelong dream of becoming an air force pilot during a night at the old mill. they had both downed quite a few beers at that point, so nick didn’t even know if they had been serious about any of it. “ excuse me, did you just say indebted ? ” nick said, being close to astonished again by their comment. he didn’t owe nyx anything, in fact, they owed him an apology. nick knew nyx was smart enough to know that. he quickly grabbed the bottle to prevent it from dropping down. the smart thing to do was accept the cold drink and roll with it. his eyes followed nyx as they entered his apartment. “ oh, please, stop beating around the bush, scout. you need me specifically for something. that’s what you came here for. tell me, what is it ? ” 
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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ₒ°❀ — NICK was taking a stroll home after work -- he felt like he had to make the most of the nice weather, especially since autumn was coming up and he expected the days to grow colder along with it. through his dark aviator sunglasses he spotted the red-haired woman standing on the street, immediately recognizing her as one of the daughters of mr. triton. he halted, listening to the other’s request. well, he was in a good mood, and he didn’t want to dare upsetting the daughter of one of the most influential men in sunnyside. why not help her out ? “ of course, ” nick spoke, taking off his sunglasses as he started inspecting the window display they were both looking at. “ how can i be of service ? ” he grinned at his own use of formal language. it had become a force of habit, especially after long days of in his signature officer uniform. “ i mean, how can i help ? ”
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゚・:*。  THE  ENTRY  CHIME  to  whozits  &  whatzits  jingles  behind  the  petite  young  woman  as  she  exits  .  today’s  been  a  slower  shift  and  while  it’s  hardly  ideal  for  business  ,  it’s  allowed  the  redhead  plenty  of  time  to  finish  sprucing  up  the  shop’s  window  display  before  the  autumn  equinox  .  it’s  a  short  trek  along  the  pavement  ,  just  a  few  steps  off  the  curb  and  she’s  got  a  perfect  view  of  it  -  -  a  warm  array  of  amber  hued  leaves  fastened  to  the  macrame  netting  that’s  been  draped  above  some  of  her  favorite  russet  antiquities  .  head  tilted  in  thought  ,  the  sound  of  another’s  oncoming  footsteps  was  music  to  her  ears  .  ❝  hi  ,  do  you  think  i  could  borrow  a  moment  of  your  time  ?  i’ve  been  at  this  for  well  .  .  .  oh  ,  who’s  keeping  track  ,  really  .  .  .  but  i  could  use  a  second  opinion  ,  ❞  she  whirled  around  to  ask  the  passerby  ,  poorly  managing  to  make  the  figure  out  as  the  sun  dashed  into  her  version  .
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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ₒ°❀ — AMUSED by peter’s ongoing list of arguments as to why he had to join him for a day at the spa, nick casually stirred his espresso as he watched his friend closely. he was going to let him finish his speech, even though he unknowingly had convinced nick right after he walked into his apartment. after an entire week of work, nick always felt a little worn-out, so it sounded like an amazing plan. “ i dunno. i just have a good eye for quality. at this point i’m pretty much buying them for you only because you come around so much. i don’t even like apples that much, ” nick confessed as he reacted to peter, who was looting his fruit bowl again. after a few moments, it seemed like peter was finally done reasoning. nick decided to put him out of his misery. “ hey, don’t worry, man, you won’t have to go alone. you already had me at mani-pedi’s and hottubs. and you’re right, i’m in dire need of a massage. my back is feeling like it belongs to a sixty-year-old, ” nick said with a chuckle, as he patted peter on the shoulder. besides getting the chance to recharge his tired self, he was excited for some chill-out bonding time with his best mate. “ did you honestly think i was going to say no ? ” he added with raised eyebrows. he then finished his espresso, before starting to look for a bag. he quickly realized he had never really done this before. does one bring their own towels or not, that was the question. “ is it all-in or are there certain things you need to take with you ? also, when are we leaving ? ”
starter for @itscalledahvstle
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    “—Anyway, it’s basically free.” Peter rambled, propping his elbow on Nick’s countertop, taking a bite from the green apple he welcomed himself via Nick’s fruit bowl. “How do you always pick the juiciest Granny Smith’s apple, man? It’s like you know me too well.” He added, studying the apple for a moment and then averting his gaze back to Nick. “Listen, I’m not doing this alone. It’s a two for one package, Nick. It’s got everything.” He reasoned, pointing at the gift certificates he’d produced a while ago (after rapping on Nick’s door and insisting it’s an emergency). “Plus, didn’t you say you need a massage or something?”
