jianh956 · 4 years
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Art Magazine Design Sample by Jianh  [Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop] 
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jianh956 · 4 years
SAMPLE - #Travel
Title: Winter in Europe 
Format: English, Mandarin Chinese 
Sample, writing and photography: 
In Danish culture, there is an important concept called hygge “hoo-guh”. It means to take time to enjoy the the simple and good things in life. Despite winter days are short, we witnessed enthusiastic cyclists at the start of dawn, and cozy people-gathering over good food and wine at the end of the day. I was told “In Denmark, few have too much, and even fewer have too little.”
丹麦文化里有一个非常重要的生活理念称为 “hygge” 发音为“呼嘎”,意思是给自己留出时间去享受身边简单美好的事。在太阳短暂的丹麦冬日,我们在黎明时感受到了踏单车人们的热情,傍晚时分大家聚在一起品酒谈天的喜悦。当地人告诉我们,“在丹麦人们拥有物质不是很多,但什么都没有的人更少”。
图 Photo Cafe Denmark 丹麦的咖啡馆 by Jianh 
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Our next stop was the culture capital Vienna, home to music genius Mozart and the Father of Psychology Sigmund Freud, We had an absolutely great time museum-hopping with local trams. It was like Disneyland for the grown ups, we used an app to fast track the long admission lines, except the cumbersome coat-checking process. Vienna has some of the best museums - each exhibition commands full authority over the artist introduced. The curators were able to master collections from all over the world for the outstanding complete showings like Pieter Bruegel “bru-gowl” and Claude Monet. 
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图 Photo Belvedere Palace Vienna 奥地利美景宫美术馆 by Jianh 
Vienna is an old city full of the classical European aristocratic flairs, as tourists, we followed through on many of the high-culture activities, including attending Baroque era’s most famous composer Vivaldi’s violin concerto the Four Season; posed in front of the State Opera House; appreciated the Nutcracker from a box seat; and strolled the royal Belvedere Palace. We were seriously high-brows.
作为欧洲历史悠久的维也纳,整座城市依然回味其欧洲贵族气质。我们也一同追了这股欧洲贵族风: 听了场巴洛克时代著名作曲家维瓦尔第的小提琴四重奏“四季”, 站在久负盛名的歌剧院门口合影后去观看了芭蕾舞胡桃夹子,在美景宫散着步,我们就这样享受了一场游客版的欧洲贵族风。
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jianh956 · 4 years
SAMPLE - #SocialEvent
Event Title: “What a Pair” Benefit Concert 
Format: English, Mandarin Chinese
On April 13, the annual What A Pair! Benefit Concert took place at the Broad Stage at Santa Monica College Performing Arts Center. Marking the first collaboration between the Cedars-Sinai Cancer Institute and What A Pair! Benefit Concert, the event dedicates itself to support breast cancer research and education programs. Hollywood celebrities from television, film, music and Broadway joined hands and contributed their efforts to the cause.
当地时间4月13日, 一年一度的 “真是好一对!”慈善音乐会在圣莫妮卡大学表演艺术中心大舞台拉开帷幕。“真是好一对!”慈善音乐会致力于乳腺癌研究和教育项目,此次活动的顺利展开标志着主办方与西奈癌症研究所第一次成功合作。 好莱坞演艺界名流和百老汇歌剧演员们出席了此次慈善活动,共同联手为乳腺癌研究出力。
Empowered by strong wills to support her family members to battle breast cancer, Jo Levi DiSante created What A Pair! with help of producers Jody Prince and Ruth Stalford. The pairings of celebrities in the entertainment industry with the great cause raises charity funds for breast cancer research. What A Pair! has raised over $2.5 million dollars for the breast cancer education and research programs.
