jaewil25-blog · 6 years
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Abstruse Alkemist
Truth be written, I’m an Alkemist because I learn different elemental factors from life to transmute them into applicable formulas I like. Yo, when I analyze different schools of thought from the hood to upper echelon folks, I notice various aspects within certain circles I can fuse together making my journey less difficult & more effective.
For example, in school they never taught us how serious racism was. This is something people just kinda experience on their own. When comparing what was taught in school about different ethnic groups’ POV, I started to realized it was all social engineering to separate who’s an friend or foe to their system. First, they (school’s board of directors) separate by visual classification (skin color) to identify people’s nationality. Then, they further segregated students based on their educational skills (ability to retain & regurgitate information). Lastly, students intermingle with each another to communicate & strengthen language. Once you’ve successfully reconditioned a student’s sense of identity, now he/she can operate in society as a “potential” non-threat. Non threat to who??? The architects of this societal program who are fear mongers. You need to eat right? If you don’t have our money then you starve. Oh, you want to have children right? If you don’t know how to deliver & receive your child, you need our hospitals. You need clothes to secure your body right? If you don’t have access to materials necessary to sow, you need our money again. Ahh man…you still need shit??? Ok, you need shelter now??? Ok, well if you don’t know how to gather elemental materials from Earth like wood, hemp, or various other composites to make stable homes, then you need our money for this too. Ok…your question is what??? How are you going to get this money? Good question! Well, if don’t have money and need it to buy stuff you can’t create yourself, you have three options: you can either employ your skill set in exchange for a fixed hourly wage, you can start a business and capitalize on other people’s skill sets for residual/passive income or you can try your luck and steal it. I must warn you on the third one, stealing is only punishable if you steal from us (banks, corporations, financial institutions etc.) You can only steal from each other within your neighborhood or local community. What??? There’s a problem with that one too. Local “citizens” may not agree with your actions so if you’re going to steal from your community, just be prepare to enter in free slavery camps called prisons. We’re building them like wildfires in a forest. So, if you want money to operate within “normal” society go to school, get a well paying 9-5, or start many businesses capitalizing on others’ skills, talents, and professions; either way there’s no escaping our monetary system. HAHA! Fear that peasants.
Another example of analyzing environmental issues is if I’ve done research on how to heal the body through live foods, you won’t catch me believing what I’ve just read or seen from these Internet dudes. Nah! I have to run test on these ingredients myself, then extract what is needed by magnifying its substance under a microscope. Then after that, document the ingredients’ properties by identifying its contents and their functions on the periodic table. Then, compare my notes with others to find equilibrium. Once I’ve found this equilibrium, I then apply formulas derived in real time on myself making sure each formula is coded impeccably.
Some people ask me to give examples of my work just so they can solidify my approach, but my work is never documented in English text. Why? Because I just don’t trust people with my work. No disrespect to you and yours, but the reality is people can be bought and will snipe you in the dirt for this work. Being an Abstruse Alkemist makes me difficult to understand, but my formulas work. In order for me to share with the public or any circle for what it’s worth, I would like to further gain access to more information from scientific evidence proven through unforeseen triangulation in the universe. I prefer it be my ancestors’ ancient formulas so I can decode them in my own words. Meaning, I would like to get in the lab, start making some mistakes happen so greatness can surface from it. Family…why you think it took time for all these luxuries of Earth to manifest. Everything happens because it was meant to. You are either aware of it or not; simple as that.
In the ancient times, they had similar experiences dealing with the vibratory frequencies of electromagnetic synergies leading to holistic healing, harnessing energy, architectural features, geometric symbols and many unique forms of living than we have today. Why?? Because everyone is in a hurry to go nowhere. People are synchronized to a clock, a date, a concept of time that’s truly irrelevant to natures’ divine order. We are constantly distracted with radio frequencies transmitting unidentifiable data into our circulatory system affecting our biological chemistry independently. See, when you study using your own intellect as the superior court of truth and learn other schools of wisdom simultaneously you discover hidden tunnels leading you down a dark, cold alley taking you to arcane places. The people who dare to be different. The ones who challenge themselves to infinity. The ones who fail everyday, but never quit. These are the ones who walk in this path towards unlocking ancient knowledge within their Heart - where your source code rests until you active dormant information thats been suppressed by unnatural creations.
Who Is This Information For?
If you’re channeling star seeds through our women’s moral portals then this information is for you. If you’re eating to survive instead of eating to live then this information is for you. If you’re kill others because you gotta get the money then you definitely need information like this. Listen I’m not a know it all. I don’t know NOThing; I only know what I’ve experienced in my life and for a man in this physical realm to endure this much heartache and pain from current society and still be able to walk and talk with a confident smile, says a lot about my character. I’m willing to go through strenuous learning curves in order to better comprehend a specific lesson. My prowess connects with others to form cohesive skill sets getting the job done more efficiently and effectively. I don’t complain about shit. I give no excuses. I own up to my failures as well as my responsibilities. You can talk shit about me all day or you don’t even gotta talk about me at all. I’m still going to shine like the stars above. I’m still going to get up without saying a word. I’m still going to balance wars within self. And…I’m still going to live regardless of what’s against my health.
All alkemy is - is the ability to take uselessness and create something useful for you or someone else. If that’s the case, WE ALL HAVE ALKEMY IN OUR BLOOD. Let’s start transcending our greatnesses into a code of prosperity NO OPPOSITION CAN INFILTRATE.
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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Code Word…Melanin
What is melanin after all? There is not a clear universal definition for it, but its function are universally known. It is a very and highly complex chemical structure/molecule which is from brown to most often black in color. It is black to allow its chemical structure to obtain, retain, store, and generate light and sound Energy once it contacts the molecule. This light and sound energy permits the Afrikan to have a higher level of perception and gives him the ability to communicate with the spiritual world. To what extent melanin advantages the Afrikan will not easily be understood, but I am going to outline a few of the more known facts.
Why is it complex? Because as ever present as it is and as a life giver, it can not be analyzed, can not be broken apart, nor can it be fingerprinted; it is still a mystery to modern scientists. The Melanin body is the complete replica of the universe, every single chemical present in this earth can also be found in our bodies. Melanin is also present in all composites of nature, elements, products, and technology.
The galaxies, the seas, the soil, the food, and the womb of our mothers all manifest the presence of this complex chemical substance called melanin. Melanin is also present in our internal system and in all parts of our body; hearts, livers, muscles, nerves, intestines, and 12 locations in our brain. It is indeed our mothers who give us melanin when we are still in the womb.
Melanin is the substance responsible for our existence. It is a healer, a “drug” and organizer of major bodily functions; melanin is a system unto itself. It is present in both sperm and egg and it supervises the growth of the developing fetus. (Browder, 1989, p.91)
When the pale species mutated into their present conditions, they grew a bony substance, calcium, on their pineal gland*, thus, restricting them to a very minimum amount, if any, of melanin, and making their pineal gland non functional. Melanin is what makes people human, it connects people with the creative forces of the universe.
Among Eurasians, only a very slight percentage of them are able to produce melanin, well less than 15 percent. Their only visible melanin is the one existing in their internal system, hair and eyes- in some of them. It is now scientifically proven that out of an Afrikan eye, there can be made over 20 Caucasian eyes. Caucasians, and sometimes Albinos, are also the most likely people to have melanosis (abnormal production of melanin in skin or tissues).!
