jarfulloftears · 6 days
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Always the writer, never the reader.
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jarfulloftears · 8 days
The thing people don’t realize about writing is that time spent just staring out the window is CRITICAL
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jarfulloftears · 22 days
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To my fellow writers.
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jarfulloftears · 22 days
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12K notes · View notes
jarfulloftears · 1 month
Fanfic writers, I am begging you- even with dialogue that is clearly attributed, start a new paragraph with each new speaker. The reader shouldn't have to wait until after the dialogue is spoken to understand who is saying it.
Even if it's one word?
But it makes things so long!
Great! Your stories will be the king of scrolling, a feast of thumbs, and a gentle stroke across a phone screen.
This convention exists for a reason! Each new paragraph should be a new idea or a new speaker. It's a shortcut for our brains to know that we have jumped across a gap and into the unknown, and you as the writer are about to explain to me where we have jumped to, but at least I know we are somewhere different.
Please practice this! I see so many good fanfic I want to read but except for this huge, glaring issue and it becomes impossible to understand what is happening.
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jarfulloftears · 2 months
words to use when writing
craving, demand, gluttony, greed, hunger, inclination, insatiable, longing, lust, passion, ravenousness, relish, taste, thirst, urge, voracity, weakness, willingness, yearning, ardor, dedication, desire, devotion, enthusiasm, excitement, fervor, horny, intensity, keenness, wholeheartedness, zeal
agitate, awaken, electrify, enliven, excite, entice, foment, goad, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, provoke, rally, rouse, spark, stimulate, stir, thrill, waken, warm, whet, attract, charm, coax, fire up, fuel, heat up, lure, produce, stir up, tantalize, tease, tempt, thrum, torment, wind up, work up
attack, advancing, aggressive, assailing, charging, incursion, inundated, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught, overwhelmed, ruinous, tempestuous, strike, violation, ambush, assail, barrage, bombard, bombardment, crackdown, wound
admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, bewitching, charming, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, exquisite, fascinating, gorgeous, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, radiant, ravishing, resplendent, splendid, stunning, sublime, attractive, beguiling, captivating, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, eye-catching, fetching, fine, fine-looking, good-looking, handsome, inviting, lovely, mesmeric, mesmerizing, pretty, rakish, refined, striking, tantalizing, tempting
atrocious, barbarous, bloodthirsty, callous, cruel, feral, ferocious, hard, harsh, heartless, inhuman, merciless, murderous, pitiless, remorseless, rough, rude, ruthless, savage, severe, terrible, unmerciful, vicious, bestial, brute, brutish, cold-blooded, fierce, gory, nasty, rancorous, sadistic, uncompromising, unfeeling, unforgiving, unpitying, violent, wild
able-bodied, athletic, beefy, big, brawny, broad-shouldered, bulky, dense, enormous, great, hard, hardy, hearty, heavily built, heavy, hefty, huge, husky, immense, large, massive, muscular, mighty, outsized, oversized, powerful, powerfully built, prodigious, robust, solid, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, strongly built, sturdy, thick, thickset, tough, well-built, well-developed
animalistic, bodily, impure, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, physical, prurient, salacious, sensuous, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton, , coarse, crude, dirty, raunchy, rough, unclean
alarming, critical, fatal, formidable, impending, malignant, menacing, mortal, nasty, perilous, precarious, pressing, serious, terrible, threatening, treacherous, urgent, vulnerable, wicked, acute, damaging, deadly, death-defying, deathly, destructive, detrimental, explosive, grave, harmful, hazardous, injurious, lethal, life-threatening, noxious, poisonous, risky, severe, terrifying, toxic, unsafe, unstable, venomous
atrocious, corrupt, forbidding, foul, infernal, midnight, morbid, ominous, sinful, sinister, somber, threatening, twilight, vile, wicked, abject, alarming, appalling, baleful, bizarre, bleak, bloodcurdling, boding evil, chilling, cold, condemned, creepy, damned, daunting, demented, desolate, dire, dismal, disturbing, doomed, dour, dread, dreary, dusk, eerie, fear, fearsome, frightening, ghastly, ghostly, ghoulish, gloom, gloomy, grave, grim, grisly, gruesome, hair-raising, haunted, hideous, hopeless, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, horror, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred, inauspicious, inhospitable, looming, lost, macabre, malice, malignant, menacing, murky, mysterious, night, panic, pessimistic, petrifying, scary, shadows, shadowy, shade, shady, shocking, soul-destroying, sour, spine-chilling, spine-tingling, strange, terrifying, uncanny, unearthly, unlucky, unnatural, unnerving, weird, wretched
enticing, exquisite, luscious, lush, rich, savory, sweet, tasty, tempting, appetizing, delectable, flavorsome, full of flavor, juicy, lip-smacking, mouth-watering, piquant, relish, ripe, salty, spicy, scrummy, scrumptious, succulent, tangy, tart, tasty, yummy, zesty
delectation, delirium, elation, euphoria, fervor, frenzy, joy, rapture, transport, bliss, excitement, happiness, heaven, high, paradise, rhapsody, thrill, blissful, delighted, elated, extremely happy, in raptures (of delight), in seventh heaven, jubilant, on cloud nine, overexcited, overjoyed, rapturous, thrilled
delirious, enraptured, euphoric, fervent, frenzied, joyous, transported, wild
amatory, amorous, aphrodisiac, carnal, earthy, erogenous, fervid, filthy, hot, impassioned, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, raw, romantic, rousing, salacious, seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous, tantalizing
catch of breath, choke, gulp, heave, inhale, pant, puff, snort, wheeze, huff, rasp, sharp intake of air, short of breath, struggle for breath, swallow, winded 
ardent, avid, excited, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, frenzied, furious, impassioned, intense, passionate, raging, scalding, scorched, stormy, tempestuous, vehement, violent, ablaze, aflame, all-consuming, blazing, blistering, burning, crazed, explosive, febrile, feverish, fired up, flaming, flushed, frantic, hot, hot-blooded, impatient, incensed, maddening, obsessed, possessed, randy, searing, sizzling, smoldering, sweltering, torrid, turbulent, volatile, worked up, zealous
appetite, ache, craving, gluttony, greed, longing, lust, mania, mouth-watering, ravenous, voracious, want, yearning, thirst
avid, carnivorous, covetous, craving, eager, greedy, hungered, rapacious, ravenous, starved, unsatisfied, voracious, avaricious, desirous, famished, grasping, insatiable, keen, longing, predatory, ravening, starving, thirsty, wanting
forceful, severe, passionate, acute, agonizing, ardent, anxious, biting, bitter, burning, close, consuming, cutting, deep, eager, earnest, excessive, exquisite, extreme, fervent, fervid, fierce, forcible, great, harsh, impassioned, keen, marked, piercing, powerful, profound, severe, sharp, strong, vehement, violent, vivid, vigorous
damp, cream, creamy, dripping, ichorous, juicy, moist, luscious, melted, moist, pulpy, sappy, soaking, solvent, sopping, succulent, viscous, wet / aqueous, broth, elixir, extract, flux, juice, liquor, nectar, sap, sauce, secretion, solution, vitae, awash, moisture, boggy, dewy, drenched, drip, drop, droplet, drowning, flood, flooded, flowing, fountain, jewel, leaky, milky, overflowing, saturated, slick, slippery, soaked, sodden, soggy, stream, swamp, tear, teardrop, torrent, waterlogged, watery, weeping
agile, lean, pliant, slight, spare, sinewy, slender, supple, deft, fit, flexible, lanky, leggy, limber, lissom, lissome, nimble, sinuous, skinny, sleek, slender, slim, svelte, trim, thin, willowy, wiry
beef, cry, gripe, grouse, grumble, lament, lamentation, plaint, sob, wail, whine, bemoan, bewail, carp, deplore, grieve, gripe, grouse, grumble, keen, lament, sigh, sob, wail, whine, mewl
(exciting,) affecting, effective  arousing, awakening, breathless, dynamic, eloquent, emotional, emotive, expressive, fecund, far-out, felt in gut, grabbed by, gripping, heartbreaking, heartrending, impelling, impressive, inspirational, meaningful, mind-bending, mind-blowing, motivating, persuasive, poignant, propelling, provoking, quickening, rallying, rousing, significant, stimulating, simulative, stirring, stunning, touching, awe-inspiring, energizing, exhilarating, fascinating, heart pounding, heart stopping, inspiring, riveting, thrilling
compulsion, demand, desperate, devoir, extremity, impatient longing, must, urge, urgency / desire, appetite, avid, burn, craving, eagerness, fascination, greed, hunger, insatiable, longing, lust, taste, thirst, voracious, want, yearning, ache, addiction, aspiration, desire, fever, fixation, hankering, hope, impulse, inclination, infatuation, itch, obsession, passion, pining, wish, yen
ache, afflict, affliction, agony, agonize, anguish, bite, burn, chafe, distress, fever, grief, hurt, inflame, laceration, misery, pang, punish, sting, suffering, tenderness, throb, throe, torment, torture, smart
aching, agonizing, arduous, awful, biting, burning, caustic, dire, distressing, dreadful, excruciating, extreme, grievous, inflamed, piercing, raw, sensitive, severe, sharp, tender, terrible, throbbing, tormenting, angry, bleeding, bloody, bruised, cutting, hurting, injured, irritated, prickly, skinned, smarting, sore, stinging, unbearable, uncomfortable, upsetting, wounded
aberrant, abnormal, corrupt, debased, debauched, defiling, depraved, deviant, monstrous, tainted, twisted, vicious, warped, wicked, abhorrent, base, decadent, degenerate, degrading, dirty, disgusting, dissipated, dissolute, distasteful, hedonistic, immodest, immoral, indecent, indulgent, licentious, nasty, profligate, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shameful, shameless, sickening, sinful, smutty, sordid, unscrupulous, vile 
charming, gratifying, luscious, satisfying, savory, agreeable, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, nice, pleasant, pleasing, soothing, succulent
bliss, delight, gluttony, gratification, relish, satisfaction, thrill, adventure, amusement, buzz, contentment, delight, desire, ecstasy, enjoyment, excitement, fun, happiness, harmony, heaven, joy, kick, liking, paradise, seventh heaven 
avaricious, ferocious, furious, greedy, predatory, ravening, ravenous, savage, voracious, aggressive, gluttonous, grasping, insatiable, marauding, plundering
bliss, ecstasy, elation, exaltation, glory, gratification, passion, pleasure, floating, unbridled joy
adamant, austere, definite, determined, exact, firm, hard, rigorous, solid, stern, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, concrete, fixed, harsh, immovable, inflexible, obstinate, resolute, resolved, severe, steadfast, steady, stiff, strong, strict, stubborn, taut, tense, tight, tough, unbending, unchangeable, unwavering
abrupt, accelerated, acute, fast, flashing, fleeting, hasty, headlong, hurried, immediate, impetuous, impulsive, quick, quickening, rapid, rash, rushing, swift, brash, brisk, brusque, instant, instantaneous, out of the blue, reckless, rushed, sharp, spontaneous, urgent, without warning
(forward) advance, drive, forge, impetus, impulsion, lunge, momentum, onslaught, poke, pressure, prod, propulsion, punch, push, shove, power, proceed, progress, propel
(push hard) assail, assault, attack, bear down, buck, drive, force, heave, impale, impel, jab, lunge, plunge, press, pound, prod, ram, shove, stab, transfix, urge, bang, burrow, cram, gouge, jam, pierce, punch, slam, spear, spike, stick
amazed, astonished, aghast, astounded, awestruck, confounded, dazed, dazed, dismayed, overwhelmed, shocked, staggered, startled, stunned, gob-smacked, bewildered, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, horrified, incredulous, surprised, taken aback 
agony, anguish, hurt, misery, pain, punishment, suffering, afflict, angst, conflict, distress, grief, heartache, misfortune, nightmare, persecute, plague, sorrow, strife, tease, test, trial, tribulation, torture, turmoil, vex, woe
(physical) - blow, brush, caress, collide, come together, contact, converge, crash, cuddle, embrace, feel, feel up, finger, fondle, frisk, glance, glide, graze, grope, handle, hit, hug, impact, join, junction, kiss, lick, line, manipulate, march, massage, meet, nudge, palm, partake, pat, paw, peck, pet, pinch, probe, push, reach, rub, scratch, skim, slide, smooth, strike, stroke, suck, sweep, tag, tap, taste, thumb, tickle, tip, touching, toy, bite, bump, burrow, buss, bury, circle, claw, clean, clutch, cover, creep, crush, cup, curl, delve, dig, drag, draw, ease, edge, fiddle with, flick, flit, fumble, grind, grip, grub, hold, huddle, knead, lap, lave, lay a hand on, maneuver, manhandle, mash, mold, muzzle, neck, nestle, nibble, nip, nuzzle, outline, play, polish, press, pull, rasp, ravish, ream, rim, run, scoop, scrabble, scrape, scrub, shave, shift, shunt, skate, slip, slither, smack, snake, snuggle, soothe, spank, splay, spread, squeeze, stretch, swipe, tangle, tease, thump, tongue, trace, trail, tunnel twiddle, twirl, twist, tug, work, wrap 
(mental) - communicate, examine, inspect, perception, scrutinize
bathe, bleed, burst, cascade, course, cover, cream, damp, dampen, deluge, dip, douse, drench, dribble, drip, drizzle, drool, drop, drown, dunk, erupt, flood, flow, gush, immerse, issue, jet, leach, leak, moisten, ooze, overflow, permeate, plunge, pour, rain, rinse, run, salivate, saturate, secrete, seep, shower, shoot, slaver, slobber, slop, slosh, sluice, spill, soak, souse, spew, spit, splash, splatter, spout, spray, sprinkle, spurt, squirt, steep, stream, submerge, surge, swab, swamp, swill, swim, trickle, wash, water
abominable, amoral, atrocious, awful, base, barbarous, dangerous, debased, depraved, distressing, dreadful, evil, fearful, fiendish, fierce, foul, heartless, hazardous, heinous, immoral, indecent, intense, mean, nasty, naughty, nefarious, offensive, profane, scandalous, severe, shameful, shameless, sinful, terrible, unholy, vicious, vile, villainous, wayward, bad, criminal, cruel, deplorable, despicable, devious, ill-intentioned, impious, impish, iniquitous, irreverent, loathsome, Machiavellian, mad, malevolent, malicious, merciless, mischievous, monstrous, perverse, ruthless, spiteful, uncaring, unkind, unscrupulous, vindictive, virulent, wretched
agonize, bend, jerk, recoil, lurch, plunge, slither, squirm, struggle, suffer, thrash, thresh, twist, wiggle, wriggle, angle, arc, bow, buck, coil, contort, convulse, curl, curve, fidget, fight, flex, go into spasm, grind, heave, jiggle, jolt, kick, rear, reel, ripple, resist, roll, lash, lash out, screw up, shake, shift, slide, spasm, stir, strain, stretch, surge, swell, swivel, thrust, turn violently, tussle, twitch, undulate, warp, worm, wrench, wrestle, yank 
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jarfulloftears · 2 months
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Good stuff.
