itssiotime · 10 years
Invasion of privacy..
I'm pretty sure people have been guilty of doing it. I was trying to call my phone via coworkers cellphone... And got too curious and skimmed through text messages... About personal shit. I mean who would've guessed they'd hide some sort of beneficiary thing and put out the whole nah nothing happened bro. And when some of the messages started involving me, like... Really? I'm a nice guy, I hold no grudges... But no matter how kind I get...talking behind my back always happens. I don't hate them... I love them to death, but things will never be the same.
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itssiotime · 10 years
I hope that once we find ourselves, Everything we've dreamed for can happen... I hope.
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itssiotime · 10 years
I'm starting to believe more in spirituality than religion itself. I love God and Jesus till the day I die... But the more I learn about myself in this world, I'm starting to question some things and even myself..
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itssiotime · 10 years
"When are you gonna work?"
Just because I passed doesnt mean the big bucks will come my way. Like ffs, when I'm ready, I'm ready... And to top it all off, I hate attention. Being a filipino its not a big deal, but to me it is. I've kept things on the DL for a reason. To prevent unnecessary repetition of the same damn question. I'm going through too much. Probably cause of my hangover...or men's PMS.
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itssiotime · 10 years
Despite the imperfections..
I still love the work fam. Even though I learn way too much of their sex life and antics.
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itssiotime · 10 years
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The Scape
Created by Paulo Doi
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itssiotime · 10 years
Nobody would ever expect that I'd get a tattoo. Ever. What will it be? You'll see...it'll have a story to tell. Probably. Maybe.
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itssiotime · 10 years
One thing for sure.
Things may be quiet around here.. But taking that chance may just be worth it.
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itssiotime · 10 years
It's a benefit, curse or reason.. But it can also be an agreement.
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itssiotime · 10 years
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Mario Kart (1992 to 2014)
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itssiotime · 10 years
Summer job. And more rambles.
It's great, and amazing. And easy money. It's worthwhile, and definitely the last job I'll ever take before being serious.. And on another note, since my parents take the whole ecig deal seriously like smoking. Idgaf. And good 'ol MD has that article nonsense on how it's bad, and how its a gateway for other tobacco products. But does that apply to ex-smokers such as me? Or any of the hundreds of thousands that successfully quit? Vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol and artificial/natural flavorings in one mix. I see no problem. Getting customers everyday that finally made the decision to quit. Along with ex-stoners trying to make life easier? It's an interesting lifestyle..imagining how healthier the world would be.
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itssiotime · 10 years
Tattoo, soon.
When? It's a secret.
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itssiotime · 10 years
Its been 2 weeks since I stopped serving PnW.
My weekends are empty. =\
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itssiotime · 10 years
My new study spot.
Placed in between Sylvan and Skeets BBQ. The atmosphere is always chill and empty, with a pool table to go with it.. Did I mention that there's a Keurig coffee maker too? Shit, they got it all.. Guess this is it. Studying to move forward in life.
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itssiotime · 10 years
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itssiotime · 10 years
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Pokemon Alphabet
Created by Lisa Smith
Guess them all!
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itssiotime · 10 years
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“Thanks!  That was like a crazy trust exercise.” - Anna
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