jamesbardley · 2 years
Follow these 3 ways to have hot partner sex using Kegel balls
The basic structure of the Kegel balls set comprise two small weighted balls on cords. Known by different names like jiggle balls, orgasm balls, and love balls, they come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Though they are great for pelvic floor training, Kegel balls can also be a fantastic addition to your sex life, especially when you use them during partner play. Mix them in your routine sex and see how they heighten your sexual pleasure. They are known for making you go wild with passion. How? Take a look at these 3 simple yet hot ways!
Sexy foreplay
If you and your partner have an entire night together, then start by inserting the Kegel balls inside you in the presence of your partner in the evening. Let them watch you as you do that. Leave them in for some time but not more than 6 hours. Both you and your partner will know how the sensation is driving you crazy with desire, but both of you wait, until it’s finally time for some action!
Making anal sex more fun
You can also use the Kegel balls of a notable Korean online adult store (성인용품점) to make anal fun hotter and more pleasurable. With the balls already there inside your vagina, ask your partner to slip a finger inside your anus. This action will push the Kegel balls further against your G-spot, creating deep sensations, that will leave you panting and crying with pleasure, until you come.
The best oral sex
When your partner is down there eating you, licking, sucking your juices, and grazing your soft flesh with teeth, the slipping of Kegel balls at that point can make things even ‘’dirtier’’, heating things like anything, ultimately offering you a mind-blowing orgasm!
Remember to always communicate clearly with your partner when you both plan to use Kegel balls during sex. Never ever go for full penetrative sex while they are still inside you, until and unless you wish them to get stuck inside you and then make an uncomfortable visit to the hospital. A well-known Korean online adult shopping mall(성인용품쇼핑몰) comes with safe, easy-to-use sex toys, and that too at an affordable price!
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jamesbardley · 2 years
3 prime tips to use a butt plug safely
There are various ways through which you can add pleasure and novelty to your sex life. Sex toys are the best way to do that, especially if you are using an anal plug for some dirty anal fun, which is also considered one of the most famous women's adult products ( 여자성인용품 )!
The anus is a very sensitive part of your body that is full of rich nerve endings around the anal and the opening walls. Regardless of sexual or gender orientation, stimulation in this area can increase pleasure like anything!
An anal plug or butt plug not only stimulates the nerve endings but also applies pressure against the prostate or in the vaginal wall, thereby turning on an individual.
How to use an anal plug safely
Because of the reasons like the anal canal ultimately leads to a human’s digestive tract and the anal muscles are strong enough to suck the toy in, there are some safety rules that you must follow while using them.
When you are choosing an anal plug from a distinguished Korean online adult shop (성인용품샵), see to it that it has a flared base. The wide base stops the anal plug to be sucked inside your anus.
Deciding that you want to engage in some anal sex or anal play, ensure that you don’t pass the toy from the anus to the mouth. It will increase the risk of passing STI or bacteria. Once you are done using it, make sure to clean it properly with a reliable sex toy cleaner.
Remember, an anus isn’t self-lubricating like a vagina, so in order to prevent any sort of pain or friction, use lube. Additionally, in order to protect your anal plug from getting damaged, use a lube that is best compatible with its material. If you have a stainless steel one then you can use any lube you want but if you have a silicone plug then use only water-based lube.
Also, if you are someone who has never tried anal play ever before, then ensure to use anal-based lubes as they are thick and often last long. When you are applying it, use it on both the sex toy and on yourself.
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jamesbardley · 2 years
How to talk to your partner about inclusion of sex toys in relationship
Adding sex toys to partner sex can open a world of endless possibilities, making it more fun, enjoyable, and adventurous for both the man and the woman. They can help to achieve more frequent or consistent, intense, or complex orgasmic experiences.
A renowned Korean online adult goods shopping site offers a grand collection of well-designed adult products(성인용품)at a reasonable price! Thinking about how to talk to your partner to add sex toys to your intimate personal life? All you need to do is follow these tips!
Choose the perfect time
Choose a particular time to initiate the conversation about sex toys. Never ever try to bring up the topic while having sex. According to the experts, it will be even easier, if you are in a new relationship with your partner, as you will have the liberty to talk about your sexual preferences and can also get to know your partner better.