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jarfulloftears · 2 months
treat yourself like you would treat your favorite character
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jarfulloftears · 3 months
everybody say THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!!! 🫡 this had me OVERWARMED!!! and thank you to the anon for prompting this bc WHEW! love me a sub Tyrone omg 😮‍💨
I wish you would write a fic….
with a submissive Tyrone.
Like he’s hesitant at first, not really with it, but as it goes on he opens up a little bit more. I think he’s think he’s too tough to “wine” or “sound like a bitch”, but maybe reader convinced him somehow, and while he doesn’t eventually makes some sounds he begs more with his words, he gets all squirmy and he keeps chasing his hips you reader’s touch….. or something like that. 🫣
Ask and ye shall receive, sweet anon!
Pretty (Pretty) Boy
Pairing: Sub!Tyrone x Dom!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. FILTH. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (male receiving), teasing, cum swallowing, dirty talk, praise kink, D/s lite, breeding kink if you squint, all consensual. Use of n-word. Referring to female anatomy as "she".
Summary: See ask. For Valentine's Day, you decide to shake things up. You ask to take control in the bedroom and it unleashes a side of you that you want to see more often.
Word Count: 4,946k
A/N: This ask been kicking my ass!!!!! It has been in my box for so long, I am SOOO sorry, anon! I definitely got in my head for too long and didn't think I could pull it off. Whew! I had a bad day and this absolutely cured me. I need to lay down!! Sorry about the wait, but I hope you enjoy! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @notapradagurl7 @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee @theyscreamsannii @mybonafidefeelings @eggnox @honeytoffee @thadelightfulone @tranquilfandomer @kindofaintrovert @l-auteuse @browngirldominion @sunkissedebony97 @lovedlover @issahyland @nerdieforpedro @longpause-awkwardsmile @insburner @slippinninque @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide @bratzmaraj
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“Can you at least try to enjoy it?” You pouted at Tyrone’s scrunched up face. You had tied him to the headboard because you knew your man. You knew that the things you had in mind were going to make him want to grab you and touch you. 
And once he started touching you, he would get his way. He always got his way. Not that you were complaining. Tyrone was addicted to your body and couldn’t help but touch all your smooth curves. But you had been floating this idea in your mind for a few weeks and tonight was the perfect night to try it. 
For Valentine’s Day, you asked Tyrone… if you could be the one in charge. Just thinking about having the entirety of this man at your mercy had you clenching your thighs beneath your robe. 
He tested the restraints by tugging on them. “You tied these a little too good. You been takin’ notes,” he said. He gave you a smirk, licking his lips and tilting his head to try and get a peek beneath your robe. 
You grabbed his chin and pushed his face to meet yours. You gave him a quick peck. “If you’re good, you’ll get rewarded,” you said, dropping your voice to a silky purr. 
You saw your words sink into his eyes. They rounded for half a second before his eyes drooped. “Aight, aight, but I ain’t no bitch,” he said. 
You gave him another peck. “Of course not,” you said. You gave him a wink and finished checking over the restraints and that he couldn’t secretly get out. You made sure the ties were well out of reach of his long fingers.
Those fingers were capable of bringing you intense pleasure and deftly worked over every inch of your skin. If he could get out of the ties, he absolutely would take over. 
The sweet, subtle aroma of honeysuckle and orange flower blossoms filled the room from the candles you had lit. The lights were dimmed giving it a completely intimate feel despite it being a basic room you were overly familiar with. 
You glanced at Tyrone as he watched you, a bit wary. You giggled. “I ain’t gon’ hurt you. Don’t you trust me?” You asked. 
“I trust you. I just..Ion know about this one,” he said. 
You leaned down once more and got close to his face. “Hey, we have a safe word. At any point you want me to stop, I will,” you said and pecked his nose, knowing he secretly loved that shit. He relaxed onto the bed, the rumpled sheets beneath him bunching up. 
“Come on then, baby. Show me what ya got,” he said.
You grinned and stood up, surveying your work. He looked damn good, sitting up against the headboard like a concubine. He still wore black briefs fit snug over his lower half. So plump and thick in thighs and ass that you wanted to take a bite out of him. 
You held yourself back and then told him you’d be right back. You went to your phone on the dresser and turned on your “Grown” playlist on Spotify. The deep croon of Ro James floated softly through the speakers and you left the room. 
You went to the bathroom, nerves bubbling in your gut but you stamped it out. Tyrone was being brave and letting you play out a fantasy of yours so you had to be brave as well. You took a few deep breaths and let your other side come out. Let your inner freak rise to the surface and completely take over. 
You looked good, he looked good, and you were getting everything you wanted and then some. So you threw your shoulders back and admired your sexy lingerie. You checked over the baroque garter belt with the straps pinching pleasurably into your thighs. The thigh high fishnet tights were flushed against your legs and your bra had your girls looking lovely. 
You left the room and walked back to your room. When you opened the door, Tyrone’s eyes snapped to yours. Heat brushed all over your skin as you walked further in and he took in your outfit. 
His briefs began to tent a little with evidence of his arousal standing at attention. You walked over to him, giving a dramatic swing of your hips. You trailed a finger from his legs to his thighs, to his stomach. His stomach contracted as you reached higher and he inhaled sharply as if you burned him. 
“Got damn,” he said, licking his lips. He moved his hands forward but was held back by the ties. He looked up and cursed, a smirk on his lips. “Forgot already. I really can’t touch you?” He asked.
“Ion know, maybe if you ask nicely,” you said. 
You bent down and grabbed the bottle of lotion there. It was unscented, but it would do the trick. He looked at you funny until you squirted some in your hand. He watched as your hands descended on his legs, rubbing the lotion into his skin.
“What you doin’?” He asked.
“You take care of me all the time. I want to take care of you. Now sit back and be quiet,” you said. You gave him a stern look and he smiled. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. 
You smiled, pleased that he was trying in his own way. You rubbed his legs and feet. He was jumpy by the time you got to that point, not used to anyone touching them. You kept it brief since you weren’t at the torturing stage yet.
Your eyes flicked to his as you worked on the other leg, an evil smirk on your face. He had no idea what he was in for. Was this how he usually felt? Drunk on power that he could do anything he wanted to your body and you would enjoy it? And you had no fuckin’ clue?
You advanced up to his thighs. A tiny sound escaped him, too low for you to hear what. He smiled at you to cover it up, biting his bottom lip and sitting back against the headboard. His eyes were lidded.
“Aren’t you being a good boy,” you said. 
“I like to please,” he said. 
“Mhm, you like to tease,” you said. You worked his massive thighs, spreading lotion all over. It was such a small thing, but you were mesmerized by the way the lotion sunk into his bronzed skin. 
He had a smattering of hair on his thighs as you relished in the feel of him. The power in his thighs alone. He could crush watermelons and you thought about how you were going to ride him.
You had been debating how to do just that once he said yes to doing this. Your pussy clenched thinking of riding him reverse cowgirl. Bouncing on his dick while you fondled his balls. Or you could ride him cowgirl and dig your nails across his chest. You could watch his face while you selfishly took what you wanted. 
The back of your neck tingled. You probably shouldn’t do this too often in the future if he was open to it. You were entirely too excited to use him like your own personal sex toy. 
You bent low over him while you pretended to work a problem area. A part of your arm grazed his dick and he hissed, ending with a small sigh. You pressed kisses to his stomach, intentionally skipping his dick. But your mouth was close enough that a little dip to your chin would bring your lips to the base of him. 
“You are the most amazing man ever. Do you have any idea how much I love you?” You asked. You peppered your praise in between kisses. “Do you have any idea how happy you make me?” 
You looked up at him while he had a wide smile on his face. His toothy grin brightened his face, making him as open as you've ever seen him. He was usually scowling, so damn serious all the time. His mind stayed on his money and his lady. You smiled at the joy you saw there. 
“Shit, got a nigga blushin’ over here,” he said. If you weren’t mistaken…his voice was a little thick with emotion. 
You weren’t going to point it out so you kissed his dick through the fabric. “You’re doing so good for me, Ty. You comfortable?” You asked.
“You could loosen these ties,” he said. 
“Nice try,” you said. You stood up and put more lotion into your palms. You worked your way over his chest, rubbing his solid stomach and studying his dips and grooves. You’d been together long enough that you knew every inch of him.
But it was rare when you got to explore his body. Take your time and see what you could do to him. Your hands crept up his sides and when you wiggled your fingers, he twisted away from you. 
“Aye, aye! Don’t start that shit!” He yelled. 
“Excuse me?” You asked. 
“Don’t start that shit!” He said. 
You slid your fingers upwards anyway and tickled him in earnest. He twisted and writhed beneath you, his legs flopping on the bed.
“Because I seem to remember begging for mercy and someone said no,” you said. You giggled as you watched his face in a mix of pain and happiness. He threw his head back trying to get away from you but he was powerless. 
“You’re lucky I’m nicer,” you said. You stopped tickling him and moved your attention to his arms. You licked your lips as you ran your hands over his muscles. Back and forth, back and forth. His muscles contracted and you traced one long vein down his forearm.
His tattoos were an aphrodisiac all on its own. The lion was your favorite. He said it represented his dueling spirits, both lover and fighter. You worked the lotion into his wrists around the restraints. Too bad you couldn’t rub his hands. He had such big hands, big enough to grab your ass whenever he felt like. Which was all the time. 
Tyrone loved you out loud and that was your favorite part about him. There wasn’t an inch of your soul that didn’t love and cherish this man. You didn’t have the words or the comprehension to let him see how much you loved him. How much you woke up everyday and had to wrap your fingers around your arms and squeeze them tight. To make sure that it was real and you had a man who adored you. 
You just wanted to make him feel good. To make him feel a fraction of what he did for you on a regular basis. You cleaned your hands on a towel on the nightstand. “Feel good, baby?” You asked.
Tyrone groaned, his eyes drooping further as if he could go to sleep. He smiled, wide once more. Fuck, you would never get sick of seeing that look on his face. You would take a mental snapshot and lock it in your heart. You would pull it out a thousand times a day just to remember this over and over again. 
“Yes, ma’am. I see why you always askin’ for one now,” he said with a chuckle. Hell yeah. When Tyrone rubbed your calves after a stressful day on your feet, you were jelly in his hands and would agree to absolutely everything he wanted. If he wanted to pour ice cream on your pussy and lick it off, you would not object. 
But tonight was about making him feel good. You smiled as you went to the foot of the bed. You turned your palm until you were cupping his balls. 
“Now, what do we have here,” you said. You increased the pressure a bit, squeezing his balls until he groaned a little louder. 
You turned your fingers, massaging his balls in the way you knew made him glitch. He jerked and twisted beneath you, his breaths coming in choppy and weak. Your pussy throbbed, watching the mix of emotions play out over his face. 
Oh, you could get used to this. Used to driving him wild first. “Okay, okay, okay,” he huffed. He drew his legs up to try and dislodge you. His arms wrestled with the ties as he tried to get free. When it felt too good, when his voice was low in the back of his throat, he would make you stop. 
He assured you that he couldn’t cum this way, but you wanted to know what would happen if you kept going. If he didn’t stop you by pushing your hands away. You continued fondling him and he squirmed beneath you. His arms shook more violently as he tried in vain to stop you.
“You know what to say to get me to stop, baby. You gon’ say it?” You asked. 
His eyes were closed tightly, head thrown back. You relished the look of strain on him. How he looked so…pretty. 
He sounded so pretty too. His little staccato whimpers were turning you on in the worst way. You were dripping wet already and you hadn’t really done anything yet. You were going to burn up before you had a chance to let the night play out.
You were too excited, too turned on. Electricity danced in your veins. Your fingers tingled. Everything seemed amplified. His hair is just a touch more coarse. His voice throaty and guttural. The honeysuckle scent invaded your nostrils and now you would forever associate him with the scent. 
“Hol’ on, hol’ on, damn,” he groaned. 
“Ah, ah. You’re a big boy, use your words,” you cooed to him. You leaned forward, getting closer to him so that you didn’t miss a single thing.
The way sweat gathered on his brow and slid down his neck. The way his wide nose flared. The way his pink tongue darted out to lick his parched lips. Those sharp intakes of air. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
Your heart cracked in two as you finally got a sense of what he had been talking about. How him hovering over you, looking down at your face, made his entire world light up. You understood now. You felt that same light burst out of you. You were breathless with it. 
“Babe, babe,” he said. His voice was so strained. You were so wet. An empty ache pulsed at the core of you. You needed this man inside of you. But you wanted to savor each moment too. 
“Words, Tyrone, or I stop,” you said.
“No, no!” He shouted. 
“Oh, so you can use your words,” you mocked. 
“Yes,” he hissed. 
“Well then, show me. Show me you can use your words like a good boy,” you said. 
“Don’t stop,” he said. 
“Do better. Beg me, Tyrone,” you commanded. 
It was a desperate need to hear the words on his lips that crawled over your skin. 
