August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.
Sylvia Plath (via thursdays-at-the-coffeeshop)
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Okay, we didn’t work, and all memories to tell you the truth aren’t good. But sometimes there were good times. Love was good. I loved your crooked sleep beside me and never dreamed afraid. There should be stars for great wars like ours.
Sandra Cisneros, from “One Last Poem for Richard” (via oofpoetry)
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What else should our lives be but a continual series of beginnings, of painful settings out into the unknown, pushing off from the edges of consciousness into the mystery of what we have not yet become.
David Malouf, An Imaginary Life (via fawksianfella)
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You’re always haunted by the idea you’re wasting your life.
Chuck Palahniuk, Diary (via wordsnquotes)
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Stunning Fine Jewelry Inspired by Space
Sofia Arjam from Morphe Jewelry Design creates elegant jewelry that revolves around the theme of the fathomless outer space.
The artist designs and crafts each stunning piece in her studio nestled in Montreal, mirroring the beauty and mystique of the outer space and emulating them in the form of fine jewelry. The most alluring part about the shop is the magic and fantasy induced storyline that each elaborate piece comes with. Find Arjam’s ethically sourced materials that are fused to form timeless designs in her Etsy shop.
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I have so much love for you, I could fill rooms with it. Buildings. You’re surrounded by it wherever you go, you walk through it, breathe it…it’s in your lungs, and under your tongue, and between your fingers and toes…
Lisa Kleypas (via wordsnquotes)
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They forgot everything the minute they were together again.
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights   (via wordsnquotes)
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So i was hanging out with this girl I liked one time. And as we were laying in her bed just about to kiss for the very first time she just gets up and runs to her closet. So I’m just sitting there waiting and she grabs a stethoscope. And she comes back to the bed and places the stethoscope on her heart and gives me the ear pieces. And she goes I want you to hear how fast my heart beats when you kiss me. And it was seriously the most beautiful thing. Moral of the story…everybody buy a stethoscope.
Andrea Gibson (via wordsnquotes)
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But I don’t want anybody but you. I don’t want anyone else.
Ernest Hemingway, Hills Like White Elephants (via wordsnquotes)
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«I created this bookstore like a man would write a novel, building each room like a chapter, and I like people to open the door the way they open a book, a book that leads into a magic world in their imaginations.» —George Whitman
One of my favorite places in Paris, it’s magical.   
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Love her, but leave her wild.
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird (via thelovejournals)
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A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life.
Elizabeth Gilbert (via quotemadness)
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I am that clumsy human, always loving, loving, loving. And loving. And never leaving.
Frida Kahlo, The Diary Of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait. (via wordsnquotes)
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The only obsession everyone wants: ‘love.’ People think that in falling in love they make themselves whole? The Platonic union of souls? I think otherwise. I think you’re whole before you begin. And the love fractures you. You’re whole, and then you’re cracked open.
Philip Roth, The Dying Animal (via thelovejournals)
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I’m happy that you’re happy… really I am. You’ve moved on with your life… things are falling into place for you… And even though it meant letting me go in the process, I’m glad you found happiness. Sometimes I even have moments in my own life where I’m happy too… But it doesn’t mean I don’t still wish things were different… It doesn’t mean I don’t wish we could have been happy together.
Ranata Suzuki (via wordsnquotes)
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I have yet to find anything more emotionally draining than genuinely missing someone, or looking into their eyes and knowing that they have the ability to destroy you, but I’ve convinced myself that I’m finally brave enough for all of this.
Matthew Hauptman (via matthewhauptman)
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..It was simple, she rolled over and smiled, the tone in her voice was a song I had never heard before and the look in her eyes seemed as if God himself put all of his favorite paintings onto one canvas and set it right in front of me. It was that exact moment, I had finally tasted the start of the rest of my life.
“I’ve been looking for God everywhere”
Matthew Hauptman
(via matthewhauptman)
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