Never beg or use warnings
If you see that your partner is feeling uneasy or doesn’t really prefer using sex toys in the relationship, never force the toys on them. Giving ultimatums or pleading repeatedly won’t lead you anywhere, but might make matters worse. Take a break, and again after some time, when you find them in a good mood, ask gently what exactly sets them off or why they are uncomfortable. Finding out the reason, address that particular fear or concern with appropriate words.
Persuade and explore
If your partner is open to the idea of experiments then talk with them about how you both can explore the sex toys fully. Show them how you use a particular toy on yourself, guiding your partner on how you would like it, during sex. You can also encourage them to use it on each other, turn by turn. A piece of advice would be to try safe couple sex toys from a noted Korean online adult shopping mall (성인용품쇼핑몰), that not only displays a variety but great designs as well!
Be safe
Consult experts and friends, and go through the reviews of different sex toys. Find out how you both can use the sex toys comfortably. The point is, don’t rush into things and always be safe.
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jamesbardley · 2 years
Reasons why should definitely get a glass dildo
Every kind of dildo comes with the ability to perfectly satisfy that kinky sex freak hiding within you, but then, among its various types, the glass dildos haven’t gained much recognition that they truly deserve, probably because they are made with a kind of material that one will hardly expect.
You might be wondering, ‘’are they even safe?’’ Yes, they absolutely are! In fact, the kind of benefits they offer is sexier, more thrilling, and exciting than any other women’s adult products(여자성인용품). Curious? Great! Have a look at some of the many reasons how they can give a different meaning to your sex life!
Such beautiful works of art…
Are you the kind of person who searches for both beauty as well as functionality in your sex toys? Then glass toys are meant for you! It isn’t just a mere sex toy but is like an art piece. From wonderful wands to crazy spirals, they are like a visual treat. Meant to drive you crazy with a wild passion, if you want then you can even display them on top of your shelf and pass them as figurines or trophies, no one will get a hint!
A ‘hard’ ride to the sex world
Since they are constructed out of glass, they offer a stronger penetration and stimulation. If you like it all hard and dirty, then glass dildos can take you to heaven when you get them inside you or your partner. While a smooth glass dildo works like a magic on your G-spot, tickling your senses, an artistic one with beads, knobs or ribs will feel great against your vaginal walls.
You can go for some great temperature play
As glass is very temperature-sensitive, it means that your glass dildo will easily adapt itself to any temperature you put it in. For an instance, if a glass dildo is cooled or heated then you can use it for an external massage of your hot spots such as your inner thighs, clit, or nipples, but never use extreme measures to heat up the toy fast and always get it from a trustworthy adult store (성인용품점)!
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jamesbardley · 2 years
The 3 most trending vibrators that work best to enhance sexual pleasure
You know what they say, ‘’learn to love yourself if you want others to love you too’’ and this saying also holds true when it’s about loving your own body, especially all those erogenous areas.
Just like brushing your teeth is like a part of your daily morning routine, similarly, investing some time in worshipping your own body in the bedroom should be an essential part of your self-care too! And, when you add the right vibrator to it and that too from a reputed online adult shopping mall(성인용품쇼핑몰), you discover your body in a way that you wouldn’t have thought was possible!
But then, with so many types available today, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, intimidated, and confused. To help you buy the perfect vibrator, given below is a short and simple guide on the 3 most popular ones.
Rabbit vibrator
A rabbit vibrator is a terrific place to begin if your preference is something versatile. This perfect type offers you the best of both worlds, external stimulation as well as penetration. As the ears of the rabbit vibrate on their own, if you want then you can also adjust their intensity to give you the correct amount of clit stimulation. Make sure to get only a reliable one from an esteemed Korean online adult shop (성인용품샵)today!
Bullet vibrator
One of the most famous sex toys not only among the first-timers but also among the regular couples is a bullet vibrator. For a pleasurable stimulation, if you wish then you can use this mini but powerful vibrator type in a specific hot spot or if you want then you can use it on multiple areas of the body. Easy to use and discreet, these lovely miniature babies can be taken to anywhere without anyone having a clue!