“Fuck,” Tyrone said. He licked his lips a few times. His breathing was choppy. The rapid rise and fall of his chest had you clenching and unclenching around anothing. 
He was trying to hold onto that bit of control. That stubborn fight in him was costing him unnecessary torment. You moved closer so that you could peck him with kisses on his temple and cheek.
“Shh, shh. It’s okay. You can let go, baby,” you whispered in his ear. 
You huffed and jerked as if he would cum but it didn’t seem like he was going to bust. You knew his face and that wasn’t it. 
You moved your hands to the band of the briefs. He took in deep breaths as your fingers slipped below the band. 
“You gotta tell me the magic words,” you said. 
“Come on,” he groaned. 
His hips moved side to side so subtly you almost missed it. Your fingers slid across his skin and you smiled. He was enjoying this. He really was lucky that you were so nice. You weren’t going to lord it over his head. 
“You come on. You want that nut, don’t you, baby?” You asked. You lowered your voice so that it was a little softer. He loved the sound of your voice and when you talked like this, like an innocent little doll, he said it made him brick up instantly. 
“Fuck,” he huffed out. “Please, babe. Touch me,” he said.
“Hm, that sounds like a command. Are you ordering me to do something, Ty?” You asked.
“No, ma’am,” he said. He shook his head back and forth. 
“Come on, be good for me,” you said.
“Please, please, please touch me.” he said. 
You kissed his cheek. “Thank you, pretty boy,” you said.
You began to stroke his long, thick dick. Your hands barely wrapped around him. You used both hands to stroke him slow and hard. 
The song switched to Sevyn Streeter and you shivered. Her songs always made you feel so sexy and in your feminine power. Impatient, you moved his briefs down so that you could look at your handiwork.
You looked at your hands with your nails painted in your favorite color. Your hands sliding over his dick, getting all kinds of delicious sounds from him. How it seemed you were pumping the cum out of him. 
He was still so pretty. Dicks were not supposed to be pretty. They were wrinkly and hairy. You’d seen one, you’d seen them all. Perhaps that was only for men you didn’t like. Because Tyrone’s was like no other. He wielded that thing like a deadly weapon.
It had been inside of you, handing out orgasms like it was sustenance. He kept himself well trimmed and groomed. Telling you that he needed to keep your plate clean. You watched your hands and suddenly grew jealous that they were having all the fun.
You got onto the bed and straddled him in a reverse cowgirl stance. You leaned across his thighs and stomach, scooting your ass back until it was tucked high in the air. Your face was level with his dick so you sucked him down. 
“Oh, fuck,” he jerked off of the bed. You rode him, wiggling your ass for him. His breath fanned across your ass as he tried to lean forward. There wasn’t much slack on the ties so he only got so far. 
“Umf, lemme taste you, please?” He asked.
He was a quick learner. You suckled the tip of his dick and the roar in his chest almost made you cum on the spot. You let him go with a wet pop, licking your lips to collect wayward precum. 
“You know my pussy wet, Tyrone,” you sung. You wiggled your ass. You looked back at him. His eyes were transfixed to your jiggly ass, the globes shaking with its own gravity. He groaned. His hands flexed. Like if he could just grab hold all would be right in the world. 
“You got me so fuckin’ horny, baby,” you moaned. 
“Oh, I need to taste it, babe,” he said. 
“You wanna taste me?” You asked.
Tyrone nodded, tearing his eyes away from your ass just long enough to give you a quick glance. 
“You gotta earn that. Be a good boy for me and cum in my mouth,” you said.
You put your lips back on him and sucked on him just the way you wanted. You went at your own pace, bobbing your head up and down and trying to fit as much of him as you can. His hips bucked on the bed. The heels of his feet dug into the sheets as you gagged on him. 
He lifted his hips and came with an aggressive growl. You sucked and moaned as his cum filled your mouth. You swallowed all of it. Usually you stopped and went to wipe your mouth of any more. But this time, you kept going.
These sounds were different. These were raw and primal. He muttered and sputtered through all kinds of excited sounds as you sucked the fucking soul out of him. 
“Uh, u-” he moaned.
You gyrated on his chest. You felt that moan deep down inside. All the way down to your womb. 
“Shit, I-!” He bucked his hips again and came one more time. His cum splashed the back of your throat and once more, you drank him down. You slowed your strokes, running your tongue lightly down his shaft. He made tortured moaning noises that had you seeing double. 
You stopped with your lips around his tip and then finally let go. You moaned and looked back at him. He was definitely in pain now. That shouldn’t quite turn you on this much. But who were you trying to fool?
You loved this look of pain on his face. Where he gave way to his base instincts. To fuck and be fucked. 
“You earned an award, baby, for being so good,” you said.
Your left hand descended down to your pussy where your fingers instantly slipped through your wet folds. You collected your essence and brought it to his lips. He panted before smelling your scent on your fingers.
His eyes were closed so he moved by the tilt of his wide nose towards your fingers. He opened his mouth and suckled them into his mouth. His tongue ran over your fingers, collecting every last drop.
“You so pretty, Ty,” you breathed. 
“Timeout,” he panted. 
You nodded and got up off of him. The song switched once more to Victoria Monet. It was a good song to relax to. You laid down next to him, wrapping your arm around his middle and staying there. 
He groaned and shook beneath you. His eyes were so tightly closed you wondered if he was intentionally getting himself hurt. 
“Are you okay, Tyrone?” You asked.
“Too much,” he whispered. 
You nodded and focused on not setting his skin on fire. You gave him small, tolerable kisses while he calmed down. You checked on him periodically, making him talk it out like he did for you. 
“Baby, please, I need to be inside you,” Tyrone finally whispered. You looked down the length of him. He was growing by the second. He swelled against your thigh, filling up just for you. 
“You sure you want to keep going? We don’t have to. You’ve already given me so much,” you said. 
“Please,” he said, his voice breaking on the word. “I’m going to die if I don’t get to feel you. I’ll get on my knees and beg right now, untie me,” he said.
You looked up and brought your hand up to cup his face. Stroke his beard. Your hands slid down to his arms, past the tattoos all over his arms. There were some on his chest as well. You wanted to lick every single one. 
You straddled his hips and leaned up so you could look at his face. His eyes immediately went to your breast, concealed by your peek-a-boo bra. The sheer lace let him see your nipples. You played with your breasts as you began to tease him.
You slid your wet pussy across his chest and he licked his lips. His eyes dipped down to where you gyrated on him. His eyes. There was so much you could glean from his eyes alone. He wanted to devour you whole. 
You didn’t give him what he wanted. This was still your fantasy. You turned around on him, getting into a sitting position. You moved your panties to the side and grabbed his dick. You guided him inside you. He was as hard as a brick and nearly as thick as one. 
You groaned, sitting yourself down on that beefy dick. His head thumped on the headboard a few times as you seemed to continue sliding. Only Tyrone could get so deep that you felt him kissing your cervix. You clenched around him thinking of how he could fill you up directly. Shooting his load to the heart of you.
You weren’t sure when or how you became obsessed with being filled up by him but the image was provocative. Everytime he went inside you, your mind instantly flashed to how passionately he would grab your hips and slam you down on his dick.
You groaned and began to bounce, the bed creaking loudly over the music playing. It spurned you on more to hear it. You bounced faster, chasing your pleasure with reckless abandon. 
“Fuck, use me,” Tyrone moaned. “Use me, baby.” 
Your hands gripped his thighs and held on. You steadied yourself and bounced to your heart’s content. He moved seamlessly inside you, pulsing every now and then with his desire. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” you moaned. Your screeches were getting louder and louder. 
“Let me feel it, baby, please,” he said, tacking on the please at the last second. Old habits die hard. 
All the teasing you did to him only served to tease yourself. You were already close. Especially with how deep in your guts he was. At this rate, he could definitely rearrange some things in there. You bounced faster. You were so close. So close. So close.
You screamed as you came, howling into the night that you were in heaven. Soaring through the clouds with wind in your air and space beneath your feet. You paused, clutching his thighs as you shook on top of him. 
You cried, your voice too warbly to be coherent. No help from him and you were still a mess on top of him. Flooding him with your arousal. You clenched and unclenched his dick, squeezing him tight enough to make him moan. 
“Can I cum in that pussy?” Tyrone asked. He moved his hips, wiggling you on top of him. You moaned as he pulsed inside of you. You were still so sensitive from your powerful orgasm. A shiver worked its way down your spine and you arched into it. 
“Since you asked so nicely, you can,” you said. 
Tyrone moved his hips. He managed a few inches and your eyes crossed feeling him deep inside. You wanted him to stay there. You wanted to stay connected. If he wanted you to cockwarm him, you would. Just sit there with him lodged inside of you busting load after load into you. 
“Ouue,” you moaned. 
You helped bounce on him while he moved his hips up, bucking and fucking you. You tugged on your nipples, needing a little bite of pain to really drive your pleasure higher. You moved one hand down south, reaching under your panties and circling your clit. 
“Sheeit,” you moaned and came. At the same time, Tyrone moaned loud and proud as he came, flooding your insides. You felt it fill you up to the fucking brim. 
When you finished, Tyrone fell back to the bed, completely spent. Your legs were wobbly noodles. You didn’t think you could move. You took deep breaths, waiting for the ecstasy to dissipate. 
But he always had the strength to make sure you were okay. You were going to do the same, because you loved him and wanted to make him comfortable. You got off of him slowly. He groaned as he slipped out. You got to your feet on the carpet.
You rubbed the sweat from his brow. “Talk to me, baby, are you okay?” You asked. You untied him and rubbed his wrists, rubbing the circulation back into it. You went around the bed and did the same thing to his other wrist.
“Hm, sleepy,” he said. He yawned to prove his point. You smiled at him. 
“Not without me.”
You went to the bathroom and warmed up a washcloth. You cleaned him off, wiping your combined juices. He hissed a little as the cloth touched his dick, but he quickly settled into the bed.
You went to the bathroom and cleaned yourself up with a different cloth. You went back to the room to find Tyrone had slid down into the bed, resting his head against the pillow. Now the mu’fucka knew how you felt when you were overstimulated and speaking in tongues just to make the pleasure stop. It was almost like it was too much. But you couldn’t help but keep going, wanting more.
You blew out the candles and turned off the music. You turned off the overhead light and climbed into bed with Tyrone, pulling the covers up over your lower half. Your top half was too sensitive and overheated for anything more. 
You kissed his arms and chest once you settled into his arms. He flipped over unconsciously, pulling your back into his chest. You snuggled down into his hot body. Your back turned feverish just from his body heat. 
“Wait ‘till I recover,” he murmured into your ear. “I’ma get my payback.”
“See, that was all love. Why it gotta be payback?” You asked.
His hand flexed against your belly. He squeezed your flesh in his big hands and your pussy throbbed. You were already sore from earlier, you did not need another round. 
“Just gotta,” he said.
“But why?”
“Thems the rules,” he said. His voice was hoarse and seemed louder in the quiet, dark room. 
He fell silent and you thought he had drifted off to sleep. You were about to fall yourself when he hummed. 
“Baby?” He asked.
“Yes?” You asked.
“Can you call me ‘pretty boy’ more often?” He whispered into the air. 
“Of course. Anything for my pretty, pretty boy.”
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Whew! If you need a cool down with another one, there's so much more! The Secret Tyrone Files
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jarfulloftears · 4 months
Midnight Sin - Chapter 4
Chapter 3 Chapter 5
Pairing: Vampire!Tyrone x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Long exposition that ends in smut. Oral (fem receiving), fingering (fem receiving) PIV, cursing, AU Tyrone, Toxic Tyrone. Dark fic. Dirty talk. Mentions of blood, overstimulation. The concept of "rolling" is brought up when Tyrone is able to hypnotize reader, but it is consensual.
Summary: A chance meeting at a club introduced you to the enigmatic Tyrone. He was interesting in ways that you weren't expecting. Tyrone gets a visit from his brother and needs to see you to ease a little tension.
Word Count: 8,529k
Midnight Sin Masterlist
A/N: WHEW! Welcome back, ya'll. I ain't forget about our main man. I just got a little distracted. I hope this chapter makes up for the long absence. Thank you SO MUCH for all the love towards this series! It means the world to me! I don't tag ageless blogs. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! Ageless blogs get blocked.
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @notapradagurl7 @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee @theyscreamsannii @mybonafidefeelings @eggnox @honeytoffee @thadelightfulone @tranquilfandomer @kindofaintrovert @l-auteuse @browngirldominion @sunkissedebony97 @lovedlover @issahyland @nerdieforpedro @umber-cinders @longpause-awkwardsmile @insburner @slippinninque @thecookiebratz
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Tyrone sat in his office and flipped through his journal from his time in Versailles. He laughed at some of his entries. How young he was. How carefree. It was easier to hide during that time. No one really walked around in the day time except for the upper crust society and that was just to parade around for others.
The real happenings went on inside and in private rooms. There were other entries that he had long forgotten about. The friends he’d made. The loves he’d lost. An ache thumped in his chest and he absently rubbed it while he read. 
This was the part he hated. He had loved and lost, loved and lost over the centuries. The loss became so loud that it was easier to forget. Easier to live in the moment. Easier to be a coward and hide. 
However, he wrote so much shit down, he had no idea what Fontaine had been talking about. He briefly remembered the woman he shared with his brother. It ought to be criminal to forget someone that meant so much to them both, but when the years began to bleed together, he ejected core memories to stay sane.
A knock tore his thoughts from the memories of his youth. He called for the person to enter. 
Slick Charles entered wearing another outfit that made him look like a rent-a-pimp. Thick black turtleneck sweater, overcoat, and boots. It wasn’t even that fucking cold in LA but you’d swear they were in the middle of the arctic with the way he dressed.
He entered with a woman trailing behind him. She looked like a cartoon with exaggerated, doll-like features. A wide smile and puffy, afro-like hair. She was dressed modern with an airy, flowery dress and knee high boots. She clutched a large purse against her body and walked in warily.
“I don’t appreciate being summoned, mu’fucka,” she said.
