jesswashere · 3 years
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jesswashere · 3 years
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Supercorp comic to help fill the hiatus of the series c:
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jesswashere · 3 years
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was in the mood to draw vampire supercorp today 🦇❤️😵
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jesswashere · 3 years
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jesswashere · 3 years
A kinda terrible pre-reveal scenario and an awful way for the lie to play out.
“Lena! Wait, Lena, listen to me!”
Adrenaline blown green eyes finally settled on her face, but she could see the effort it took to not scan their surroundings.
“We need to split up.”
The idea was immediately rejected, sharp brows drawn tight, jaw set firmly. “Absolutely not.” Kara pushed back, or tried to, but Lena was insistent. “You are far safer with me.”
Kara’s teeth snapped together, her words cut off. She had fed the idea that she was scared—not that she wasn’t, but it wasn’t her own safety on her mind—and now Lena wouldn’t let her out of her sight.
“We need Supergirl,” she tried.
Lena held up her wrist, displayed the watch Kara had given her. “The signal isn’t breaching the facility’s walls. We’re on our own.” Kara’s blink of frustration was interpreted as deflation. As fear. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have brought you here, but I’ll make sure you get out,” Lena promised, the words rushed, but so solid. Her friend was decidedly steady, despite the frantic hammering of her heart.
“I’m slowing you down,” Kara whispered. “You can make it to the communication room and get the signal out! We can— you can do it! I’ll hide. I’ll be okay,” she pressed.
Lena shook her head. “No, Kara, I can’t—“
“You can!”
“No, Kara… I can’t— I can’t leave you.”
Kara felt the sting of tears. “You have to. It’s the only way.”
Lena’s hands gripped her biceps, tightened in the fabric of her coat, shaking and heavy. Her breath was ragged, echoing the strain of her heart. “Kara—“
“Please.” It was a terrible tactic. She hated herself for appealing to the part of Lena that couldn’t say no to her.
“I’ll get you out,” Lena promised again, but turned sharply away and marched off, determined to keep her word.
The moment she was out of sight, Kara was in motion, flying ahead, clearing a path. She made certain Lena made it to the comms, made sure she fulfilled her goal. Kept her safe.
And when the emergency ping finally reached her earpiece, she was ready, at Lena’s side in a matter of seconds.
“Supergirl!” Lena was breathless, sweat soaked, pale, but there was a flicker of hope in her gaze. A hint of a smile, brief as it was.
The moment was cut short when she heard the telltale rush of superheated air, combustion ripping through hallways, rising from beneath them. Kara moved without thought, bundled Lena up in her arms and flew. She outran the explosion, cradling Lena as snugly as she could, guarding her head as they crashed through a glass wall just in time for flames to lick out into the night air behind them, the resounding boom of air collapsing back into the building bombarding them.
Kara’s boots skidded roughly along gravel, her landing sloppy, concerned more with keeping her body between Lena and the shower of debris. As the flames retreated and there was enough distance between them and the billowing smoke that choked the oxygen out of the air, Kara put Lena on her feet.
Lena stumbled backwards, stricken gaze fixated on the burning building. She was crying, eyes wide when she wasn’t blinking away the irritation. “You weren’t supposed to save me,” she sobbed.
Kara stepped forward to try to steady her, but her hands were swatted away. “Of course I was,” she breathed.
“No! No, Kara is—was… she was in there,” Lena shoved against her chest as her voice broke. “She was the one you were supposed to save! I— I promised her— I…” Lena began to hyperventilate, fists curling against Kara’s chest. She retracted and slammed them down, while Kara shifted to lessen the impact.
It didn’t help. She felt her ribs cave beneath the pressure of her lie, the gnawing hollow left behind as she was carved out by her own hand.
“You shouldn’t have picked me,” Lena sobbed.
She had always told herself she would always pick Lena, and yet that couldn’t feel less true as she was faced with the reality that she had chosen her own selfish fantasy—her desire for Lena to always believe the best of her.
It was a cruel irony. She was so terrified of letting Lena down, that she had walked herself into that very conclusion, crashing and burning in flaming glory.
“I will always protect you, Lena. I—“
“Save it, Supergirl.” There was a harsh bite, venomous and lethal. “I don’t need your god-complex monologue.”
Kara stepped back, recoiled, lips tight around the words that begged to spill between them. Every apology. Every truth. Every chance she had turned down.
Kara’s finger found the comm in her ear. “Alex, I need your—“
“Oh, fuck you!” Kara was stunned by the way devastation melted away in the fires of Lena’s anger. “You don’t get to call her sister here to clean up this mess.”
