jeancim · 5 years
week 3
Use of VLEs besides Moodles there is
Padlet, Kowloon & Kahoot, also google classroom
Wordpress, website creation tool or blogging tool - acts as a host for material.
Prezi is a presentation tool
Audacity  for recording.
Google docs tools
Google hangout - asa videoconferencing facility can collaborate.
Padlet is an empty space where people can add comments
Thing-link - you upload an image & can embed hotspots with images o4text 
There are screen capture tools like camstudio that capture what is on a computer screeen
Can use Wordpress or pebble pad for reflective exercises.
Can use socrative, everywhere and nearpod for quizzes & interactive activities.
Review your answers below. Then return to the course.
1) Classroom-based activities _Open tools you chose: _Multimedia production (e.g. YouTube), Presentation tools (e.g. Prezi), Collaborative writing tools (e.g. Google docs / Mediawiki), Reflective tools (e.g. Wordpress), Interactive tools (e.g. Socrative), Social tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) How you might use them: Incorporating some video or available you tube material into prezi would add a bit of variety to the information provided
*2) Informal social learning *Open tools you chose: Collaborative writing tools (e.g. Google docs / Mediawiki), Social tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) How you might use them: By sharing examples from their industry on google docs or twitter they can understand examples from other industries
3) Work-based learning Open tools you chose: Collaborative writing tools (e.g. Google docs / Mediawiki), Social tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), Reflective tools (e.g. Wordpress) How you might use them: They could do a wordpress blog each week Citi g examples from their company or industry
*4) Online learning *Open tools you chose: Presentation tools (e.g. Prezi)* *How you might use them: Working through presentations- some with links to relevant websites and / rousing audacity for later review
help you begin your research here is a list of web links to common OER repositories:
Merlot - MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
Open University’s OpenLearn - The Open University’s range of free educational courses and resources.
MIT’s Open Courseware - Free online educational resources from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
XPERT - repository of e-learning resources created through the open source e-learning development tool called Xerte Online Toolkits
Khan academy - 3600 videos from across many disciplines
TES - shared teaching resources of all kinds, mainly for schools, but also for the VET sector.
OER COMMONS - open educational resources for all sectors.
Follow 29 NOV In France (and in French, but not only) Fun Mooc offers lots of university courses for adults but not only. There are some interesting programmes about the improvement of teaching methods.
Personally, I'm a heavy user of https://pixabay.com/ - the stunning copyright free stock photos make any learning object look engaging and professional.
Thanks for the links in this step. I've found some very useful resources for my Microbiology classes (HE) on Merlot and OpenLearn. The virtual labs from HHMI look like they could be particularly suitable for use in blended learning in my field. https://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/bacterial-identification-virtual-lab. I also found some excellent short videos to embed in my lectures and upload to our VLE.
I wonder if there is anything in the UCL eXtend Hub that might help as a template acitivty to organise around a video. I think I saw something this morning when I was looking, here is the link:https://extend.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=209#section-4 *
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jeancim · 5 years
FutureLearn Week 2
Lots of tools/links/materials to explore further in due course
constructivism- they learn for themselves- use of I observe app on ipad  can record specifics - value of observing
constructivist approach is based on learners constructing their own knowledge and meaning through experience. This includes learners engaging in real world activities, building on their prior knowledge and experience, developing relevant skills and independence and working with teachers as facilitators instead of instructors,
Social Constructivism -learners learn by interacting & collaborating. Social....opportunities for reflection   eg can use social media- can act as a revision tool
social constructivism is exemplified by online courses such as blended learning essentials, where learners can share ideas and knowledge in a collaborative space to increase their own personal knowledge.
Problem based learning- application of knowledge to new situations. A wide range of digital technologies can effectively support problem-based learning
Educators describe how they have used digital technologies such as Nearpod, e-learning packages and Google classroom to enhance their teaching.
Mention of the following:
The availability of Open Educational Resources (i.e., MIT's course syllabi online, and some of Trinity College London's resources for teachers) has opened my eyes to modern ways of construing the learning process as one that is essentially student- than teacher-centered.
Please review your answers below. Identify any areas of weakness and make a note of them in your journal. Then return to the course. Total score: 185 / 250 1. I have a general understanding of how I can use technologies to enhance my students learning 8 / 10 2. I have a good grasp of the language and culture (netiquette) of online communication 8 / 10 3. I am aware of the broad range of digital study skills that my learners will need for successful academic study 6 / 10 4. I know how to plug in and configure a microphone on my computer 9 / 10 5. I know how to plug in and configure a webcam on my computer 9 / 10 6. I know how to plug in and configure speakers on my computer 9 / 10 7. I can use the microphone, camera and speakers on my mobile devices 10 / 10 8. I am confident using a media player on my computer for viewing multimedia 9 / 10 9. I am confident that I can make the most effective use of our virtual learning environment (VLE) 6 / 10 10. I am aware of all of the tools available within our Virtual Learning Environment 6 / 10 11. I know how to set up an electronic submission area in our Virtual Learning Environment for learners to submit assignments electronically 9 / 10 12. I am confident about writing good threads for discussion boards to encourage learners to engage in effective collaborative study 7 / 10 13. I am confident using Google docs to produce and share presentations and documents 6 / 10 14. I understand how to set up a wiki for my learners to work on collaborative writing exercises 5 / 10 15. I am aware of how I could use social media to support my learners 9 / 10 16. I understand how to access and use a chat room for my learners to access 9 / 10 17. I can tell my learners how to find free online courses on the Internet to support their studies 9 / 10 18. I can create quizzes or tests online for my learners to test their knowledge and understanding 6 / 10 19. I know how to audio or video record my teaching sessions for learners to use later 8 / 10 20. I can find and recognise good quality learning material on the Internet to use with my learners 8 / 10 21. I can find copyright free or creative commons licenced digital learning materials on the Internet 6 / 10 22. I am aware of the range of ways that a mobile device could be used to support learners’ study 7 / 10 23. I know how to use digital technologies to support learners with special educational needs *6 / 10 24. I am able to give my students advice about staying safe on the Internet 5 / 10 25. I am able to give my students advice about developing and managing their online digital footprint 5 / 10*
if you have found useful resources on the web for improving your IT and digital literacy skills, feel free to share them with other participants in the comments section, and we will collate the links for everyone.