Tyrone grinned. “Nice to see you too, Yo-Yo,” he said. He gestured for her to sit but she just looked at his chair. So he shrugged and stood up. She moved back a step and he held up his hands.
“I need you to look into something for me,” he said. 
“We agreed to leave our shit on the phone. Coming here is risky,” she said. 
“Everything worth doing is risky,” Slick Charles said. He looked Yo-Yo over, clearly interested in the woman’s amazing body. Tyrone wasn’t immune to Yo-Yo’s looks, but he knew better than to even sniff in a witch’s direction. Besides, he had you and that was all he wanted.
“I can’t risk this particular thing getting out. I need that confidentiality you’re so fond of,” Tyrone said. He put his hands in his pockets and stared her down, making sure she understood the importance of this meeting. 
Slick Charles closed the door and Yo-Yo jumped briefly. Tyrone sniffed but didn’t detect a hint of fear. No, Weavers didn’t fear things that went bump in the night. 
“I need to know about any supernatural creatures with blood that particularly calls to vampires,” he said. 
“Blood is kind of your thing,” Yo-Yo said. She walked further into the room but didn’t relax an inch. She looked around at his office, decorated in earth tones of brown and green. He had a couch, chairs, and bookshelf in the corner filled with his favorite books. 
“I know. This one’s a rare creature. It seems like only I can smell it. And it…makes me want to drain it dry,” Tyrone said. 
He didn’t want to admit any kind of weakness, least of all to a Weaver specifically, but he needed to know what you were. Maybe once he figured that out, he’d know how best to hide you. It was a miracle that you were able to survive so long. He wanted to keep it that way. 
“You sound like you’re talking about a Bloodsinger,” Yo-Yo said. She laughed and looked at Tyrone and then Slick Charles. 
“What’s that?” Tyrone asked.
“It’s a bedtime story for baby vamps and witches to explain why we hate each other,” she said. “But it’s just a story.” 
“Tell it to me,” Tyrone said. 
Yo-Yo shrugged. “I don’t even remember the shit, that’s how dumb it is. Something about your side used them in our war,” she said, waving her hand.
The name and description didn’t trigger anything in his brain. Then again, he’s lived so many fucking lifetimes, it was a wonder he remembered anything at all. Tyrone bent down and retrieved a briefcase from the side of his desk. He held it out for Slick Charles to take from him.
Slick Charles held it out to Yo-Yo who’s arm dropped when she held it. “This is more than my usual fee,” she said.
“I need this done fast, with discretion. Find out about that bedtime story. Spare no details,” he said. 
Yo-Yo raised her eyebrow. “Are you saying you found a Bloodsinger?” She asked.
Tyrone flexed his jaw but smiled. “Call it a passing pet project of mine,” he said. He bared a hint of his fang. She still wasn’t scared but that wasn’t his intention. He just wanted her to know the gravity of the situation. She could not let this get out. 
The last thing he needed was his Father catching wind. Yo-Yo nodded and hoisted the purse further on her shoulder.
“A little extra appreciation is a great motivator. Give me some time,” she said. 
Tyrone nodded. “Thank you,” he said. 
Yo-Yo nodded and casted a glance towards Slick Charles who stared at her like she hung the moon. “Fuck you lookin’ at, nigga?” She asked.
“Yo wig is sliding off,” Slick Charles said with a devious grin.
“Fuck you! Fake ass pimp,” she said. She rolled her eyes and went towards the door, opening it. 
Poised to knock on the other side was Fontaine. He looked from Yo-Yo to Tyrone to Slick Charles. His wide nose flared as he scented the air, scenting Yo-Yo as a Weaver. He grinned, showing off his gold grills. 
Yo-Yo scoffed. “Move nigga,” she said.
Fontaine made a show of stepping aside and letting her pass. “I’m Fontaine,” he called after her retreating form.
“I don’t give a fuck!” She called back. Her boots clicked away on the linoleum floor. Fontaine turned that grin on Tyrone and he fought a groan. The last thing he needed was Fontaine in his fucking business. 
Fontaine stepped inside. He wore dark jeans, a black T-shirt, and a brown jacket. He dug his hands in his pockets, mirroring Tyrone. It was still fuckin’ weird looking at his face on another person. It was why he avoided his other brothers, like Father’s little lap dog Charles. 
“Well, well, baby brother. The company you keep,” Fontaine said. 
Tyrone glanced at Slick Charles. He got the message and moved towards the door. He left, closing it behind him. It was just Tyrone and his brother. He liked it better when the fucker was overseas. 
“What are you doing here, ‘Taine?” Tyrone asked. 
“Missed you, baby brother,” Fontaine said. He sat down in the chair across from Tyrone’s desk, making himself comfortable. His smile was smug. Fuck. Was this how he looked when he had the upper hand?
“Why are you really here?” 
Fontaine took a deep breath. “I’m looking into what Pops been up to. I’m not sure what his plans are but he started this shit and I’ll end it. Been gone so long, started going around my old haunts. People started to think I was you.” 
Shit. Tyrone sighed and sat down in his seat. He settled in since Fontaine was in such a sharing mood. If people thought Fontaine was him, there was no telling how much in his business Fontaine already was. And the nigga hadn’t been here but a half a week. There was no limit to what he’d discover.
“What do you know?” 
“Heard someone’s trying to land a big hotel deal. That’d add nicely to your hospitality collection. Collecting them shits like Legos,” Fontaine said. He clasped his hands over his stomach. He was enjoying holding this shit over Tyrone’s head entirely too much. 
Tyrone bared his fangs. “Tell me what you trynna say, nigga,” Tyrone said. 
“Also heard someone is paying off other interested parties to outbid yo stupid ass,” Fontaine said. 
“Who?” Tyrone wracked his brain for his list of enemies. His list of allies was much shorter. He could count that on one hand. 
“Tell me what the witch was here for,” Fontaine said.
Tyrone rubbed his head. It took a lot more effort to get a headache as a vampire but Fontaine had an express lane to his last good nerve. 
“None of your business,” Tyrone said.
Fontaine clutched his chest in fake outrage. “We used to be so close, brother,” he said. He grinned, betraying his little act. 
Fontaine wasn’t going to give an inch so Tyrone sighed deeply. There were worse people to trust. For better or worse, he’d never gone to war with Fontaine over a betrayal. At the end of the day, they were still brothers. They shared the same face. To betray the other was like betraying themselves. 
“About what you said about Versailles,” he said. 
“Fuck outta here. They’re all dead,” Fontaine grinned and waved away Tyrone’s comments. But when he looked at Tyrone’s face, his grin dropped.
“Word? You found one?” Fontaine asked.
“Maybe. I don’t know what it is,” Tyrone said.
“You don’t remember the bloodlust or what we did?” Fontaine asked.
Tyrone leveled him with a stare and shook his head. “Spit it out, nigga,” Tyrone said. 
“I forget what they’re called but they were the witches’ most powerful weapon against us. Creatures created with blood that’s irresistible to vampires. One sniff and we lose our higher functioning. We so busy feeding, the witches would come up behind us and slit our throats. It was a rough fucking few centuries. The Council ordered their executions,” Fontaine explained.
The acrid scent of fear flooded the room and Fontaine’s eyes narrowed. He looked at Tyrone and swore a mile long. 
“You fuckin’ one, ain’t you?” Fontaine asked. “On the list of stupid shit, that’s at the top. Father will kill you for this.” 
“Only if that nigga find out,” Tyrone said and snapped his eyes to his brother’s. He let his feelings show on his face. The lengths he was willing to go through to protect you. 
Fontaine grinned. “Ain’t gon’ hear it from me. I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“Who’s trying to sabotage my deal?” Tyrone asked. He rubbed his head. He really needed to figure out what Yo-Yo would find out about the Bloodsingers. If Fontaine was right, you were in far more danger than just the wrong vampire scenting you. So far, it seemed like only he and Fontaine could smell you. He wanted to keep it that way. 
“Issac,” Fontaine said.
“Fucker,” Tyrone cursed and sighed. He had been having trouble with Isaac running around town acting like big man on campus. The mu’fucka was a hatin’ ass nigga with nothing better to do with eternity. 
If Tyrone moved left, Isaac switched lanes. If Tyrone got into real estate, Isaac was running around trying to buy up buildings Tyrone was looking into. Nigga didn’t have an original fuckin’ thought. 
Fuck the wrong bitch once and he never forgave Tyrone. It took a weak person to hold a grudge for centuries. But vampires were known for their patience. 
“Shoulda known that mu’fucka was on to me. I created a separate company just to get that building,” Tyrone said.
“Nigga got flies in your office. I ain’t know which ones yet. But if you quit all this animosity between us, I can keep an ear out for you,” Fontaine said.
Tyrone sighed. There it was. Fontaine never did anything out of the goodness of his own heart. 
“What do you want in exchange?” 
Fontaine grinned and seemed to savor the moment. He looked at his fingers. “Back my play to come home,” he said.
“Europe is fine but it ain’t like they’re that fuckin’ friendly to niggas that look like me,” he said. He grinned and looked back at Tyrone. 
“You want to come home,” Tyrone repeated. He tried to scent any deceit in Fontaine’s body but he didn’t find any. ‘Taine in the same world as him once more? It was dangerous. When they got together, they tended to end empires. Fuck shit up. Rip and run and threaten to expose their existence to humans. 
“I do. And I’m tired of being banished for being me,” Fontaine said.
“Being you? You almost exposed all of us!” 
Fontaine waved him off. “Maybe we need to stop fuckin’ hiding. That’s beside the point, nigga. I’m gonna find out what dear old Pops is up to and I’m gonna hold it over his head to stay here. ‘Cause whatever he’s fuckin’ up to, he sure as shit ain’t telling the Council.” 
Tyrone sat back in his seat, moving side to side while he pondered Fontaine’s request. Their father was the epitome of shady. Whatever his latest scheme was, he could believe that he was doing it behind the Council’s back. All they did over the centuries was play petty games of chess with each other. No one was honest on the Council. Everyone else was just pawns in their game. 
“Fine. You get my back, I got yours,” Tyrone agreed. Some part of him, in the further recesses of his cold dead heart, missed having his brother around. He wasn’t sure if they would get back to the camaraderie they had before. If they would be as thick as thieves again, but he could use an ally he fully trusted. 
Fontaine smiled. “Thanks, baby brother,” he said. 
Tyrone scowled while Fontaine stood up. “Keep your eye on that Isaac mu’fucka. He doing a whole lot to sabotage this deal. What makes this place so special?” Fontaine asked. 
“It’s in a prime location in LA. Dead center of the Hills with an incredible view. Lap of luxury. The owner is giving carte blanche to design it according to whoever gets the deal. This type of deal? King maker,” Tyrone explained. 
After so many years of living, the only thing that mattered was legacy. No one fuckin’ cared about money when you had more than enough to spend for several lifetimes. Legacy was what mattered. With no one siring natural children, name recognition was currency. 
Fontaine nodded. “I’ll keep my ear to the ground. Be ready,” he said.
Tyrone stood up. “One more thing. Stop leaving your food everywhere,” he said.
“Fuck you talkin’ ‘bout?” Fontaine asked.
“You show up and now I got cops calling me about bodies turning up, blood drained. Stop leaving your food around for the humans to find. We don’t need that scrutiny,” Tyrone said.
“That ain’t me, nigga,” Fontaine said with such vehemence, Tyrone had no choice but to believe him. 
Tyrone nodded. He’d have Slick Charles look into it then. If he was going to trust Fontaine, he had to take him at his word. He only hoped that it wouldn’t bite him in the ass. 
Fontaine left the room, leaving his door open. Tyrone looked down at the mountain of papers he had to get through. He had shell companies on top of shell companies. This business with Yo-Yo and now Fontaine. Plus, he had to keep an eye out for Isaac’s bitch ass. 
He needed a fuckin’ break. He needed you. He dialed your number and faced his window. He opened the blinds to show the busy nightlife of downtown LA. Giant neon billboards flashed with the latest bullshit to fleece the poor of the few nickels they could rub together. 
You picked up on the second ring. “This is a pleasant surprise,” you answered. Just hearing your voice calmed all his nerves. His worries melted away and he found himself smiling despite himself.
“Let me take you out,” he said.
You giggled. “You don’t even eat regular food though,” you said. 
“I like feeding you. Let me take you somewhere I can show yo pretty ass off,” he said. 
You giggled. “Everywhere would be booked,” you said. But he could hear you shuffling around. He knew your schedule pretty well by now. You worked from home today and were likely lounging around in them little ass shorts you liked. He ought to reprimand you for keeping your blinds open inside your place. But to do that, he’d have to fess up to practically stalking you. 
“Not for me,” he said.
You giggled. “Okay, where you taking me?” You asked.
“Surprise. Dress nice but not super fancy,” he said. 
You sighed prettily and he found his blood heading south, remembering how he played with your body. The way you responded to his touch and kisses. He wanted to inhale you and hold you close. He didn’t care if your blood was supposed to call to him. He wanted a taste. Yearned for it. 
“See you in an hour?” You asked.
“Less if I can help it,” he said and savored your laugh over the phone. 
You got dressed with excited shivers running down your spine. You ran through your closet trying to find a nice date night outfit. You had plenty of options, options you had bought on shopping trips with your girls even though you had no one to take you out.
Foresight planning was a gift as you had options. You held up certain outfits in the mirrors. LA was still temperate at night, though you were approaching the months where it was hot as sin in the morning and cold as a witch’s titty at night. 
You settled on a rich, purple bodysuit and sandals. You threw on a light sweater and did your makeup in the mirror while bouncing with the abject need to see this man. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this excited to see someone.
Was it simply because he was a vampire? You weren’t sure. He genuinely made you laugh and you liked talking to him. It was a different experience talking to someone so worldly. Usually the ones you found were so far up their own ass, they made your pussy drier than the Sahara. 
He told you about how things changed from time to time. He literally witnessed the rise and falls of entire kingdoms. There during the most interesting points in history. It was insane. If an historian caught hold of him, you’d never see the man again. 