G-spot vibrator
Primarily crafted for finding and stimulating a woman’s G-spot, this kind can vary from flexible and soft to hard and rigid. To make sure that you get maximum stimulation on the most sensitive part of your body, they display a hooked or curved head, where the upward curve offers a wide head to make you moan in pleasure.
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jamesbardley · 2 years
Why sex toys are getting increasingly popular today
Sex toys are magical, in fact, they are simply great. Having different names like pleasure toys, love toys, adult toys, and adult products (성인용품), they are like a gift from God that every adult should embrace without hesitation.
Whether you are single or committed, adding sex toys to your sexual life can give you an experience that you can never even imagine. They come with plenty of benefits, out of which a few have been discussed below!
Most women need them
To achieve a satisfying orgasm, women need to have the right type of clit stimulation. As it might become a complex business for men, most women are found to fake an orgasm, so as to not demotivate or annoy their partners. Since the right sex toys can help here to a great extent, they are something that must be given a try!
Sex toys are for all
Other than enhancing sexual pleasure to a great extent, these sex toys also make sure to increase pleasure time in bed not just for the singles but also for a couple, making each and every moment memorable.
They hit your pleasure points ‘right’
To help in your sexual adventures every time, each and every sex toy is designed scientifically. Even though you are a pro in this area, still, it might be hard sometime to stimulate the body and mind both at the same time and this is where you should keep a good-quality sex toy ready! They lighten your hand job as they are designed to hit the right hot spots.
Adds fire and spice
When you go for a sex toy, it helps you to bring something new in bed and adds fire and spice to already dull or vanilla sex life. Consider opting for vibrators, clamps, ropes, blindfolds, and anal plugs as these are all gender-neutral sex toys and can make sex truly erotic, of course, if you know how to ‘’play it’’ right!
A famed Korean online adult store (성인용품점)comes with a truly hot collection of mouth-watering adult goods! Buying from such a store, you also get an extra 5% off on top of the basic discount!
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jamesbardley · 3 years
3 Super-Hot Reasons to Use Sex Toys with Your Partner
Sex toys can no doubt make your life truly more satisfying. In fact, for some, a dildo or an anal plug is necessary for a truly pleasurable orgasm. Though for the beginners these toys may seem intimidating but slowly with time you realize that they can be great tools to discover new ways to give and get pleasure in the bedroom and explore what gives you the best carnal bliss.
If you are someone who’s yet to use a sex toy with your partner then it’s time you get a bit of knowledge first on how it can heat things really up for both of you. Given below are 3 best reasons on why you should be including them in your sex life.
Sex toys take the pressure off of you and your partner
No matter how giving your partner is, sometimes it’s very difficult to have an orgasm. Depending on your position, while clit stimulation can be achieved with the help of tongue or fingers, those might not be the only options. By taking the extra help of a sex toy, you are taking the pressure to orgasm off of yourself and helping your partner by taking the pressure off of him to give a hardcore performance.
You can enjoy multiple orgasms
Once you take the pressure off your partner and off yourself, you can then easily open the door to not just orgasms that are easier to reach but even multiple ones that are super satisfying. It is often believed that a quality vibrator enhances sexual satisfaction, so between your partner and toys, you are preparing yourself up for an intense situation that will be full of multiple orgasms than you would have not probably get if was just your partner and you without the battery operated toys.
Exploration = hotter sex
Exploring new toys in your sexual life not only just open up doors to stuff you never imagined actually existed which you could possibly come to enjoy but it also helps to develop an even greater sexual bond. There are sex toys which your partner can use to “control” you from across the room like dildos, nipple clamps, butt plugs etc to give you infinite erotic pleasure.
Are you in search of quality adult products ( 성인용품 )? Connect with a famous Korean online adult shopping mall today coming with quite a hot collection!
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jamesbardley · 3 years
4 Popular Sex Toys That Will Give You Ear-Splitting Orgasms
Where do you find out which sex toy is right for you? The internet of course! But so you don’t get caught with a lot of dirty sex terms on your history, an appropriate kinky research has been done for you here.
Covered below is a list of sex toys which promise to bring immense sexual pleasure to every person, regardless of the sexual and gender identity.
