jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Palmare Partners With PlaySky for True Play-to-Earn Experience】
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Palmare also offers earning and social graph features to everyone, Palmare recently established a strategic partnership with PlaySky. With the latest collaboration, Palmare will use PlaySky’s game rewarding system and financial mechanism. Palmare配备了专用的SportFi和SocialFi元素。该平台在创建配置文件后为用户保留令牌,允许用户铸造ID的配置文件NFT。此令牌可用于控制配置文件,使他们成为控制器的所有者。Palmare也是一个驱动的体育应用程序,旨在在Web3中运行。在Move to Earn应用程序发布后,健身行业经历了革命性的变化,成功向市场表明,通过优化的收入系统引入新经验可以提升。 #gamefi #web3
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Scams in GameFi: How to identify toxic NFT gaming projects】
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GameFi project worth considering the marketing and technological component: How actively the project is promoted, and what benefits the project’s token bestows upon its participants. Despite the bear market, the price of many GameFi tokens is growing today due to their NFT component as investors aim to make money on the resale of in-game heroes and digital items, rather than concentrating on the improvement of game mechanics. 尽管NFT游戏市场确实被高估了,但NFT作为一种投资尚未发挥其潜力。NFT需要更广泛地理解,而不是相信它们只是你经过无数小时研磨后收到的物品。怀疑论者对NFT游戏的负面偏见正是在没有明确用例的资产交易波动的背景下形成的。 #gamefi #nft
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Stepping Into The Metaverse Realm of Web3 Gaming】
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P2E Games players can earn assets within the game and receive prizes that have actual value. This entails that games that are released on Web 3.0, and can be played in the Metaverse realm. 基于区块链技术,Web3游戏非常无懈可击,几乎不可能被黑客入侵,依靠投票共识来改变游戏流程,并且所有参与网络的玩家都可以平等访问。每个活动都记录在区块链上,通过这种方式,Web3游戏保持了高度的开放性和透明度。 #gamefi #web3
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Play2Earn Organizations That Are Pushing The Blockchain Envelope】
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A wave of promising P2E games and P2E gaming ecosystems have emerged, most of which harness the power of second and third-generation blockchain technology to deliver even more benefits for end-users. GameFi金融的独特结合为游戏开发人员和玩家打开了新的机会,NFT、跨链和多链解决方案的持续演变,以及与Unity等领先游戏开发更多合作,将P2E游戏的概念推向了新的高度。它最初是从一些具有NFT和游戏内代币的游戏开始的,但P2E生态系统也随着时间的推移而发展,大多数利用第二代和第三代区块链技术的力量为最终用户提供更多好处。 #gamefi #p2e
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【True ownership set to revolutionize the gaming industry】
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NFTs are beginning to offer a solution that could revolutionize the way we play and monetize video games. For the last few years, pro video game players have been able to monetize their gaming skills through tournaments and the rise of game streaming. 玩家一天的大部分时间都在玩电子游戏,有时会花很多钱进行游戏内购买。NFT开始让游戏玩家谋生,并获得的不仅仅是他们的时间、激情和努力的权利。游戏开发商,无论大小,都在对NFT游戏进行大量投资,这只能意味着游戏到赚取游戏的未来是光明的。 #gamefi #nft
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Terra’s Derby Stars Moves to Polygon】
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The game project gained popularity for its high-quality graphics, recently released trailer video, and much-awaited whitepaper release. The Derby Stars team received migration proposals from more than 10 blockchain foundations including Polygon. Derby Stars获得Polygon Studio的支持,並进入广泛的区块链生态系统,包括技术、公关和营销支持,也将一起找到GameFi行业面临的一些主要挑战的答案,例如高昂的交易费用、有限的NFT功能,及如何改善游戏质量和用户体验,背后的团队协调NFT向Polygon的迁移,Derby Stars 将按计划进行代币生成活动,为虚拟经济和Alpha游戏发布提供动力,为其NFT提供实用性。 #gamefi #3a