You were fluffing out your hair when your doorbell rang. You practically skipped to the door and looked through the peephole. Tyrone stood there in a gorgeous midnight blue suit. He was thick in all the right places. His shirt bordered on obscene as the top two buttons were left undone. 
He rubbed a ring on his finger as he looked you up and down, taking in your outfit. “You are breathtaking,” he said. He held out his hand and you took it. He placed a chaste kiss on your hand and you wondered if he could smell how you melted on the inside.
You hadn’t even gone anywhere yet and you were ready to turn into a puddle at his feet. You smiled and ducked your head. “You clean up pretty well yourself,” you said. He opened his arms and gripped his jacket to open it more, showing off his outfit. 
“I can put a little something together,” he said. He held out his arm like an old school gentleman. He was going to kill you. You took his elbow, grabbed your clutch, and closed the door behind you. 
Tyrone took you to his car, a sleek Audi Q7 in black that seemed like it was custom built just for him. He held the door open for you and you climbed in. It smelled like it was brand new and you wouldn’t put it past him if he bought the shit earlier in the day. He closed the door softly behind you and then walked around to climb into the driver’s side. 
He slipped in and started the car. The display lit up deep orange and you squealed on the inside. This was the nicest car you’d ever been in. Would be the only nice car you ever got to ride in. 
He pulled away from the curb and kept one hand on the steering wheel. The other, he slipped into yours and brought it to his lips while he drove. “Tell me about your day,” he said. 
“I worked from home today so it was really nice to be in my own space and work at my leisure. I didn’t have to pace myself. Finished my shit by 11 and enjoyed playing hooky a little bit,” you said. 
“You have to pace yourself at work?” He asked. 
You enjoyed the city at night. The bright street lights washed over the car’s dark interior as he drove deeper into the city. You had no clue where he was taking you. You tried to guess even as you answered him.
“People at work hate to see a good worker succeed. If I do my work well, they want to dump more on me. Fuck that. I make myself look busy so they can leave me the fuck alone,” you said.
“That’s bullshit. You shouldn’t have to do all that,” he said.
“Tell me about it. My boss is cool but fuckin’ clueless. I’m not picking up the slack for slow niggas,” you said.
Tyrone laughed and you watched as his fangs flashed. You rubbed your thighs together, remembering how good it felt to have him bite into you and drink from you. At a red light, his eyes snapped towards yours.
“What you thinkin’ about over there?” He asked. His voice grew deeper, rougher. It only made your pussy throb harder. 
“You,” you said coyly.
“What about me?” He glanced at you again before moving forward on a green light. 
You were turned around now. You really had no idea where he was taking you. It was as thrilling as it was scary. You knew that he wouldn’t take you anywhere bad, but you hated not knowing. So you had control issues, sue you.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you said.
“I really would,” he said.
You giggled. “Guess you’ll have to find out later,” you sang. 
Tyrone sighed deeply. “Mhm, I see I’m going to have to teach you how this gon’ work,” he said. His voice promised all kinds of filthy things and you were tempted to tell him to turn the car around and go back to your place.
You weren’t prepared for him to see your space yet. You wanted to clean up a bit, tidy up other things, and make it look like you were at least a grown adult capable of taking care of yourself. 
“Ain’t nobody scared of you,” you said.
Tyrone flashed his fangs. “You should be.” 
Tyrone pulled up to a pinkish building that looked like someone transplanted a real Italian building. There was a water fountain with statue angels in front that Tyrone drove around. He pushed on his sunglasses and then stopped the car. 
A valet strolled to the car a second later and opened the door for you. You got out and Tyrone came around the car, grabbing your hand from the valet. He handed him the keys and a rolled up bill. 
“Look out for it,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” the valet said. He was a youngish man with tanned skin and long brain hair pulled into a neat bun. Wanna-be actor. Weren’t they all? 
Tyrone walked you through the front door where you were greeted by a hostess in a subtle, professional black dress that still came across as sexy. She greeted you both, took Tyrone’s reservation, and bid you to follow.
You made sure to keep your face calm, but this restaurant was easily the nicest you’d ever been to. You weren’t a fancy person. You’d happily stroll by In and Out and sit your happy ass at home and enjoy it. But this? 
Tyrone was setting the standard for literally any other creature on the planet. No person alive could compete with the way Tyrone treated you. It was almost literally a man in the streets, freak in the sheets situation. Did you even want to entertain someone who couldn’t get a drop of the hat type of reservation? 
Inside, the colors were tastefully muted. There was enough light to see in front of you and the person next to you and still have it be intimate. Like a true night somewhere in Rome or Venice.
The hostess brought you to a sectioned off room. She held open the curtain and let you pass through. A separate dining room was back here, devoid of other people. Must be a slow night.
The hostess continued through and your mind spun with wild jokes about putting the Black folk in the back. They’d sit you next to the sink and feed you the cutoff scraps. You stifled a laugh as you continued down a short hall. She stopped near a door that had been left open. The breeze from outside caressed your face and you sighed. She bid you to go ahead and Tyrone’s hand slipped down to your hip.
He held you steady while you walked outside stepping on wide pinkish stones. There was one table set out here with two place settings, a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket, and a tall heater. There was plenty of ambient lighting so you could both see your partner and look out at the incredible view of Los Angeles.
Nothing lit up like Los Angeles when the sun finally went down and all those gold, orange, and white lights lit up the night sky like a beacon. It was the closest you felt to being in a fairytale. 
Tyrone held out your chair and you sat down. He helped you scoot in and then finally sat down. A waiter appeared with tanned skin and dark black hair. He nodded to the both of you.
“I will be your server this evening. If there’s anything you need, press this. A light will turn on and I’ll be right there. Would you like a menu?” He asked with a slight Italian accent. You wanted to laugh. They really took a theme to the very end. 
Tyrone turned towards you. “Do you want the asshole rich guy routine or the thoughtful one?” Tyrone asked.
You giggled. “The asshole one,” you said. Why not? You were feeling adventurous and dangerous. You were on a date with a vampire. 
Since this was LA, you felt like you were in a movie. That you were the femme fatale rival lover who knows Tyrone is a vampire and wants him as is. Except, in your movie, you win in the end and the bland ass protagonist settles for the equally bland best friend and have lovely flour babies. 
Tyrone grinned without showing his fangs. “No menu,” he said. He told the waiter that you wanted your favorite pasta, with salad. He guessed the salad dressing correctly. You raised your eyebrows. You weren’t convinced he couldn’t read minds. 
He didn’t order anything for himself but the waiter didn’t show any surprise. He only nodded and left the balcony to you and Tyrone. 
You looked out over LA and took a deep sigh. “This is insane, Tyrone,” you said. 
He shrugged. “It was too late to buy out the whole restaurant, so I hope buying out the private area will have to work,” he said. 
You gaped at him while he removed his sunglasses. It was harder to see color with this low light, but there was nothing human about Tyrone. He didn’t seem to mind, even as the waiter came back and poured the glass of wine that was chilling in the bucket. 
The waiter left and Tyrone swirled his glass lightly. The red wine smelled heavenly, but that didn’t mean it would be good. 
“You did what?” You asked.
Tyrone grinned and took a sip of the wine. He licked his lips and you fought a wave of arousal. Tyrone’s eyes only flickered towards you.
“It’s not fair that you can guess my moods like this,” you said. 
“Think of all the possibilities,” he said. He tilted his head. “What if we’re playing hide and seek?” 
You clenched your thighs. That…sounded like an excellent idea. “Or when we’re in public and you can’t wait to get home,” you said. 
“Tease. Who says I would wait ‘till we got home? I’d fuck you any place and anywhere. I’d fuck you here too and watch you cum beneath these stars,” he said.
You were a puddle. He could probably hear your heartbeat increase too. You took a deep breath as that particular image filled your mind. That was a little too public for your tastes. But the idea had merit. 
Tyrone grinned. “We ain’t gon’ get through this dinner,” he said. 
You fanned yourself and leaned towards the soft breeze rather than the heat lamp. But the wind was too weak, cut through by all of the LA hills. 
“We are. You didn’t spend this money for nothing,” you said.
“I spend money on nothing on the regular. At least with this, I get a beautiful view,” he said, looking at you. You tilted your head at him. He was so damn fine. That hint of a beard, sexy big lips, that wide grin. And those hands…
“No, we’re adults. We can behave ourselves through dinner,” you said.
Tyrone nodded and grinned. Topics moved on to safer and boring subjects. You discussed your respective families. That you had ties to the Caribbean but were a few places removed. Your grandmother had stories of island life from being a little girl, but her family was here in LA. 
He told you about some of the lifetimes he’d lived. Some of the famous celebrities through history he’d met, plus some that should have been famous. How he helped steer the course of history in some cases.
Your food came in the middle of it, but your attention was on Tyrone and his stories. He didn’t break stride as the waiter placed your food down. The waiter moved away without another sound.
He hung around many a president trying to get them to abolish slavery or any other atrocity they cooked up. Sometimes they were ignored, sometimes they had to roll a mind, sometimes they had to kill. 
“Roll a mind?” You asked.
“We can’t read minds but we are skilled hypnotists. We can make you see or feel all kinds of things,” he said.
“What sorts of things? Have you ever rolled my mind?” You asked. 
Tyrone looked you in the eye. “No. I wouldn’t do that without permission,” he said.
“I’m curious about it,” you said. You wondered if he could convince you to do things. Bad things or good things. 
Your mind stirred with all kinds of scenarios where you were a vampire. You weren’t entirely squeamish about blood. You’d miss food terribly. But you’d be able to move fast, super strong, more energy. The idea appealed to you strongly. You eyed Tyrone. If you asked, would he turn you into a vampire? 
“With your permission, I’d do it,” he said.
“You have my permission,” you said instantly. Tyrone grinned, showing that bit of fang. You couldn’t forget that he was a vampire. In the event that you did, you weren’t stupid. You knew that he was a dangerous creature capable of snapping your neck. But you had been waiting your whole life for something cool to happen. Now that it finally did, you weren’t going to ruin it with logic. You wanted to see all of it.
Tyrone nodded and you expected him to do it then and there. When nothing happened, you smiled. “Did you do it already and I don’t know?” You asked.
You polished off your meal, not able to eat another bite. You sipped on wine. 
“That’s later. When I got you spread open before me. Showing that pretty pussy. When you’re so blind with need, you’ll agree to anything. Completely at my mercy,” he said. He pitched his voice lower and you watched his lips. 
Your pussy fluttered and he grinned. “You like the dark side of me.” 
He didn’t say it as a question but you answered anyway. “I want to know all of it.”
“Even how many I’ve killed?” He asked.
“Have you kept count?” You asked.
He leaned back in his seat and sipped the wine. You mirrored him, finally trying it. Shit. It was delicious! The perfect mix of sweet and dry, exploding with flavor on your tongue. 
“Yes. Everyone. That doesn’t bother you?” 
You shrugged. “Would I get mad at nature running its course?” You shrugged. You weren’t going to compare him to a dog out loud. But would you get mad at a dog running? A cheetah with spots? 
“You think vampires are natural? Not magic?” He asked.
“Isn’t magic natural too? Would it exist if it weren’t?” You asked. You smiled. Tyrone smiled. 
“Okay, enough with the philosophy,” he said.
“I don’t know. I’ve always been weird about death and killing. I can remove myself from the bigness of it, if that makes sense? Otherwise it’s all I think about,” You said. 
“Have you always been into vampires? Or is it werewolves and witches too?” He asked.
“Are they real too? How can you tell?” You asked.
Tyrone looked at you as if he were asking himself questions and answering them himself. It played out in his eyes. Each answer, he widened his eyes a little wider. 
“Do you have magic in your family?” He asked.
You shrugged. “Not really? My grandma believed in a lot of shit,” you said.
He looked at the cityscape and you relaxed into an enjoyable silence. You liked when people could sit in silence sometimes. There was no need to force conversation during a moment of quiet. 
“Let’s get out of here. I want to try something,” he said. 
He stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you to stand. He led you to the door and out of the restaurant. With every step out of there, his hand descended lower and low on your ass. 
He practically had a handful as you went out the front door. He handed a valet his ticket and his car was pulled around. The valet opened your door and handed Tyrone the keys. Tyrone shook his hand, closed your door, and then climbed into the driver’s seat.
“Want to experience what vampires can really do?” He asked. 
“Yes,” you said.
He leaned in conspiratorially and licked his lips. He smelled faintly like the wine you had and you leaned in closer, leaning in for a kiss. He grinned. 
“I want you to be sure,” he said.
“I’m sure,” you said. He finally kissed you. You smiled. 
So far, he hadn’t shown you anything to truly frighten you. You were sure in your knowledge that he could kill you at any second. And so far, his intentions were only to spend time with you and fuck you silly. And you really did love hopping on his dick.
Tyrone grinned. He put the car in drive but kept his eyes trained on you. He maneuvered the roundabout with ease and went out into traffic with his eyes on you. 
You weren’t that cool. You had to glance in front of you to make sure that he wasn’t going to hit anything. He hit untold speeds, flying down the street. Your hand gripped the seat belt around your chest. 
Tyrone stopped at a red light and smirked at you. “Want me to stop?” He asked.
“Don’t you dare!” You said and giggled. You heard your heart roaring in your ears. Your hands shook with adrenaline. 
Tyrone licked his lips and looked down at your body suit. He reached out with his right hand to curl against your left titty. You always felt that it was your bigger side. He lightly rubbed his thumb over your nipple.
You bit your lip. You didn’t wear a bra underneath so it took no time for your nipple to pebble. He pinched your nipple and you gasped with pleasure. 
The light turned green, the color spreading over Tyrone’s face briefly. He didn’t remove his hand from your titty. He was taking sick pleasure in eliciting sounds from you. He sped up, going impossibly fast. 
You had no choice but to focus on his hand massaging your breast. It felt so fucking good. You didn’t really think about your boobs while having sex. The guys you dealt with weren’t sure either. 
Tyrone seemed to delight in every inch of you. It was so liberating to have more than a few curves and have a man appreciate it. Genuinely appreciate it. There was no guessing his true colors. He just wanted his hands all over you. 
