jadestudyingg · 5 years
university is just *makes appointment* *fills water bottle* *updates google calendar* *buys shitty campus food* *answers emails* *makes another appointment* *stares at review page for thirty minutes* *laptop battery dies* *eats all your snacks as soon as you get to the library* *more emails* *walk behind slow people*
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jadestudyingg · 5 years
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hello, how is everyone? 
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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study date at the botanical gardens!! 🍂
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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keep pushing on 💛
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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final day of studying for midterms ft cute pizza place (with really nice hot chocolate); borrowed my friend’s midliners until mine arrive! finally ordered them and i’m so excited.
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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hello, how is everyone :,) i’m getting back my midterm assignments and i’m so nervous!!
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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hey pals!! i haven’t done one of these in a whiiiiile, but i start my spring semester in about two weeks so i figured i would make one about how to prepare for a new semester!
my original posts | studygram | my 8tracks
making your schedule
so, hopefully you’ve already decided what classes you’re going to take, and even if you haven’t, i find that there are a few things i like to do before the semester starts so that i’ll be able to make sure i can handle it!!
one thing i learned recently to do is to rate all of my responsibilities (classes, extra-curricular activities, job, etc) out of 5 based on difficulty. so, for instance, my physics class, which has two lectures a week and a lab once a week (a 4-credit course) would, most likely, be a smack-in-the-face 5/5. on the other hand, my PE class (fricken exercise and toning) would be a 0/5 (no out of class assignments, a 50-minute class twice a week).
make sure you’re not taking back to back classes!! please!! it is so stressful feeling like you’re going to be late to a class because another went over by even a few minutes. my school does scheduling so that there’s a ten-minute break between all time slots and that’s still really strenuous for me. 
make sure you have enough time to eat, pal. i don’t know how other (read: bigger) schools do it, but my tiny school doesn’t let you take anything out of the dining hall. plus, it’s so much more fun to have time to sit down and talk with your friends – it’s also a really great way to destress in the middle of the day!
don’t overload. seriously. overload at my school is 19 credits and honestly the only reason you should be taking 19 credits a semester is if you’re graduating early (but you should have brought credits in so there would be no need) or you’re at a credit deficit (don’t….do that). so like. don’t overload. it’s really bad for you omg
don’t make the same mistake i did my first year and buy every textbook brand new!! here are some resources for free textbooks online + by the way, slader.com has answers to pretty much every textbook on the planet!
free textbooks
more free textbooks
medical textbooks
science + math books
business textbooks
classic lit + references/study guides
planning/bullet journaling
using a planner and/or bullet journal is honestly the best thing you can do for yourself. i only use a planner (which works for me enormously because i like to plan according to due dates and the calendars already set up for me work better than anything i could come up with!) but i’ve heard that bullet journals are a great way to keep lists and everything you have to do in one place!
i am currently using a 17-month ban.do planner and i love it to pieces; it’s an easy way to keep all of my assignments in one place. i also keep a separate journals for to-do lists!
intro to bullet journaling (this is the official website!)
studyign’s bullet journal tag and masterpost
another masterpost on bullet journals
free printable planner
jammin’ on your planner (read: organization tips)
setting goals
setting goals for yourself is really, really important if you want to make sure you don’t end up the typical college student: in the library at 3am the day something is due, chugging coffee like your life depends on it and typing so frantically you think your fingers might fall off.
long-term goals may seem scary at first, but if you set short-term goals in order to help you accomplish those long-term goals, it’s easy as pie!
set due dates for yourself, i.e. if you have a big essay due in two weeks, maybe have a first draft done in a week so you have the rest of the time to edit it (and maybe you’ll even finish early?)
setting goals is also important for when you hit that inevitable middle-of-the-semester slump. it happens, and sometimes you can’t get out of bed for your 8 am class, and that’s fine, whatever; but don’t make it a habit. maybe make it a goal to only miss one meeting of each of your courses?? (wink wink)
make a to do + doing + done board (i made one of these last semester and although as the semester went on i had a tough time keeping up with it i found it really helpful!!)
use your bullet journal/planner to help you with these goalsss!
forget how do study?
i know i always forget how to do anything related to school over the month-long break between semesters because i essentially become a couch potato, so here are a few posts with study techniques/resources/etc to help you readjust!!
general study masterpost (includes such resources as help for essays, ways to get motivated, and tips on how to study when you suffer from a mental illness)
how to take notes in your lecture when your professor speaks so fast and you can’t keep up
creating your own study guide!
please, for the love of the powers that be, learn time management (you’ll thank me and yourself) + pomodoro technique!!
taking a language this semester?
no fear shakespeare (this is mostly for me tbh)
apps to help you study!