All individuals having melanin in excellence, are blessed with the following capabilities:
1- The ability to reach higher level of performance; as melanin enhances the entire efficiency of our being,
2- The ability to maintain high energy levels, in adverse condition. Melanin has the potential to transform solar energy, electro-magnetic energy, electricity, microwaves, music/sound waves, radar, waves, radio TV waves, thermal waves X-rays, cosmic rays, and U.V light; into kinetic energy (energy we derive from food for things like growth and bodily repairs), without the need to eat,
3- The ability to relieve the brain from its responsibility of bodily coordination; as melanin can also supervise physiological functions without the need to report to the brain. As bodily impulse can be supervised by any concentration of melanin, present in the body, this brings about two things. Firstly, there is the acceleration of our bodily responses and reflects, against stimuli. And secondly, there is the heightening of the brain’s faculties to concentrate further on intellectual, emotional and Spiritual matters,
4- The ability to delay the aging process, and protect us from the development of skin cancer. The reflection of melanin in our skins, protects us from the harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun. Melanin absorbs the UV rays, and converts this into energy,
5- Melanin has the miraculous ability to duplicate itself. This is the first chemical which can capture light to reproduce itself. It also can duplicate itself even when the necessary energy sources are unavailable,
Melanin is also what gives us intelligence. Ancients Afrikan mastered the universe to a very high level, they discovered that we, Afrikans, had an innate intelligence that could be measured as being equal to the geometrical angle of the earth = 360 degrees. They developed this intelligence in institutions such as the Mysteries Schools in Khamit (Egypt) and Nubia. When Khamit was invaded, the Europeans destroyed all these schools and brought most of the materials to Greece. Among Eurasians, the people with most intelligence and higher level of perception and spirituality are members of wicked secret societies such as; the Illuminati, and the Freemasons. Out of the 360 degrees{} that the Afrikans developed in their mysteries school, they (the illuminati/freemason) only managed to obtain 33 degrees. Their brain has limited capacity to unlock and store our ancient ancestors’ melanin intelligence.
Melanin, the Environment, the cosmos, and science.
White people know all about melanin and what greatness it can produce. They feel as if it was a danger to them. If God is omnipotent, then melanin also has a mighty and unlimited power. It is hereditary and its power never vanish. If our ancestors had this greatness in their genes then we, as their descendant, also have. All of our ancestors’ natural ingenuity and greatness is still dormant in the genes of Afrikans. This is why Europeans study magik to perform rituals conjuring up spiritual energies from the melanin they’ve extracted. Most of us, Melanin beings, are carrying around the most value element known to the universe and are clueless on how to tap into its power. Hopefully, with knowledge of self and melanin it will be manifested in the near future.
Afrikans have always viewed the sun as a life giver and a manifestation of god. It as been to us the oldest and natural object of worship. No wonder why the first day of the week was called Sunday, Sun Day. But to other people the sun means death. When the Greeks first came to Afrikan homeland they called us Aithiopians, meaning the sun burnt people. They knew that we had a special relationship with the sun.
Our natural habitat is and has always been a sunny and warm environment. Cold western environment gives Afrikan people depression. When it is cold a lot of us feel depressed without knowing why. But it is a simple fact; the melanin inside us is manifesting its disapproval of the cold weather. In contrary, Europeans, even if they like summertime to tan themselves, consider the sun as being their worst and natural enemy.
There is a connection between the sun, melanin and some illnesses such as skin cancer, herpes, AIDS, etc. Pale people are the most vulnerable to skin diseases, because of their lack of enough melanin to protect them from the harmful sun rays. Our body, as said earlier, has all the element present in this nature. So when we are wounded or ill and go to the doctor, he does not heal us, the melanin does. The medicines that we take only helps to create the ecology necessary for the body to heal itself, with the help of melanin and many other natural substances that are found in our bodies.
All these advantages that we can get from melanin can sometimes be non-functional. That is in case we have bad sleeping habit; bad eating habit (Normally we shouldn’t be eating too late, when the pineal gland is producing the melanin. If we have to eat then it better be something light); skin bleaching; relaxing and destroying our hair; exposure to bad, intoxicated, and cold environment, etc.
AIDS, and some Narcotic related diseases present in the Afrikan community world-wide are being said to be the pale man’s invention. The AIDS and Herpes viruses are activated by ultra-violet light. The composition of drugs such as heroin and crack, which are all man made drugs of course, and of the Herpes and AIDS viruses, has an element very related to melanin; so once they meet they bound, forming a very strong unbreakable alliance. This is why it becomes so addictive; Melanin and chemically induced drugs are coagulating on a subatomic level, thus causing physiological reactions to become highly addicted to its dominating effects.
The Cosmos
The image of the cosmos is black; the color black represents life. It holds thousands and thousands of information. It serves as a video camera to record information. Every single information is stored in the cosmos. These information sometimes we receive them in forms of light and sound. Around us there is an invisible magnetic force, which helps us obtain better sound and light waves. That’s why we are always in tune with whatever kind of rhythmic or natural sound that surrounds us.
Melanin and Religion/Spirituality.
Even our ancestors possessed a great knowledge about melanin. They built great Afrikan civilizations that started on the Nile Valley and later reached the four corners of the continent. They also developed different forms of spirituality to a very high level, which later gave birth to the world’s major religions including Christianity.
This knowledge has been lost through the cultural and military invasion that we have suffered from our Eurasians enemies, and their destruction of Afrikan institutions of knowledge in their 2500 year relentless war against anything Afrikan.
Ancient Afrikans understood that melanin never died and that the most important part of the body was the head, <I> where the melanin is produced. Proof of this can be seen on the wrapping of the mummies. They understood and believed on a resurrection after death and an internal life; that’s why they were cautious on protecting the head of the deceased. (Diop, 1974)
Thanks to it, as melanin never dies, scholars and scientist were also able to examine and study the melanin present in the mummies and other human remains found in other parts of the world. The conclusion helps us to clarify the Nile Valley Civilization as of Afrikan/black origin, and the origin of the humanity- Afrikans/blacks were the first inhabitant of this planet, all other races/people mutated to their present form.
Melanin has a link with religion and spirituality, as our ancestors discovered. Religion is a pale man’s invention. No word has yet been found in any Afrikan language meaning religion. Afrikans communicate with the spiritual world when we sleep. It occurs naturally. It is the same as when we dream. The third eye or pineal gland, (inner eye) is the eye that serves to give us vision, spirituality, dreams, and necromancy (the practice of communicating w/ the dead). This eye produces on a daily basis an hormone known as melatonin.
When sleeping time approaches, normally between the hour of 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 am, the melatonin is released and it serves to bath the brain and create the molecular condition for this communication- inner vision- to take place.
Melanin produces itself in two forms; epidermal melanin, melatona, and neuro-melanin, ceratona. During the night, the pineal gland produces melatona and during the day it produces ceratona. The epidermal melanin has its main function to take care of the skin, including blocking harmful UV rays, transforming solar energy into melanin, and pigmenting other parts of body. The neuro-melanin deals with the human brain and the nervous system, it is the agent responsible for our colored dreams.
The relationship between man and melatonin is certainly nothing new. The revelations of the Bible and Torah were all inspired by people possessing a high amount of melanin.
A person can live a whole week without drinking water, and two weeks without eating. Once there is a food shortage in our internal system the melanin, well known as the soul, activates itself and takes control of the whole system.
According to religious texts, YAHUSHUA, the Christ, stayed 40 days without food, which means he must have had a very high spirituality or a very powerful soul/melanin that regulated His internal system. This proves that this brother was definitely an Afrikan.
The physical qualities of melanin described above only represent a fraction of its capabilities. In the spiritual realm, the scope of melanin is very extended; so extended that its real potential has not been understood yet by man.
Melanin is what makes human beings be god-like, and gain godly spiritual power and consciousness. Perhaps this is the reason ancient Afrikans believed that we are made in God’s image, with the power and ability to live in harmony with nature.