Kara’s voice caught in her throat, the lie unsustainable, unraveling around her. “That’s not— no! I wasn’t—“
“Supergirl,” Alex’s distant voice gently pressed for information, confusion clear.
Kara cracked, her throat choking the words. “Alex, Kara was with Lena… and there was an explosion…”
“You tactless piece of shit. Tell her straight. Tell her you chose to leave her sister.” Lena was crumbling, holding on to Kara’s suit as her knees gave out, dragging downward. “Tell her Kara’s gone. Say it.”
“I can’t— Alex, I don’t— I don’t know what to say…“ There wasn’t enough air to fill her lungs. “I don’t know how to fix this.”
Lena’s laugh was viscous, her cheeks tear stained while her gaze was steely.
“You can’t.”
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jesswashere · 3 years
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MELISSA BENOIST by Brian Higbee | The Laterals Magazine
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jesswashere · 3 years
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Palette Challenge Requests #1 & #2
Kara Danvers in #43
Lena Luthor in #104
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jesswashere · 3 years
“how long was I asleep?” + cuddling please
The concept of ‘Friendsmas’ isn’t actually a thing. This is something Lena truly believes. Groups of friends are allowed to just get together around the holidays without having to call it something completely absurd. So when Kara had asked her over for ‘Friendsmas on Saturday,’ Lena had looked at her blankly, pretending to be unimpressed, and just said, “Aren’t you Jewish?” But Kara had pleaded and pouted and said things like, “Lena, please?” and really, how was Lena supposed to argue with that?
Kara’s apartment is always homey, but it’s something special around Christmastime. It smells like pine trees and cinnamon and peppermint, and there are glimmering candles and twinkling string lights everywhere. There are soft, croony covers of Christmas songs playing in the background, a gentle accompaniment to the clatter of Kelly placing their dinner dishes in the sink. Alex is next to her, humming in the kitchen while she makes some spiked hot chocolate, and Nia lays sprawled out over an armchair in the living room, flipping through Christmas movies for them all to watch together.
Lena, from her spot snuggled under a blanket on the couch, sips on her wine and feels something warm and happy come to rest deep in her bones as she watches her friends finish collecting their drinks and snacks before they all settle in for a movie.
It’s somewhere in the middle of Love Actually that Lena looks contentedly, sleepily, around the room. The coffee table is littered with empty hot chocolate mugs and wine glasses. Alex and Kelly are snuggled up together on the other side of the couch, equally comfortable sharing loving glances as they are a bowl of popcorn. Brainy had squeezed into the armchair with Nia before the movie and had promptly fallen asleep, his head resting on hers as she plays with his fingers. And Kara… Kara is curled into the corner of the couch right next to Lena and so engrossed in the film that Lena allows herself a moment to stare a little too long at her profile. The light from the tv flickers over Kara’s face like the light from all the candles she’d lit, and Lena’s struck by a longing so sudden it twists her stomach in knots.
Kara looks at her then, turns her head away from the tv to smile at Lena and slide her hand along the back of the couch until it’s cupped around Lena’s shoulder. She tugs once and Lena follows, tugs once and all those knots in Lena’s stomach unravel and go gooey at the edges as she settles into Kara’s side and rests her head on Kara’s shoulder.
The last thing she remembers as she rapidly loses herself to the haze of warmth that comes from a home-cooked meal, close friends, and a steady heartbeat under her ear, is looking around the room once more. She sees Alex happily snuggled with Kelly and Nia happily snuggled with Brainy and muses that maybe, to an unknowing eye, they’d look like three couples instead of two and two extras. She wonders, as her eyes grow heavy, what Alex or Nia would see if they were to look at her and Kara.
It comes back in pulses, her awareness does. Lena feels a kiss brushed against the crown of her head, catches a whiff of Alex’s perfume and slowly blinks her eyes open to see Alex leaning over her to press a kiss to Kara’s head as well. The two sisters are whispering goodnights to each other when Lena’s eyes drift closed again.
The sound of the front door closing clicks in Lena’s ears and she comes to again, blinking slowly as the room comes into focus. The tv is off but the string lights and the candles still cast a warm, dim yellow glow over the apartment. Her friends are gone, but there’s a heavy throw blanket draped over her that tucks in around Kara’s hip, and Kara’s fingers are carding softly through her hair. They scratch gently over her scalp, and Lena huffs out a soft noise, nudging into Kara’s shoulder in protest as the fingers leave her hair, curling around her shoulder instead.
“Hey,” Kara murmurs, quiet. A thumb strokes over Lena’s shoulder and her eyelids start to droop once more before Lena blinks them back open.
She tilts her head to look up at Kara and finds Kara smiling softly at her. Kara’s hair is even more golden in the dim lighting; her blue eyes are sparkling and Lena knows that no one has ever, ever looked so beautiful in candlelight before.