…don’t stress! take care of yourselves!
everyone gets so stressed out they can’t breathe every once in a while, so here are some things that could help 
color mandalas
study playlists
my yoga masterpost
meditation exercises
how to eat healthy this semester amid all the stress
understanding anxiety (this one was really, really helpful for me!)
ok free rice is my L I F E (feed ppl and improve your vocab?? what else could u want)
studyign’s “little happy things” post – take a step back from whatever’s stressing you out; maybe even take a break entirely from it!
guided relaxation (i literally love this website so much)
all in all, just take deep breaths. i know school is important, but it’s not everything. one D does not mean you’re a failure. heck, one F does not mean you’re a failure. it’ll be okay.
one thing that the studyblr community is just chock full of is printables to help you plan and to help you study. here are a few that i like to use!
daily planner, essay planner, assignment planner
revision pack!!!
for my literary friends, poetry terms
so! many! free! printables!!!
sticker printables ooo (these require sticker paper - or just regular paper and tape?)
your very own habit in 21 days!
why the heck not here’s another printables masterpost
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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23.03.2017 // 23/100 days of productivity // studying history and drinking tea - pretty much all I do at the moment
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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100 Days of Productivity #4 - Day 21/100 August 20, 2018
Today I managed to memorised 55 countries of the African continent, and it was honestly so much fun! I also completed a good amount of project work for my IPT assessment. I’ll be waking up early tomorrow to finish my IPT wireframe and to plan out the evaluation. In class, I’ll work on the data flow diagram. Tomorrow after school I plan on updating notes on Ancient Rome for ancient history, revising study notes for Modern history, and writing up study notes for extension English. It’ll be a busy day!
Insta @ isthsnametakenyet
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
My sociology professor had a really good metaphor for privilege today. She didn’t talk about race or gender or orientation or class, she talked about being left-handed.
A left-handed person walks into most classrooms and immediately is made aware of their left-handedness - they have to sit in a left-handed seat, which restricts their choices of where to sit. If there are not enough left-handed seats, they will have to sit in a right-handed seat and be continuously aware of their left-handedness. (There are other examples like left-handed scissors or baseball mitts as well.)
Meanwhile, right-handed people have much more choice about where to sit, and almost never have to think about their right-handedness.
Does this mean right-handed people are bad? No.
Does it mean that we should replace all right-handed desks with left-handed desks? No.
But could we maybe use different desk styles that can accommodate everyone and makes it so nobody has limited options or constant awareness that they are different? Yes.
Now think of this as a metaphor. For social class. For race. For ethnicity. For gender. For orientation. For anything else that sets us apart.
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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i hope you have a lovely and productive week ahead! ☺️✨
i want to follow more college/ university studyblrs!! but reblog and i will check out your account too 💓💓💓
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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just some end of the week motivation for you all ⭐️
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
30 day back to school challenge
hey folks! as september rolls around and everyone gets back to school, the studyblr community is getting a bit more crowded! I thought to help everyone (myself included) get back into the swing of school (and therefore having things to post!) I’d create a little challenge. Each day, post a picture (or text post) following that day’s prompt, and be sure to tag them #universi-tea challenge so I can see!
Goals for the semester
What are you excited about?
What’s in your bag?
Study essentials
Favorite study snack
Your handwriting
Daily routine
Good morning!
Good night!
Favorite subject
Least favorite subject
Something you’re proud of
How you study best
Supplies + reviews
Shelfie/pic of your books
Your favorite part of your school
What’s in your pencil case?
Show off your favorite back to school outfit!
Coffee or tea?
Your study style
Favorite way to take a study break
Study playlist
What motivates you?
Favorite quote?