From what we overstand, the spiritual dimension of melanin give us the ability to:
1- Reach higher level of consciousness. Melanin sharpens our psychological awareness, while giving us a deeper overstanding of life,
2- Maintain a humorous disposition. Melanin has a mild sedative effect, keeping us calm and collected; while generating within us compassion for ourselves and others, and helps to keep us in tune with the environment, and music,
3- Naturally intoxicate our senses. Melanin can induce an altered state of consciousness, giving us the sensation of feeling high, without the need for “drugs”,
4- Use a larger percentage, of our brain. It is a known fact most people use approximately 5-10 percent of their brain; as their thinking is typically concentrated on the left hemisphere of The brain. However with the gift of melanin, we are able to make use of both sides of our hemisphere.
Again…Religion is a man (Eurasian) made institution, and it will never fully liberate Afrikan people. It was made to empower them (creators) and to destroy us (consumers) and it still does. We are the only people who fight over other people’s institutions and inventions and claim ownership of them.
We fight amongst ourselves without knowing why. When the Eurasians came to enslave us, they converted some of us into their different religious and political ideologies, and after more than 2000 years, we are still killing ourselves over their corrupted institutions. This legacy can only be broken by knowing our-story (past), acquiring knowledge of self (present), thus, activating knowledge of melanin (psycho-spiritual future).
Why Corrupted institutions? Corrupted, because none of the world’s major religions originated out of Afrika; the foundations of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhist, etc., all originated in Afrika, most of all in the Nile Valley.
This legacy has gotten into the genes of Afrikans and has kept us in obscurity. Melanin is the key to the greatness of the Nile Valley and the rest of the ancient Afrikan civilization. If the ancient Afrikan overstood it and used it, we better so start using it and empower ourselves and our Afrikan family.
Melanin is indeed the key to our spirituality. Spirituality and organization are the keys to our liberation. There are no historical records that document Afrikan people using religion such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc., to successfully liberate themselves or to manage to totally defeat their evil slavemaster. (4)
Afrikan spirituality, which has existed ever since we were Created, Started worshipping God, and admiring the beauty and complexity of the universe, is the only key to our survival. Our ancestors mastered the sciences of the cosmos, and spirituality to a level where they were able to shift their shape; change their physical body into an animal one. (Most would deem this pseudo due to the lack of respect for our ancient ancestors’ unknown comprehension of the cosmos)
Many documented cases of shape shifting in Afrika, Haiti, etc., is the proof that we haven’t lost completely this science yet. With the help of our nature-given gift, melanin - the essence of our existence and humanity - we can awaken our minds and create a liberating demonstration that will consist of all aspects of our lives, starting with our minds.
Afrikans in Haiti used Afrikan spirituality, ancestral worship, and organization and managed to defeat the evil French slavemasters. France, with Napoleon, was at the time one of the most powerful military force in the world. Their had superior military contingent and mighty weaponry and other war materials.
But they were defeated by a superior force, a force that they did not possess and had never seen before. Afrikans used Pan-Afrikan forms of worship such as Voodoo etc. All this could not have been effective if they did not have the means (melanin) to communicate with the Spiritual world.
(We are also familiar with the word Nyabinghi, Which was the name of a legendary Amazon Queen, who was said to have possessed an Ugandian woman named Muhumusa in the 19th century. Muhumusa inspired a Spiritual and Military movement, rebelling against European colonial authorities.)
The problem with activated melanin, in battle, is misuse. Today, if we are to liberate ourselves from oppressive regimes, we must learn from Haiti and NOT REPEAT OUR-STORY. Why??? Because our-story has been learned, applied, and strategized against in form of the opposition endowing themselves in our ancient spirituality. So if we decided to use revolt against the opposition, we are literally sacrificing A LOT of good skills men/wombman which is the real reason for our downfall. Our position now is to learn spiritual consciousness and use it to demonstrate architectural accountability. Meaning, gather skills, talents, professions, abilities, hobbies, and people of interests to gain access to our ancient ancestors’ formulas learning how to become our ancestors and construct our own cooperative algorithm of life.
How do we acquire spiritual consciousness?
The black dot, the pineal gland, opens itself and establishes a link with the outer space and spiritual world. But before all this can take place the individual needs to satisfy some basic requirement.
Melanin is also present in the genital organisms of the dark man and woman. This is the point of departure of our inner breathing, thus, spirituality. When it departs the genitals, it makes few stops before reaching the black dot; below our breast and a few centimeters above our breast.
It goes in a form of a spiral. Our soul and spirit spiral in a form of a serpent. So does the cosmos, the universe, our black hair, etc. A clear example is when we throw something in the water; the object hits the water and it forms a spiral movement. This spiral or serpent like movement of the cosmos and spirituality was well know to ancient Afrikans.
This is what they called kuminaini.! The pharaohs in Khamit/Egypt, always had golden serpent image right in the middle of their forehead, where the black dot is located. We activate our pineal gland (melanin) through prayer, meditation, breathing exercises, martial arts, good diet, fasting, dancing, singing, proper love making+ , etc., anything that can help one get in touch with the inner self.
The only danger is that for most of us, once we reach the stage of high consciousness, we do not know what to do with the power that we possess, so we become materialist, envious, jealous, etc. It is our turn to look into ourselves, realize and overstand the gift that Source put on us, melanin, and start working towards our liberation.
The war that brother Richard King described must be fought in both individual and spiritual levels. Lets learn and prepare our future. As we acquire more knowledge about melanin, let’s not rely on other people to do the job that we can easily do ourselves.
“We cannot expect non-melaninated people to explain to us, or even overstand something which themselves do not possess. As our knowledge of melanin increases we will gain more insight into ourselves, both spiritually and physically.
But they key is that the knowledge must come from Us. We must develop the scientist, sociologist, and institutions necessary to carry out the research to expand our overstanding of melanin…the key to life, the key to our spirituality, our greatness, our liberation and our link with Source.
Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today, so lets use our melanin, embrace it, and use it not only to liberate ourselves but also to help us prepare for our tomorrow, and most importantly the future of our children and yes…the whole humanity. Why??? Because no matter the color, creed, culture, or comprehensive knowledge, they are our children. But let’s also be aware that some of our own brothers and sisters WILL NOT work towards our afrikan awakening, but when the civilization is built, they will be the ones working to reiterate their loyalty like a seed that begins to fertilize once again in Earth’s soil. It time to get on Code - meaning create our own algorithm with our genetic data called Melanin.
1. For more information read: Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization : Myth or Reality, Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1974. ______________ The Cultural Unity of Black Africa, London: Karnak House, 1989
2. Taken from chapter 8 (The Esoteric Factors of the Cress Theory) of Dr. Richard king’s book ; The Afrikan Origin Of Biological Psychiatry, published by Seymour Smith Inc., 1980
3. The only historical documentation that I am aware of is when the warrior Queen Nzinga Mbandi of the kikongo kingdom used, although she didn’t accept or embrace it, Catholicism as a mean to liberate her people. She was baptized by the Portuguese and given the Latin name of Ana. A lot of people still commit the mistake of calling her Ann Nzingha, when in fact, her real name is Nzinga Mbandi.
4. Browder, Anthony, From The Browder File: 22 Essays on the African American Experience, Washington, I.K.G, 1989, p. 95
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
Mothers & Fathers Of Advanced Consciousness
***Warning: This post is NOT for children under 30! This post contains raw messages of the truest spirit & divine SOLutions that MUST be implemented. READ ON YOUR OWN ACCOUNT! Avoid Distractions as much as possible!***
Ight…no pussyfooting in this message about how our current socioeconomic system is depleting in viable resources OR what we should do on a individual level pertaining to solving it. Nah! It’s going to take collective effort on constructing our own economy gaining access to tools & resources WITHOUT MONETARY CURRENCIES. How??? The answer is You, I & Us.