He flicked your nipple and you finally broke into tiny, shudders that wracked your body. He breathed deeply and you wondered if he smelled how turned you were. If you were soaking through your panties. 
He watched your reactions with a type of focus usually reserved to solving a puzzle. There were no words. Just your eyes on each other while he was driving a car through LA. You were breathless with exhilaration. 
You knew that you finally arrived at your destination when Tyrone slowed down into a series of turns. It was an observatory but didn’t seem like Griffith. The road turned a bit rocky as he pulled up towards a cliff edge. The parking lot was empty and there were a few well placed lamps that briefly reached his car.
The jet black interior seemed to melt into the night. There was only the orange-ish light from his car’s dash. He turned the car off and the orange light faded away. The car was charged with the electricity flowing between you. 
You couldn’t see him. He could likely see you though. He’d told you about how vampire night vision was basically like seeing in the daylight, except with a faint tint. You looked out of the car’s windshield. You were higher in the hills looking at LA and you sighed. It was so breathtaking. 
“Remember when I said I wanted to fuck you beneath some stars?” His soft voice seemed loud in the car. 
“Here?” You asked. “What about your car?” You asked.
Tyrone chuckled darkly. “I can get anything cleaned. If not, then replaced. If not, then I’ll buy a fleet of these and let you make a mess over all of them,” he said. 
Your pussy clenched hearing that. You were not into other people’s money. You were independent as fuck. However, hearing that he would do such a thing was turning you on. A fleet of cars just for you to cum all over? Where did you sign up for that job?
Tyrone got out of the car. He slammed his car and opened yours a second later. Here, he didn’t have to hide. He could show off his vampire powers, moving at impossible speeds. He pulled you to the edge of the seat. You thought it might be too high but you were angled perfectly. 
He faced you. There was a hint of light on his face so you could see that his focused face returned. He pushed your sweater off of your shoulders. You tossed it onto his side of the car. 
He grabbed your ankle, held it over his thigh, and started to unsnap your sandals. He still held that one while he picked up the other foot to do the same thing. He tossed those onto the floor. 
He grabbed the top of your jumpsuit and rolled it down. Your titties popped out and he licked his lips. The downside to wearing the jumpsuit was that he’d have to peel off the whole thing to get to your panties. Those, he rolled down your legs as well. You were completely exposed to him and the elements while he still wore his dark suit. 
There was something so profoundly naughty about that. Tyrone moved forward until you were laying on your back. There was only so far you could go comfortably and not have to rest on the hard armrest. You held yourself up by your elbows while Tyrone spread you further.
He dropped to his knees, kneeling in that expensive suit, so he could bring his mouth to your pussy. He moved your legs to his shoulders. His tongue flattened against your pussy and you moaned. Your back moved off of the seat as he licked and made out with your pussy.
You didn’t stifle your moans. You let him hear how much he was pleasuring you. You let the colder air carry your moans down the mountain where no one would hear. “Oh, fuck!” You moaned. 
He groaned while he ate you out. The sound sent shivers down your spine. He flicked his tongue along your seam and you shivered fiercely. 
You couldn’t hold this one off. You came with a high-pitched wail. Tyrone kept flicking that sensitive clit until he suddenly withdrew. His fangs sank into your thigh and you screamed with another orgasm. Your thighs slapped against his ears and he continued to suck you through it. 
You turned a pinch lightheaded when he stopped. He licked your thigh and you felt your thigh burn as magic knitted your skin together to stop bleeding. The scar would remain so that he would always know where to bite you. 
Your teeth chattered as he stood up, kissing your thigh and then your belly. You weren’t cold from the air. You were freezing from him snatching your body warmth with those orgasms. 
He kissed up your chest, stopping at the top to spend time licking and sucking on your nipples. His fingers played with the outer edge of your pussy before pushing thick fingers inside you.
“Oue, shit,” you moaned. “Tyrone, I-” 
“Yes, you can. You can give me a few more,” he said.
“A few?” You asked.
“Mhm, a few more. You feelin’ how you grippin’ my fingers?” He asked. 
“Yes,” you moaned. Heat suffused you. Your pussy throbbed. After cumming, you still gyrated on his fingers while he played with your insides. He began to curl his fingers in a come hither motion, lightly stroking you and you were another incoherent mess under his fingers. 
“Don’t that feel much better? Hm, I can’t wait to feel that on this dick,” he said. He kissed up your chest, sinking his teeth into it. He pulled blood out of you, sending sparks down to your pussy. 
You gripped his fingers with renewed fervor and he moaned. He pulled his face away slowly, gathering breath as if he had run a mile. He licked away the bite, letting this one completely heal. 
“Been missin’ the way this pussy feels,” he said. He pulled you closer, letting half your ass lean out of the car. 
He gripped his dick and ran it through your dripping folds. He bit your lip and moaned as he ran across your sensitive dick.
“Pay attention,” he said. His eyes found yours in the dark. His eyes seemed to glow with an inner light. It began to drown out everything around you. You felt like you were falling forward even though you knew you were laying down. 
“Pay attention,” he said. His voice echoed in your head. You were no longer falling, you were being pulled into the depths of a red ocean. You couldn’t see to the bottom. You were suddenly in it, splashing about, screaming. Screaming for what? 
“Pay attention.” You were pulled under the water. The acrid scent of copper filled your nose and you opened your mouth to scream some more. On the outside, you were quiet and you felt calmer than you ever had. 
It was like all of your worries and doubts vanished, leaving your mind pleasantly empty. “Look at the stars,” Tyrone said.
You looked towards the sky and gasped. Each ball of light seemed to be on fire. And closer. Lights dancing in your eyes as if you had taken a swim on the moon with stars as your backdrop. Your vision turned watery as the majesty of it was too much to bear. 
Tyrone’s dick circled your clit and you moaned painfully. You were ten times more sensitive. He skittered along nerve endings you didn’t know existed around your pussy. You felt wetter and needier, burning up with the desire to cum. It was like he was a gift from the heavens. A personal vessel for handing out pleasure like candy. 
He moved into your view. You could look away from the stars, it wasn’t like his control was absolute. But the stars looked so incredible. You felt like your vision increased. That the stars were close enough to touch. 
Tyrone pushed inside and you leaned up, pushing at his clothed chest. He was so damn big. Even with as wet as you were, he still stuffed you completely. You whimpered while he moved his hips, pumping into you.
This was the most intense sex you’d ever had. You’ve had sex while high and while drunk, sometimes crossfaded, and all of it paled in comparison to how sensitive you were right now. It was like you took an aphrodisiac and slowly became a vessel to receive pleasure. 
He moved more easily inside of you, pumping you while you looked at the stars. You came once more, huffing and hollering until you were screaming out his name. On the heels of that one, you were screaming from another one. 
Each time, the stars seemed to flare to life, growing brighter as your orgasm built inside of you. As the pressure built in your lower belly. As your clit throbbed painfully until you couldn’t take it anymore and were bursting with the power of a million suns. 
Your breath was robbed from you as Tyrone leaned down and kissed you. Your lips were sensitive as well. You felt his warm lips press against yours. His hot tongue seeking and playing with yours.
He hiked your legs higher on his hips and pounded into you relentlessly. You gripped the seat cushion for purchase but it was useless. You managed to groan pathetically when he pulled out. When he slammed back in without mercy, you couldn’t breathe. 
He used his hands to push your legs backwards, until you were neatly folded. Your pussy gripped him tighter at this angle and he groaned, dropping his head to your shoulder. The wet slap of his dick against you turned you on more.
Everything turned you on. The focused look on his face. Slightly smug like he knew he was killing your shit. The way his fingers gripped your thighs to the point of bruising while he rammed inside of you. You gripped onto his shoulders. Maybe if he held onto you, you wouldn’t get sucked into a black hole of ecstasy. 
“Fuck, gripping’ the fuck outta me,” he moaned. The tension you sensed earlier seemed to leak out of him the longer he pounded inside of you. His face grew slack as he groaned low in his throat. 
He bared his fangs and you prepared for him to bite you again. But he was content to throw his head back, push forward, and groan out his climax. The feeling of his dick twitching caused you to moan and join him. 
You cried, tears running down your cheeks, as your juices mixed with his. You contracted on his dick and he groaned. Your hand dug into his chest, pushing at him, but he only leaned into it. Letting your hand slap at his chest while the pleasure was too much. Entirely too much. 
“Squeeze that shit. Let me feel it. Let me feel how I make this pussy feel,” he moaned in your ear. 
He nibbled on your ear while your thighs shook with the aftershocks of your orgasm. You couldn’t bear to let another one take you over. You were exhausted and exhilarated at the same time.
He moved his lips to kiss you. It was sloppy and all over the place but it was the best damn kiss of your life. Your toes curled from that alone. It was a mix of hot and sweet. Where he pressed into you as if he wanted to disappear inside of you. But his lips were soft and his tongue playing with yours. 
You moaned into the kiss, contracting around him. He echoed your groan and pumped a few more times. He leaned back and spread your legs, watching himself leak out of you. You moaned as you felt his cum sliding out, sliding down your ass, dripping out of you. He licked his lips as if he wanted to soak it all up. 
Instead, he pulled you into a sitting position. “Thank you,” he murmured against your lips. He gave you lazy kisses while you calmed down. 
“I didn’t do anything,” you said. 
“Gettin’ in this pussy is the only solution I need from now on,” he said. He dropped more kisses while running his hands all over your overheated skin. Everywhere he touched, it was like a signal went off in your brain to make you moan. Your nerves were still on fire. 
You ran your hands all over his smooth figure. You couldn’t get to his skin, but it was enough to feel the promise of his muscles. You wanted more. You wanted to feel him naked on top of you. You wanted to ride him. 
He grinned. “I have to keep remembering you’re human. I don’t want to break my new favorite toy,” he said. He kissed your cheek and you giggled.
“You’re so corny,” you said. 
“Want me to stop rolling you?” He asked.
“Not a fucking chance,” you said. “Take me to your place,” you said. You bit your lips seductively, looking from him to where he was standing in front of you. His dick bobbed as you stared at it.
He chuckled. “As the Lady wishes,” he said.
He helped you get dressed. You opted to leave the sandals off. He tucked you neatly into the car, closing the car door. A second later, he climbed into his side. There was no way to clean up from an impromptu session so you had to sit in the evidence of your neediness while Tyrone sped through LA.
The lights whizzed by and you sat and enjoyed it without overthinking. You felt free. Wild, untamed, exotic. You didn’t want this night to end.
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Masterlist | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
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jarfulloftears · 4 months
nite and day. fontaine.
for 👹, as they return to school tomorrow.
the back roads of the glen are quiet this time of night. nobody passes back here but the dope boys and the hos, and even then, ‘taine’s picked a spot for the two of you where you won’t be bothered.
snack wrappers sit on the middle console, hot chips and a half-empty bottle of strawberry lemonade, taine’s malt liquor and a half-smoked joint.
his ever-present music fills the car, soft vibrations have your body rattling softly from your place in his passenger’s seat. a passenger princess is what you are, always riding, never driving, spending his dime like it’s yours– and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
hazy-eyed and chest heavy with the weed swirling through your body, you cast your eyes over fontaine’s pretty ass face; the slope of his nose and curve of his lips are entrancing even in the low light. his dark eyes meet yours with a quickness like always.
“you starin’.” he says, smooth and deep, and yeah, you are.
“i am. that wrong?”
“nah.” he shakes his head, smoke curling out of his mouth. he smiles, laughs a little cause he still can’t believe he cuffed a girl like you, who’ll just stare at him for the fuck of it. passing you the joint, he watches you hit it, and you watch him watch with low eyes, leaned over the center console staring up at him like you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. your eyes, he thinks. your fuckin’ eyes.
he’s stuck, watching you inhale and exhale, keeping his eyes on you through the smoke you blow.
“you playin’ with me.” he’s got that thing in his voice, that airy, dazed, fucked thing that has you shifting in your seat and cracking a smile, shrugging your shoulders and tilting your head and not denying his accusation. he shifts too, places a hand on your face and brings you over to steal a kiss that you so easily give him.
one kiss is never just one with fontaine, though. deepens quickly, gets nasty and your heads are moving with it, fighting to hold your own as the other does the same. he grunts, moves as close as he can and licks over your lips, slipping his tongue in your mouth when you let him in. your hands tangle in his shirt, pulling him towards your kiss.. 
low smacks mix with the music pouring from his radio, little pleasured sounds and hungry groans take their place in the song like they belong there. and if you let fontaine tell it, they do.
“sound so damn pretty,” he mumbles against your lips and you smile against his, leaning back just a little to find his eyes again. he’s in the thick of it already, tipsy with infatuation and you’re getting to his head, like you always do. “what you wanna do?” he asks. he knows your answer already, leaning away from you so you can clamber over his console and settle in his lap while he’s still reaching down to move his seat back.
in his lap, his hands find your waist with ease, handle your body like second nature as you press your lips to his again, hands on either side of his face. you cup his face with the gentleness of a person in love, soft and caressing and he feels the sweetness leak off your hands and seep into his skin. 
the way you feel is anything but sweet, though. he’s hard against your heat and if you didn’t know any better you’d swear you were dripping through your shorts and panties. fontaine’s hands get bolder, sliding down your ass to grab at your pussy, grunting against your lips as he gets a handful of you. again he grabs, and you whine a little, moving up away from his hand at the sensitivity and unwelcome shyness that arises in you.
it doesn’t matter, though, cause you settle back down and he runs his hand down your slit through your clothes, still kissing and licking into each other’s mouths. sure of himself, his other hand takes the first one’s place, inside your clothes this time. 
“taine. .” you sigh, melting into his touch. 
