jock-tfs · 2 years
Josh the Skinny Nerd
Josh is a 16 years old high school nerd, he’s skinny and woud stands no chances with the girls he might be interested in. He hated his body, he tried everything he could to become muscular but it was hopeless. After coming back from school someday, he discovered a new shop appeared overnight. The sign said it was a magic shop able to “make any of your wishes reality”. At first he was sceptical, but he had nothing to lose, he entered and was welcomed by a weirdly enthusiastic salesman. He was tall, skinny even though pretty muscular. He began explaining Josh how the store works, he explained that this store was full of magic articles of all kinds. Josh ended up telling him about his masculinity problem. A creepy smile appeared on the salesman face before he dragged Josh to the back of the store. He then showed Josh sneakers, awkwardly big, size 15 maybe even 16, Josh could read the tag “testosterone shoes to boost your masculinity”, Josh got excited at the thought of becoming slightly more muscular. He thought he needed these shoes and when he asked the price the salesman told him that the articles were’nt bought with money, and without thinking about it too much, Josh just took the free shoes and walked home thrilled.
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Finally he reached his bedroom doorstep, he entered hastily before undressing almost totally, he took a mirror selfie to do a before/after. He jumped on his bed and put on the shoes, that’s when his fate got sealed. When he tied his shoelaces, he felt the shoes tightening around his feet, it scared him and when he tried loosening the laces, he felt the shoes shivering and tightening even more. He began panicking and he felt his whole body heating up, hi feet began aching and stretching he as he tried harder taking off the shoes. He finally stopped touching the shoes, his feet aching too much for him to bear. He began crying and screaming but uselessely as he was home alone. When his feet filled his shoes he felt the stinging pain crawling up his calves and his thighs making them bigger and harder, after minutes that felt like eternity the pain moved to his crotch making his dick swell making him cum many times in the process, making it go from a 6 inches to a 15 inches monstrer cock in about 10 minutes. After a last cumshot he felt the ache moving up again to his abdomen and torso giving him a hard, nice 6 pack and firm pecs, the ache then went to his arms for a shorter time making them slightly firmer and finally it went up to his face making it sharp and sexy. He felt the pain attacking his brain, it hurt him too much and he fainted on the floor.
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After hours, Josh woke up, he wasn’t the same, he was someone new, he was now some dumb, stinky jock. He had no idea what he was doing in some nerd room and left, shirtless wandering the street looking for anyone to fuck. He was now Tyler, the ultimate fuckboy, ready to make love with any sexy guy or girl looking at him with lust.
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