The truth is, we’re living in a fuckin mockery - a well-thought out game of spirit cookers keeping collective consciousness from mastering themselves. It was created by heads of planets abroad who manipulated & controlled those wealthy oligarchs in upper echelon places to capture souls of the ancestors and harness energy from their vessels’ blood. (Again…if you’re not ready to take this work then leave this post NOW because your life will be dramatically change regardless if you’re aware of it or not.)
See…most people follow frivolousness and they have no desire on changing. They love living off government. They love having products created for them. They love having educational curriculums encode fraudulent information in our textbooks, social media accounts, and motion pictures. These people are called civil citizens. If you’re a civil citizen, you are being spiritually cooked to obey or perish. Your vessel is expendable. Your life is considered collateral damage. Every single military personnel from low ranking privates to special ranking privateers is considered expendable. Why??? They consented to give their life as Knights to the “royal courts” and combat in the name of “freedom”. But, whose freedom???
The question is, are you free??? Are you free to learn & apply information that will design & architect your own consciousness & skill? Are you free to acquire resources that will construct your own livelihoods so your children become raised on foundations created by you? Are you free to work when you want without oppressive legislation reprimanding you to pay for someone else’s material wealth going further into debt to this illusion of money? Man, better question…Are you free to live without debt? Debt – by itself – is a systemic stronghold on progressive freedom, PERIOD! In other words, if you have cash, paper assets, or fiat currency then YOU’RE IN DEBT Debt to who??? Debt to the ones who print it into existence. Monopoly magicians and corporate tricksters misled you to think cash was king. If that’s true, why does it take less money to create one dollar bill? It takes almost 2¢ to create a 50 dollar bill. Why is that? Do your own research and see if I’m accurate on this.
The bottom line is we’re being hoodwinked into believing in a socioeconomic system that is based on perjurious knowledge. We think we’re being informed, but we’re not! We’ve always been in the dark regarding what’s REALLY GOING ON. There are a lot of people in on it too. These people are stringently supporting oligarchs’ plan of Divide & Conquer; foolishly working against themselves and their children.
Oh!!! I haven’t even touched on what our children will endure regarding the spiritual & mental stress of dealing w/ automated cities. (Again, if you’ve read this far you know I’m not going to care about being PC about info because MF’s need to wake up to this shit.)
Ok…since day one, we’ve been RULERS OF OUR OWN DESTINY. Meaning, we were conceived by father’s space-time consciousness (thought) and then transported through our mother’s mortal portals (wombs) to manifest in flesh as Wombman/Man. When we are born, our thoughts are as ancient as the Sun, but our brains are fresh like a brand new OS in a computer. In other words, you are born pre-installed w/ programs inside your DNA that must be awoken so our hard drives (brains) can store & secure its data. Our children’s brains, eyes, ears, basically their whole entire bodies are free & clear of “worldly” information. So, if you train that child’s brain at an early age to engage & love his worldly life, which is this physical realm, then one will stray away from tapping in the totality of creation which is source code - where your children’s true self is waiting to be activated. Source code is hidden deep within your genetic algorithms and can only be awoken in ALKALINE ENVIRONMENTS OR AWOKEN PARENTS. Parents that have instilled divine principles through practicing ancient laws of the Universe. Now, are you your child’s PRIMARY producer? Are you gathering materials for food shelter and clothing on your own account? Does your child learn foundational skills (how to grow nourishing edibles, produce clothing material, architect their own skill sets) from you or your counter-part? If you answered NO on any question, your children are pawns in this chess game rigged to keep them subordinate vessels forever swimming in perpetual fear (debt). Due UR Research!
The truth is, no one cares because WE DON’T CARE as a collective. How can you say you care when millions of vessels are destroyed every month and WE DO NOTHING! We have allowed murders, assassinations, poisoned attacks, and engineered genocides control our collective responsibility to our children’s future because of fear. Our ancestors ( great grandparents, grandparents ) fought and transitioned just to keep us together spiritually & financially. Yes!!! You are able to enjoy luxuries of materializations because a vessel has sacrificed his/her physical prowess to simplify your acquisitions of wealth. To many people choose sides when every religion, spiritual system, culture, indoctrinations, etc., are derived from Source. Our ancestors believe & did things ignorantly so we can learn from them and upgrade in consciousness because no matter what… they are still apart of Us. They suffered extreme psychological damage from their time in this physical realm from oppression than we today could ever imagine. They travailed. They persevered. They transferred their prosperous synergies to Us - bio genetically. Now, we must implement what our ancestors risked their vessels to manifest, which is OPERATIONAL UNITY. All the buck dancing, buffoonery, pseudo agencies, dysfunctional relationships NEED TO STOP! We are too grown to be fighting each other, in the physical, while others from private militias plot on destroying you and your family’s prosperity in the spiritual. Remember, the more people stay asleep (calcified pineal gland), the less likely you are to activate your God particle that lies dormant within.
When opening up your pineal gland and awaken dormant genetic material in your DNA, you start seeing way beyond this physical realm called reality. When you see things, for the first time shit is confusing as hell - literally. It’s like your mind starts experiencing a conceptualized reality that doesn’t resonate with your core frequency of what you consider as “normal”. So, you vibrate higher. Everything around you becomes amplified. You start to slow time down by separating vibrational wavelengths (Megahertz) having light illuminate hidden messages within Source Code. Your relationships with others become uncomfortable and perturbed. Why? Because your vibrational frequency is no longer radiating on lower levels. Information you receive from your awoken state is now contrary to popular belief which causes you to become a solitary sol-doer - proving with every fiber of your BEing who you REALLY ARE. Why??? Because you finally SEE what your inner child has felt all your life. Your visual focus is no longer impaired and everything, everywhere you see is all apart of YOU. How? Well, when you’ve mediated you gain access to dimensions on other realms. If you give yourself to this Existence and clear your consciousness on what you think is real, answers will come to you ONLY if you’re willing to listen. When you embrace this and accept its extraordinary power over you, you then EMBODY its forces narrowing it down to 2 forces which is spirit & soul/negative & positive/minus & plus/up & down/left & right - the subatomic force in each active particle.
What we’ve been taught though is a false paradigm of this which is God Or devil/Black Or white/Bad Or Good - the choice between who you are.
We’ve been programmed to see or feel good or evil/God or Devil/heaven or hell when the truth is one can’t and will not exist without the other. Having to choose between your mother or father is a false reality forever creating divisions within self causing you to vicariously live through others’ visual focus. This is why wars, combustibilities, and acts of violence happen…because we’ve been programmed to follow one or the other. Not knowing that they BOTH ARE APART OF YOU. The best advice to give someone constantly fighting a war within self and projecting that war onto others in this physical realm is win the battle within self first then use that experience to unify the forces in you to manifest balance in this physical realm. Some of you maybe wondering why I refer to our so called reality as a physical realm…well, because it’s an Plane Of Existence that materializes your thoughts, ideas, imaginations i.e. Childbirth, skill sets, businesses, responsive relationships into fruition. This physical realm is of low vibrational frequencies that are able to crystallize themselves into elemental form of matter. That’s why it’s considered MIND OVER MATTER because of the ability to take sound & symbols and create materialized products through an alchemical prowess.
Most entities can’t access this physical realm without a living host. So, that’s why we have pharmaceutical companies manufacturing solutions to tap into your mind and use You against Yourself. These chemists are disingenuous in the grand scheme of things. They know it’s their job to formulate data based on clinical trials and process this data in a pharmaceutical drug to keep you distracted. It’s becoming to the point that our organically grown food are compromised with anti-antigens that slowly kill off vital nutrients in the produce which is why vessels grow their own food. About time their organics gets to your plate, it’s been stripped from its enriched contents making it half as potent than when it was first produced. This is why we need to grow our own SEEDS, but again private interests will label you as criminal because they’ve patented the subatomic formula and will apprehend you, concentrate you, or worst assassinate you. If we don’t realize monetary currencies of ANY SORT i.e. cash, digital, or liquidated precious metals is the ultimate problem, then gluttony will inevitably imprison us all.