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【ArcadeLand And Codyfight Team Up For Innovation】
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Codyfight’s partnership with ArcadeLand ensures to empower creators and developers alike by enabling them to earn through their skills. A creator can earn rewards by designing and selling new non-fungible skins. Codyfight预计将在ArcadeLand metaverse中推出其虚拟总部,以更好地与希望了解有关游戏的更多信息的粉丝和新用户建立联系。Codyfight的虚拟总部将作为与锦标赛、一般更新和日常任务相关的信息来源。 一个可以自信的事实是,ArcadeLand和Codyfight的伙伴关系扩大了那些希望发泄创造力和才华的人在获得奖励的同时玩得开心的地方。 #gamefi #codyfight
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Genopets Refined Genotype Crystals】
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The world’s first move-to-earn NFT Game. A Genotype Crystal can be applied to a Genopet to change its type for a limited time. Genotype Crystals can also be alchemized with other Genotype Crystals to produce Advanced Crystals, Power-Ups, Augments, Items, and Accessories. 随着游戏到赚取游戏在加密货币社区越来越受欢迎,Genopets引入了规范的新视角,将实际世界活动整合到他们的最新工作中,将运动数据相结合,以鼓励积极的生活方式,同时允许玩家在游戏中赚取XP并赢得奖励。 Geneopets是Solana上世界首款免费玩和Move-to-Earn NFT游戏,旨在奖励积极的生活方式。Genopets将用户从移动设备上的步进数据与Play-to-Earn经济学相结合,因此玩家在探索平台的元宇宙可以在现实生活中采取行动赚取。 #gamefi #genpets
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【TARS and CheersLand Join Hands for Web3 Expansion】
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The world’s first move-to-earn NFT Game. A Genotype Crystal can be applied to a Genopet to change its type for a limited time. Genotype Crystals can also be alchemized with other Genotype Crystals to produce Advanced Crystals, Power-Ups, Augments, Items, and Accessories. 随着游戏到赚取游戏在加密货币社区越来越受欢迎,Genopets引入了规范的新视角,将实际世界活动整合到他们的最新工作中,将运动数据相结合,以鼓励积极的生活方式,同时允许玩家在游戏中赚取XP并赢得奖励。 Geneopets是Solana上世界首款免费玩和Move-to-Earn NFT游戏,旨在奖励积极的生活方式。Genopets将用户从移动设备上的步进数据与Play-to-Earn经济学相结合,因此玩家在探索平台的元宇宙可以在现实生活中采取行动赚取。 #gamefi #web3 #tars
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Illuvium Raises $72M From Land Sale Despite GameFi Bear Market】
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The game will include 100,000 land plots in all, with Illuvium intending to sell additional in the futur collector and auto-battler game in beta, has finalized a virtual land sale for more than $72 million 玩家会用以太币或sILV2购买土地付,这是通过押注Illuvium的治理代币ILV获得的奖品。土地交易获得了7200万美元。Illuvium电子竞技锦标赛的5个体育场地块也将拍卖,Illuvium已经有赞助商排队为土地所有者提供收入。 #gamefi #illuvium
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Axie Infinity (AXS) Economics Slammed by Bloomberg Crypto】
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The gameplay and graphics of Axie Infinity remain too primitive; one of Bloomberg's correspondents even refused to call it "real game." Mr. Armentia earned money in Axie Infinity in both avaliable ways, but mostly from breeding the in-game characters. This decrease amplified the fundamental flaw of Axie Infinity's tokenomic design. 游戏旨在提供在游戏中赚取和花费SLP的方法。游戏中花费的任何代币都会消失。但赚钱者反而通过在加密市场上出售所有SLP来兑现,这意味着代币总数会随着时间的推移而增加。但随着Axie Infinity tokenomics的问题,使人们开始积极利用他们的SLP,减少损失。 #gamefi #axs
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Dive into the Floki Inu Valhalla Gameverse】