Favorite study spot
Your to do list
The best thing about school
Your top 3 tips for school
I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with! Don’t forget to reblog and tag #universi-tea challenge!
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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have a great weekend everyone ☺️💓💓
i posted this on my studygram: jadestudyingg🌻 follow me on instagram! hehe
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
stars and nightlight 💓✨
tag your nightly vibe
STARS. up at all hours of the night, always trying to drink tea, or take walks to get tired enough to fall asleep. constantly planning their outfits for the next day to procrastinate going to bed. cleaning the house at night. organizing their life goals and future plans. CANDLE. gets tired fairly easily and usually falls asleep on the couch while reading their textbook that they’ve forgotten to study for. likes bubble baths with soft music playing in the background and meditating to help them remain calm until they fall asleep. MOON. drinks wine out in the backyard or hangs out in their upstairs balcony with a good novel. is always learning languages and doing last minute homework. has the tendency to wake up ten minutes before they need to leave but still manages to get where they need to go. lovely but messy people. SHADOWS. practices their musical instrument late at night, draws in sketchbooks that they never finish. disorganized social medias and can never seem to remember their passwords for anything. likes hanging out in their pj’s and eating chocolate at all hours of the night. ELECTRONIC GLOW.  insomnia due to stress and anxiety, loves to dance to retro pop music and probably likes has a kpop playlist that’s on repeat. has a million instant message conversations on their computer that’s open on their lap while they’re in bed trying to fall asleep. eventually realizes the sun has gone down . and that it’s time to get some rest. ALARM CLOCK. very good night time routine. meditates, tidies up the house, is able to pack their back pack without stressing and is smart and leaves their phone and computer in the other room. sometimes reads a book, but mostly as soon as their head hits their pillow they fall asleep. everyone gets annoyed at them because they always talk about how refreshed they are in the morning when no one else has slept. NIGHTLIGHT. probably has a hard time falling asleep, but when they do they are a deep sleeper. they like to make sure they have water bottles by their bedside, as you can never hydrate too much! they usually take their bullet journal or planners to bed with them so they can check off their to do list and make sure they are ready for the next day to begin, usually pretty rested in the morning after they finally do fall asleep.
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jadestudyingg · 6 years
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Being a student is hard. Being a busy student is harder. So, how do you deal with being a busy student? By being proactive. Here are some tips I picked up by being super busy all of the time:
Plan ahead. Most people will wait until it’s almost time to register for classes to start planning their semester, but look ahead for the next two semesters at the start of the school year. That way you’ll know if there’s a class you want to take that’s only offered during one semester or the other when to take it. Or if it’s offered at one time in the Fall versus the Winter.
Have back up plans. Whether that’s for classes, places to work, transportation, whatever. Don’t think that just because you have everything planned out that something won’t go wrong.
Know yourself. I hate mornings, and I’m always more energized and ready to do things in the fall than I am in the winter. This means I would always make sure to schedule my classes at 10 AM onward and take my hardest classes during the Fall semester when I had the most motivation. This may not always be possible, but it made my life easier going to my nice easy classes when I wasn’t motivated.
Know your limits. Say no to that fourth club, second show, extra sport, study group you’re just trying to squeeze in, whatever it is, if you know that you can’t handle it. No one is going to think bad about you because you decided to put yourself first.
Have a calendar/planner/agenda/bullet journal/whatever to keep track of your stuff. Whether your stuff is club meetings, office hours, assignments, work… Make sure that you’re writing down EVERYTHING. Because there’s nothing worse than getting a “where are you????” text because you forgot to pick your friend up from the airport.
Get as much sleep as possible. Let me repeat that: GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS POSSIBLE. GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS POSSIBLE. Okay, we good? Good. 
Don’t try to pack everything into one day. Yeah, it would be nice to go to class, study for six hours, write three papers, see your friends, climb Mount Everest, visit every country in the world, and still sleep all by Monday night at 9, but let’s be real, you can’t do all of that in one day. 
Go easy on the caffeine. Your body, heart, and anxiety will thank you later. 
Make time for friends/family. Yeah, you have maybe 10,000 other things you could be doing, but sometimes the best memories are dropping something and driving to Detroit at 1 AM to get tacos and stare at Canada.
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