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
Opium...the hidden reason why wars are still going on. Biochemists & pharmacists are finding it duplicitous compounds that are difficult to bioengineer in laboratories. There's always more than meets the EYE.
Molecule of the Day: Morphine
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Morphine (C17H19NO3) is a naturally-occurring opioid produced in the opium poppy plant. It exists as a white powder with a bitter taste under standard conditions, and is sparingly soluble in water.
Morphine is used a narcotic analgesic - it relieves pain by acting on the central nervous system to reduce the body’s capability to appreciate pain. When consumed, it travels to the central nervous system, where it binds to the μ-opioid receptors. This triggers pain relief, sedation, and euphoria.
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However, this can also result in a depression of the respiration system, resulting in asphyxiation and hypoxia. Furthermore, morphine results in dependence and addiction, as the body reduces the number of receptors in response to the greater stimulus. Consequently, greater amounts of morphine are needed to achieve the same analgesic or euphoric effect, and when morphine is withdrawn, the lower-than-normal stimulus level results in withdrawal symptoms.
Morphine is also used as a precursor to some related opioids, such as codeine.
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Requested by @awesome-prudence (hope morphine will suffice!)
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
Team Visionaires' Message - Trust Yourself
TRUST IN YOURSELF. Realize you have to grow into that person you want to model. You have to know you are beautiful and you need time to blossom. Some people will assist you, while others will degrade you. Just know who you want to model and be the best YOU you can be…. The biggest obstacle you may come across is the business. Business has everything to do with building relationship on superior foundations – meaning you and your colleagues/constituents must consistently be on the same wavelength concerning profitable business practices…. Through this process, you may come across another uncomfortable situation – which is mixing family and business. Family’s inevitable input and nurturing nature have unforeseen behaviors that CAN BE detrimental to growing any business you may construct. On the other hand, if one of your family members has a particular talent for something you may want to employ, it’s perfectly fine to discuss going into business together so it’s mutual accountability involved….
Fight The Forces Of Evil
It’s important to stay humble with opportunities presented. Later you will find, powerful people adoring your talents/powers only with an alternative motive behind their considerable generosity. The leagues of deception will figuratively gift wrap your present with everything you desire like monetary power, fame, conditional resources, to only use you & your talents to then extract you from their circles later on. You must recognize their fraudulent agendas through asking questions involving the safety of the universe – meaning your customers, staff, and team members; NOT the safety of your own well being. You’ll be surprised how quickly they’ll turn their cheeks and wish you bad luck. You’ll be able to tell if they’re hiding something when you start to concern yourself with love, prosperity, and longevity because they’re sentence structures will be distorted; defending themselves with counterproductive statements. They will try and confuse you into verbal agreements. Just know who you are, trust in your integrity, and walk away…. Remember where you came from, a place of desolates and corruption with negative ideas that creatively is used to violently spread fear – a place where positivism is exiled and dared to never surface again. A place where drugs, alcohol, and tobacco poisons the mind and ages the body. A place you don’t want to go back to….
Choose Your Inner Circle VERY Wisely
Friends will get you through bad times and friends will embrace the good times, but friends will not live your life for you. You must choose your friends wisely and don’t mistake temporarily popularity with genuine loyalty. In this world we live in, you can NOT TRUST ANYBODY! Only trust yourself to make the right decision to surround yourself with loyal inner circles. People who will add value to your vision. People who share the same passion for their craft as you do for yours. People who’ll uplift you when times become dim & lonely, but before you can surround yourself with these type of people, you MUST trust yourself. Trust starts with self because if something was to treacherously occur, you are the only one left to make it better. If you give up on yourself, expect your surroundings to give up on you….
The Fundamental Difference Between Love & Lust
Love – an emotional state of mind which causes all rational thinking to cease. It’s severely difficult to love something/someone/somewhere without completely cutting off all logically thought. What you think is love you’ll find out is truly NOT. That’s why love can’t be taught. It’s a feeling or deep desire for something greater than what actually makes sense. Some people associate themselves with learning new skills, feeling good, and enjoying time with family while others just love making money. Money makes them love themselves even more than before. They ACTUALLY don’t know that money isn’t an unconditional feeling, therefore, it can’t be love associated with money. It’s your lust for money which imprisons your soul into a life of damnation. Lust is an emotional state of physics which causes the brain to simultaneously crave feeling and thought. For example, you love your family without thinking about it; loving your family is unconditional. You’ll never lust your family because it’s completely unethical. You lust your spouse, counterpart, or significant other because you’re addicted to the thought of feeling loved. You lust money because money can make you think of ways to create or manipulate, as well as, money can make you feeling unrealistically powerful. Lust will always be controlled by demonic forces; they can possess you to do tragic things. People kill for lust. People hurt for lust. People even live to lust & lust to live. One of the most misinterpreted life milestones that lust gets in the way of is marriage.
Marriage is nothing more than a LEGAL contract between you and your partner that’s mediated by the state courts. Marriage has very little to do with love and has nothing to do with lust, but everything to do with communication & compromise. Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you both are willing to INVEST (time, energy, and effort) in fully committing to the proposed marriage contracts. Young people foolishly mistake love for marriage because they’ve been raised to follow traditional marriage practices which are suitably convenient for the parents. Marriage is nothing like it was in the early to mid-20th Century. The Baby Boomer era – people born from 1940 to 1970 – were people who had NO CHOICE but to raise a family in a traditional marriage setting. Now, in the 21st Century, people have a vary of choices when it comes to parenthood and when it comes to marriage. More and more people are loving their smartphones over their time spent at the dinner table. More people are loving their computers/tablets more than they love playing outside. Finally, more and more people are lusting Internet porn than having actual sex with their partners. So, today marriage is harder to maintain due to the constant distractions in society. All I’m saying about marriage is….Please, make sure your partner is REALLY A LIFE PARTNER, otherwise, excommunication will become the virus that will indirectly void the contract until divorce finalizes it….
The Newest Business Priority – Multicultural Intelligence
The newest most intuitive survival technique is adopting a multicultural intelligence. Being multilingual is the new 21st Century priority; it’ll increase your self-worth by 100% per language . Being able to speak only your native language is no longer acceptable especially if you’re traveling the world or interacting with different nationalities. In today’s world, in order to build successful business relationships, you must learn how to communicate with each and every person in your inner circle speaking their native language. This is quickest, most effective way to get a customer, prospect, or colleague to communicate his/her core concerns. Try your best to learn not just by sitting around taking test and courses, but by interacting and engaging with the very culture you want to learn. It’s merely our duty, as human beings, to embrace our cultural indifference and learn how to bring our visions together learning and teaching our native languages to others, therefore, sharing our gifts to mankind….
