Waxing is no picnic
Waxing is no picnic, either, as every transvesti who's tried it knows: It hurts, it's expensive, it's time-consuming, and, if all of that weren't enough, you have to wait until you have significant regrowth before waxing again. If you have pale skin and very dark hair, this is none too pretty. And then there's shaving, a simple solution that hasn't changed much since our grandmothers' time, although marketers at razor companies are forever trying to convince us otherwise.If you have blonde to light brown natural hair colour and eyebrows, stick to the lighter colours on the spectrum or possibly ginger colours.She-Male - You'll find a lot of she-males in Thailand. They are male from the waist down and female on top due to breast implants and Adam's apple removal surgery. They offer the best of both worlds and are very popular with foreign visitors.If you are old fashioned and prefer to use a single blade razor to deal with the same, all I can say is good luck. Do make sure to have a few tissues handy for you will need it when the blood starts to flow and it will, given your preference for the ancient razors. You are bound to cut yourself up even with the most safe-styled razors that Gillette can come out with. Shaving your body is not the same as shaving your face, for one, you will need to determine the angle and position for shaving your ankles and determine the safe way to deal with your arms, with elbows tucked in. Sure, you can go the painzine route and try out the wax. If it is your first time with the wax, your scream should be good enough to knock the socks of the likes of Metallica. However, if you are on the lookout for painless yet effective cross dressing techniques, you definitely need to take a look at the 'world's best cross dressing guide'.
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