“mhm.” he hums into your neck, kissing your skin once before he trains his eyes down between your legs. 
your body knows his touch. moves against his fingers naturally, sliding your slickness over his hand as he teases your nerves, savoring the feel of you against him. your hands are over his shoulders now, a little leverage to grind your hips on him, breath heavy and desperate with the soft pleasure arising in you.
fontaine knows your tells better than you do. “you want it?” he asks, cause he can tell with the urgency in your motions that all that long ass foreplay shit is for the birds tonight.
you just nod dumbly, leaning back so he can free his dick and you stare with hungry eyes at him, body tingling with the recollection of how he feels shoved up in your guts.
shorts and panties to the side is how he does it, using your drip as lube with one, two, three swipes up and down your cunt. you shiver, eyes joining his on between your legs to find his hand wrapped around his dick.
still high off weed and each other, you connect, softly, and its good.
ready, wet and always ready, he opens you up and he groans at the feel of you enveloping him, at how you clench and kiss his dick with your walls. your sounds seem to complement each other, a whine leaks from your mouth as he sinks in farther, splitting you open like it’s his purpose. mouth slack, you huff out breaths, eyes fluttering as he catches against little electric spots all inside you. 
there’s no static spot, no time in which you two don’t know what’s next. to the backdrop of smoke and fontaine’s smooth music, you fuck in fontaine’s driver’s seat. it’s smooth, the way you rise up and he pulls down and you meet in the middle, and then you’re in the thick of it and the pace is so sweet your mind blanks with it.
the car rocks, the shuffle of clothes and bodies and unabashed moans hit the air and spin and float like flowers through the wind.
hand braced on his chest, you rest your forehead against his, eyes taking in his eyes and his nose and his lips that are opening to feed you the words that you so readily eat up. low and deep, he speaks, his mind crafting the most depraved shit to say.
“you love this shit, don’t you? got me on you and you ain’ even have to try.” he’s lovestruck, would give you the world if you even looked at him like you wanted it. you nod, retching out a moan, dropping down on him harder and rougher. he feels that shit, smiles and places a kiss on your neck before his hands handle your waist again. he has your bounces turning to grinds, and he follows you, hands on your waist to move with you.
like this, it’s good. good like midnight drives and being close with your lover, good like spending his money and getting kissed like even god couldn’t separate you two.
the shit’s perfect, and you feel it, in your rocks against him, in how you move against each other so right. 
smooth is how you fuck each other, rolling your hips against him, letting the atmosphere of it all bring you close to cumming. there’s no rush, no race or urgency to hit your peak, just slow grinds and soft words and fontaine’s hands around your waist, comforting and mind-fucking all at once. inside you, his dick kisses every part of you.
in the driver’s seat of fontaine’s pontiac, you feel as good as you think you could ever feel.
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jarfulloftears · 4 months
Every single fic update there is an author trying frantically to find the right balance between a nonchalant aside of "leave a comment if you enjoyed =)" and clinging desperately to the coat tails of a random stranger, dragging along behind them on the street wailing "Please, please! I have to know what you thought! I'm desperate to talk to people about this! Ask me about the alliterative repetition! Ask me about the symbolism!"
29K notes · View notes
jarfulloftears · 4 months
Writing porn just for the sake of porn is super valid actually.
Smut and PWPs aren’t a fandom problem that needs to be solved. They belong here. They’re basically the backbone of fandom. Stop with your scarily casual purification talk.
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jarfulloftears · 4 months
Embrace the cringe.
Write weird fanfic.
Read weird fanfic.
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jarfulloftears · 5 months
💖 Write fiction without being ashamed of the story you want to tell.
💖 Create characters without feeling embarrassed about the traits you want to give them.
💖 Craft stories without being nervous what other people will think of them.
💖 Tell the stories that you want to tell without fear, shame or embarrassment.
💖 It doesn't matter if people think your story is too fluffy, silly, dark, disgusting, over the top, sexual, edgy, or anything else.
💖 You deserve to tell your story. The fiction you want to write is worthwhile, no matter what it is.
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jarfulloftears · 5 months
Writing rule:
Every character who speaks gets their own paragraph. If two characters are talking, each time they switch you must create a new paragraph.
Do not add more than one characters’s dialogue into a single paragraph or it will be too confusing for the reader.
5K notes · View notes
jarfulloftears · 5 months
Midnight Sin - Chapter 3
Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Pairing: Vampire!Tyrone x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut. Oral (fem receiving), cursing, AU Tyrone, Toxic Tyrone. Dark fic. Dirty talk. Possession kink, pet names. Mentions of blood, overstimulation.
Summary: A chance meeting at a club introduced you to the enigmatic Tyrone. He was interesting in ways that you weren't expecting. After inviting you to an exclusive party at his place, you wake up and enjoy a lazy afternoon with Tyrone learning more about his kind.
Word Count: 5,036k
Midnight Sin Masterlist
A/N: WHEW! They make me sick, lol. They're so cute. (I say this as if I didn't write them that way) Thank you SO MUCH for all the love towards this series! It means the world to me! I don't tag ageless blogs. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! Ageless blogs get blocked.
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @notapradagurl7 @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee @theyscreamsannii @mybonafidefeelings @eggnox @honeytoffee @thadelightfulone @tranquilfandomer @kindofaintrovert @l-auteuse @browngirldominion @sunkissedebony977 @lovedlover @issahyland @nerdieforpedro @umber-cinders @longpause-awkwardsmile @insburner @slippinninque
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You slowly rose to consciousness. It was a lazy thing, sensations hit you first. You were warm, extremely warm, and Tyrone’s arm was around you like a leaden weight. There were no sounds in the room, figures, but the silence was eerie. You had your own place so you were used to quiet mornings, but you were usually alone. Waking up next to someone was a completely different experience. Your one night stands were exactly that, one night.
You shifted, opening one eye and searching the room. You were still in the same room that Tyrone fucked your brains out. You were sore. Fuck, you were so sore. You ached in muscle groups you didn’t think were possible. You had a slight throbbing on your thigh. You peeked under the covers.
Tyrone’s bite was still there, but the pinpricks seemed tinier. You’d have to ask about that. If he was going to continue biting you, he’d have to do it in areas you could easily hide. Somehow, you just couldn’t think of a proper excuse for why someone would bite you hard enough to draw blood.
Tyrone lay like an anchor next to you. He didn’t breathe. In fact, if you weren’t sure he was a vampire, you would have sworn he was dead. Technically, yes, you knew he was dead. But not dead-dead. 
Since he was at rest, you took the moment to study him. He had long eyelashes fanned over ebony cheeks. Even after everything you did last night, his hair was still perfectly braided. You’d have to ask if that was him or vampire magic.
His full, plump lips were slightly parted mimicking breathing. He was so damn gorgeous. You had to pinch yourself, a little, to make sure that you weren’t dreaming. That you really did meet and fuck a vampire. Too bad you couldn’t tell anyone that part. Your friend, Amanda, would flip the fuck out!
You grabbed Tyrone’s hand, looking at his massive paw. Long, delicate fingers like a musician’s hand. There was so much you wanted to discover about him, you only wished you had more time to do it. You carefully took his arm off of you and went to the bathroom to take care of yourself.
You stumbled towards the door. Your legs were too weak to support you. You had to take slow, measured steps. Each footfall felt heavier than the last. You were unprepared for the appetite of a vampire. If this was any indication of how your sexual relationship was to go, you needed to look into stretches or something.
You made it to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. If there was a definition of “fucked”, your picture would be right beside it. Your hair was a mess, sweated through and frizzy. Your eyes were shiny and slightly red from all the crying you did. Your lips were swollen from all the kisses and bites. 
A deep line was etched into your cheek from the sheets. You slept well. Really well. Who needed sleep aids when you had a vampire? 
You smiled at yourself as you took care of business and then headed back to bed. You fished your phone out of your clutch and answered texts and emails, waiting for Tyrone to wake up.
You weren’t stupid enough to go traipsing around the mansion without him. You gave everyone a show last night because you wanted to fuck Tyrone and thems the rules. But you were not a free-for-all. 
A little under an hour later, Tyrone finally stirred. It was like life was sucked back into him. His chest rose and he twitched as life or magic or whatever kept him animated flared up. He blinked a few times, turning his head and sniffing the air.
“You do that a lot,” you mentioned softly.
Tyrone smiled and opened his eyes. He licked his lips as he drew the pillow closer to him and rested his head on it. He was content to look at you. But the longer he stared, the more nervous he made you. 
“You can tell a lot by scent,” he said. “For example, I know you had an omelet yesterday morning.”
“Eww!” You said and giggled. 
“Hm, you smell like me too,” he said. His voice got deeper, surely on purpose, but you loved it. 
“Do I, now?” You asked.
“Mhm, I smell good on you,” he said. His eyes turned a shade darker, more like crimson. His hand darted out to tug you closer. You yelped as you were tucked under him. He leaned up and ran his nose against yours. 
“Okay, show mercy. I’m still human,” you said.
Tyrone grinned, showing off his fangs. “My apologies. I’ll try to remember that. You did so well last night, it’s easy to forget,” he said. 
“I know some things, but not everything. I thought I was going to pass out,” you told him. You gripped his shoulders, feeling just how solid he was. You simply couldn’t get over it. Here was a man with presence. Humans had no chance at competing with him.
How could you go back to human men after getting a taste of Tyrone?
He kissed your cheek but it pulled one of the bites on your shoulder. You hissed and Tyrone pulled back. His eyes took on a feral gleam as he looked at the bite on your shoulder. He was such a caveman. 
Tyrone bit his finger, blood welled up. He rubbed his blood on your bite. Warmth spread from it and made you tingle all over. You moaned as he continued to rub your bite. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, your voice a little slurred.
“Cleaning up after myself,” he said. “We take your blood, absorb it. It mixes with ours. The resulting magic lets us do a lot of things. Like heal the bites we make,” he said. 
“That is so fucking cool,” you said. You wanted to learn absolutely everything. How much of the vampire myths were true? How many were false? 
“Gonna heal the one on my thigh too?” You asked.
“Fuck no,” he said. You giggled while his hand searched your thigh for the bite. You hissed a little as his fingers ran over it.
“That’s my spot and I’m keeping it. Every other vampire will be able to smell me on you. Know that you’re mine,” he said.
You grinned and melted under his words. Maybe you should see a shrink. Belonging to a dangerous creature should not excite you the way it did. You wanted to be his, for however long you had him.
You were certain that he’d grow bored eventually. There was no way a vampire would attach himself to a human. Yuck. Spare you the mercy of growing old, ugly, and frail while he still remained young and beautiful. There was no time to think about such things now, though. You weren’t old yet and you could enjoy him.
“So I just have to live with a perpetual wound from now on? Say goodbye to bikinis forever?” 
Tyrone grinned. Well, you had your answer. You shook your head and focused on his arms. His neck. You wanted to commit every inch of him to memory. 
“Up for a tour?” Tyrone asked.
You groaned. “I can’t fucking walk!” 
Tyrone only chuckled, a smug look passing his face before he mockingly pouted. “Aww, sounds like someone needs some more dick,” he said.
“Don’t you dare,” you giggled. “I’ll be paralyzed!” 
Tyrone tickled you and you squirmed. “Nah, you can still move. You’ll be alright,” he said. 
“Tyrone!” You squealed.
Tyrone stopped and tugged you closer. He licked his lips before pressing his lips against yours, kissing you slowly. You relaxed into the kiss, letting him dictate the pace. His kisses were addictive. He knew how to do so without nicking your lips. 
You were growing wetter by the second. Your body wasted no time getting acclimated to someone like him. 
“I can smell you getting wet for me, too,” he murmured against your lips.
You groaned. “I’m not going to be able to hide anything from you, am I?” 
He pulled back and stared into your eyes. “Nah,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes. Well, when you ask a stupid question… “So what kind of tour are we talking about?” 
“Tour of the house. I don’t live here, but I keep an office and a few things,” he said. 
“Where do you live?” You asked.
Tyrone grinned. His hands idly rubbed your lower back. Yup, you could easily get addicted to this man. 
“Are you asking me to trust you with my resting place?” Tyrone asked.
“No need to be so dramatic about it,” you said with a grin. 
“It’s not a big secret, but vampires are a little more wary of who they trust their resting place to. Here, everyone agrees to be civil. But their true resting place is a well kept secret. It’s personal,” Tyrone said.
“So, I’m guessing no surprise pop ups in nothing but a trenchcoat and panties?” 
Tyrone’s hand flexed against your waist. He grinned. “Maybe I can make an exception for you,” he said.
You giggled and shook your head. “It’s okay. If you say it’s personal, I believe you.”
“So, tour? Food? We have a well stocked kitchen for donors,” he said.
Your stomach had been cramping since you woke up. “After last night? Food first,” you said.
“As you wish,” he said. He kissed your cheek and then stood up. He wore gray boxer briefs that looked divine against his rich, dark skin. You, on the other hand, did not bring any undergarments. You didn’t think through the morning after that well. Your fancy dress was not your usual morning after attire.
Tyrone picked his dress shirt off of the ground and held it open for you. You were not joking about not being able to walk. You struggled to roll out of bed and plant your feet on the ground. It took you two tries to stand up.
Tyrone offered no assistance, instead watching you like a bird watching an insect. You stood on your own and walked towards him. You turned around and slipped on his shirt. There weren’t many things you could snatch from a significant other. Other girls got to, but you always found yourself with men whose clothes were smaller.
Not Tyrone. He wasn’t that tall compared to you, but he was thick. His dress shirt draped you nicely, hiding the important bits. You buttoned it on, leaving the top two undone. Tyrone’s eyes roamed over you, eyes turning brighter as he took you in. 
“I want to rip you out of that,” he said.
“Would that you could,” you said with a smile. You were more than willing. But your body was not. 
Tyrone stepped closer and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeper. Arousal pooled and Tyrone growled into your kiss. 
“Food. Kitchen. Otherwise, I’m definitely going to work that shit out,” he said.
You giggled. You had to find the strength to pull away from him. He was the stronger of you two, an entire vampire, but you were the one that had to remain strong and clear headed. Knowing that he was so feral for you only turned you on. You could only be around him in small doses. Long exposure to this type of passion was going to turn your head to mush.
Tyrone grinned and turned around. “Hop on,” he said.
