jehanarejoicee · 2 years
"The fact is that if you want to be radically and outrageously blessed, then you've got to be radically and outrageously obedient."
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jehanarejoicee · 4 years
Text: Galatians 2:19-20, Philippians 1:21
A. through our relationship
B. through our confession (Acts 8:37&38)
||. GROWTH (2 Peter 3:18)
How do we know that we are growing spiritually?
A. regular church attendance
B. deep desire for the Word (Psalms 19:7-12)
C. Constant prayer life
D. transformed life
E. obedience to God's Word
How can we serve the Lord?
A. Leadership (Ephesians 4:11&12)
B. Stewardship
C. Evangelism
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jehanarejoicee · 4 years
Season 3:
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Being fired and laid off are two distinct ways of losing your position. An employee can be fired for a variety of reasons and the most common reason for being terminated foe cause is an unsatisfactory performance on the job. On the other hand, when an employee is laid off, it typically has nothing to do with the employees personal performance. So what does lay-off means? Lay-off is the suspension or permanent termination of employment of workers by their employer. A lay off does not occur because workers did something wrong (it is not their fault) but because for some reasons of the company.
The most common reason for being laid off is the company needing to cut costs in some way. This need could stem from debts that have to be paid off or lack of profits, as a result of a drop in sales or loss of a line of credit. Workers may also be laid off if positions have to be cut due to over-staffing, outsourcing tasks or a change in rote. Relocation could also cause a company to lay-off its workers. If a company is bought out or merges with another company, the change could also cause a shift in leadership and corporate focus and direction. Different personnel often means new goals and business plans which might require lay-offs.
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jehanarejoicee · 4 years
Season 2:
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Advertising is misleading if it involves false or deceptive information that is likely to cause the average consumer to act in a way they might otherwise not. It may also be considered misleading/false if important information that the customer needs to make an informed decision is left out. Advertisement may take many different forms such as:
Press advertisements in newspapers or magazines
Posters telling the public about an event, concert, etc.
Digital advertisements on website or mobile phones
Shop signs
Some examples of false advertisements are:
A false claim about the characteristics of the goods or service wherein a product is in different color, size or weight to what is advertised.
The way the goods or service are supplied is misinterpreted wherein free delivery is advertised but the delivery actually involves some sort of fee or charge.
The business is presented as a member of trade association when they are actually not.
Or it is when important informations are hidden or left out.
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It might be tempting to deceive in your advertisements not only so that you could attract new customers but also so that they might buy your products and/or subscribe to your services. However, this strategy is bad for the futer of your company. How is it so? Let me take the company's position. If I will engage in false advertising and my customers learn that it was all misleading informations, they will perceive me as untrustworthy. Being untrustworthy will reduce good communication between me and my customers because without their trust, I already can't communicate effectively to them that will eventually result to customer disloyalty. As my customer's disloyalty increases, four(4) out of five(5) from them who are unsatisfied will tell others their bad experiences (it is also called negative word-of-mouth). The more negative word-of-mouth, the more my image is building bad reputation which will affect my whole business. But how will I balance the situation? The more negative WOM/review, the more I will create positive proposition around those negative ones through replying back to them with an apology followed by some marketing.
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Advertising is important for every aspect of a business as it plays an imperative role for both manufacturer and consumers. Not to advertise deceiving informations will retain and attract new customers. Remember, customer is always right.
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jehanarejoicee · 4 years
Season 1:
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Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent. However, it cannot be concealed that many places are dealing with different kinds of health issues which includes obesity. Obesity or being overweight have really become major public issues. There is this study where over ten (10) times more children and adolescents were obese over the past four (4) decades. People who are obese are at greater risk of developing serious medical conditions which can contribute to ill health and early death.
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In my own experience, I had already encounter lots of scenerios in school wherein someone is being bullied (teased) due to being fat or obese. Which is not a good thing to do. Why is it so? Because being bullied can result someone to perform poorly as a result of lossing his/her self confidence. In some cases, this as one of the reasons why there are some students who don't want to go to school anymore because they feel like they don't belong. But instead of doing something for them not to be bullied, there are these intances wherein they will be more engaged in stress eating that eventually results them to be more obese. The energy intake is already imbalance from the energy a person must expend throughout the day.
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Are you one of those four(4) out of ten(10) obese people in the world and suffering from being bullied? Here are some tips for you to get rid of the possible effects of obesity:
Eat more fruit, vegetable, nuts and whole grains
Exercise even moderately for at least 30 minutes a day
Cut down your consumption of fatty and sugary foods
Use vegetable-based oils neither than animal based fats.
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Let us embrace healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy body mass index. Remember, "Health is wealth".
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