joelsometimesblogs · 2 years
Things are really weird right now.
I don't think that I've written about something that wasn't exclusively music in a long time. My goal for this is to be a place where I can come and just sort of talk. I'm not sitting down to create content, I'm just trying to keep a diary of sorts. A public-ish diary? I guess so. I'm gonna break it out into small chunks: a bit about life, a bit about what I'm listening to, and a bit about some things I've done that I'm proud of.
Lately, I've been struggling with the feeling that I'm a very loud person who talks about nothing. Like I'm vocal about things that don't really matter, right? I'm constantly shouting about music or some inane bullshit that's going on in my life, but I can't seem to find the words to talk about little things that gnaw away at me subconsciously. A lot of it shit that I'm probably overthinking and a lot of what I write here is what I would have probably been spewing to my therapist before I had to stop going because I couldn't afford the copays.
Things are pretty good overall, though. I feel like I have to make sure to say that. I'm probably the happiest that I've ever been. I've got a couple small things that I would like to work back into my life (like using that Planet Fitness membership that they make damn near impossible to cancel) and maybe getting some basic routines back into play, but life is good. I'm content for the first time in maybe...forever? Or at least as far back as I can remember.
I bought a pair of overalls from Target recently that I'm obsessed with and will be trying to make work as part of an outfit as often as I possibly can. Pictured below with my Chloe Moriondo long-sleeve.
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Joel.Fm: Music to walk around aimlessly to
I've recently come to the realization that I don't care to listen to music that doesn't make me feel like I'm having fun. I don't want to feel devastated by a song at this stage in my life and I don't want to try and force myself to like something just because people that I respect can't stop talking about how good or important it is. Cyndi Lauper hit the nail on the head when she said "Girls just wanna have fun." Below you'll find a brief snapshot into what I've been listening to:
Mom Jeans, Sweet Tooth (2022). If you follow me on Twitter, this one should not come as much of a shock to you. I've had this advance for months at this point and I still listen to this record in full at least twice a day. It's exactly the kind of enigmatic pop-punk that made superstars out of blink-182 and Weezer, and I firmly believe that Sweet Tooth could bring Mom Jeans. from the face of DIY to pop-punks next hitmakers. Listen to: "Circus Clown"
Carr, I'm Just Bored (2021). The fact that this record wasn't talked about online upon its release in the Fall of 2021 still baffles me. I'm Just Bored is a masterclass in nu-neon pop-punk that blends that dulled edge and dry sense of humor of acts like Phoebe Bridgers with huge pop chart hooks. Listen to: "Loser"
Seaway, Big Vibe (2020). Seaway has always been a band that understood that playing into the poppier side of pop-punk isn't as dirty as their contemporaries make it out to be. Not every act needs to have the literary reference of The Wonder Years or the ostentatious grit of The Story So Far. It's alright to just be a band that knows how to write a mean fucking hook. It's what keeps me coming back to them. Listen to: "Peach"
blink-182, Enema Of The State (1999). I've been talking a lot about how I think that aforementioned Mom Jeans. album is their Enema of the State, which made me want to go back and listen to what is one of my all-timers. Jerry Finn's knack for creating a pristine and clean-sounding recording is unmatched. This record turned 20 a few years ago and still sounds brand new in terms of polish and clarity. These songs still absolutely whip, too. Listen to: "Going Away to College"
Thanks for Watching
My partner and I have been watching a lot of trash reality and sprinkling in some Desperate Housewives to keep things fresh, as one does. Here's a snapshot of what our viewing history has looked like recently:
I Love Money Season 2
Charm School Season 3
Baddies ATL
Hot Haus Season 1
RuPaul's Drag Race Season 14
RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World
Before The 90 Days (Pillow Talk) Seasons 4 + 5
Desperate Housewives Seasons 1-5, we've just started Season 6
The Worst Person in the World. We really enjoyed this movie. Well-paced, heartfelt, and moving. I will say that I walked out of that movie feeling like I watched a less-flawed 500 Days of Summer, but that didn't take any merit from what it was. A breezy two-hour romantic dramedy that I would highly recommend seeing if it's available to you.
Shameless Plugs?
I still write! And we're even picking up some steam. My recent work can be found on my main website, but here is a recent piece that I'm very proud of:
Until next time.
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