BBC Webwise - A wide range of learning materials about online security, social media, online searching and use of games consoles.
Microsoft Digital Literacy - Three levels of curriculum about digital literacy skills: basic, standard and advanced.
JISC Developing your digital literacy Design Studio - An extensive range of resources to support your digital development.
Open University Being Digital skills for life online - A range of self-assessment tests you can take to assess your digital literacy skills.
JISC Digital Media guide to video production - A comprehensive guide to producing video.
Educator’s guide to social media - A useful guide for educators about the use and value of a wide range of social media sites that can support education.
From one participant: https://htnsl.wordpress.com/2015/11/06/blended-learning-essentials-getting-started/
Here are some of the links I found which I thought are very useful to explore:
I found this website recommended in one of the forums and useful to read it which is about – 10 drivers for blended learning: http://www.teachthought.com/blended-learning-2/10-drivers-of-blended-learning-in-education
Glossary – Good Tools for building your own list http://ble-leeds.wikidot.com/start
Typeform – Create your own online assessment form https://admin.typeform.com/
Temporary Text Hosting facility to publish anonymous pages of text as no registration required
Pastie – http://pastie.org/
NoteHub (best for mobile devices) – http://notehub.org/
Padlet – http://padlet.com/
There are so many online tools being shared and recommen
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jeancim · 5 years
future learn week 1
There is both face-to-face and digital technology here, but it’s not really blended learning because the technology does not add value.The learners are not making use of the technology to enhance their learning, it’s just a note-taker. The teacher/trainer is not making use of technology to enhance their presentation – they could just as easily be using a blackboard.The teacher/trainer could have sent the learners a diagram they could be making notes on, and the presentation could be enhanced with animations or videos, or colourful diagrams.
Blended learning typically adds value via use of technology
Consider always offering transcript of a VW
idea of a collaborative online glossary could be used for concepts in the Cx & comms & other modules .I provide a list at the  end of the course but not a glossary
eg a link to creating a noodle glossary https://docs.moodle.org/23/en/Glossary_module
Also see below about adding a glossary to a moodle https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RAGpTCvDV4g&list=PLxcO_MFWQBDcQKY3XeLpwDVFbnmPOZWK8&index=26
nb definitions of what constitutes blended learning.not just because they are looking at materials on screen There is both face-to-face and digital technology here, but it’s not really blended learning because the technology does not add value.The learners are not making use of the technology to enhance their learning, it’s just a note-taker. The teacher/trainer is not making use of technology to enhance their presentation – they could just as easily be using a blackboard.The teacher/trainer could have sent the learners a diagram they could be making notes on, and the presentation could be enhanced with animations or videos, or colourful diagrams.
Storage access multimedia and personalisation are benefits of blended
five of the benefits of blended learning - flexibility, active learning, personalisation, learner control, feedback.
I agree with this comment
For those who have not experienced BL before it's really important that we familiarise them with technology an set realistic expectations for what they need to do and what support they can call upon.
See article   https://www.asec.purdue.edu/lct/hbcu/documents/active_learning_in_college_classrooms.pdf
Idea of asking learners to watch a video before the workshop & then use the time to take that forward
Prepare in advance 
Theory at home  practice in class....
Video  recap.  Use mobile & use teacher mobile.
Ask them to log on ...do a quiz...collect info... ( eg like I asked them to summarise examiner reports)
Reflection on value of using* similar techniques with participants
Useful crib sheet on how to use video clips
Interesting use of padlet wall to post comments
See also  https://padlet.com/support/padlets_howtopost
Setting up a padlet for a module might be a useful way for participants to contribute suggestions & links etc
Level 2 Marketing The teacher or trainer creates three Padlet walls dedicated to the following groups: over 65s, children under 11 and college students.  In pairs, learners search the web for 20 minutes to find examples of successful marketing targeting the three groups;  For each target group, pairs post links to images, videos or webpages that provides an exemplar of marketing aimed at one of the three groups on the on the relevant Padlet wall;    Pairs add their names to the post and provide at least one reason for their selection;  The teacher or trainer shares the Padlet walls with the whole group via the Smart Board or projection screen and invites the learners to justify their choices  
Have you shifted your view of blended learning at all?
Yes, realised the extent to which it is under-utilised at CIM
Do you feel more positive or more negative about using blended learning?
More positive re the potential
Have you found any useful idea or insight that you can make use of to enhance your own learners’ experience?
A few. Use of padlet, use of reflections, and maybe introduction of a Glossary for key concepts from th3 beginning - ideally with textbook ( or website) reference section 
List of all the crib sheets below
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jeancim · 5 years
blended learning  Even still not clear on how best to use this but may become clearer with practice see crib sheet at link below https://about.futurelearn.com/about/faq/social-media-tips#bloggingtools
Week 1 futurelearn
Setting up a tumblr account to keep notes
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