乔·利维·迪桑为了帮助她患有乳腺癌的家庭成员,寻求监制人乔迪·普斯和鲁思·斯道福的合作,一同创办了 “真是好一对!” 慈善系列活动。此活动携手娱乐界名流为乳腺癌研究筹募慈善基金。至今为止,“真是好一对!”已经为乳腺癌教育和研究计划筹集了超过250万美元。
Cookie Markowitz, Co-Chair
“Just the passion, the Cedar-Sinai for Breast Cancer, my daughter had cancer twice, and I just wanna see a world without cancer.”
What A Pair! Benefit Concert is proudly directed by Larry Carpenter, who is recipient of three Daytime Emmys and four DGA Awards. Participating stars are expected to put on an exclusive show that can only be seen at the concert. Among the performers are popular television star Kate Flannery from The Office, Lea Thompson from Switched at Birth, Katie Lowes from Scandal, Loretta Devine from Grey’s Anatomy and Janel Parrish from Pretty Little Liars.
真是好一对!”慈善音乐会由多次日间艾美奖和美国导演工会奖得主拉瑞·卡盆特指导。 参见演出的明星们将上演一场只能在音乐会现场才能观看到的独一无二的精彩表演。登台演出的嘉宾包括一些颇受欢迎的电视剧明星,其中有出演喜剧《办公室》的凯特·弗兰纳里,《错位青春》中的蕾娅·汤普森,电视剧《丑闻》中的凯蒂·洛斯,参演《实习医生格蕾》的洛雷塔·迪瓦恩和在《美少女的谎言》中的吉娜·帕里什。
Lea Thompson, actress
“I just think it’s a really lovely occasion. It’s nice for people who have cancer to know that the rest of us that are lucky enough not to have it, are out there fighting for them and to supporting them.”
What A Pair! Benefit Concert is followed by a post-concert auction. All net proceeds from the event go toward the Cedars-Sinai Breast Cancer Institute. The annual What A Pair! Benefit Concert series will continue to help millions of women around the world to battle breast cancer.
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jianh956 · 4 years
SAMPLE - #urban #environment
Title: UN-Habitat announced the Songyang Innovative Rural Development Programme (2019) 
Format: English; Mandarin Chinese 
Sample, writing and translation  
On May.30th, UN-Habitat announced the Songyang Innovative Rural Development Programme (Songyang Programme). A collaboration with Songyang County, it aims to deliver Songyang to the world stage as an example of development balancing the urban and the rural-scape. 
Songyang, with over 1800 years of history, is the oldest county located in Lishui, Zhejiang Province. There are more than one hundred traditional villages, whose original planning remains intact within in this old county. It is one of the best preserved regions in China and has been given the honorary title of “The Last Hidden Land of Jiangnan” and “The Sample of County of Ancient China”.
Over the past few years, Songyang has been actively engaged with the interaction of cities, towns and villages, which complement and assist each another for integrated developments. Taking the preservation and development of traditional villages as an entry point, Songyang continues to explore the possibilities of rural development. Following the strategy of “architectural acupuncture” and the principle of “minimal intervention but maximum efficiency”, Songyang extracts the typical culture and industry of each village to build up a more diverse economy based on high-quality agriculture. Songyang is also trying to improve the linkages between villages and between villages and cities, so that the rural and urban area can develop together and benefit from each other. In terms of preserving and developing of traditional villages, these actions have made Songyang a great example as well as an experimental field in China.
松阳县和北京DnA建筑事务所(DnA_Design and Architecture on gooood)从2014年开始合作的乡村“建筑针灸”策略,是松阳乡村创新发展的主要组成部分。
In January 2014, DnA _Design and Architecture started a collaboration with Songyang County which eventually developed into a systematic Rural Revitalizing Plan, an important part of the innovative rural development in Songyang.
Its primary program is to serve the community, to restore their rural heritage as well as improving tourism as a means to stimulate rural economic development.
With a minimalist intervention approach, multi-functional public programs are introduced to different villages and rural regions and are tailored to the complexity of regional heritage and context. Each building becomes a public space for nature, the village and the community.
Unlike some villages in the country with massive investments on tourism, the Songyang acupuncture strategy works within a limited budget to motivate local communities and stimulate further revitalization and business ideas in the region.
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