“Hey,” she finally mumbles back to distract herself. “How long was I asleep?”
“About an hour,” Kara replies, those blue eyes flicking back and forth between Lena’s as her fingers scratch over Lena’s shoulder, and it would be so easy, Lena thinks, to just tip her head up and catch Kara’s lips with her own.
“I should go home,” Lena whispers instead.
Kara’s lips part, her brows furrowing in protest before her face smoothes over again. Kara shakes her head once, her free hand rising to cup around Lena’s elbow. It’s quiet for a moment, and Lena can feel the steady rise and fall of Kara’s chest against her, can see how it causes Kara’s sweater to shift. Kara takes a deeper breath before she speaks again.
Lena eyes flick back up to Kara’s, having not realized they’d drifted, to find Kara watching her intently.
“It’s late,” Lena says, her eyelids drooping again as if to prove her point. Her eyes follow the tug of gravity and fall to Kara’s mouth, full and pink as ever, before she blinks back up at Kara.
“Yeah,” Kara hums. Her hand flattens on Lena’s shoulder and smoothes over her upper back, pulling her in, and Lena’s stomach clenches, ears burning as her forehead presses into Kara’s. Kara’s other hand leaves her elbow and slides across the small of her back, setting Lena’s skin afire and her breath stuttering out of her as she lets Kara gather her closer. “So stay.”
And oh, Lena thinks, okay.
“Okay,” Lena murmurs, and Kara kisses her.
Kara kisses her and a hand slides up the back of her neck and into her hair. Kara kisses her and she fists her fingers in Kara’s sweater, lets the sweet press of Kara’s lips steal the rest of the breath from her lungs in a whimper. Kara tastes like chocolate and when she finally pulls back, she stares wide-eyed at Lena, lips parted and breath coming in pants.
Lena lets out a shaky breath of her own, eyes half-lidded and trained on Kara’s bottom lip before she pulls her own between her teeth and forces her gaze back up to Kara’s. It’s instinctual, the way a pang of anxiety twists back up in her stomach, but Kara’s eyes are just as wanting, still sparkling in the candlelight as her thumb tugs Lena’s lip out from between her teeth.
“How—” Kara croaks, stops and clears her throat and starts again. “How do you feel about ‘Friendsmas’ now?”
It works, and before she can stop herself, Lena’s eyes are rolling so far back into her head it almost hurts. But Kara’s devious grin is too catching, and Lena presses her own finger to it before moving back in to press her lips to it instead.
“Shut up,” she quips, and Kara laughs so hard it’s all Lena can do to keep their smiles pressed together.
“You like it, I know you do,” Kara finally murmurs into her mouth, and really, how is Lena supposed to argue with that?
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jesswashere · 3 years
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Im supergay
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jesswashere · 3 years
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she don’t lose :^)
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jesswashere · 3 years
Pie/falling asleep thank you kindly
“You know, intellectually speaking, I knew we were dating in this world with all the pictures and—“ Kara gestured aimlessly between Lena and herself with her fork—“Well, you know.”
Lena just tilted her head as she listened.
“But this,” Kara emphasized her statement by spearing another bit of pie with her fork. “This is the moment I actually believe it with all of me.”
“Through.. through your stomach,” Lena clarified, clearly amused.
“Glad to see some things never change,” Lena teased and Kara just rolled her eyes playfully. “Oh, you got…”
Kara followed Lena’s eyes and saw the drop of cherry juice running down her arm. “Oops.” She quickly caught the offending drip with her tongue, licking up her skin, and was promptly bombarded with the weirdest pattern of heartbeat from Lena yet.
Kara blinked, shooting a glance at Lena who now had her green eyes trained up at the ceiling. “Are you okay?”
“Yup!” Lena said brusquely. She looked down at her skirt, completely bypassing Kara’s gaze, smoothing out nonexistent wrinkles with her hands. “It’s just… been a while. Ha.”
Kara immediately held out the last bite of pie with her fork. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t even think to ask.”
Lena finally looked back at Kara, a slight pink coloring her cheeks. Her eyes moved to the extended fork. “Oh, no, Kara,” she tried to laugh. “That’s not—I mean, I got that for you.”
“I insist!”
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jesswashere · 3 years
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jesswashere · 3 years
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surprise bitch
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jesswashere · 3 years
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Old drawing, but I still like it so…
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jesswashere · 3 years
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no harm in giving DT some small extra assignments.
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jesswashere · 3 years
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I was looking at this drawing the other day and couldn't help thinking that it needed more light in it, so here it is.
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jesswashere · 3 years
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She didn’t need to think about it. Lena knew that she would always chose kara.
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