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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ₒ°❀ — NICK wasn’t expecting any visitors today, so the sudden loud knock on the door took him by surprise. he had a day off work, and that meant his usual police uniform was nowhere to be found. he was dressed in his favorite casual attire: a patterned shirt ( the brighter, the better ) and a pair of sweatpants. upon seeing nyx scout when he opened the door, a smirk appeared on nick’s face, which quickly transformed into a grimace when they threw an insult at his shirt. his super soft, signature shirt, which was way too cool to be worn by ridiculous clowns. he should’ve known this was coming, and yet... “ and here i thought i was happy to see you for two short seconds, ” nick sighed, rolling his eyes dramatically, as he started wondering why they came all the way here. “ if you’re only here to play fashion police, i think you’d better go. ” he glared at them with raised eyebrows, as his eyes fell upon the two beer bottles in their hand. “ unless you brought one of those for me, then you can stay and i’ll forgive you. ”
In their hand, Nyx held two beers - a bribe - and knocked loudly on Nick Wilde’s door. Nyx had been looking to get a car, which would make trips to the auto repair shop and to the airplane hangar way easier. When thinking of people that might be helpful, Nick came to mind. However, when the door opened, rather than be kind or flattering as other might when they wanted something, Nyx recoiled slightly and said, “Woah! Where’d you get that shirt from? Bobo the clown?”
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
nick + vanellope + fred !
cell phone headcanons
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:                              - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone                              - my muse’s last text to your muse
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
nick + vanellope + fred !
reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
nick + vanellope + fred !
these are actually hella fucking cute y'all
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
⭐Disney Asks⭐ Renaissance to Revival
The Little Mermaid: Would you ever change for someone else? For yourself?
The Rescuers Down Under: Do you like to travel?
Beauty and the Beast: How different are you and your crush/partner? (Or your best friend!)
Aladdin: If you had three wishes, what would they be?
The Lion King: How well do you face responsibility?
Pocahontas: What is your favorite thing in nature?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: What do you think of your appearance?
Hercules: What is your biggest strength?
Mulan: Do you feel like your external behavior reflects your internal truth?
Tarzan: Is there any “simple” thing in particular that everyone seems to understand but you?
Fantasia 2000: What would you consider to be your aesthetic?
Dinosaur: Are you comfortable taking risks?
The Emperor’s New Groove: What would your dream home be like?
Atlantis The Lost Empire: Who is the most eccentric or unique person you’ve ever met?
Lilo & Stitch: Did you have any odd childhood quirks?
Treasure Planet: Are there any special parental figures in your life?
Brother Bear: Do you tend to hold a grudge?
Home on the Range: Have any of your “flaws” ever come in handy?
Chicken Little: Do you usually feel listened to, or ignored?
Meet the Robinsons: If you had a time machine, what one person would you like to meet?
Bolt: Are you comfortable in the spotlight?
The Princess and the Frog: What’s your work ethic like?
Tangled: How good are you at keeping promises?
Winnie the Pooh: What makes you most nostalgic?
Wreck-It Ralph: What’s something you love to do but aren’t an expert at (yet)?
Frozen: Have you ever invested in the wrong person?
Big Hero 6: How do you cope with sadness or pain?
Zootopia: What do you wish you could say to people who misjudged or mistreated you?
Moana: What dream calls to you most?
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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ₒ°❀ — NICK had been strolling around the summer festival on his own. he would’ve asked peter to join him, but he was busy running his own booth. when peter told nick about his plans the other day, nick couldn’t believe what he heard. an old fashioned kissing booth ? that was still a thing in 2019 ? and even crazier, his best friend was up for kissing random people if it meant he could raise money ? the idea of it was way too amusing to nick. so amusing, that he absolutely had to see it for himself. maybe he could convince peter to leave the booth behind and hang out with him instead. that’s how he casually ended up walking towards peter, who stood next to hans behind a booth that was... rather empty. if he squinted his eyes, he could almost see a tumbleweed pass by. almost. taking off his aviator sunglasses, nick motioned a salute with a dashing smile on his face as he got greeted by his title as officer, even though he wasn’t in his uniform. nick nonchalantly rested his arms on the table of the booth, leaning forward as a smirk grew on his face. “ is that so ? does that explain why there’s no one here ? everyone simply cannot afford you ? ” nick commented smugly, taking out his wallet. “ you must be underestimating me, though. i just got my paycheck. ” to illustrate this like a true dramatic thespian, nick took some dollar bills out of his wallet ( not nearly enough to cover his paycheck ), fanning his face with them.