“Are you crazy?” You asked.
Without waiting for you, he scooted back, grabbed your thighs, and hauled you onto his back. You yelped, not used to being picked up like this. Your arms flew around his neck and held on. You eased up, so as to not choke him, until you realized that he didn’t need to fucking breathe.
Your breaths were caught in your throat as he threw off your balance. The world looked strange from up here. The errant thought made you giggle. It bordered on hysterics as he left the room. 
“I got you,” he said.
He didn’t grunt or struggle as he walked down the hallway from last night. His paintings were no less intimidating in the light of day. There were so many of them.
“Practice in vanity or does this fit in with your lord of the manor vibe?” You asked.
Tyrone chuckled. “I have been a patron of a lot of artists in my life. They thank me by painting me. I didn’t want that shit in my house. So I guess a little of both,” he said. 
He carried you through the house, explaining this painting or that painting. He told you about some of the artists he met, some you heard of and others you hadn’t. “Most people don’t value art ‘till after your death. Like people can’t appreciate it until you’re not there to hear them.” 
You supposed there was some truth to that. It was nerve wracking interacting with your favorite artists. You were in such awe of their work, you didn’t really want them to know you existed. 
He moved through the house with ease. You passed a few remnants of the party. A stray cup here, a lonely panty there. A pile of vampires had passed out on the rug. Outside the windows, the sun was descending rapidly. 
“Are you able to be up when the sun is up?” You asked. 
“Older vampires can. We’re all slaves to the sun, but some can get up before nightfall,” he said. 
“Like you,” you said.
Tyrone agreed as he deftly stepped over vampires or avoided mysterious substances on the ground. You couldn’t tell if it was wine or blood. 
“So that makes you…?” 
Tyrone chuckled. “You should never ask a vampire his age. It’s rude,” he said with another chuckle. 
“Is it, though?” 
Tyrone pushed through the door, into the kitchen. The kitchen was huge. Spacious. You could fit four of your kitchens in here with room to spare. The marble tiles on the floor were a soft gray and white. The cabinets were done in a soft wood with darker gray countertops. 
The stove was top of the line. Wait, make that stoves. Plural. Two fridges as well. Tyrone really had a whole sex mansion complete with food. Why the hell would any vampire not fuck and feed his way through existence? 
He deposited you on a bar stool. Your feet dangled, it was up so high. He kissed your cheek as he went to one of the fridges. Inside, you could see meal prep containers. He tapped through some of them, calling out the ingredients. You wanted the salmon bowl. You probably needed something heartier. Well, you should probably look into supplements for all the iron you’re going to lose donating blood. For now, you just wanted something to calm your stomach.
Tyrone heated it up and served you, handing you a fork that looked damn expensive. He sat on the stool next to you and encouraged you to eat. 
You moaned on the first bite. The flavors smacked you in the face. The salmon was juicy, well seasoned, on a bed of rice and complimentary veggies. They must have a Black cook. There was no way anyone else would produce such a work of art. 
Tyrone talked to you while you ate. It was weird. You wouldn’t be able to share a meal with him either. “We can eat to blend in, but we gain no nutrition from it.” 
He told you more about donors. The rule of thumb was catch and release. Vampires kept a rotation of three donors to not wear any one of them out. Only for a short time, as long as it suits either party, but vampires were expected to eventually let them go and return to their lives. 
You kept a neutral face. Inside, you were already dying. Your time with him was even more limited than you thought. You focused on your plate as he explained more about it. But all you could hear was that you’d have to share him with two other people.
“Hey, talk to me,” he said.
“Nothing, keep going,” you said. You gave him a smile but he only frowned.
“This only works if you’re honest. If you keep things from me, I can’t fix it,” he said.
You slowly chewed as you mulled that over. That was true but…what could he fix about sharing him and needing to feed? 
“How many donors do you have?” You asked.
“None. Just you,” he said.
You tilted your head. “But you just said…”
“Usually, yes, I would have three donors. The older you get, the more you can get selective and wait longer in between feedings. We have supplemental ways of feeding too,” he said.
You stared at him and licked your lips as you thought. “Will you get any more donors?”
Tyrone gripped your hand and brought it to his lips. He placed a kiss there. He turned his sharp red eyes towards you and held your gaze. “You are the only donor I want. And I will not feed unless you say it’s okay,” he said.
“But I’m not gonna let you starve–”
“You let me worry about my food,” he said with a grin. 
You rolled your eyes. “You can’t be serious,” you said. You didn’t want details, but you were trying to guard yourself. You were already feening for him. Needing to touch him as often as he touched you. You had known each other for a few short weeks, having gone on so many dates. 
He had kept himself apart, unwilling to touch you. Last night rang the dinner bell. Literally. You smiled at your joke and Tyrone pushed you to tell him. When you did, he laughed. His throaty, raspy laugh was loud in the spacious kitchen and you loved hearing it. You wouldn’t be able to bear it if he took another donor like he was supposed to. 
“I will only feed from you if you allow it. I have other ways to feed that don’t involve inviting someone else into this,” he said. He squeezed your hand.
“Yes, but it doesn’t sound like vampires do the whole…exclusive thing,” you said. Ugh. Were you really trying to define whatever this was? Couldn’t it be two normal people fucking? Perhaps not, now that you thought about it. Nothing about this was normal. He was a vampire. You were human. He was a predator. And you were food.
“Normally, no. Nothing about you is normal. Nothing about this is normal. I don’t want to share you, so it would be unfair to ask you to share me,” he said.
You hummed and took a bite to keep from saying anything stupid. Like melt all over him and declare to the entire world that he was yours forever and ever. He must’ve had this conversation a thousand times. You stopped yourself. You did not want to think about the countless donors he’d had over the centuries he’d been alive. It was none of your business.
“Okay, point made.” You smiled and took his hand again, amazed yet again at the heat that radiated from him.
“How come you’re so warm?” You asked.
“I’m well fed and riding that high,” he said with a grin, flashing his fangs.
You rolled your eyes. Now that you were fed, you were a little more stable on your feet. You could manage to walk, but it was slow going. Tyrone offered to carry you, but you weren’t a damn baby. You could walk under your own steam. 
You looked at him as he walked beside you. He seemed content to do so. You wondered if humans were disgustingly slow compared to his speed. 
The food helped in a lot of ways. Moving around helped ease the stiffness and soreness from all the rough fucking from last night. He took you through the major rooms downstairs, the playrooms, the living room, the dining room. He took you to receiving rooms and tea rooms and all other kinds of rooms usually reserved for English estates.
“So no one’s allowed upstairs?” You asked.
“Private rooms people can rent,” he said with a shrug. 
“Your cleaning bill must be through the roof. How does one get into cleaning up blood for vampires?” 
You had stopped at the foot of the stairs, looking up at the grandness of it. He shrugged. “Vampires have their hands in a number of businesses. Cleaning services too.” 
“You know you don’t have to answer all of my questions if there’s some huge secret,” you said. 
He smiled. “You’re a donor now, claimed in front of everyone. I can share a lot more,” he said. 
You tilted your head and nodded. He was willing to try so you will too. You headed up the stairs. Tyrone made appreciative noises as he played with your ass. You playfully slapped his hands away, but he only went right back to caressing the globes of your ass. At the top of the stairs, he pulled you back into his chest and he kissed your neck.
This man was so dangerous to your well being. He took you through the wide hallways, big enough to fit four, maybe five people comfortably without bumping into each other. He pointed out the private rooms in the east wing. Some were occupied so you crept carefully.
Tyrone seemed tense during this part. You weren’t sure why, so you kept quiet while he pointed out a few things. He took you into some of the empty rooms. There were all manner of whips, chains, and fresh toys in new packages. You lifted your eyebrows at some of it. And you thought you were adventurous. 
Tyrone led you by the hand towards the west wing. His office, his private bedrooms. The main bedroom was, you guessed it, huge. You didn’t know rooms came this big. There was a large gap between the door and the king sized bed. An ottoman was placed in front of it, dainty pillows on top of it.
Your feet sunk into the plush carpet and you groaned. It was like walking on marshmallows. He showed you the walk-in closet. It was about the size of your living room at home. You wanted to move into the walk-in closet. You’d kill for a walk-in closet.
He had a neat row of tailored suits in varying shades of blue, black, and gray. He had dressers in the middle of the room with jewelry, watches, chains, cufflinks. His shoes were arranged against one whole wall. This was wealth. 
Oh, but the bathroom. You could marry the bathroom. A large jacuzzi tab was pushed into the corner of the room. Opposite it, there was a shower with clear doors and a bench seat. The backsplash looked like chevron tiles. The sink almost spanned an entire wall, with dual sinks, brushed steel hardware, and a few smell goods on the sink. Your hand caressed brands you’d never heard of. There was probably a list of rich folk brands not released to poor folk. 
The tile underneath was warm, which surprised you. But the tub! You ached to sink down into it and never leave until you were nothing but shriveled prunes. Tyrone came up behind you while you gushed about it.
“After we finish, we can take a bath. Clean you up,” he whispered against your neck. It tingled with the promise of that particular activity. Maybe you had one more round left in you. Maybe. Hard maybe.
“I’d really love that,” you said. 
Reluctantly, you left the bathroom and his bedroom, already missing something that was never yours. He took your hand again and you grinned. The gloves had come off. You had been touching and feeling on each other all throughout the tour. You were still dizzy from the kiss he planted on you against the railing in between the east and west wing.
He pointed down the hall and said that there were workout rooms and a lounge area where he relaxed, nothing fancy. But he stopped in front of one door and looked at you with a grin. He opened the door and your eyes bugged out of your head.
He had a library. Scratch that, a mega library. You were running out of ways to describe how massive his home was. Every wall was covered in books. You headed inside. 
Dark wood floors were shined to perfection. Directly in front of you, there was a floor to ceiling window with intricate iron decorations outside of it. Under it, there was a window seat. To your left, there were plump blue chairs set all around so you could flop in and read all day. He actually had ladders, rolling ladders, in the library. 
To your right, there was a small neat desk with a lamp, computer, some folders. Behind that, more books. And a door set off in the corner.
“I’ve died and gone to heaven,” you gasped. You had no words. “This is some Beauty and the Beast shit,” you said.
Tyrone chuckled. “You can use it any time you want,” he said.
“Oh, don’t tell me that. You’ll get sick of seeing me!” You raced to the bookshelf behind  the desk. There were modern books mixed in with old books. Really old books, kept in neat condition. Your finger lightly trailed some of the titles, unwilling to get your greasy fingerprints all over it.
“I will have to ask that you don’t read the books behind the door,” Tyrone said as you inched closer to the mysterious door.
“Can I ask why?” You asked.
He took your hand and opened that door. Inside, it was probably the smallest room of the whole house. Which wasn’t saying much. It was still bigger than your room. There was only one desk, empty, and one chair. The surrounding bookshelves all held uniform black bound books. 
“My journals,” Tyrone said. His voice was tight. You looked at this face. He frowned at the room. “I used to write everything down when I was turned. But…gets depressing seeing so many. So many memories lost,” he said.
“So you don’t have perfect memory?” You asked.
“Like humans, we remember what we choose to,” he said. You could tell it was still a sore subject, so you squeezed his hand. 
“You don’t have to share more, I get it. Off limits, say no more,” you said. Although, you’d be a rotten liar if you said you weren’t curious. Of course you were. All those secrets. All those lives. You wondered if you were to read them, would you be any closer to understanding him? Were you capable of understanding the lives he lived? The magnitude of living for centuries? 
Possibly not. But he said hands off so you’d keep your hands off as instructed. He smiled, no more than a lift of his lips, and closed the door. Sealing off his journals. 
You moved back into the main library, but he followed you with a sudden hunger. You tilted your head as you backed away, but he only pursued you. His eyes were narrowed and focused, a wild gleam in his eyes. A smirk hovered on his lips. 
“What you lookin’ at me like that for?” You asked.
“You really have no idea, do you?” He asked, though it seemed more to himself. He pursued you, eyes raking over your body, ready to devour you whole. You briefly wondered if that wasn’t driving this. If he truly only saw you as food and wanted to play with you before sucking you dry. 
That should terrify you. But he had plenty of opportunities to kill you. And you watched one too many crime dramas.
He pushed you against the desk and then lifted you effortlessly on top of it. You yelped from the sudden cold from the desk. Tyrone’s hands quickly massaged you, squeezing your booty and rubbing some warmth back into it.
Tyrone cut off your protests with a scorching kiss. It was wet and sloppy and so damn hot, your toes curled. He lifted up the shirt you wore and knelt on the ground. It made his face level with your dripping pussy.
He tongue darted out, catching wayward drops. “Oh, fuck,” you moaned.
His hands pressed your thighs as far as they would go, your feet dangling over his shoulders. He attached his lips to your clit and began to vigorously suck and flick his tongue.
“Oh god, oh god. Ouueee,” you moaned. You leaned back on your elbows and tried to survive another orgasm. Your legs shook. Tyrone’s thumbs rubbed circles into your thighs. You were on stimulation overload. 
His sloppy eating heightened your pleasure. Feeling it, made your eyes roll back into your head. He ate with reckless abandon, slurping up everything you leaked out. “Oh shit, oh shit,” you moaned. Your orgasm was coming in like a bullet train.
“Let it go, love,” he said. His voice was hoarse, rough from licking you.
You moaned once more as you exploded on his tongue. Your thighs tried to close but he held you open still. He retreated as you came, but his lips were close enough to feel them. He was murmuring something but fuck if you heard it.
You collapsed onto the desk, spent and worn out. Now, you truly were paralyzed. You physically could not get up. Your eyes rolled up to the ceiling and you stared at the crown molding. 
Tyrone replaced that view and smiled down at you. “Ready for that bath now?” 
“Fuck you,” you groaned.
He chuckled as he picked you up, bride style, his arm tucked behind your back and under your legs. He carried you as if you weighed no more than a feather. You rested your head on his smooth shoulder as he carried you to his room and then to that lovely tub.
You only hoped you could stay awake long enough to enjoy it.
Masterlist | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
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