In conclusion
Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my philosophical breakdown of current society and how you only have the power to change your life & surrounding environments. I have a deeply rooted passion for helping people make sense of the “bullshit” in the world, so I’ve devoted my time to write this inspiring post – I hope you’ve gotten value from it. I’ve invested time into my practice without the need of credible sources meaning I don’t have any special degrees or accreditation, just experience. I’ve invested energy into learning the universe and how people interact with one another. I was fascinated with how humans’ innovative spirit can produce groundbreaking technologies that stemmed from elemental compounds of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Lastly, I’ve invested effort into perfecting my practice so I can deliver quality & value through the products I create in the future. I only ask of one thing… I would like to see your comments and share them with whomever you feel would truly benefit from it. If you like, I’ve also invested money into learning how to increase my self-worth by surrounding myself with people from all walks of life; teaching their experiences through duplicated systems. I’m inviting you to become a part of my team called Team Visionaires NOT “visionaries”; like instead of millionaires/billionaires – it’s Team Vision-Aires. To You & Your Team’s Success,
Jae Double R aka Abstruse Alkemist
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
Intellectual & Physical Properties
Years, months, days, and hours have passed by applying what is considered my intellectual & physical properties. One can argue that our intrinsic responsibility to our communities start from conceptualizing thoughts that coincide w/ your intent. Your intent to create unique products to your target market. Why target your markets??? Because you want to resonate w/ core messages embedded with transparency. When your intellectual property consists of transparent knowledge, your target audience appreciates mostly your honesty & integrity and fixates their attention on your content rather than how often you comment. In other words, in order to succeed in today’s complicated, challenging market just focus on creating valuable solutions to an elongated problem and you’ll be incrementally processing towards greatness.
Our physical properties consist of applying feet to ground and hands to pavement. You maybe experienced in this particular field waiting patiently to free yourself from life’s hard labor OR you could be working 10+ hours 6 days for 20+ years straight. I know this work schedule personally.
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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The human ENERGY FIELD contains information that relates to all the activity going on WITHIN AND AROUND the person. The human aura or LIGHT BODY is invisible because our eyes ONLY RESPOND to a band of wavelengths called the VISIBLE SPECTRUM and as the aura lies OUTSIDE OF THIS most people are unable to see it with the naked eye.
The idea that we live in a world of invisible forces, a cosmic soup held together within energy matrixes of varying densities VIBRATING AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS is slowly being substantiated by present day research and ever more sensitive technology. RADIATION FIELD PHOTOGRAPHY is just ONE of the technological tools that can be used to view this invisible world.
The AURA is created by the INTERACTION OF ALL THE ENERGIES and inter-dimensional forces that make up the human being. ALL of the energies and forces that are in and around you are meshed together and extend outwards from the body. The ETHERIC usually extends about ONE INCH but can extend further under CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, the ASTRAL BODY and CHITTA extend outwards further, usually between 2-4 FEET and the light body can extend a very long way - even HUNDREDS OF MILES.
Depending on the STATE of your subtle bodies and YOUR CONSCIOUS CONTROL OF THEM your aura can be very open or quite closed. In fact the state of the aura can VARY VERY WIDELY. On some planets the inhabitants leave their auras wide open as there is no NEGATIVITY and they can allow themselves to merge with each other and THEIR ENVIRONMENT. For life on Earth the ideal aura is fairly closed with a solid border to block negative energies. This is needed here because there is a huge amount of negativity floating around, mainly in the ASTRAL REALMS and it is best NOT to be absorbing this into your subtle bodies.
Some people’s auras are quite closed due to a VERY SOLID EGO STRUCTURE which protects them from outside energies while others may have HOLES and be open due to gaps and a generally WEAK EGO STRUCTURE. If the structure has gaps or is weak then it is a good idea to take control of your aura and learn to seal it. If the ego structure is solid then the need for this is not as great unless you begin with SPIRITUAL WORK. At the beginning of spiritual work the ego structure must be dismantled. This can leave the aura open to EXTERNAL INFLUENCES.
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
Workiń To My Own Tune
What we demand are businesses, families that’ll listen, taking immediate action on solutions that’s missing.
L.P. Is No more my ninjas…now it’s Abstruse Alkemist delivering quality to ya dome, messages that’ll resonate with God inside U which is your true home.
I’m on a higher level celebrity, the stars mesmerized on how implement my own chemistry to get rid of all this violence and bigotry, and it’s like my name ring bells - no perjury.
I’m lone sol-doer doing things my way without asking obstinate governments to give me a raise. What’s relevant?
I feel the agony of many hoods especially when I go through screamin out what’s really good. No rhetoric spittin bullshit that’s pitiful. Y'all didn’t know I was traveling in them abysmal circles embodying codes of silence displaying my purpose.
Losing weight, gaining experience, and loving all the misfits, even accepted a black widow spider’s death wish. Bitch niggas snitched because they couldn’t take the heat up in the kitchen.
What’s The Difference?
Now, they have technology readily available to access their own history. Every camera phone is on record, every account documenting our misery, strange noises being employed, and global surveillance 24 hours ready to mission deploy.
So what I’m saying is please stop playing games in this mockery of these multi-matrices that’s keeping us restrained. Restrained from what? That’s easy…from ourselves. Love, unity, and health will get us to change our perspective on wealth.
I’m all about life’s arcane medicines, you know…holistic approaches to health care’s decadence. Cuz, I visualize a world where your universe is the law as long as it doesn’t terrorize another soul.
See me, I’m on the road to achieve maximum currencies and no my people, I’m not talking green. They way I see, this world was created for our babies so they can imagine a better way for us instead of reliving crazy. Muthafuckas are lazy…which causes procrastination, then leads to stations of rehabilitation that government monetizes to so call rebuild the nation.
I have a better plan and it’s called Prowess Nation - a team of experts, in the masses, with skills and professions to life of going forward never backwards. In other words, maximizing trillions to uplift billions, then program zettabytes to dominate minions.
Focus on creating value, learning different techniques, empowering networks based on linguistic connectivity.
Combining technology and deep sciences, synergistically experimenting on our hydroponics,
Brainstorming ideas, thoughts, and intuitions, masterminding how we all can bring it into fruition,
It’s time for a colorful world of many nations to fortify lands with beloved homeostasis.
While the feminine essence ascends towards greatness, and the masculine principle extinguishes our hatred.
People fucking dying, families are dysfunctional, women & kids crying because daddy’s never coming home,
Baby girl outside entering the terror dome, baby boy scrambling & gambling for their war zone,
Moms in the house coping with her love loss, dad is either long gone or slaving for tha workforce.
We gotta understand that dad was faced with an option – die, go AWOL, or face the consequence,
You can say what you want, you can do what you gotta, go to school, employ your skill, and front for your dollas,
Holla, I’m going to rep the old way, the ancient way when loving & living to produce a new day was a new age, when apply to get paid not with money, but the skill you possessed as a wage. Asè Let’s build.
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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I'm very proud of my niece Saniyya who I've helped raise since she was 2 years young. I'm extremely fortunate for the opportunity to teach her mathematics & science assisting her to become the next great innovator or whatever she decides to become.
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
Jayla Auset please read this in its entirety.
My government entity is Jamar Rasheid Richmond. Some people call me Búba (pronounced Boo ba) or Jae Stylez because I represent fathers from many nations who have been falsely accused of being neglectful towards their offsprings.
Who Am I?
I am humble. I am altruistic. I am extraordinary. I am being of light who has transmuted that energy into a positive amalgamation of balance between failures & successes.
I was born & raised in the Southwest Bronx, 250 Anthony Avenue, and I grew up kinda introverted unlike the rest of my crew. When I was nine years young, I developed a scientific mindset called critical thinking which saved my life MANY TIMES. This is when you start analyzing everything around you, from family to friends, to conclude daily misconceptions about who you THINK you are and what life should really be like.
Jayla, do you ever feel like there’s more to life than what you see?
Do you ever wonder why school is soooo boring at times?
Do you sometimes feel like moving away somewhere far enough to experience what life is like somewhere else?
Well…I used to question this in school all the time; having me dazed and confused constantly offline.