Thrusting dildos
Some of the extraordinary and newest sex toys to hit the market today are the pulsators or the thrusting dildos that penetrate by extracting and retracting back and forth. Whether you apply them anally or vaginally, they stimulate penetrative awesome sex. These kinky babies take care of your needs without you having to use a single finger.
Vibrating panties
A very unusual type of hands-free vibrator, these pulsing panties make putting on your underwear as erotic as taking them off. Normally they have to be within a certain distance from the smartphone or remote to turn them on but you can find different variations here like in case of less high-tech panties, you need to stroke the vibrator to turn it off and on whereas wireless panties can be operated remotely.
Double ended dildos
The double ended dildos are designed in such a way that they can enter two partners at once, taking the games of sex a level higher. Adding extra indulgence, often these sex toys vibrate. As stated earlier, these can easily be used between two people where one pushes the small sculpted end inside you and penetrates your partner with the base. Usual sex moves and position work great but more lube will be needed.
Nipple clamps
Reducing blood flow and creating painful sexual stimulation by using stress, this tiny alligator heads pinch down on your soft nipples. After this, all you need is a slight pinching on your nipples and you are “good to go”. The adjustable clamps have a screw that permits your partner or you to change the intensity level of the pinch.
Wondering where to get top notch sex toys? Order from a reputed Korean adult store( 성인용품 )today where each product ensures utmost sexual satisfaction!
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jamesbardley · 3 years
Sex Toys: Can They Really Help in Increasing Your Sexual Satisfaction?
Having an active sex life is as essential as being healthy mentally and physically. Regular sex can help you manage stress more effectively, give you better sleep, a longer lifespan and also boost your immunity system. To keep the spark alive, couples can go forthe motto “variation is the key when it comes to sex”. To express themselves better on bed, some people find sex toys an interesting way.
How sex toys add spice and fun in your sex life?
Today, sex toys can be easily purchased online from an adult mall( 성인용품 )or offline from local stores with most people preferring the former. Some sex toys which are available in almost all the countries are anal stimulants, dildos, role play costumes and vibrators. They can be used by both men and women with their partners or on their own.They help in bringing out your inner animal in the bedroom. You can use them to heighten your sexual pleasure which in turn results in:
·         Less pressure on performance
·         Knowing your own body better
·         Increasing physical intimacy
·         Gratifying multiple orgasms for women
The effect of sex toys in your sex life
Sexual pleasure works like sleep and food for the body. It is great for your cardiovascular system, nerves and brain, eliminates stress, soothes and relaxes the mind and body. Deriving complete pleasure from sex is also not a non-sided affair reserved just for men. In fact, there are more sex toys in the market today for ladies than gentlemen. Some of the sex toys which both men and women can enjoy equally and have a great time making out are masturbators, anal toys, dildos, pulsators, vibrators.
How to keep them clean?
It is important that you keep the sex toys clean always after using them. Using a water solution and soap are usually enough to clean them and the use of harsher chemicals need to be avoided.
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jamesbardley · 3 years
Best Sex Toys for Older Couples Above the Age Of 50
It is often found that women over 50 experience difficulty in having an orgasm. The issue being here lower blood flow to the genitals combined with decreased production of both estrogen and testosterone with the outcome being more time is needed to climax or orgasm may not occur at all.
With the availability of sex toys, women and their partners can easily overcome these by being creative. Once viewed apt for solo use only, vibrators and other sex toys can passionately improve a couple’s sex play helping both partners obtain the “big goal”. A popular survey showed that 50% of men and women over the age of 50 use sex toys both as a couple and individually while the rest may not be using them simply because they don’t know which ones to try.
To fill this knowledge gap, here is some insight to help you understand sex toys better.
Feel the vibes!
Vibrators now available in plugged-in models and battery powered have been around ever since the 19th C. The device by directly stimulating the nerves helps them to respond to the usual methods of arousal. They come in different sizes and shapes, some even lifelike! The most famed is the rabbit vibrator which is always in demand. Another popular vibrator made for external use is the pocket rocket which is like 4 inches long and can easily fit in a purse. A dildo, a G-spot stimulator curves up at the end to reach the G-spot on the roof of the vagina. In addition, there are non-buzzing and buzzing dildos that can be inserted inside a woman’s vagina to intensify the moment and raise the heat.