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FLOKI first launched the Valhalla Alpha testnet and interested users who met some required criteria could test the game. The team decided to make it accessible to all. The prototype is playable on PC through the Optimism Kovan Testnet. Shiba Inu小狗命名为Floki时同时创造了大量“Floki”狗币。Floki目前是市场上第三大最受欢迎的模因代币。 在游戏玩法中引入了新的机制,确保不只是利用区块链作为噱头。而是使用我们存储在区块链上的数据,所以这不仅仅是数据,而且它改善了游戏体验,并在游戏玩法方面创造了新的机会。它将为其他想要将区块链用于游戏并纳入机制的游戏树立榜样。 #gamefi #p2e
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【BNB Application Sidechain (BAS) Adds Latest dApp in NodeRea 】
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CUBE is an entertainment and GameFi platform powered by blockchain and developed by Metaverse World, a subsidiary of the largest mobile-gaming company in South Korea. CUBE是一个娱乐和(P2E)GameFi平台,将加入NodeReal生态系统,成为BAS上最新的分散式应用程序(dApp)。选择在侧链上构建区块链时,是希望带来BNB Chain提供的相同水平的专业知识,同时利用BAS提供的额外稳定性和可定制性。BAS框架避免网络拥塞,但越来越多的dApp、(NFT)和区块链游戏促进了交易速度放缓、更高的费用,维护一个坚实的生态系统。 #gamefi #bnb
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【VC Play-to-Earn Investors Now ‘More Cautious’, but Game Engagement Still Strong - Animoca 】
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Animoca Brands has continued to add more companies to its growing portfolio of game studios this year. This year’s downturn in the crypto market has made venture capital investors in the metaverse and play-to-earn sector “more cautious,” although user engagement in the games themselves remains “robust” 虽然加密价格下跌,但仍然看到强劲的游戏参与度,经济衰退对游戏到收入行业的用户活动影响有限。尽管(NFT)的价格都从高点大幅下降。加密市场的波动自然使投资者在处理方法时更加谨慎。经济衰退也为他们作为一家公司提供了一个评估交易条款和条件的机会,也就是说,市场状况不会影响发展业务的热情和兴趣。 #gamefi #p2e
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Rainmaker Games Announces the First Cross-Chain, GameFi-Exclusive NFT Marketplace】
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The Rainmaker Games – the first blockchain game discovery platform. Rainmaker brings games and gamers together like never before and makes blockchain gaming accessible to the world. Rainmaker Games优先考虑易用性和可访问性,跨链和跨平台,平台还配有全面的游戏指南、深入的购买指南和数据驱动的价格估算,以提高游戏的透明度。团队从多个连锁店的数千款区块链游戏中进行选择,汇总了Web3景观中最好的GameFi NFT。Rainmaker正在为世界各地的玩家提供数据,让他们更智能地玩游戏和投资。从精选列表、全面的发现平台和用户生成的评论来看,该平台将继续为行业带来创新和采用。 #gamefi #nft
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【Qatar Airways : The metaverse will empower human beings 】
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Qatar Airways announced that it had launched its first metaverse experience, QVerse. According to the company's statements ,QVerse is merely the company's first foray into the metaverse, it intends to expand its virtual environment initiatives and believes that the metaverse is part of the future of human relations. 未来是虚拟的,元宇宙将赋予人类权力,扩大他们的视野来打破他们的极限。进入元宇宙反映了对内容的渴望,这些内容可以增强他们在购买前的决策能力,这就是为什么相信QVerse将改变乘客购物选择的方式。计划为其元宇宙平台添加更多功能、位置和交互,并旨在通过Oculus Quest VR平台使体验变得更方便。 #metaverse #vr
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【How To Take Advantage of P2E 】
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Gamers can earn assets within the game, because of advancements in blockchain technology. receive prizes that have real-life worth, plus gain the ability to purchase and transact virtual assets and other items via blockchain markets. 有很多方法可以在游戏中赚钱,使用NFT、游戏以及Decentraland和Cryptovoxels等平台为玩家提供了各种潜在的收益机会。然而,您赚取的金额可能因游戏的本币、您投入的时间以及您应用的游戏技术而异。 -游戏中,铸造是玩家赚钱的各种方式之一。 -区块链P2E游戏奖金(例如Axieinfinity) -赌注,锁定代币以获得奖励被称为赌注。 投资的时间和使用该平台开发的技能越多,能创造的收入就越高。 #gamefi #p2e
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