My Early Scholastic Persona
I was never a book-smart student because truthfully, I didn’t care about the books I was reading. I could read words in a sentence now; I wasn’t illiterate. If you’d ask me what I just read I would just literally draw blanks. I was incomprehensible most of the time in class, but never incompetent. I was an C+ student growing up who couldn’t stand class participation. Why??? Because I never wanted to participate in a lesson if it wasn’t going to enhance my current condition. My classmates used to joke on me because I had a speech impediment causing me to misinterpret certain word structures. Most of our books were written in a format I wasn’t used to. Which made me dislike reading out loud in class. English made a lot of sense to me growing up. Why??? Because of its low vibrational frequency when spoken. Nevertheless, I couldn’t stand speaking English, yet alone, articulate it as my primary language.
I just want you to know that I’m here for you and nothing or no one will ever change that.
My crew & I would travel all over the Bronx to interact with our environment like nobody else’s business and didn’t care who or what we came across in the process. (You would definitely like them all). We used to chill on the block engaged in everything from Manhunt, Off Tha Wall, Dodgeball - using a blue hand ballI, basketball - using anything with a hole in it as a hoop, football - using the street as our field dodging cars & tackles, bike riding like 11 deep up the Grand Concourse to Van Cortland Park, and many other activities I can’t remember at the moment. I tried showing your mother how much love & respect we had for her, nevertheless, she decided to not participate. I remember introducing her to some key components on the block to significantly increase her curiosity about hood life NOT that shit portrayed on tel-lie-vision. I’m talking men who protected women and finessed their celestial presence with greater appreciation for family.
Imagine, eleven guys - with their own personality - acting like big brothers & uncles making sure you were protected from parasitic rodents who would try & infiltrate you & your mother. My crew are creative geniuses who knows the importance of being 2G’s - Gangstas & Gentlemen. My crew have passions of auto mechanics, education, masonry, technical math, applied science & engineering, an eclectic mix of music, theater & art, entrepreneurship, creative masterminds, internal security, natural law, and my personal favorite…advanced technology. We are indeed well rounded. We never act like “tough guys”. We are warriors. We get along with everyone, just some people ironically hate us.
What Makes Me A Solitary Sol-Doer
I mastered the art of fighting WITHOUT REALLY FIGHTING. You maybe asking, ‘how is that possible’? Well, I’ll share some life secrets with you when the time is right. BUT, you must promise not to share anything I reveal to you with anyone; not even your closest love one. Only share it with your mother. What I can say is – some battles are fought in the third dimension, which is the physical realm that you’re able to conquer with your five senses (feel, taste, smell, hear, see). On the other side, there are metaphysical conflicts going on internally that includes knowing thyself first, mastering your level of abilities second, and tapping into unknown forces only activated by your Crown Chakra afterwards. Like I said, I will share more with you and how to tap into this naturally without trying when times presents themselves.
I Never Abandoned You
Jayla, your mother (Kenya) unfortunately never tried to get to know me in-depth when we were around your age. I, Jamar, am extremely sorry for many things I’ve NOT done in your life, but I hope you’re aware that I was VERY involved during your early development stage until I was forced to leave you in 2003 (that’s a long story Jayla). I used to spend the night at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan when you were 2-3 months young just to learn about your congenital heart dis-ease. Ask your mother. I sacrificed my livelihood for you to live a comfortable life on taxpayers expense due to your implanted pacemaker. I always knew how important it was for that pacemaker to be removed because of its electromagnetic frequency waves that can be interrupted by RF devices. After work, I would rush downtown so I could speak face2face to nurses & cardiologists about your severe condition. I used to even talk to you while you were sleep making sure the sound of my voice resonated deep within your subconscious mind while you were courageously recuperating from your traumatic open heart surgery.
When you were just 13 months, your mother made a life changing decision regarding you & I finally getting to know one another. (Jayla, plz read very carefully)
Jayla, you’re my firstborn. You are my ONLY. When you were released by a plethora of doctors at NYU Medical, your mother & I had an epic disagreement. This was a very unhealthy situation for you. So, when you were 13 months, I gave in and allowed your grandma to take full responsibility in my absence because she had a scholastic background, Afrakan centered living conditions, and most importantly, a holistic approach on maintaining optimal health. Jayla I REALLY, SINCERELY APOLOGIZE FOR LEAVING YOU, but I had no other choice. What your mother was going through with her health I just didn’t want to make matters even worst for her. I NEVER - and I’ll repeat - I NEVER put my hands on your mother or anyone else for that matter. I didn’t fight with my body; I fought with my mind…
Your Grandmother Stole The Show
Jayla, I’ve always adored you. I even have your name tattooed on my arm (I got that tat in 2004 when you were 3). You’ve always been my world Jayla Auset. No matter who you currently view as your father or father figure. No one - and I repeat - NO ONE (besides ya moms) has sacrificed more than I have so you can have prestigious support from your environment. Your mother and I are both on your Certificate Of Live Birth which forever binds our lives together. Your grandmother Robyn benefited from a lot from it as well. She capitalized on the Order Of Protection more than your mother did. I was NO THREAT to your safety and well being. But…your grandmother thought if was removed from your life by authoritative force, then her position would be reinforced as primary care giver OR sole provider. Don’t get me wrong Jayla. Robyn sacrificed to take care of you as well, but her sacrifice is NOTHING compared to what your real parents endured during the process. She became legal guardian due to your mother’s medical condition. Your mother should’ve called me but she blamed it on an Order Of Protection that was filed in 2003 for the reason of not reaching out - which was a poor excuse. The real reason your mother didn’t want me to step in is because I would’ve caused to so much confusion, distractions, and down right dysfunctional behavior in your family. That’s the real reason they kept me a secret. So, your grandmother stepped in to care for you like her own giving her a second chance at raising her daughter in an image she wanted all along. Robyn thought her sacred knowledge was the reason for your eminent support. It was your mother’s (Kenya) tenacious attack on the battlefield of Lupus and my extraordinary prowess in the 3rd dimension that kept you safe from malicious intent. I work my mind everyday to provide quality service to the people making sure I don’t promote any cataclysmic behavior or activities. I’ve been secretively supporting you & your mother’s endeavors since you were ripped from her mortal portal.
(I’m deep and abstruse at times…I know.)
What I’ve Always Thought Of You
You’re phenomenally extraordinary!
You’ve always been.
From the little bit I’ve seen & noticed, we have some similarities regarding your personality. You can be a bit silly and intelligently witty like your mother. You also have quiet side - an introverted persona - instilled by your grandma who has taught you well gaining you access to unlimited data in your universe. In other words, you are ENRICHED with wealth generating principles! When we finally meet, I will train you on esoteric wisdom from underground circuits you should’ve learned way before anything else. The foundation of our ancestors will be communicating through our unison. The plan is simplistic but it also requires your mother’s undivided attention.
You Are Everything & Everything Is You
Remember, always influence your own outcomes…don’t allow the mind state of others to influence you. For example, if your colleagues or constituents force a ritual upon you because they are not aware of your delicate condition, you don’t have to fit in…EVER. Trust this…as you get wiser, people will become tactful. Meaning, they will persuade you to consent to something that has destructive tendencies in it. You don’t have to appeal to ANY relationship between you & your peers because of ritualistic behaviors like companionships, friendships, hardships, etc. I’ll teach you how to attract more responsive connections in your life. I’ll teach you how to remain positive in a world full of buyers, sellers, pimps, and hoes (figuratively speaking). Jayla, I’ll teach you lessons about life you could only imagine. Lessons that are not taught in school or any educational institution. Imperative lessons like how to create YOUR dreams into YOUR reality without the Internet. How to struggle smart and live long enough to embody your life’s mission. How to learn about yourself enough to never fear anything again. I’ll start off real slow and incrementally work my way into your respective governments. I grind. I diligently hustle. So, working through the abyss is child’s play for me. Your mother is welcome to tag along; I know she won’t let you out of her sights yet anyway.