    While the tip jar has teemed, and they’ve filled more than two, Peter was as amused as ever. The idea for the kissing booth was decided on a whim, and truth be told, Peter thought that he’d flash a smile or two and that was it. Not that he and Hans did any hard work, no lie, their so-called booth was fun and still standing. That counts for something. “Oh, hello, officer.” Peter crooned, eyes mirthful as he takes a few steps forward. Oh, shoot. He wasn’t expecting this one.
     Nonetheless, he’s all for it. He doesn’t even hide his smile. “So, uh, you’re here for the,” and gestured at the sign—what the booth was for. “I don’t think you’ll be able to afford me.” Peter deadpanned.
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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ₒ°❀ — BEFORE nick was able to step into the police car, a young individual approached him with a batch of rainbow cupcakes. he quicky took off his aviator sunglasses to inspect them more closely. “ you’re giving these away ? for free ? ” nick said with a slight frown, thinking back at his days trying to selling stuff on the streets by using mostly his own persuasion skills. even though he never had a legal permit back then and he now knew that was wrong, he still didn’t really understand these overly generous people who would just give away things to strangers simply because they wanted to brighten their day. “ damn, i wish my colleague clawhauser was here to see this. he would’ve love it. maybe i can take one with me to the office ? i mean, if you wouldn’t mind that, of course. ”
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Today was a great day: one of her students turned five! Like with many past students, Joy brought it upon herself to make the treats herself as a way to say ‘Happy Birthday!’ to her little ones. Only problem was, she went a little overboard and made more than was needed. After sharing some cupcakes with any of her fellow teachers, children, and parents who may wanted one, she decided to go around town to see if anyone wanted some. “Hello!” The brunette said cheerfully, holding the container carefully in her hands. “Would you like a cupcake or two? There’s vanilla and chocolate and the frosting is buttercream with some sprinkles.”
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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    “Just checking on you, man.” Peter answered with a grin, appreciating Nick’s hospitality as his friend welcomes him in. “Thanks.” He added, closing the door behind him and following Nick to the kitchen. “’Kay nothing’s changed.” He observed, teasingly. “Oh—so that’s the smell!” Nick made dinner…? “You cooked?” He asked, repeating, “You?” And points a finger at Nick. “I’ll have a couple of bites. That counts, yeah.” Taking off his favorite jacket, he looked over to view the actual food Nick made. “Smells good! What’s it called?” He wondered, draping his jacket over a chair.
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ₒ°❀ — NICK appreciated that peter cared enough to check in with him, even though he sometimes wasn’t the greatest friend himself or didn’t reach out a lot when work took up too much time. “ well, i’m doing good as you can see, ” he said, as he took some more spices out of the rack. as peter mentioned the smell, nick figured that it was a good sign, because it already reminded him of the various scents around the kitchen of his childhood home when his mom used to cook. this dish was going to be a rip off, but if he didn’t burn it... it would be close enough. nick dramatically rolled his eyes when peter gave the most shocked and exaggerated reaction to the fact that he had been cooking. him, nicholas wilde, of all people. “ yes, me. stop looking at me like i just declared unicorns are real -- just that i’m usually too lazy to make food for myself, doesn’t mean i can’t cook. ” damn, nick really hoped he wasn’t going to ruin it, because if he did, peter would give him hell about it for the next year, at least. “ it’s jollof rice with chicken, but the key of the dish is definitely my mom’s special: her extra spicy west-african pepper sauce. considering your usual choices of food, i think you’re going to like this one, ” nick explained, trying to sound as confident as possible. peter was probably one of the first people that witnessed him trying to cook something, let alone be there to taste it. “ before you make yourself at home, could you maybe help setting the table ? the deep dinner plates are over there, erm... gotta check if they’re not dusty... i think i should be done in about five minutes, ” he commanded peter, smirking softly as he realized what he had just said. “ i’m sorry, i’m starting to sound like my mom, but it’d be great if you could help out because i have to monitor this pan very closely. ” 
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itscalledahvstle · 5 years
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