How about putting a ring on it?
If you are a guy who wants to get into the spirit of things then consider opting for a penis ring. This ring has a gently expanding band which fits around the penis’s base, a small button on it activates the vibe on the ring which then works heavenly to massage the woman’s clit area resulting in mind blowing orgasms and a great sex. Another sex toy most popular among the older men is the C-ring which fits easily around both the scrotum and the penis and is worn before an erection to increase the time of performance as well as to heighten the quality of sex thereafter.
Totally into sex play? Want some great adult products ( 성인용품 )? Reach out to a reputable Korean online adult shopping mall and take your pick now!
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jamesbardley · 3 years
Using Sex Toys Can Benefit Your Marriage to A Great Extent
Now you don’t really have to make your own play room like Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. But you can definitely have your own exciting sex toys like them! Sex toys benefit a relationship in more ways than you know. In fact, over the last few decades their use has increased exponentially. The taboos regarding them, particularly the vibrators are slowly dissolving.
Married couples who secretly fantasize having a great unforgettable sex, who wish to be adventurous in the bedroom can benefit greatly from involving a sex toy. Here’s how:
Greater intimacy
Many women often feel inadequate or unhappy with their appearance and this can have a negative impact on the relationship with their husband. With mutual climax or masturbation, you can take the help of adult toys to decrease the anxiety of being naked. This greatly permits you to work on your intimacy! You can bring this subject of the inclusion of sex toys once again if your partner rejects the idea. Just make sure that you use some great seduction techniques!
More fun sex
Facing issues in sex life? If you are willing to try sex toys on the bed then there are huge chances that your sexual life will greatly improve. Each and every couple can benefit from a little more intimacy and sex toys can help in that to an unimaginable extent. They excite you and your partner and engage you to try something new! Along with the sex toys, if you add mood setting, dirty sexual communication, wild plays and different sexual acts then it can give you more satisfaction than you would have thought was possible!
Back-to-back orgasms
A recent study has reported that only 18.4% women agreed that sex alone is sufficient for great orgasms whereas the majority admitted that they desire clit stimulation either during sex or separately and that’s exactly what the adult toys, especially the vibrators do for you rewarding you with yummy back-to-back orgasms!
Better communication with partner
Discussing the sex toys benefits and their use with your partner signals open communication.
Need some fun in your sex life? Make sure you purchase quality sex toys from a renowned Korean online adult store ( 성인용품 )today!
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jamesbardley · 3 years
4 Amazing Sex Toys for Beginners to Get Started Experiencing Real Fun
Due to Covid-19, a lot of people got to know a lot about themselves due to spending more time at home and one such self-discoverytook place in the bedroom where more people started experimenting with sex toys. But if you are still not sure on where should you start then it is highly advisable that you follow this list given below where some mind-boggling sex toys have been rounded up for your great sexual pleasure.
Getting yourself acquainted with the sex toy market for the very first time and that too when so many adults products( 성인용품 ) are available, can be a little intimidating but with a prior knowledge, things can get easier. Check out the 4 major sex toys that are highly recommended these days.
Clit stimulator
If you are someone who wants something more compact then make sure you grab a clit stimulator. These simply amazing small yet powerful devices target the clit area for non-penetrative pleasure and are great for both solo play and combined with your partner’s hands!
Prostate massager
More and more men are finally understanding and embracing the pleasure that butt play offers and grabbing a prostate massager is just what you want to make pleasure more intensifying and raunchier. It gently stimulates the male G-spot for greater arousal leading to big erections and mind-fucking bigger orgasms!
Masturbation sleeves / Masturbator
Enjoy masturbating? Get your hands on masturbation sleeves then! They are quite a self-explanatory piece offering a tight soft place to put your dick.
Cock rings
Often regarded as the most common couples’ toy, the quality cock rings permit men to achieve long lasting, harder erections by restricting your blood flow. Don’t worry, it’s nothing harmful. In fact once you put it on, thesensation is something which will get you addicted to it.Someadvanced cock rings even flaunt a vibrator on top for extra stimulation when you go for penetrative sex.
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