YOU ARE THE CENTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE. Your mother & I have blazed a path for you to educate yourself on arcane knowledge, inspire your true inner circle (loyal families & synergistic connections) with intrinsic values, and motivate others to change society’s obsolete ordinances and convert them into your divine essence…Universal Power!
We Are The Afro-Related Trinity
I’m going to share something with you Jayla that I hope you have practiced as well…celibacy. Truth be told, I was a virgin when I met your mother. Your mother never believed me when I confessed this to her earlier. I hope you have very little knowledge on this subject - and if you don’t - I hope you’ve been schooled properly on both girls & boy’s pubertal development.
When I met your mother, back in Y2K, we were raised completely different. Your mother was raised by a strong-minded family of scholars & careerists whom followed everything by the book. I, your biological father, was raised by an eclectic family of hustlers & “go-getters” who did things “by any means necessary”. Your mother was brought up with both of her parents. I was brought up with only my mom & grandma. Your mother was book smart and into poetry. I was into extracurricular activities and technology. Your mother tried her best to fit in high school. I tried my best to stand out. The point is Jayla…your mother and I are something, on the esoteric realm, called quantum engineering. Your mother was involved with her own quantum entanglement and transition onto my side which was a more quantum computing power. In other words, she is like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (ideology of unity) and I’m more like Malcolm X (implementation of unity).
We’re from opposite ends of the same source which is YOU. You are the reason, the beginning, and the only reason to amalgamate negative & positive forces synergistically generating electromagnetic power in abundance. You are the one, of many around the world, who will join forces together and create a better place for future generations of energy beings on this planet.
We must build our Prowess Society so all Earths’s energy beings can empower their environments with self love, global prosperity, and elemental longevity - humanity’s source code under Universal Law.
Wow! See how quickly I can get off topic Jayla???, especially when it’s concerning our planet’s future possibilities. Anyways, Jayla…your mother & I have failed our generation. We involuntarily surrendered our rights to have a lackluster impact on our Omniverse because we didn’t realize what was really important…US AS THE TRINITY - Positive (Kenya Simone 9/19), Negative (Jamar Rasheid 10/2), Neutral (Jayla Auset 10/24).
Nature needs us to showcase supreme consciousness through our inevitable reconciliation.
Time is calling for it.
How will we respond???
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
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Abstruse Alkemist
Truth be written, I’m an Alkemist because I learn different elemental factors from life to transmute them into applicable formulas I like. Yo, when I analyze different schools of thought from the hood to upper echelon folks, I notice various aspects within certain circles I can fuse together making my journey less difficult & more effective.
For example, in school they never taught us how serious racism was. This is something people just kinda experience on their own. When comparing what was taught in school about different ethnic groups’ POV, I started to realized it was all social engineering to separate who’s an friend or foe to their system. First, they (school’s board of directors) separate by visual classification (skin color) to identify people’s nationality. Then, they further segregated students based on their educational skills (ability to retain & regurgitate information). Lastly, students intermingle with each another to communicate & strengthen language. Once you’ve successfully reconditioned a student’s sense of identity, now he/she can operate in society as a “potential” non-threat. Non threat to who??? The architects of this societal program who are fear mongers. You need to eat right? If you don’t have our money then you starve. Oh, you want to have children right? If you don’t know how to deliver & receive your child, you need our hospitals. You need clothes to secure your body right? If you don’t have access to materials necessary to sow, you need our money again. Ahh man…you still need shit??? Ok, you need shelter now??? Ok, well if you don’t know how to gather elemental materials from Earth like wood, hemp, or various other composites to make stable homes, then you need our money for this too. Ok…your question is what??? How are you going to get this money? Good question! Well, if don’t have money and need it to buy stuff you can’t create yourself, you have three options: you can either employ your skill set in exchange for a fixed hourly wage, you can start a business and capitalize on other people’s skill sets for residual/passive income or you can try your luck and steal it. I must warn you on the third one, stealing is only punishable if you steal from us (banks, corporations, financial institutions etc.) You can only steal from each other within your neighborhood or local community. What??? There’s a problem with that one too. Local “citizens” may not agree with your actions so if you’re going to steal from your community, just be prepare to enter in free slavery camps called prisons. We’re building them like wildfires in a forest. So, if you want money to operate within “normal” society go to school, get a well paying 9-5, or start many businesses capitalizing on others’ skills, talents, and professions; either way there’s no escaping our monetary system. HAHA! Fear that peasants.
Another example of analyzing environmental issues is if I’ve done research on how to heal the body through live foods, you won’t catch me believing what I’ve just read or seen from these Internet dudes. Nah! I have to run test on these ingredients myself, then extract what is needed by magnifying its substance under a microscope. Then after that, document the ingredients’ properties by identifying its contents and their functions on the periodic table. Then, compare my notes with others to find equilibrium. Once I’ve found this equilibrium, I then apply formulas derived in real time on myself making sure each formula is coded impeccably.
Some people ask me to give examples of my work just so they can solidify my approach, but my work is never documented in English text. Why? Because I just don’t trust people with my work. No disrespect to you and yours, but the reality is people can be bought and will snipe you in the dirt for this work. Being an Abstruse Alkemist makes me difficult to understand, but my formulas work. In order for me to share with the public or any circle for what it’s worth, I would like to further gain access to more information from scientific evidence proven through unforeseen triangulation in the universe. I prefer it be my ancestors’ ancient formulas so I can decode them in my own words. Meaning, I would like to get in the lab, start making some mistakes happen so greatness can surface from it. Family…why you think it took time for all these luxuries of Earth to manifest. Everything happens because it was meant to. You are either aware of it or not; simple as that.
In the ancient times, they had similar experiences dealing with the vibratory frequencies of electromagnetic synergies leading to holistic healing, harnessing energy, architectural features, geometric symbols and many unique forms of living than we have today. Why?? Because everyone is in a hurry to go nowhere. People are synchronized to a clock, a date, a concept of time that’s truly irrelevant to natures’ divine order. We are constantly distracted with radio frequencies transmitting unidentifiable data into our circulatory system affecting our biological chemistry independently. See, when you study using your own intellect as the superior court of truth and learn other schools of wisdom simultaneously you discover hidden tunnels leading you down a dark, cold alley taking you to arcane places. The people who dare to be different. The ones who challenge themselves to infinity. The ones who fail everyday, but never quit. These are the ones who walk in this path towards unlocking ancient knowledge within their Heart - where your source code rests until you active dormant information thats been suppressed by unnatural creations.
Who Is This Information For?
If you’re channeling star seeds through our women’s moral portals then this information is for you. If you’re eating to survive instead of eating to live then this information is for you. If you’re kill others because you gotta get the money then you definitely need information like this. Listen I’m not a know it all. I don’t know NOThing; I only know what I’ve experienced in my life and for a man in this physical realm to endure this much heartache and pain from current society and still be able to walk and talk with a confident smile, says a lot about my character. I’m willing to go through strenuous learning curves in order to better comprehend a specific lesson. My prowess connects with others to form cohesive skill sets getting the job done more efficiently and effectively. I don’t complain about shit. I give no excuses. I own up to my failures as well as my responsibilities. You can talk shit about me all day or you don’t even gotta talk about me at all. I’m still going to shine like the stars above. I’m still going to get up without saying a word. I’m still going to balance wars within self. And…I’m still going to live regardless of what’s against my health.
All alkemy is - is the ability to take uselessness and create something useful for you or someone else. If that’s the case, WE ALL HAVE ALKEMY IN OUR BLOOD. Let’s start transcending our greatnesses into a code of prosperity NO OPPOSITION CAN INFILTRATE.
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jaewil25-blog · 7 years
The possibilities through failures are far greater than the possibilities through doing nothing
Abstruse Alkemist
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